As much as I hate Musk, and as aware I am of the design, reliability, and build problems that plague Tesla vehicles... I kind of hate to admit it, but I actually *really like* the way the Cybertruck looks lol (and I absolutely hate that I feel that way). I blame my nostalgia for the N64 aesthetic.
Does he have a speech impediment that makes it difficult to say ‘Lotus Espirit’, or is he now at a point where it’s impossible for him to acknowledge the existence of not Tesla cars?
You'll probably be judged by an invisible large truck making a left turn in front of you, or a badly painted exit ramp that sends you head-on into the divider.
It's not clear whether in The Book of Musk, the mentioned "document in great detail," claims the Earth would sit in judgment of the Killers of X or that the Earth is some sort of pre Judges, pre Covenant Canaanite Entity that hears and responds to what Popehat does without deliberation. True nature
One of the guys who built it talking about how they could drive over boulders. There’s a clip of it doing its “amphibian” act about 6 minutes in. As I remember, the Cybertruck’s supposed to be a boat, as well.
They used to have the Landmaster parked off the road on a highway pass in the hills north of LA and when my then-girlfriend and I visited her mother down there in the early 80s, I think I might have disgusted both of them by pleading to pull off so I could take some photos.
That is a brush with greatness. Wonder if it still exists. We can probably all agree that Jan Michael Vincent was robbed at that year's Academy Awards.
Also if you don't like the price, don't like the safety for occupants, don't like the safety for those outside the vehicle, don't like the inability to fit in Tesla charging stations -- don't buy it if you care much about those things, either.
The part where I'm not the potential car buyer, I'm the potential car *victim*. My buying or not buying a Tesla has nothing to do with whether an unsafe Tesla kills me.
Luckily, I'm not in the market 1) for a truck, 2) anywhere near that price point, so I don't have to let my fondness for the design wrestle with the practicalities.
That made sense to say about the PT Cruiser, a cool but not-actually-very-good car I have owned.
Cybertrunk, though, is only striking for a low-polygon Cubist imitation of a toy truck, where form doesn't follow function,
and where almost every individual design decision had bad consequences :-)
”striking” as in ”when looking at it you think you’re having a stroke”? But I admit it seems to be inspired by the Lancia Stratos prototype. And the Nakamichi LX series.
Striking as in: smacking ones' self in the forehead repeatedly with a ballpeen hammer until your brain finally responds with "looks alright to me, man"
It doesn't, but that's a rare event. Working to get it included in the safety standards is a way to address issues there. (I've seen exactly *one* pedestrian accident in my life; it was a man stepping off a bus and immediately getting hit by a bicycle.)
Oh, I see. So as long as you don't care how many pedestrians are killed and injured by cars and trucks every, a skyrocketing number the past few years, then it's OK that Melon created a dangerous piece of shit.
I agree it (and other vehicles in the class) should be subject to safety standards. But I feel that there's a panic on about pedestrian deaths greatly exceeding the actual damage being done compared to so many other things.
I cannot fathom how this death trap of a machine makes it through regulators. How are sharp edges like this not just a Mad Max scenario in waiting? Or is that kind of the point of it?
Inspired by a submarine? Built by a billionaire? So it'll reduce the rich people who pay to ride in it to a pulpy slurry when it fails catastrophically.
Oh yea, that’s why I said supposedly. I don’t think it can really be manufactured profitably for much less than $100k, and ripping out AWD or a few battery cells isn’t going to change that price point.
Why am I suddenly thinking of the F-35 fighter? It just feels like the same story: cost overruns during pre-production meant that per-unit price kept going up, which meant less orders, which pushed the unit price up higher, etc.
Eh that’s different in that the spec and scope kept changing and they were trying to build a single product for like a dozen different roles and customers. The cybertruck is a product of Tesla actually letting Musk make significant design and engineering decisions, regardless of how stupid.
Apparently the price is actually higher, but Musk advertises them lower, including the amount of money you'll save not buying gas as part of the price...
Ah, I'm sorry, on review it looks like they *do* have the 'real' price listed, and the bit I saw was showing their "Probable Savings" tab.
Still disingenuous to be showing it as a price reduction.
(Worth noting that a Prius will save enough money to buy another Prius in ten years.)
Ah! Gotcha. I wouldn’t have put it past them to obfuscate and have like hidden fees or something. But yea, insane to try and spin it like that, but I guess they had to try something to offset it costing so much more than originally promised.
The funny part is that he isn't even enough of a geek to know that the James Bond submarine car was a Lotus Esprit S1 and unlike the Cybertruck it was beautiful.
I hope his next project is inspired by the vehicles from Diamonds are Forever… a hybrid combining all the best features of the moon buggy and the the pipe welder!
Fun fact: James Bond's Lotus Esprit also appeared in "For Your Eyes Only," where it gave Elon Musk the inspiration for how Teslas respond in collisions.
He 'dug his own grave' with cybertruck.
His space rockets explode on takeoff.
He just told any advertisers who might still be on the fence after letting his anti-Semitic freak flag fly to go fuck themselves.
No wonder so many people think he's a genius!
He could have set the price at $69,420.
Because nobody believes in blood and soil more than a white South African US immigrant.
Also if you don't like the price, don't like the safety for occupants, don't like the safety for those outside the vehicle, don't like the inability to fit in Tesla charging stations -- don't buy it if you care much about those things, either.
Or crossbows are also cool.
Luckily, I'm not in the market 1) for a truck, 2) anywhere near that price point, so I don't have to let my fondness for the design wrestle with the practicalities.
Also, is this a bit?
Cybertrunk, though, is only striking for a low-polygon Cubist imitation of a toy truck, where form doesn't follow function,
and where almost every individual design decision had bad consequences :-)
His schedule may be a bit cramped as the holiday season is approaching.
Sorry, that's dumb.
I can't imagine it's similarly fun to drive, either.
if you can call 10 a release
Oh, and they're both pieces of crap.
Still disingenuous to be showing it as a price reduction.
(Worth noting that a Prius will save enough money to buy another Prius in ten years.)
Sounds just about right.
Once the Buyer's Remorse stories start hitting the internet, demand will die.
So close, but still so far away