"Daddy" is loose! He hurts the little people, the old, the sick and the poor b/c he's bullied and exploited them all his life.
I used to have a six wood that I hit inside 8ft all day if I could just get behind him @Doral for 1 swing.
Was listening the the Daily yesterday, which did an episode on Stephen Miller, and had this exact same thought. There’s an alternative universe where he is bullied into doing another Columbine rather than propping up the Fourth Reich.
That's literally Stephen Miller. There was an article, years ago during v. 1.0 where fellow classmates of his in high school explained how he was a troll because it brought him attention. That 100% of his positions on topics were "whatever everyone hates."
This system turns into votes.
Turns into political power
Turns into healthcare Turns into financial distribution
Turns into sports for kids
Turns into park systems
Turns into courts
Everything revolves around school systems and school rankings in Wisco.
Midwest defines itself and voting districts by “where are the best school districts”.
Old country system-German-Irish-French rules
Wisco was a progressive state and Milwaukee was a socialist city at one time
Whitefish Bay
Fox Point
Competitive for best school district each year
Herb Kohl was the D-Senator for Wisco for 100 years 😂
He lived in the next suburb N of Whitefish Bay where Trump went for a private fundraiser in 2020., because you know..
Terry Dittrich (Whitefish Bay) is the leader of the GOP in Waukesha, which became Sensenbrenner’s district.
All of these people are affiliated with Bay, many moved back.
McIver Institute is awful.
Randy Koschnick was a drug dealer.
They all claim to be Jaysus freaks, but it’s a show
It’s about money
Jim Sensenbrenner R
Sheldon Lubar longtime donar and name on wall of business school UW-Milwaukee.
John McIver donor ( head of Republican Party) McIver Institute Madison WI. lived and raised his family in Whitefish Bay WI
This got Trump elected.
Left Wisco on the hook for the money.
Paul Ryan was speaker, (was his district), Reince Preibas lived nearby.
Paul Ryan is now known as the Janesville Judas.
Scott Walker was governor.
Awful person, but he had been a Milwaukee County Alderman.
There was a project in Mt Pleasant (Racine) , 20 miles from the Rittenhouse scene.
On the 1-94 corridor.
Foxconn was supposed to build a large manufacturing facility, with $4 billion in Wisco tax dollars.
Never happened.
Honestly, I think bullying would become a crime punishable by death. If I were raised in a country with easy access to weapons, I might have become one. I also think I shouldn't be in a position of power because of that.
The stoner who promised pizza in the cafeteria every day to win “Principal for a Day” and took over the entire school board. Pizza is now only available by delivery and no one has access to a phone except the Principal.
He became a policeman after photography of cars for sale and underpant models. Something bitter and twisted that sought validation that no-one would provide.
Unfortunately, many educators would do a better job. Ya don't want to know the plans we have. How we go to work each day knowing it may be the last. Not just because of mass shooters but ICE/a new pandemic, etc. (Gonna start calling ICE ISIS btw.)
Which is wholly ironic considering the four drawn-out cases against Trump in the end amounted to prohibiting him from owning a gun, a sentence which was only instated A DAY prior to Inauguration Day.
We didn't really have a school shooter type, I'm thinking about the guy in my class more likely to drug and rape someone. He eventually got busted for hosting underage drinking parties when he was a football coach at another school.
where can I find guidance on 1A for federal employees? some are being told to quit posting on reddit and quit 'leaking' memos that are posted on the WH website
Nah, these people are the bullies of school shooters. These are the C and D students who faked being nice so you’d share your notes. They’re the “business” and “comms” majors who went to college for frat parties and Mrs. degrees. They’re Gen-X movie villains on Ozempic and Adderall.
Uuugggg this is bringing back vivid memories of the RA who 'joked' about sitting next to me for a physics 101 exam. He was out goofing off all day while I frantically filled my dorm room with drifts of papers with the same equations written over and over.
I asked him what his major was.
I kinda lost it at that point and told him if he couldn't pass physics 101 without cheating he was NEVER getting into med school.
His soul died right there but next quarter he was a business major. He also avoided me. Perfect.
Technically the 🍊🤡 is a school shooter, if by shooter you also include shooting down funding (unless it’s private or charter) shooting down education on civil rights, our actual American experience and gender issues and also for shooting down any past attempts at stopping gun violence in schools🤷🏻♀️😡
"What does this switch labeled 'All Federal Grants and Loans' do?"
I used to have a six wood that I hit inside 8ft all day if I could just get behind him @Doral for 1 swing.
Good times!
We're living it.
We have a government run by the guy who bullied that kid into becoming a school shooter.
Because he might be really good at planning and just violently angry because he has to put up with people.
My high school took over the Wisco Republican Party.
They’re rat bastards.
Terry Dittrich
Randy Koschnick
John McIver’s children all know each other.
They were in high school together.
For Scott Walker and then Trump these people mattered.
Factor in families, friends, business partners, etc. the machinery became massive.
Turns into political power
Turns into healthcare Turns into financial distribution
Turns into sports for kids
Turns into park systems
Turns into courts
Everything revolves around school systems and school rankings in Wisco.
Old country system-German-Irish-French rules
Wisco was a progressive state and Milwaukee was a socialist city at one time
Whitefish Bay
Fox Point
Competitive for best school district each year
He lived in the next suburb N of Whitefish Bay where Trump went for a private fundraiser in 2020., because you know..
All of these people are affiliated with Bay, many moved back.
McIver Institute is awful.
Randy Koschnick was a drug dealer.
They all claim to be Jaysus freaks, but it’s a show
It’s about money
Honestly he was a decent person.
All of his aides came from Whitefish Bay.
During redistricting he moved to the west corridor.
Jim Sensenbrenner R
Sheldon Lubar longtime donar and name on wall of business school UW-Milwaukee.
John McIver donor ( head of Republican Party) McIver Institute Madison WI. lived and raised his family in Whitefish Bay WI
Brad Courtney-Head of GOP Whitefish Bay
Left Wisco on the hook for the money.
Paul Ryan was speaker, (was his district), Reince Preibas lived nearby.
Paul Ryan is now known as the Janesville Judas.
Scott Walker was governor.
Awful person, but he had been a Milwaukee County Alderman.
3 am Wisconsin?
There was a project in Mt Pleasant (Racine) , 20 miles from the Rittenhouse scene.
On the 1-94 corridor.
Foxconn was supposed to build a large manufacturing facility, with $4 billion in Wisco tax dollars.
Never happened.
And everyone thought he was an underachiever.
I graduated HS 2 years before Columbine.
Not saying it hadn't happened before then, but it wasn't something we really had to dwell on.
It breaks my heart that it's just a "such is life" thing in the US now.
We all would have agreed on which kid it would be.
So maybe I'm willing to give it a shot instead.
I kinda lost it at that point and told him if he couldn't pass physics 101 without cheating he was NEVER getting into med school.
His soul died right there but next quarter he was a business major. He also avoided me. Perfect.
Anyone who grew up in an upper-middle class suburb in the 90's knows exactly who I'm talking about.
They always wore business casual to school too...fucking weirdos.
He was the loudest, but certainly not the brightest, of that crew.