As exciting as this is, we must not let our selve become complacent. Things are trending in the right direction, but we are far from safe and need to keep this energy going
I know a number of Conservatives, NDP and Green supporters that are voting Liberal this election to keep Poilievre out of office because they know he's been cozing up to Trump/MAGA for years & Musk's also publically supported him.
Trudeau showed his spine too late, but I’ll still vote Liberal. PP is parroting Trump, aside from the annexation talk. It’s traitors and bootlickers like PP, Smith, Kevin O’Leary and Diane Francis that will support the Tories.
Doug Ford leads the pack contrary aka 'captain canada' shtick while backtracking on the 'we're not backing down until ALL the tariffs are lifted". He just mad Trump ignored him in Washington so he thinks he's paying him back and using Ontario to do so. FYI: where's the ripped up Starlink contract?
Maybe, unfortunately it's not happening tomorrow. That's just one source with 6% undecided. PP, Elon, Trump, and Russia will be badmouthing us and doing dirty tricks cuz they don't want a strong turnout.
All you are doing with this is encouraging people not to vote. PP’s people will be voting. Let us not be America where 36.33% stayed home. There is no super majority there.
Listen to the room. Tell us how you will handle Trump, the affordability issue, our defenses, housing and Trump again.
I went to look to see where this poll might be coming from and found one that shows a majority (not quite as significant as the one above) by Ekos. It goes up to March 5th so the one featured above is likely newer.
Doug Ford, the friend of Trump, canceled the 25% electricity surcharge to the US 😕😡 How the hell are we gonna fight trump if that idiot backs down so easy⁉️🤔😡
Exactly. Made him (& Ontario) look weak.
Carney should just put a federal surcharge on the electricity & take Ford out of the equation. He can't be trusted with such an important task.
I've never voted Liberal, either provincially or federally, but that changes this year, at least at the federal level. I'm a B.Cer and am happy with Eby.
Here in BC, the BCLibs now BC United are actually really far right. They are not centrist- left like the feds. I, too, am pleased with Premier Eby and voted NDP provincially.
Wise decision. A number of my friends & family who would normally vote Conservative, NDP or Green are all voting Liberal this election to help ensure Trump/MAGA acolyte Poilievre NEVER gains office.
Let’s just not create voter apathy with these numbers, please. I don’t know if I believe it would be a super majority but one thing is for sure - nothing means anything until the election is over. SO. For anyone confused or not sure about the upcoming STRATEGIC voting assignment in Canada:
Canada has always been a leftist country. They were just sick of Justin Smarmy Pants.
Canada is also well known for having very fickle and easily manipulated voters
Great! Will you push through _Proportional Representation_ then? First Past the Post is too dangerous a system when we have Musk and other wealthy oligarchs doing everything they can to influence our elections and promote right-wing ding bats in to office.
This enthusiasm has to be locked in as long term support. Now’s the time to emphasize their most popular policies. Plus, commitment to vote drives should be held to really get people to think of themselves as voting for the liberals and having a plan on Election Day to do so.
They're trying to get hits on PM-designate Carney but I don't think voters are in the mood for their negative nelly energy, and that came from Angus Reid when he was speaking with the lady from CTV in recent days.
It's a remarkable turnaround so I think LPC will jump on the opportunity asap.
Seriously folks, stop letting the republicans set the narrative.
Bernie Sanders is to the right of Reagan on all but a handful of issues
This country has a center right party and a bat shit crazy party.
Boxer was the last Liberal democrat to serve in the Senate and the great Barbara Lee retired.
We will try. We know that well over half of Americans are really good folk. Unfortunate that psychopaths are running your show federally. We are cheering you on, rise up and crush that loser brigade!
Ahhh my mistake l thought this was Australia. Remember we are upside down so here the liberals are very nasty murdoch loving near fascist conservatives. We have an election coming up her very soon
And there will be no interference from you know who. According to the Canada Elections Act, there is no electronic or online voting in Canadian federal elections. Only paper ballots are hand-counted, thankfully.
