We need to mass organizing. Muslim ban scale protests to stop this insanity. We need to start organizing around telling republicans to get onboard with impeaching Trump or quit. This is not the time for cowardice. They wouldn’t have to be afraid of trump/musk if they ended his presidency.
We can’t keep doing this. I’m watching ppl say, we haven’t crossed a constitutional crisis ,yet. BULLSHIT. Every organizing group need to make their absolute mission to tell republicans they either…
I think I read somewhere reliable that she knew he was planning to shut down DOE and her position was only temporary.
She'll be Secretary of Wrestling next. Lol.
There’s a negative correlation between educational attainment and likelihood to vote Republican.
Trump must be loving all these cruel republican fantasy treats. But, he can’t do that without congress. We’ll be in court the rest of his term - no a bad thing I guess.
This will end the Pell Grant(FAFSA) across the entire US. What a sad day. This grant helped so many underprivaledged people become so much more in life. The Dept of Education does not set cirriculums. The States do. There is no reason other than corruption to do this. Privatization for the rich.
Well, my student loans are through the Department of Education. If it no longer exists, I shouldn't have to repay them. After all, the entity that owned them no longer exists.
EXACTLY! I made an arrangement with the DoE not just the government as an entity. Fuck them i will not pay my student loans just to line their pockets.
The election was rigged and we need to confirm it!!! Democrats didn't ask for an audit because they didn't want to sound like Trump! Which he was counting on!!!
How can there be independent prosecutors when DAs are elected according to their political colours and therefore appoint like minded prosecutors within their organisations?
There needs to be a away! I agree with you!! I think their needs to be a 3 way prosecutor. Rep, Dem, and Ind. So it's fair and not one-sided. But that is just off the top of my head!
I understand what you're saying. The thing that jumps at me immediately is that Rep/Dem thinking will always colour their prosecution of the case. The system needs to be truly impartial, the public should never know the politics of the prosecutors, defenders, judges or jury members to be really fair
Absolutely agree with this. ENABLERS profiting from the ABUSE of disenfranchised at the behest of Tantruming Toddler DON the CON must be held accountable. Get a start - follow the money!
DJT is a carnival barking grifter; WHO sat his Wharton exams? He didn't. Sister & niece warned. WAKE UP, folks!
An executive order is not law it doesn't matter what he signs. The Department of Education will always be around. Our children will still get education.
"Trump to pretend he has the authority that he doesnt and waste precious time and money as people tell him "that's not how any of this works boomer" yet again" fixed it
Giving our children a great education is the greatest gift we can give our children! Trump wants the next generation to be stupid. That's how Trump got elected!
There's no end to the damage.It absolutely baffles me whether want to do this. You can't privatize the entire education system in the US. It's insane. And the states can't fund everything on their own. Red states are going to be particularly hurt .
Where was the savings put? Into the government or into their pocket? You do know dictators steal from "their" countries. PS: All southern states hit by multiple tornados and fires. Don't wait for FEMA. He already gutted them.
Cue our elected Dem legislators to take the following "action":
-Repost the announcement
-Blame Trump
-Wring hands
-List what this means for people and how the impact will devastate them
-Grab some dinner
-Become MIA for a few days until the next Trump disaster hits
-Repeat above steps
Oh no he fucking isn't. That shit needs to have a lawsuit ready to go the minute he signs it, with a judge ready to block it immediately. Anyone asked to follow this order should resign in protest or just ignore it.
The Rumpty Drumpfty crew are pure EVIL!
Their view that the supposed 'Donald picked' Magat race is the distinct and superior racial group which is entitled to rule the rest of humanity. (Adolf's & Vacher de Lapouge's Aryan race).
STOP THE 4th REICH! https://www.actblue.com - https://dlcc.org/ - https://lincolnproject.us/
The destruction of our government by Trump continues. Chuck Schumer says that we are not in a constitutional. Trump is destroying congressionally created government agencies. He is ignoring the constitution and the legislative branch of government.
He’ll lose this one in court too. I know ppl will say it won’t matter, but it does. They’re routinely having to reverse course because of court decisions.
They’re wasting a lot of time fighting a fight they’ll inevitably lose. Especially since this is Musk’s fight and Trump couldn’t care less. But the news about USAID and FDA are very heartening. When the bus runs over Musk I expect this shit to stop pretty soon thereafter.
I love how they are like “we are going to close everything unmandated by statute.” Like that is somehow a new idea that hasn’t been repeatedly tested up and down the line already.
