I'm really excited about the prospect of China forming mutually beneficial relationships with both our neighbors to the north and to the south! Will be part of Trump's immense legacy.
There are things Americans do not know about us that evade the stereotypes. We are stubborn, for one thing. And like our fearsome wolverines (yes they are a real animal we have) we are vicious when cornered. We also do not suffer fools gladly, so we won’t be complimenting your new King’s clothes.
I'm Canadian. I'm very angry at the United States. Trump may be President, but quite honestly, your whole country is fucked up. The CR capitulation by Senate Democrats yesterday was a perfect illustration of what's wrong.
We’re trying. We put as much pressure as we could on Schumer and he failed us. Now we’re trying to get him kicked out as leader, but it’s an uphill battle.
If Canada could keep the pressure on the Trump admin it would be very much appreciated.
I wish I could tell you you didn’t need to, or that you should be laughing. But there’s a mad wannabe king in the White House, his VP is a Nazi and Congress is too scared to rein him in. We’ll do our best here but I don’t know what’s going to happen.
I’m open to suggestions. Not being a governor or a member of Congress it seems like I’m limited to protesting and pressuring my elected representatives.
The biggest problem is that the people who supported him need to do more. They need to stop supporting him, for starters.
US issues go beyond Trump, he is a symptom of a completely f*cked up society, and political system.
The Republicans, and the Democrats both need to disappear, and the people of the US need to want to be a hell of a lot better than they have ever been.
The US is war on earth.
Public enemy number 1
Hope all this anger prevents PP to get elected. Mini-Trump would bring us just as deep. He is also a firm believer of Project 2025 and is surrounded by MAGAs...
Same. I realize that our Premier's are trying to frame it that's it's tRump not the citizens but my anger is consistently shifting towards the non actions of the people, them Dems, & especially the ones who chose not to vote. This is a severe betrayal & the trust is gone. Arrogance & exceptionalism
I’m Australian and I’m very angry at America also. We place no tariffs on American goods. Nil. But we still get hit with tariffs. America is now more our enemy than China.
An ally that has fought and bled on so many of the same battlefields may never be that close ally to you again.
Oh well, you now have Russia and North Korea.
"Of the 92,845 donations, 55.7 per cent of donors were from the United States, and 39 per cent from Canada. Many of the American donors' names correspond to the names of Donald Trump donors."
Not just "right-wing" but primarily funded by the American right-wing Trumpers.
MAGA really believes we could invade and annex Canada.
They think the U.S. can defeat an insurgency from a population of 40 million people spread out over 4 million square miles of rugged, northern terrain.
This is exactly what my American friend said when I expressed my fear about Americans invading Canada. “Dude, we couldn’t hold the CITY of Baghdad. Canadians are scarier and would be much less welcoming. You’re fine.”
I obviously have no way of knowing but I’m pretty confident that the military command would never execute unlawful orders.
Someone within the chain would say no way. The UCMJ is drilled into your head. They know they are responsible for their actions and the consequences when Trump leaves office.
This is desirable. A new, united, sane country hybridized from the best of both democracies, with a combined aversion and somehow fealty to the British crown.
The actual city on the hill / shining beacon instead of just slogans.
The world would lose its shit at how powerful it could be. We should.
It’s an economic war to drive us to annex to the US. It is what happened to Scotland. Tariffs forced Scotland into starvation until they accepted rule by England.
OK, so real talk. The US could invade Canada and blow through our defenses (which we don't have because the US was an ally until they lost their minds) in... let's say a week. There'd be some level of insurgency in the rural areas, but it wouldn't be a Red Dawn Wolverines types.
We are but let's not get into fantastic territory. WWII was a long time ago. A modern insurgency is a different beast and as much as I love to beat my chest as a Canadian, we'd be fighting something we haven't seen in 200 years. It would be complex, bloody and deadly, but it wouldn't be similar.
The biggest danger is that the insurgency would enter into the terrorism phase, and the US is spectacularly unprepared for white people conducting terrorist activities against them on their home soil. Occupying Canada would take hundreds of thousands of troops, opposed in asymmetrical warfare.
It would be Vietnam on steroids, because unlike Vietnam it is full of white people and Europeans, so it would be opposed by the full EU and Commonwealth. There isn't a way to destroy the US faster than invading Canada as a hostile power outside of starting WWIII.
Yes initially, but not once bodybags started coming home. It is a literally insane suggestion about an US/Canadian war, but I assume US opinion against Canada would swing significantly nationalistic once blood was spilled.
This is what I don’t understand. There is strength in numbers. I know people are scared primarily of his supporters and the J6 militias. If people don’t come together and stop this, the window will be closed and that’s it.
We have started the process in California.
When California declares independence we might need some of those Highlander soldiers to safeguard and protect our nukes.
Canada needs to take the next step: If the threat from the US is real (and it most assuredly is to me), we need to fracture and subsume parts of the US.
