False: That is the general Left. Far left are idiots who throw red paint on people wearing furs, try to do property damage to museums and even worse (acts of terrorism on factories that injure people). We do not condone these people.
They are not the same. They have different ideologies and justifications for violence and removing liberties.
The problem of "we'll make sure everyone's needs are met" is they never tell you the part where they take from those that "have more than they need". And these people usually don't like...
...it so their either leave (and suddenly there's nobody to take from to meet everyone's needs) or get taken from by force, eventually getting imprisoned or killed. Which also leads to "there's nobody to take from", just a bit later, since at first you have their former possesions.
That's not far left. That's just left. Far left are idiots that say ACAB and think it's transphobic to not want to date a trans person. There are lunatics on both sides.
I see, I hate that too, I remember that started the super straight movement and the whole pedophile thing when they tried to call themselves minor attracted person(s) or maps for short.
To be fair, most of that was conservatives trying to sew discourse. The whole MAP thing was orchestrated by them. Though I'm sure there are pedos on the left who jumped at it.
What happened to the honest version of the meme where the the far left was saying "We're going to take things from people that we feel don't deserve them and if they protest, we beat or kill them"?
What MAGA's see as socialism is state mandated medical care.
As EU citizen, I take state mandated medical care for granted - and see another set of problems it brings.
You can have healthcare that is free, high quality or available. Unfortunately just two of the three.
Politics are way too complicated for a simple left/right spectrum. All aspects of politics and economics and philosophy cannot be boiled down on one singular line.
But I agree that centrist (especially in U.S.A.) can be a bit silly
You know the communists in the Soviet Union killed millions of Ukrainians in the Holodomor. Using an illustration with that symbol of oppression makes Putin stronger.
I’ve always been curious why the Far Left seems to hate the Center-Left almost as much, if not more, than the Far Right. Also why is it that some of the Far Left suddenly switch to raving Right-wingers?
Then there's also the example of the SPD, social democrats in Germany at the time, murdering key socialist activists like Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht in 1919
Because they fail to think for themselves or understand the issues. They go with the crowd deemed morally acceptable. I used to be one of them. I became an independent thinker and developed my own opinion and learned more. People refuse to do the same
True. Many, perhaps most, people do not bother to understand the issues. It’s not often easy finding the truth. It’s easier to just accept a narrative that fits my preexisting worldview. I have a moral-reality base line but even that can be distorted/manipulated by conflicting information.
I’ve learned it with my grandmother specifically. she refuses to learn about current events, tells me I’m overreacting for saying my rights are being taken, that Trump is comparable to Hitler and that my future is slim to none because of what’s incoming. I sent her P25. Said she read it, she didn’t.
Humans are self-centered. If they believe it will not affect them they often will not care. This fascist regime will eventually fail, particularly since it’ll be run by self-serving cranks and morons. Perhaps we must go through the fire to rid us of menace once and for all.
By imposing a failed ideology which has led to mass starvation and authoritarian regimes taking away people's properties making them public property. Far left is horrible.
The problem is Fundamentalism, which is not so much what we believe as it is how we hold those beliefs.
1. Absolutism in Knowledge
2. Self-righteous in Spirit
3. Combative in Dialogue
4. Us vs Them in Orientation
5. Demonizing Other Groups
6. Policing Ideological Borders
7. Using Shame to Ostracize
When a Centrist says “I can’t tell the Left from the Right,” what they mean is “despite your differing beliefs, you both treat the world as if you have all the answers and everyone else is stupid and dangerous for not agreeing with every aspect of your ideology.”
This post is false. It's a lie the 1% want you to believe to keep you confused. Hammer & cycle = fascists, which is far right. This post conflates a political system with an economic system. The left are social democrats who support democracy & protecting the vulnerable. The right support fascism.
Ah yes, those stupid centrists. They sure don't believe in or defend anything. Definitely not a far whatever position. Certainly never an ally. Must be black and white, why don't you see that utopia is the only answer and only stage? Idiots.
I agree with some points that the left is making and some points that the right is making. I hate that the left is full of people that pervert inclusivity and i hate most of the things that the right is doing.
Our favorite samples and one free full program can be found at https://www.patreon.com/c/MikeyBobPr...
and then it's $1/month for the best 5 minutes of your week!
An American who says they're Left but leans center, is a person who can admit we DO have some bad people on the left and we DO make some bad decisions but we're willing to course correct/punish the bad. Centrists saying they lean left are not liberal at all and are willfully blind.
Oh you sweet summer child. There's left of communism; Anarchists, and depending on the way you carry it out libertarians can be left of communism, or right, again depending on the sub ideology.
I'm far left but would never endorse communism. We've shown it doest work.
Thank you for maspalaining that to someone who studied political science.
I don't know why anyone here thinks we can have a meaningful discussion about the full picture of political systems and their merits in 256 characters. I'm going back to posting cat pics.
