It took me many years to be able to articulate everything that had happened. He didn’t hit me. He didn’t even really yell at me.
He just made it so that every step I took was through molasses, and the higher I climbed, the more the molasses felt like cement.
He just made it so that every step I took was through molasses, and the higher I climbed, the more the molasses felt like cement.
I have a divorce and therapy and an amazing career and an 8-year-old I adore and space to be me.
Molasses… ooooof. I feel that line in my soul.
And I want as many people who come after me to be able to live theirs, too.
::endless rage scream::
I felt like a witch.
It took me leaving to join the AF Reserves. After Basic Training & Tech School I finally had the courage to divorce him & reclaim my life.
(Divorced here, too, from a guy who was also not abusive but couldn’t care less about me or our marriage.)
May everyone be free.
May everyone be even more— supported.
Out of curiosity do you think an ultimatum would have helped? Because I would gave for sure said "step the fuck up or we're done" line at some point.
I'm so glad you got out before that man destroyed you.
My ex got fired and his solution was to try to sabotage my job. He later told me it didn’t matter that my job kept a roof over our heads, food on the table, and our kid in school, he was miserable about losing his job and he wanted me to be miserable too.
And then the reputation speech later when another relationship went sour & my ex let people believe false rumors abt me.
It was hazing, basically
Did it violate the honor code? Probably. Do I care? Fuck no.
We had to do it together.
Best articulation of this that I've ever seen. Exactly this. (Mine strangled me the first time I brought up divorce & now he's blissfully free & I'm a solo mum, but still better than before)
The most rated reply was someone saying to be incredibly enthusiastic but utterly incompetent at every baby related task so the mum would stop asking. Truely depressing read