Just happened to be tuned in to the beginning of Blackhawks at Canucks and still significant booing of the US anthem, and enthusiastic singing of O, Canada.
We're just selectively pissed. Actually it's brought sane Americans and Canadians closer. The operative word being "sane". Maybe he can get along with Carney. Ivanka and Melania won't likely fawn all over him.
The difficulty about states joining us in Canada is not that we wouldn't welcome it for our supporters, but that we'd be concerned about your red voters overwhelming our politics. The US population is much larger than Canada's so that red wave influx disparity would have an overall negative effect.
Now we know why Scotland 🏴 and Ireland 🇮🇪 are always displaying and wearing their flags. It’s what people do when they are neighbors with an imperialistic country.
As a Californian, I am all about displaying the California flag these days! He treats us horribly!
Sure but that doesn't have the tv impact that booing does.
Better than either would be they stop playing anthems altogether in all all sports except at national team matches because it's silly. But until our comprador team ownerships in US run leagues do that, I guess we are stuck with booing.
Totally agree with you about the orange moron, majority of the people here is the US hate him too!
Isn't Quebec too small for a team, that's why the Nordique left, wasn't it? They just couldn't make enough money.
Since around 2003, I don't watch anymore the NHL. The fucking americans have way to many teams in USA compare to us, plus a regular game between Montreal against the fucking Ducks for example, for me it's a turn off !!!
If they form a canadian league I will follow them again.
Canada thanks the US. The insults and threats just proved how strong, united and resilient we are as a sovereign nation. Canadians show up where and when it counts! Elbows Up! 🇨🇦 👊🏼
I can't help but wonder how long its gonna before the a-hole orders the US military to actually invade one (or more) of these sovereign nations he keeps talking about "annexing".
I’m Canadian and let me tell you it had dawned on us that a nation who slaughters kids in schools, holds high school graduates hostage to lunch debt, saddles college students with trillions of debt is not and will not be a friend or ally. We’re done.
Same thing happened to trans people when they first started going after them 15-20 years ago. Then they went after them for posturing in a militant and solidaristic way...
All USians are responsible for Trump now: voted for him; voted third party; didn’t vote; or, too weak to beat him. All Russians are responsible for Putin now too otherwise we would see more sabotage.
As a USian, I agree with most of your sentiments.
To those who say that we should emigrate to Portugal, Canada, Costa Rica, I respond “no, we need to stay here and clean up our mess.”
Little polling has been conducted since Carney won, but what has been published suggests the margin between the Conservatives and Liberals will close in the coming days. The Liberals continue to make gains. It's coin flip whether any party could secure a majority if an election were held today.
And there's a structural advantage in that Conservative minority governments tend to collapse in short order and give over to the Liberals, whereas Liberal minority governments are much likelier to be re-elected.
I mean, yeah. Our freedom and politeness typically comes from thinking someone is going to do something dumb and responding with “whatever, just make sure you only knock yourself out, not others. Haveatter 🙄”
My 30 year old daughter and I had that conversation yesterday. Neither of us have a violent bone in our bodies. Were fired up, adrenaline rushing and will absolutely go head on into any type of battle. This is war!
We have had similar conversations in our circles as well. I hope this represents the majority of Canadians. On FB, it's hard to tell. So many have been swayed by propaganda. It's so worrisome.
I think we need to be smart about how we resist economic war first. We have to stay united as a country. We have to strengthen our economic resilience and expect our Federal and Provincial leaders will work together to do that.
I wish I knew what comment or post you are replying to. That's an annoying bit about this app. I honestly do not know what this is in reference too 😔 no way to review the sequence of conversation 😕 I'd also love a save & edit option on Bluesky @support.bsky.team
The Republic of California would like to communicate its sincere dismay at this awful policy on the part of the unreconstructed portion of our country, and assure our Canadian friends that we will fight this fuckery tooth and nail.
No it didn't go well because they started a war with the northern states, even fired the first shots. In Canada, Quebec was able to renegotiate their place within the country to protect their language & culture. The threat of succession is a powerful negociating tool. Blue states have a raw deal.
Ever since the Civil War, secession has been treated as an impossibility in the U.S. for political, legal and practical reasons. Nothing has changed. Federalism gives California only as much independence from Trump federal policies as this SCOTUS is willing to allow.
The threats the annex really put it over the top. With trump 1.0 we did the shop Canada but it was quickly forgotten when Biden became president. Trump 2.0 has banded Canadians together in an unbelievable way! I'm actually worried our crazies might do something crazy.
Our leaders aren’t shying away from the truth. They’re speaking plainly about the threats and we’re listening to them. We’re also one of the most educated countries in the world which helps.
As a Canadian it feels so abhorrent to be boastful about the absolute luck and gratitude I feel to be a citizen of this far-from-perfect-but-continuously striving country, we reserve our quiet pride.
But. I'm also tremendously enjoying the fervor with which we will all defend it.