1) If you studied political science and the above are your views on anarchism, communism, authoritarianism, etc. I shudder to think what textbooks and journal articles they had you reading.
Be offended by my comments if you want, but you simply weren’t posting accurate information. Sorry.
2) Yes, discussing complex topics (especially ones with messy and revisionist histories like this) are difficult to do in >256 characters. Either way, you still didn't post accurate info.
And note: all those replies are more for other readers than they are you
"Moralists don't really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child's toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn't change -- not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world."
"I literally cannot tell you two apart"...aaaand then proceeds to vote for Trump.
And that's the life story of habitual liars and social psychopaths like unfunny self proclaimed comedian Dave Smith.
Funny, I considered myself a liberal (what the far left likes to call a centrist) and the far left's take was that I'm no better than the far right. Because of this, they sat out or voted third party, and now the actually dangerous people are entering office.
It's not like far left ever exterminated entire social groups. Not like communists whole ideology is based on that. But these were "bad" groups, right?
What social groups? And the difference being the actual far right ideology is based on exterminating certain groups, Communism isn’t, has it happened? Of course, but was it the ideology? No
Which I would love to vote for third parties, I wish they weren't just weapons used by either party to peel votes away, but we really need ranked choice voting. I'm voting from a left-wing perspective, therefore I want almost any left-wing candidate to get in, not just a single "safe" candidate.
Yeah, until we get rid of first-past-the-post voting, third parties are absolutely pointless in america, and sadly the Dems are the only ones even flirting with it so we have to follow along with them until they give us the means to kneecap the duopoly.
10s of millions were slaughtered under the hammer and sickle. Nazis and Soviets were allies under the #MolotovRibbentrop Pact. Both the far left and far right are equally horrible.
And is a testament to how screwed up this country is that wanting the kind of basic safety net that other countries ALREADY HAVE is labeled "far left".
I’ve met all the cops, they are all bastards. Also the rich are very tasty and can sustain an entire community for decades if prepped and served properly
Tankies arent far left they are fascist, and liberals are left of center but moving too far to the center and not true leftism. The real left isn’t authroitarian it’s the socialist communist and anarchists. You can’t have an authoritarian leftist, because being authoritarian is itself not leftist.
The Nazis were actually socialists. By the time Hitler took power, they had killed all of the socialists in their ranks. Google the night of the long knives.
Anarchism just doesn’t work
Socialism only works in a perfect world, but we’re in an imperfect world and people will abuse the socialist policies meant to better everyone’s lives
Socialism is an economic system where the workers own the means of production. There's no need for a "perfect world" for something like that to come into manifestation. We just need more people to wake up to the fact that they have been victims of propaganda.
This is a bit of the idea socialism, and communism have had as muddy history as the idea of capitalism has a gold standard. Basically, make sure the common man is not starving and stop people like Musk and Rump form taking advantage of the common man.
That's the problem: you've decided that things like anarchy and socialism are impossible, yet you don't seem to be educated on what these political ideologies entail.
Abandoning values that have existed for generations in replacement for arbitrary "progression" which only helps a select minority of people doesn't even sound like a sane idea on paper
I mean, a big portion of the far left lately just seems to hate Jewish people due to the Isreal/Palestine stuff because they're uninformed on the whole topic aswell as I think some of the far lefts focus on social issues is very exhausting when the "issues" don't actually matter that much
A "big portion"? That seems doubtful. I'm in a *LOT* of communist and anarchist spaces, and the anti-semites are virtually non-existent. Criticizing Israel does not indicate a hatred for Jewish people as a whole.
They're using very valid critisms as excuses to be anti septic against an entire race. You don't see that on Bluesky thankfully, but Twitter is still filled with these people
Reason may be a small force but it is constant, and works always in one direction while the forces of unreason destroy one another in futile strife Therefore every orgy of unreason in the end strengthens the friends of reason & shows afresh that they are the only true friends of humanity.Russell
Yea, centrist are in-the-closet non-participants of politics. Instead of saying, "It doesn't affect me personally so I don't care one way or the other", the say, " both sides are bad"
Kinda funny because last time I checked “far left governments” are neck and neck with far right nutcases for purges. It’s just different groups that get purged. So yeah, Centrists have a hard time telling them apart. Just a different group telling me who’s bad, who’s the enemy.
Can you tell me what soviet did to homosexuals and trans people? Or perhaps you don't know. From what I can recall they were executed by the communists. So you are no better then nazis.
You're one of those that looks for a recipe, changes all ingredients and then comments that it tastes horrible while stating that you have changed all ingredients.
This feels like a very half baked “trying to sound smart even though I know very little” kind of take. Who on the left is offended by anything and everything? Like name a specific person.
Is that a joke? There are people that think you're transphobic if you're a straight male and you won't date a trans girl because she has a dick. There are crazy people everywhere.
Usually the most extreme Leftists are just extreme republicans in disguise. And many do eventually come out saying they were 'secretly' republican, they just portrayed themselves as leftists to make those in that party look bad.
