USAID forbidding employees from bringing throwing stars when they came to retrieve their belongings after being fired reminded me, wistfully, of the time my dad got in an argument with a attendant about whether I could bring a flail and longsword onto a flight.
Story time?
Story time?
The comment stream was also a very enjoyable read.
The UK even has a self help group for frustrated psychopaths - it's called the Reform Party. The idea is they have a nice time at the party and then they mend their ways.
"Excuse me that's a flail. A morningstar does not have a rigid shaft"
But, of course, this is San Diego, and we honor El Cid, maybe because of the Charlton Heston movie?
Confiscated by TSA, because "It's a replica of a gun".
That thing was stupid deadly. Tore up the ceiling of my bedroom practicing with it. Think one half nunchuk, 1.5 ft of strong rubberized rope, and a big brass pipe fitting attached with a coat hanger harness.
Some British paratroopers were kind enough to give us a brief tour of the sight and their personal experience of the invasion.
I also like that Switzerland, Austria, and Germany are all like, nah, we don't own Bodensee, so it's just weird international waters inland.
I get it, but still.
Holy crap.
And that wasn't even the weirdest part of the stop.
I do hope you are collecting your stories and will publish them someday. You are somewhat wasted as a lawyer.
Yes, please.
The flight attendant takes it away and admonishes him that she is confiscating it and will give it back on the ground. So, he whines like a little boy.