That is not the only way you know who interferes. Using the algorithm of one of the largest social media sites to push an agenda, creating, distributing, and amplifying disinformation. Illegal lotteries.
Yes, 'Murica,🤦♀️ we know. Most of us, at least from my circle, are cheering our neighbors and allies on. And some of their comments are not making it about themself but warning from our perspective. Because we are as scared as everyone else in the world with uncertainty. We are after all, only human.
From Minnesota here. Totally agree. I enjoy staying in touch with my neighbors, but it's insane watching my people make everything about themselves all the time.
If any Americans read this, keep it to yourselves or be supportive.
Thank you. I have family in the US now. They are actively trying to come home but it's always complicated... a big move. I just hope they get home before your crazy president shuts the borders and declares martial law.
Just a thought... Dems are weakend with the lack of DOJ, police, military, & bi-partisan support; & fighting the best they can with limited resources. Our country is lost with billionaires in power beholden to a King. The only thing remaining is the will of the people & their will to fight. WILL WE?
Pod Save America interviewed Allistair Campbell (Tony Blair's former tight hand guy) and he said he thought Trump's current administration moved the needle in Germany against the AfD.
Yes, my nephew has a lovely trans wife. They got married a few months ago. I worry about them. They're good people and wouldn't trust a conservative government to protect their rights.
Can anyone recommend a good basic Canadian Civics/History/Government book for my teenager and myself? I’m trying to stay off Amazon and not sure how to find reliable textbook.
Is this because Trudeau leaving and his party then just put Carney in place, but that’s only the fix it for the Liberal party and there was still a question of the majority party control of Parliament? Or was this a scheduled election based on timing?
If the Librals win the federal election then he will be the PM. Right now he doesn't have a seat in parliament. Also it's a minority government, and the opposition would force an election.
You post like we are having elections in the future. I am more confident that elections are no longer than I am that they will allow another. They know we are mad, so why would they jeopardize this great thing they have going? They won't.
I’m hoping all Canadians are smart enough to realize what a Conservative government will do to Canada, after watching the action south of us. Considering that every single talking point PP has is recycled Felon 47 nonsense.
But think of it. Vote Con, become American. WTF could go wrong?
Don't count the chickens until their hatched. Campaign say truth over and over. Especially the lies being said about you and what you stand for. Good luck.
America is being run by a "conservative" right winger. How is that going? Shit show. But never underestimate what will be in peoples feeds. I know I watched people change over these years believing lies. They voted against their own interests. So campaign hard. Counter even what seems crazy.
Mark Carney, keep your country safe from Trump and Putin and Musk. They are destroying us here and magas are cheering them on while Americans are losing their livelihood.
I can't vote for someone who drinks American beer. People are boycotting, things are expensive, and people are probably going without. To not consider this visual shows you are not in tune.
I wish the voters in my country, the US, were as smart as Canadians. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But we can't get a clue here and still keep electing our worst interests every few election cycles. This one was a real anti constitution doozy though! Maddening!
Yes because in spite of what some people say he won on a pack of lies. If he’d campaigned on annexing Canada and Greenland, cosying up to Putin, implementing Project 2025 and tanking the economy–and if voters had known his cabinet picks–the result would have looked like the graph does now.
This embarrassed and frightened American is happy that our northern neighbors seem to have a sane majority.
For the love of any and all gods, do NOT embrace anyone who aligns with our orange emperor of unstable insanity.
Sharing a border and financial entanglement is punishment enough.
They are going to manipulate the stock market so that all the rich peeps swoop in and buy everything cheap then remove the tariffs & correct the market around midterms.
I don't think so, conspiracies theories control elections, and I don't think it will swing the elections; my money is still the Republicans winning again on a landslide
Possible but not likely given many Cdns know Poilievre's been cozing up to Trump/MAGA the last few years and are completely disgusted/appalled by his & the Republican party's actions that they're going to do everything in their power to ensure PP doesn't gain office.
Today I got a call from Bational Public Research Canada
1st Q: if elections were held today, who would you vote for federal
Q2: same question provincial
As a longtime NDP voter this breaks my heart, but honestly my party has done next to nothing to win over Canadians during the threat of a Conservative landslide and the American trade war. So I will be voting Lib in the next election.