Hear that wail? It’s the sound of parents in despair because disabled & special needs kids will be 100% LOST without the DOE’s OCR. No one will enforce the IDEA now. It’s devastating. And gender noncomforming kids will have ZERO protection. Bullies will have their way if we don’t watch out for them.
They'd already cut OCR staff by 50% and cherry-picked which complaints the remaining folks could address (hint: not the ones parents of kids with disabilities submitted)
😭🤬 I fought our school district for 8yrs. The OCR was an ally whenever the scofflaw Supe, Principals, & Teachers ignored the IDEA & my gifted-but-disabled kiddo’s 504 Plan. Their feet needs to be held to the fire!! Instead of dropping out, my kid became a scholar again & will be a Mech Engineer.
So if the Department of Education is POOF!, gone as Drumpf believes it will be when he signs his illegal EO, then that would make Linda McMahon dead weight baggage on the taxpayer-funded payroll, right? I hope she's packing up her shit and ready to hit the bricks too. 🫤
The U.S. Department of Education is established in federal law, Title 20. Trump cannot lawfully repeal federal statutes by Executive Order. Trump must be removed. I have trouble believing that any sane person would vote for this obviously impaired, wholly unqualified and incompetent, cruel man.
He doesn't care about Title 20.
He doesn't care about court injunctions.
He's surrounded himself with sycophants and cronies to do his bidding along with his shadow President.
On this day in the year 37, Caligula assumed the role of Roman Emperor.
The Senate back then eventually dealt with it. 🗡️
It would be helpful if some legal types who apparently have the time to post all day long on BS, could instead write up an indictment that can be easily understood by the public.
There is an entire chapter of the U.S. Code containing all the statutes establishing the Dept. of Education, and the President has no more authority to override all of that than he does to install himself as Emperor of China. Critical that the media frame this accordingly.
FUCK THAT. The Local education entities:
state supes, district supes, & teachers are the WORST SCOFFLAWS in violation of the IDEA. They say fuck FAPE, LRE rules, 504 Plans, & IEPs. They HATE the IDEA & only comply when forced. I fought them for 8 years. They DOE’s OCR had to step in to help.
Think it means that states will be able to legally set and fund (or not fund) their education systems & plans. This could and most likely will affect education of children with disabilities, equal rights in education for all children, Title 9, Brown vs Board of Ed. in Red States. Setting us back 🥲
If teachers across the country go on strike that immediately stops the economy because parents would have to stay home to take care of their kids. That is the only way to stop him.
Oh I remember. I am a teacher. Here is the difference… this time it is to protect our most fragile students. No one can argue with the cause this time around. If they do, then they look like an ass.
I think maybe you haven’t met approximately 40% of this country. They literally LOVE harming the most fragile. It’s their entire reason for living, ffs.
Uh, get with the times. If you can't see that he doesn't give a fuck about "legal" or "constitutional", then you haven't been paying attention. You don't live in a democracy anymore.
Have those who voted for Tantruming DON the CONvicted FELON had enough of his buffoonery yet? Lack of intelligence is putting lives at risk; his slice & dice posturing is ABUSING CHILDREN. Those around him propping him up KNOW he is DANGEROUS but do NOT care and NEVER did. Like him, they are BROKEN
Yes, yes it does. Each day I go into work and people are asking each other how tlkng they think we have. Not like we have enough to work on or worry about. 🤬
I am halfway through my MLIS and am just considering studying something else. Always wanted to be a librarian, but finding a job in this market has been very difficult; I’m assuming it’s about to become virtually impossible.
Can you explain the impact please for a non American? Presumably there’ll still be schools, so does that mean States become in charge of education? Does that mean school closures?
Conservative states rely more heavily on federal education dollars than liberal states. Red state students are going to lose about 1/4 to 1/3 of their funding.
States are still required (as of now) to provide an education to their kids. The Feds were responsible for part of the funding. They were already underfunded. There’s also the issue of civil rights —kids are supposed to have them. Now? Not so much.
Federal government heavily subsidizes state education.
Basically, the states are largely pass-through agencies for federal funds at multiple levels. Wealthy states have more independence, but the “50 independent states” thing works because the feds fully subsidize their governments.
Worth a mention that many blue states give more to the federal government than they receive, and largely subsidize many of the red states who take more than they give.
