3/ There's a a byword for at TPM: fundamental honesty with readers. That means not only the obvious, don't lie to them. It also means don't hold back critical information. Certainly don't ever play them for fools. There has to be an analogous byword for elected officials. Your representatives ...
4/ don't have to and sometimes may be obligated not to do what you want. But they should never play their voters for fools. Schumer tried to play his voters for fools here. He tried to engineer a performative stand down. He wanted to keep his hands clean while still allowing the CR to pass.
he's spineless scum and there needs to be protests at every senate dems office tomorrow demanding they remove him from power, we can't survive with traitors like him in charge
5/ The events of the last 24 hours made that impossible. He had to put his cards on the table. Very very hard to ever forget that happened. As I said, there's still a chance the tide cld shift here again. I wonder how much the level of voter anger of this will register over the next 18 hours.
You’re quibbling about his communications strategy. Ok. You have a point there. But the bigger issue is the massive political risk of doing the shutdown now and sharing the blame. Fact is a recession and stock market collapse is coming. They can’t stop it. Right not Trump and Musk will be blamed.
people in DC are showing up for this in massive numbers because our local government will be kneecapped by the CR. people who have federal representation, please help us: https://51st.news/spending-bill-dc-residents-no-reps/
Schumer is out of the Republican collaborator closet now. He, and every Dem senator that votes for cloture, can be blamed for every bad thing Trump does for the next six months.
The issue is that there are a few senators who seem to be voting for cloture who are not running for re-election. They have no concern about facing an angry primary. The two NY senators, and Fetterman, along with those who are not running for re-election, is enough for Republicans.
My level of anger is so high it’s hard to put a number to it. I have called EVERY DEM Senator for the past 3 days trying to convey the angst in my family/friend circle. Hours of calling daily & so did many, many others. They’re not listening to our pain. They’ve forgotten who they work for.
calling/writing/engaging and trying to get ANY response (none) daily has become my new part time job every fkn day
only to have schumer pull this garbage -arghh!
Same so I feel your frustration. I call every Dem Sen every day. 95% it’s vm. Ok. I say my piece. About 3 of them won’t allow a vm option unless their office is open/ makes it hard for working folks to call, ~ 2/day I get a person. But…At least we fought. @chuckschumer.com apparently isn’t.
A complete lack of political instincts on Schumer’s part, on par with Newsom interviewing Trumpers with softballs. Are they even following what’s going on? They just seem out of touch, like they are in a bubble.
Yeah - these establishment Dems are really showing their true colors under this new fascist light. They just liked playing their petty little Red vs. Blue game in DC and getting media attention every now and again. They're in it for the comfort and the prestige, nothing more.
If you're a constituent, try his in-state offices. If you're not but you have Dem senators, call their offices and urge them to pressure leadership about this.
Heres where we learn from the Republican TeaParty. They started by taking over the GOP at local level, which is actually pretty easy to do. Than they worked their way up.
I'm more convinced than ever that unless we get new & better Democrats the authoritarian right will be with us for a long time
He better hope that he changes that the Senate Dems at least unify on this. There's no shot that I'll ever vote Democrat again and I've been a staunch 'always blue'. There's zero fucking shot that you can square away a vote for this, and if he has a reason, then he should give it.
Can you speak to what Schumer said on Chris Hayes tonight? Under a shutdown the executive has the power to shutdown LEGALLY any agencies he wants. He’s doing that now but it’s illegal and we have the courts. And to end it, the R’s would have to pass a bill. Would they? And Trump would have to sign.
Also, let’s not forget he put Dems into this spot bc he miscalculated the House GOP’s ability to pass their crap CR. He ended up standing there like a putz with no alternative. Is this the ‘institutional knowledge’ he brings to the table to make up for all else that he lacks? Not a good deal.
Schumer's to Democrats what Trump is to Americans: Too inept to say for sure he's an enemy agent, but without a counter example on which to hang an argument against the theory.
The only play (and its a dumb one) that I can think of is Schumer saying, "I've got the votes, but you give me this right now, or you don't get the votes." And that doesn't even seem to be the play he's making.
I don't understand this weakness-Dems giving away their power. Perhaps they want the country to suffer so we'll vote for Dems in '26, but their weakness is disgusting and I will NEVER forget this & I'm a moderate.
I just spoke to both @murray.senate.gov and office with the message we should all be sending. If @schumer.senate.gov does this betrayal tomorrow, and they do not immediately and publicly call for his resignation as caucus leader I will view itas THEY voted yes. The sheer cynicism of this scam.
Play devil's advocate, what power does Trump gain in a shutdown? Honest question, genuinely curious. Is there even a possibility it would be worse to shut down?
It was over as soon as it reached the Senate and the Senate Dems need to "debate". Although it was a tough call because a NO vote had risks; it was an easy call because a YES vote was certain destruction and suicide.
Chris Hayes thinks this will be forgotten. It won't.
Unless I missed something, Chris Hayes was saying Dems shouldn't fear shutting down the government because that wouldn't be remembered a year from now. I would expect cowardly voting to avoid a shutdown will be remembered!
We're all Nazis as of tomorrow's vote.
calling/writing/engaging and trying to get ANY response (none) daily has become my new part time job every fkn day
only to have schumer pull this garbage -arghh!
I'm more convinced than ever that unless we get new & better Democrats the authoritarian right will be with us for a long time
We're waiting.
Mitch McConnell = Genco
Chuck Schumer = Tom Hagen (not a wartime consigliere).
Just complete captiulation.
Don't deceive the base. Democratic turnout is bad enough already.
Why are the Dems so goddamn weak? I hate being stuck with them!
Each office has its own phone and fax number.
Chris Hayes thinks this will be forgotten. It won't.