Fucker thinks he invented “due process is only good if it produces results that people who look like me approve of” and dresses it up in some pretentious nonsense.
Rocky Road is against the common good because I do not like Rocky Road. I am a deep thinker at Harvard.
Rocky Road is against the common good because I do not like Rocky Road. I am a deep thinker at Harvard.
Why then, you may ask, is he teaching an earthly nation’s law at that nation’s premier law school, rather than teaching theology at a seminary?
Only Harvard knows.
"(1) obstruction of justice in attempting to impede the investigation of the Watergate break-in, protect those responsible, and conceal the existence of other illegal activities; ..."
3) contempt of Congress by refusing to comply with congressional subpoenas."
This is completely anti-social and bad for everybody
But rich/privileged people can generally do a lot more damage if they're evil.
Joel Pollack, among others, made sure the prediction came true.
What IS MAGA's definition of "common good".
I seriously don't know. I suspect it largely involves racisim...but I really don't know what these people's end game is.
He hurt and terrified hard-working, innocent people who are powerless.
His backstory is likely made up.
He's a morally reprehensible thug.
This is not Nazi Germany or The Soviet Union.
What a doooooosh! 🙈
I'd like to call that 'uncommonly stupid', but sadly, it's very common.
If it somehow passed Congress (lol), only Idaho would ratify.
Roughly equivalent to "being alive is only good if I'm having a good time", and with about the same effects long-term.
Because otherwise the government just starts disappearing people, as we see now, and its capacity to do so is more than any private individual's.
OTOH, some of them have massive blind spots and can't relate to struggle. They are the problem.
I read this and just snorted 'pretentious asshole'
And honestly, I have yet to hear a coherent justification for fascism.
It‘s white supremacy. And of course hate for any opposition.
Oh right, ask Elon Musk or the racist dingbat authoritarian at Harvard.
Just has no idea wtf he's blathering about.
Due process is an extremely formalized and codified legal process that scales up as bigger fundamental rights are at stake.
Courts do not play around with it. And any lawyer who knows anything is terrified of making DP mistakes.
I'm coming around to the idea that retribution should not be limited to the fascists in the government; retribution should include all of the fascist supporters.
Can't do much about the idiots who merely voted for Trump...too many of them.