And the irony of this is that almost all red states except Texas and Florida have a state budget surplus and can exist without federal funding BUT…Florida will be in a deficit next year and Texas has lessened their budgets every year since 2019. MAGA dummies will expand
It’s hard, yeah, but not impossible. When I first started, we were in a recession. So I took two part time jobs just to get my foot in. I don’t regret doing it but I understand where you’re coming from
There is the possibility of working in LIS positions that don’t inherently seem like librarian positions, along the lines of corporate research and digital asset management, etc. Which is to say that if you want to continue per the time you’ve invested, there may be a way to ride out the storm? 💔❤️🩹
I’ve had my MLIS for 25 years and would encourage you to stick with it. There are a variety of avenues you might explore, and you’ll find a lot of job descriptions where hiring managers are asking for some other flavor of Master’s that still end up describing your skillset to a T.
I have always felt that people who could become librarians have superior organizational skills, can find out anything and can figure out how to preserve history. I’m not a librarian but I have great respect and admiration for those who are.
I’m sorry. I know and that’s why my son and many friends have quit. I love teachers and value them highly (I also taught at risk preschoolers. If they mess with special Ed I’m gonna get even more pissed)
So if student loans are payable to the department of education and they close the department of education, then we don’t have to make student loan payments. Do we? After all the department where we are contractually obligated to send our payments would no longer exist.
They'll end up losing more than their jobs. There's always the crisis phase of sealing the deal in a dictatorship. That's going to require outrage, which is going to require 'their own.'
These people are not wise. Bigger fools could not be found.
Members of the Duma have jobs and get a paycheck. They just have to pass symbolic legislation every so often and do some fake campaigning so that Putin's goons stuff the ballot boxes with their names on the ballot.
That's fair. I know congress is mostly window dressing. They keep them around I suppose because theater seems important to dictators and fascists. You'd think with their dislike and lack of understand of art it wouldn't be that way. Weird. Even if they get what they want they're never happy, anyway.
Over 50 years the Libertarians/ Republicans have taken America from the height of invention, tech and innovation to losing that lead to Japan, China and others.
They have attacked our education system for 50 years & now they are going to kill it so that one of the dumbest amongst us can be king.
Schumer thought…. never mind. everything Trump does is per executive order, so what’s the difference between an open government and a government that is shut down?
He legally can't, but he'll do it anyway. Congress control of the organization of government and agencies. They created DOE, and only they can close or abolish it. All appropriated funds must he spent on the activities funded.
Let me guess, republicans in Congress is the only ones that can close the agency but those spineless fucks won’t even take a vote and let Trump push the around some more. Why don’t they just go home if they won’t do their job.
They'd just go home if it weren't for the thousands of their voters quite ready to tar and feather them the minute they show up! Better for the Trumplicans to hide in Washington and keep on cashing their paychecks...
(unironically, I know some Americans who worked in Somalia and found cellphone service better there than here, and that even in Shabaab areas, the towers work better)
He may manage to effectively close it, by firing enough people and the courts eventually giving up. That doesn't mean it can't be reopened, possibly in a way more tailored to democratic interests. I'm more curious if the republicans can include closure in reconciliation..?
Would be cool if Congress even remotely cared about him just completely bypassing checks and balances. They must realize that the checks from their donors and corporate owners will stop when they’re no longer relevant.
How? We can’t remove him from office. We can’t vote him out (there won’t be another presidential vote). Would love to see him removed, but the question is how?
Also, try not to jump to what’s “going to happen”— the future is always just the moment in front of you & the choices we each make every day to engage & do the next right thing there is to do will make “the future”.
It may come down to a work stoppage. Everybody except the most essential workers stay home. Shut it down. A lot of people will be fired or not be paid, so we need to plan for that--some sort of mutual aid program or something.
How is he going to stop 50+ elections? We need to stop saying "there isn't going to be another election/presidential election" because we don't have 1 election. We have 50+ different simultaneous elections. Short of armed occupation (a possibility) CA/NY/HI etc. will still have an election.
Well there's the obvious solution, but I presume the rest of the government is going to start pushing back due to losing power and their constitutes breathing down their necks as things get worse.
Yeah those town halls have been amazing! It’s great to see people catching on— sucks that it looks like it’s going to take tearing all the good things down to wake them all the fuck up though 😞
He won’t be impeached. That’s never going to happen again. By the time all the others lose their power, it will be too late - he will have cemented his power as dictator/king. Too many people have no idea what is going on. They are in a bubble. So… how do we get him and lackeys out now?
