This one is especially funny because it’s got the most likes out of all the trash you spread around and it’s *entirely* because people saw a red hat 😂🫵
Bro im NOT trynna have my candy took. Ong it's on sight i don't be missing either. I'm really like that, I'm him. Who want the smoke lil manns, .223 came w a scope, got a switch on that mf too bro we not from 63rd ong ong
It’s so stupid too, because the entire neighborhood is also buying candy for the other children, while THEIR children go around and collect candy as well…
I mean. It's worth noting this kid actually went through the labor of collecting his own candy. Being a capitalist is more like you gather a bunch of kids to get candy for you, provide them with buckets then take 99 percent of the candy they gathered while you sit at home.
Also, working class people shouldn't even be afraid. No one is going to try to take anything from them. We are only going to take the means of production from billionaires.
Douchebags don’t get it. Particularly amusing when they live in a debtor State and don’t have the self awareness to realize that they’re benefiting from it.
We shouldn’t be looking at taking from the rich. We should be looking at helping the people. Raise minimum wage, heavily tax profits over a certain % to reduce inflation and make those taxes unavoidable to fund social programs like education. Hit the businesses, not the people themselves.
Hell, even think of why so many people are supportive of Luigi Mangione— UHC is responsible for the suffering and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people because their C-suite, board members, and shareholders demand unlimited profit and growth.
We even have two of them in the White House right now tearing things apart, removing social safety nets, and doing everything they can to set up ways that exclusively benefit them.
What “company” do we tax to stop that, hmm? That’s a “people” problem, not just a “company” one.
That’s why we need to increase minimum wage and prevent the companies from raising prices in response. Taking money direct from billionaires does not put that money in people’s hands. The whole point of what I’m saving is to remove disadvantage.
I really don’t think you have a good grasp on how things work— I’m not saying that to be mean, but this whole “taking directly from billionaires” spiel is literally a right wing propagandist talking point.
You’re focused on a detail while ignoring the bigger picture.
We can't help the people without taking from the rich, why did you think we've been trying to do this? The economy is based on the total amount of money in circulation, so when billionaires hold 99% of the wealth, the people's 1% isn't just a small amount, but also inflated & worthless.
I’m sorry but how does taking billions from the rich help people? The guy making $10 still makes $10. If we raise his wage to $20 and prevent the company from passing that to the customer, then the billionaire will have less and the people will have more.
So... your solution is still taking from the rich & giving to the people, except in a way that it solves like 2 issues and that's basically it. Realistically, I'd abolish hierarchy and currency altogether, but I'm going along with the idea of slowly transforming capitalism into smth more favorable.
Ahhh, I understand now. Not sure how realistic what you want is. Certainly something that won’t come around within our lifetimes without a major war. I will say the concept of no hierarchy is naive. There will always be a hierarchy because someone will always be in charge, even in a perfect world.
There are plenty of shitty business owners who make less than $200k a year who’d pay their people $5/hr if they legally could. Those are a bigger problem in my book than someone who makes more than $1M but pays fairly and charges correctly and just has a great product.
Nope, uplifting the poor. The fact that it will take from the rich is a side point, not the goal. If someone makes a billion ethically (not common, but it does happen), by paying their people well and sell their product for a fair price then I don’t actually care about their net worth.
It’s not. Taking billions from Bezos helps no one. Raising people wages and preventing the companies from passing those costs to consumers with threats of huge penalties helps everyone. Helping should be the goal, not hurting someone even if the impact to the rich is the same.
Beezos doesnt have billions. He has thousand of shares of amazon. That he uses as collateral to take loans from banks. Taxing amazons profits directly takes from beezos wealth.
I'm severely allergic to nuts. Smelling peanuts gives me hives. Every Halloween me and my siblings would swap candy. I traded all my chocolate for the Skittles, DOTS, starburst, ect. Sometimes they had a bigger pile. Sometimes I had a bigger pile.
Honestly I would share my candy to anyone that wanted it back as a kid. However, later in life when my brother and sister would go trick or treating without me and want to give me half of theirs I made it a bit interesting and we all split it evenly, then used them as chips for Texas hold em lol.
This just put a tear in me eye because my son is exactly like this. It breaks my heart how kind and generous he is. He doesn’t even think twice. Teaching him boundaries for when the bad characters come along but I hope he stays this way.
and much like how excessive wealth starts to drag down your mental health, trying to eat entire birthday cake yourself starts being a deeply unpleasant experience by slice three.