But I do agree, both just uphold the current system without any change
I'm a socialist from Norway and i have only interacted with Americans on Metas Threads apps, most of them were biden cultists and chronically offended. Not once were they able to have a civilised debate around bidens capitalist policies, they just insult and abuse if you don't agree with them.
Then why bother if you're not gonna back up what you say? Like you can't even provide anecdotal evidence, so why even make a claim you couldn't be bothered to back up.
This is saying in different words "I prefer people doing and telling horrible things with a smile over people criticizing stuff that I could be held accountable for".
Well, based. Still, I wouldn`t support people who destroy the lives of everyone else just because some others are so annoying...
I have never seen a centrist coherently explain the social or economic views they have in a coherent way. Somehow it never makes sense which leads me to believe that centrists are either stupid or right wingers in the closet.
What we got here is something else entirely. The "enlightened centrist" who actually holds no positions whatsoever, aside from a smug certainty that they are superior to everyone who *does* hold a position.
The issue is it's not everyone's needs. It's everyone's needs who agree with whatever they say. On paper and in practice are two very different things.
Side note: the art also literally has a Soviet Union tattoo...
Soviet tattoo aside, the words are just "everyone's needs". The caveat you added is not necessarily how people on the left feel. I think the American left have been pretty consistent on what "needs" are. Food, water, shelter, health care.
Funny thing is that traditionally from far left leaning governments, they would’ve used the person on the left as a “useful idiot”. Gain their support, use them till they useless, then throw them in work camps and work them to death. The Soviet Union is a prime example.
The Soviet Union was not truly left, nor socialist, nor communist, but a twisted perversion of an ideal. Authoritarian and veiled fascism with just enough lip service to be socialist in name only.
It wasn't. A top-down authoritarian state is by definition not communist. The ones in power called themselves communists because it doesn't do to tell the truth to the masses you control.
The problem of "we'll make sure everyone's needs are met" is they never tell you the part where they take from those that "have more than they need". And these people usually don't like...
As EU citizen, I take state mandated medical care for granted - and see another set of problems it brings.
You can have healthcare that is free, high quality or available. Unfortunately just two of the three.
But I agree that centrist (especially in U.S.A.) can be a bit silly
The people who left Twitter for being too far right are far left!
Who could have predicted!
Hell, you can barely post trivia about a dinosaur without tinfoil hats showing up on facebook these days.
1. Absolutism in Knowledge
2. Self-righteous in Spirit
3. Combative in Dialogue
4. Us vs Them in Orientation
5. Demonizing Other Groups
6. Policing Ideological Borders
7. Using Shame to Ostracize
and then it's $1/month for the best 5 minutes of your week!
People like Tim Pool don't spend multiple episodes trying to convince people about leftist ideals, only rightwing ones.
Far left = communist
Far right = fascist
I'm far left but would never endorse communism. We've shown it doest work.
There are authoritarian varieties of socialism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarian_socialism
and Libertarian varieties of socialism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism
1) Methods advocated for transition to socialist or communist economy/society, and
2) basic political compass
I don't know why anyone here thinks we can have a meaningful discussion about the full picture of political systems and their merits in 256 characters. I'm going back to posting cat pics.
Focus on what brings you joy.
Be offended by my comments if you want, but you simply weren’t posting accurate information. Sorry.
And note: all those replies are more for other readers than they are you
Like it or not, here's the truth.
Not very disco
And that's the life story of habitual liars and social psychopaths like unfunny self proclaimed comedian Dave Smith.
Right: I will kill everyone who disagrees with me and who doesn't look like me.
Centrists: you both are psychopaths
"When the poor has nothing left to eat, they will be forced to eat the rich." is how I remember the full quote.
And the latter is about institutional problems, how the good cops get filtered out, and driven off through harassment and worse.
Socialism only works in a perfect world, but we’re in an imperfect world and people will abuse the socialist policies meant to better everyone’s lives
This feels like capitalism without monopolies
Far Left: "I'm going to be offended by anything and everything"
Far Right: "I'm going to be offended by anything that goes against my 2nd amendment rights."
Both crazy idiots.
But I do agree, both just uphold the current system without any change
That isn’t to say certain conservative values aren’t worth merit;
It’s to say that MOST, not all, conservatives tend to fight against progressive movements to the detriment of those who these movements fight for.
Well, based. Still, I wouldn`t support people who destroy the lives of everyone else just because some others are so annoying...
I think you lack political culture.
Also, if the biggest problem with the far right was that they like guns......
* ethnic minority
* immigrant
Talk to one single real far leftists, and see how it really is
Side note: the art also literally has a Soviet Union tattoo...
The Soviet problem was because they were preparing for war and killing off their resources. No different to what the US goes through.
My argument is that “no, you are wrong. Here is the evidence to prove you wrong”
If you cannot extrapolate that, that explains why you believe that the Soviet union wasn’t communist