Apparently Congress doesn't mind him dragging his Cheeto over their faces and doing literally anything he wants, even if it's totally not in his authority
Both of these 'orders' carry the same legal weight.
we warned people off and nobody
believed and laugh
Now the kicker I was never expecting
for the courts to have bigger balls
then democrats.
So far only the courts have stopped
trump .the courts are the only ones
saving this dam shit hole of a country 🤣🤣
She'll be Secretary of Wrestling next. Lol.
Trump must be loving all these cruel republican fantasy treats. But, he can’t do that without congress. We’ll be in court the rest of his term - no a bad thing I guess.
There is no way he is going to let anyone who isn't his personal buddy out of paying a loan.
He has to pass a law to change that, not an executive order. Because it's FEDERAL LAW that student loans are provided by the Department of Education.
Therefore, no one owns the loans anymore and should be void.
DJT is a carnival barking grifter; WHO sat his Wharton exams? He didn't. Sister & niece warned. WAKE UP, folks!
He doesn't want Americans to be educated so they can move upward in society. We wants the American people to be peasants.
Again, Trump Hates America
How do we get that done????
There will be an accounting of his law breaking along with his lawless appointees ;
they'll serve their sentences.
Dangerous times ahead for students & parents
-Repost the announcement
-Blame Trump
-Wring hands
-List what this means for people and how the impact will devastate them
-Grab some dinner
-Become MIA for a few days until the next Trump disaster hits
-Repeat above steps
Their view that the supposed 'Donald picked' Magat race is the distinct and superior racial group which is entitled to rule the rest of humanity. (Adolf's & Vacher de Lapouge's Aryan race).
https://www.actblue.com - https://dlcc.org/ - https://lincolnproject.us/
“Illegally directing closure,” it should read.
Only stupid people want this.
The destruction of our government by Trump continues. Chuck Schumer says that we are not in a constitutional. Trump is destroying congressionally created government agencies. He is ignoring the constitution and the legislative branch of government.
The Democratic caucus must become an opposition party. The belief that bipartisanship governing can occur anytime soon is to ignore the reality.
He’s as dumb as an American farmer who voted three times for Trump, only to find that Trump has shuttered USAID… the only customer for their crop!
just because you're doing EXACTLY what he wants and have given up doesn't mean the rest of us have
He doesn't care about court injunctions.
He's surrounded himself with sycophants and cronies to do his bidding along with his shadow President.
On this day in the year 37, Caligula assumed the role of Roman Emperor.
The Senate back then eventually dealt with it. 🗡️
Is funny enough.
They want Americans to get sick.
They want America to go poor.
Donald Trump is an enemy.
Question: who's going to cook and serve the meals, or clean the toilets, in the billionaire bunkers? Millionaires?
It would be helpful if some legal types who apparently have the time to post all day long on BS, could instead write up an indictment that can be easily understood by the public.
Der Shambling Orange Pantloaf💩 handing U.S. to The Walking Dead... while handing the World to China:
Sic Semper Gos Org Prest Tyrannis☠️☠️.
McDonald doesn't have the authority to do that by EO. He'll have to ask Congress nicely.
"Pretty please?"
state supes, district supes, & teachers are the WORST SCOFFLAWS in violation of the IDEA. They say fuck FAPE, LRE rules, 504 Plans, & IEPs. They HATE the IDEA & only comply when forced. I fought them for 8 years. They DOE’s OCR had to step in to help.
Basically, the states are largely pass-through agencies for federal funds at multiple levels. Wealthy states have more independence, but the “50 independent states” thing works because the feds fully subsidize their governments.
Ed access & civil rights protections are at risk- the monitoring & enforcement was centralized at the Dept of Ed.
Funding to states is where most of the money goes (only 4k fed employees). The main way to impact the deficit/budget is to cut it.
Yes I know over 10,000 have been signed over the years, but he is circumventing Congress for EVERY FUCKING THING.
These people are not wise. Bigger fools could not be found.
This is a Trump Party congressional wet dream.
Money for nothing.
They have attacked our education system for 50 years & now they are going to kill it so that one of the dumbest amongst us can be king.
Somalia is well-known for being a libertarian paradise.
(unironically, I know some Americans who worked in Somalia and found cellphone service better there than here, and that even in Shabaab areas, the towers work better)
Whereas we live in Amurrrika, the land of the free! (terms and conditions apply)
Now with 100% more loose cannons.
USA: "What would the Taliban do next?"
Whatever we do will have to be major.