I think most kids would be upset which is what conservatives count on for this example but to make it more accurate to how the world works you let the kid know if they don’t share the candy the other kids could become homeless, starve, or not have enough candy for healthcare. They’d be happy to help
Not to mention they’re so focused on themselves that they imply that they’d be the ones giving up more than their fair share.
Meanwhile, just 2% from everyone, including the people with massive hoards of candy they could never eat, would be enough for all the kids who can’t go out.
The thing is that part of this is ironically because they often come from proliteriat background themselves. It is important that we recognize it is often the same people socialism claims to be designed for who often most oppose it. Understanding that helps us ensure we can enact it
When I was young I was sick a number of times during halloween, my brother brought his bag and got some candy for me. Hatred is your problem not ours, caring for others is our goal.
"would you let an illegal immigrant into your home?"
Uh, yeah, probably, they can sleep on the couch for a week or two while our robust social systems get prepared to make sure they never have to go back to Venezuela, that sounds very nice
This is what we all used to do growing up, too. My friends and I would all pool our candy and then decide who gets what based on our favorites. Then, the rest was split evenly.
The problem with conservatives is that they frame Socialism and Communism as "Taking away from me" and they seem to categorically reject the simple fact that
1. That's how actually and literally how extractive Capitalism works
2. Pooling resources and sharing means you also *get* things you need
Right?? It relies on this mythical fantasy ideology where some people work and some people do nothing, and the people who work have to give all their surplus value to the people who do nothing…wait that’s just capitalism.
I watched someone freak out over being told that someone else doesn't care how someone presents themself.
The simple idea of sharing, and the simple idea of people being different is seemingly too abstract for the loud mouths
I love when you can push them to the point that they have no dog whistles or bad faith arguments left and they have to admit that they think sharing is bad
German Nazi came to power in opposition to extreme communism, where in Soviets people who owned a house whould be forced to live with 3-4 families and share their wealth. Same is happening here with reps.
When you believe in something as an immutable fact of life, you might react negatively to someone challenging that belief. It can be interpreted like they are refusing to see that reality or aren't affected by it the same way you are.
Yeah, it's really messed up the culture Conservatism has created for themselves. I can't imagine a worse Hell than what their inner minds must be like.
What’s upsetting about this is conservatives would actually ask a kid this and then use a kids’ obviously selfish response as proof for their ideology
As if any kid isn’t a little bit selfish because that’s just how kids are because they is usually don’t know any better
If the kid had 100 candies, Maga guy would take away 90 and give them to a billionaire, but he would promise that the billionaire will eventually donate 2 to charities.
At this point, they have bootstrapped themselves into a corner.
Mad because their candy is being taken to share with everyone, but also calling it handouts when people want to start using the candy dish they contributed to.
Trick or Treat is already socialism. Those who have plenty of candy spread it out among kids who have less, increasing all the children's resources while not really hurting one's own.
That's what I dont understand about the comic because the red hat literally just bought candy to give away to other people's kids for free... so... what's his beef? 🫨
My favorite is when they deliberately conflate private property with personal property to make people think that public access to infrastructure is the same as letting people raid your candy bowl.
Banks tricked retirees into becoming landlords for their retirement fund, shifting all the risk onto those who have already stopped working. A third of all landlords are retired and use the rent as their primary source of income.
Huh, shows that I don't know much... Still, rent payments aren't exactly peanuts these days. And I'd imagine landlords commonly own more than one property 🤔
Collecting interest when it works. Foreclosure when it doesn't. And mortgages are collateral investment banks can use to play the stock market by buying on the margin. Look up derivatives.. and the Recession of 2008-9. And if the stock market tanks? We'll bail them out.
Ah well... it's good to learn more bout investing 😅
Personally, I feel the market is some monopoly these days... well, compared to 3 decades ago where you can own a house within 3 years with just annual wages
I'm not saying capitalism is perfect. Far from it. But socialism takes away from the spirit that's expressed in this comic. Charitable giving is very different from forced contribution.
You said socialism would take away the spirit of giving. It doesn’t. You don’t only have to give to people in need, you can give to whomever you want. You can give just because it feels good and it’s a nice thing to do.