The NDP need a new leader, and need to find a way to connect with working class Canadians; right now they don't resonate, and it will take time for NDP to reimagine themselves. PP needs to be kept out of power while this takes place.
I love him, and he definitely is probably our brightest light but he doesn’t engender the vibe of someone that could change voter’s minds. He’s great at preaching to the choir. And I’ve pretty much agreed with everything I’ve heard out of him but it’s like he lacks just a touch of something.
I like a lot of the NDP's ideas but they're all ideas from the back seat. They have virtually no plans for full on leadership or apparent ability to capture voters. The last 25 years all they've really done is sucked votes away from middle of the road liberals and given seats to the PCs as a result.
It's time for NDP voters to look at the big picture and cast their votes for the Liberals, who are the closest match for NDP values and unlike the PCs are actually willing to work with others. Let's kick as many PCs out of office as possible and then build something better in the coming years.
After 60 years of being an NDP supporter, this will be the first time that I’ll be voting for liberals. The NDP has lost its way and the Greens in the last federal election when polled as to who they would vote for if they couldn’t vote green, almost all said they’d vote conservative, so no Greens.
I’d rather vote NDP or Green, but my riding is so conservative the only party that has the slightest chance to beat them are the Liberals.
Not a JT hater, but fucking hell on that broken promise of proportional representation.
I had a slight heart attack just then, because I thought you were talking about Australian politics for a moment, and a Liberal supermajority would be disastrous here.
Best of luck to All Y’all, from a Canadiaphile in SC- longing to get up there again, hear the loons and have a good plate of poutine. I just can’t do it like that! 😄
You were the person I've been hoping for two years would appear, Mr. Carney. I'm feeling very optimistic right now but won't be backing off on my political posts until the night of the next election.
Listen to the room. Tell us how you will handle Trump, the affordability issue, our defenses, housing and Trump again.
Link here:
Carney should just put a federal surcharge on the electricity & take Ford out of the equation. He can't be trusted with such an important task.
Ford is meeting with Lutnik at the White House to dig deeper into U.S. bullshit.
Meanwhile, Danielle Smith is heading to PragerU to continue her "outreach".
Ford looks weak.
Canada is also well known for having very fickle and easily manipulated voters
Trump isn't following the laws, so why should we-I mean, it's not like we are House or Congressional Democrats, right?
Volunteer if can
Get a lawn sign
Has the far right brainwashing started via social media yet?
It's a remarkable turnaround so I think LPC will jump on the opportunity asap.
Bernie Sanders is to the right of Reagan on all but a handful of issues
This country has a center right party and a bat shit crazy party.
Boxer was the last Liberal democrat to serve in the Senate and the great Barbara Lee retired.
If any Americans read this, keep it to yourselves or be supportive.
I certainly hope sanity prevails for you and yours.
Civics now : Gordon, Doug : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming
But think of it. Vote Con, become American. WTF could go wrong?
The only what that would happen is if the NDP folded
They called my home today
NAFTA was started by the Cons stole industry, jobs
Thank the conservatives
Kicking ass
#Bluesky is doing it for social networks.
We must put in the work
Great but without sources 🤷♀️
I think we need to push like we’re 20 points behind
For the love of any and all gods, do NOT embrace anyone who aligns with our orange emperor of unstable insanity.
Sharing a border and financial entanglement is punishment enough.
The Liberals completely wiped the 26 point lead the Conservative party had prior to Trudeau resigning & Trump regaining the WH.
Don't get cocky. Do. Not. Get. Cocky.
Is this an official account, or a fan account?
1st Q: if elections were held today, who would you vote for federal
Q2: same question provincial
I’m a liberal
Anyways son
Happy. but right now we cannot have pp
In here.
Not a JT hater, but fucking hell on that broken promise of proportional representation.
Made a lot noise after their exit, but we knew they were full of noise.
Keep up the momentum but we can’t let our guard down
(still, I wish it were true). 😖
- Large sample size
- Diverse demographics
- Various methods