Pretty sure that kid would feel differently if he had a bucket full of money from his last paycheck, instead of the candy his parents likely bought for him to hand out.
The thing is we should acknowledge that many anti socialists are effectively part of the proliteriat while a large portion of socialists are closer to bouguise. Identifying and being honest about these inequalities also is neccsary for defeating the manipulation in it
Another thing we should consider is that people often do care about how it is distributed. People may intriscally identify some needs as more inheritantily capatilistic than other or more neccsary but have conflicting values in how that is identified.
How would you feel if you knew there were candy hoarders who just sit on top of more candy than they could ever eat in 100 lifetimes and refuse to share it with kids who don't have any food?
Yes, because I have this seemingly obscure character trait called compassion for others. Individualism is BS when other people are in need. You help the people, the people help you, it's called mutual aid.
That was my school arguing why money couldn't be 'shared' around expenses to fix the school, but had to go to the Football team every year 'because people liked to watch'.
Same evil, just with a blatant target on its head now.
I mean, in order to better represent capitalism you'd have to say "okay, so you and five other kids have 70% of the candy in the world. And everyone who doesn't have any candy will die."
Yeah, you're right. I suppose I should back Republicans that actively work to cut my paycheck in half so the billionaires can have it because socialism is bad unless you're wealthy.
But don't worry, it'll trickle down...someday....40 years waiting.
I think their point was that it’s useless to only criticize the people we don’t like and we should apply that criticism equally because if we ignore the problems with liberals nothing will get better
But no one really ignores that...or millions wouldn't have decided not to vote this election cycle or purposely voted to send Dems a message about their imperfections
They absolutely are despite many speaking out against it, so what's the point? We shouldn't vote for dems while the other party not only cheers on the genocide but now wants to launch their own version?
"Hi, I'm a billionaire, so I'm going to take all your candy right in front of you while blaming that kid who can't go outside."
Govt: "No"
The only reason they have so much is because they take from everyone else.
They need to be taxed WAY more heavily and have restrictions and regulations in place.
Their success directly comes from exploitation. (Such as slave labor.)
You’re being far too generous.
Companies require *people* making decisions.
Things are so stacked against the working class because of those factors that there’s literally no other way to proceed successfully.
Billionaires are out of control. They’re the problem.
What “company” do we tax to stop that, hmm? That’s a “people” problem, not just a “company” one.
You’re focused on a detail while ignoring the bigger picture.
Yeah, let's all share :)
Tax the rich. Not the poor.
Meanwhile, just 2% from everyone, including the people with massive hoards of candy they could never eat, would be enough for all the kids who can’t go out.
A smiling person a day makes the world a little less grey
Uh, yeah, probably, they can sleep on the couch for a week or two while our robust social systems get prepared to make sure they never have to go back to Venezuela, that sounds very nice
They see their positions as a license to commit a transactional rape of the whole world and its people for personal power and money.
1. That's how actually and literally how extractive Capitalism works
2. Pooling resources and sharing means you also *get* things you need
The simple idea of sharing, and the simple idea of people being different is seemingly too abstract for the loud mouths
As if any kid isn’t a little bit selfish because that’s just how kids are because they is usually don’t know any better
Mad because their candy is being taken to share with everyone, but also calling it handouts when people want to start using the candy dish they contributed to.
Greed kinda turns you into a toddler.
Or do I make my friends who like it smile, or maybe get a pack of gummy bears in return, and make a friend along the way? Now we're all happy. :D
Halloween taught kids mutual trade strategies, not tarriffs.
Incentives are crucial to the system and your communist ideas fail to understand them.
I bet they aren't losing much tho
Personally, I feel the market is some monopoly these days... well, compared to 3 decades ago where you can own a house within 3 years with just annual wages
Please, Please. Make sure you save this and re-post it around Halloween, this year.
Well done you.
An animator who can might want to talk to this artist about making a YouTube video of this before Halloween.
Thank you for your service.
Vaushites: he’s just being edgy, you wokescold tankie!!
Are you dumb?
Go buy your own candy with your own $$$! What are you, POOR? Can't provide your kids with their own candy?
If you're going to try to make some point about "liberals taking yer candy" you're ignoring that it wasn't exactly "earned" either.
Same evil, just with a blatant target on its head now.
But don't worry, it'll trickle down...someday....40 years waiting.