Best case scenario:
This crisis changes the colonists' views attitudes & actions twrds indigenous peoples
European Cdns are getting a small taste of what the indigenous population felt in the 17th century & beyond. And still rightfully feel.
Get it now?
I have thought about this a lot as well…. It is a good taste of our own medicine, as settler/colonialist descendants in Canada. I hope this brings better understanding and compassion towards First Nations and amplifies every individual’s commitment towardsTruth and Reconciliation.
I mean the territory that is now Canada has had the US be a threat before. 1775, 1812-1814, economic warfare in the 1890s. Our trade partnership with the US until very recently has been a nice abbreviation. Apologies if you already knew this.
Yup. Hopefully, always striving to be better, we embrace the "woke". There is still much to come to terms with in our path up the mountain that has been described...
I would be remiss to not reference the late Senator, The Hon. Chief Justice Murray Sinclair (1951-2024) “We have described for you a mountain. We have shown you the way to the top. We call upon you to do the climbing.” - speech upon the summary of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report 2015
Not really. We exist regardless of the U.S. That we somehow define ourselves simply as "not American" displays ignorance and disregard of our identity.
That is certainly true, and it is not what I wrote. My point was that when the US misbehaves, Canadians are much more likely to assert their distinctiveness than otherwise. I say this as both an American and a Canadian.
As a Canadian-American I find it interesting the switch from American exceptionalism means our democracy is a beacon to the world and we welcome all who aspire to greatness to America is so great that we’re going to seize control of everything and we’ll kill you for complaining
It's just hard to understand how one may have children.. and grand children ...put the world in this position ...And not fear for their well being?! I don't know how Trump's family copes with the anxiety no matter where in the world they bed
Sort out your shit and we're good, don't and we're gone. SAAB will let us make our own Gripen E's that we don't need to worry about them getting bricked... EVAR
Likewise. IMO we have 🍊💩 to thank for DF getting reelected. In times of trouble people tend to stick with an incumbent who echoes their sentiments on a specific topic, to the exclusion of memory of what that SOB has done previously.
I don't really care about what is in a politician's heart -- if they actually believe in what they are doing or just being opportunistic - all I care about is what they do.
It was not a mandate. The actual majority doesn’t agree with this. But complicity of America is an illness until this really hurts folks. Then and only then will we see folks rise up in mass. Hope it’s not too late.
Now we need to make investing in our own country more attractive by lowering our corporate tax rate for industries and infrastructure that support Canadian sovereignty and economic growth.
Why does the govt have to spend? They need to provide an environment that removes ‘regulate, subsidize and protect’ mantra. The conditions need to be friendlier for Canadian pension funds and real money investors like insurance to invest a % in our infrastructure. Govt may need to mandate this.
Canada’s federal debt to GDP is 42% which leaves us lots of room if we streamline regulation and incent infrastructure investments, private industry will fill the funding gap. As long as there is a real return on investments, the money will be there. We can’t take years to approve anymore.
Not yet. The federal election will be announced any day and then it will happen a month or 2 after that. We only had a leadership race for the liberal party.
Yeah, I just saw the recent polling that came out though showing the liberal party having ~50% of the vote now. It's pretty amazing how everything has flipped.
Yes, I really hope the polls are correct this time. I remember when they swung for Kamala, and it looked like she was going to win. We all know how that turned out.
Call it the trump effect for strengthening Liberal governments. Our citizens are pissed, but it's channeled rage. We understand it's the orange fool, and will be happy to go back to business as usual once MAGA leaves the whitehouse.
Not sure about the militant part. Just get the bullshit to stop and we would be happy to sit down and work anything out but the lying and gaslighting from the white house is really getting our back up.
Agree. It’s going to take A LOT more than peaceful talks to get us to calm down and trust USA again. I am not even the least bit interested in engaging in a DV relationship with the USA where we get gaslit from all angles again, including via our own maple MAGAts brainwash.
I understand the sentiment but the reality is that we had a lot to rightly be proud of in our relationship. Trump and his idiot advisors have thrown it away but we need to somehow salvage the good parts. We will have a new deal but it will be very different than the last one.
My ship leaves Pearl for home in a couple of days. I'm thinking of throwing a couple of cots down below in C4 while whistling innocently, just in case.
Okay, I just watched it, and that only covers WWI and WWII, which showcases Canadians' determination and effectiveness. There are decades of examples from other conflicts since that only add to the history of our resolve and willingness to do whatever it takes.
It’s absolutely disgusting. I want to move to Canada. I’ve had it with these fascist slave-holder remnants. Sick sick sick of the guns and seeing children being gunned down in school. This is allowed to occur by the very greedy Congress members who are afraid of being called bad names. Poor babies.
And please, we also believe in Universal Health Care, multilateralism and DEI. We believe in community over individualism. Don’t come if you don’t believe.
We do believe in those things. You don’t have to be rude. Your comment, and the one about not running to your neighbors, is very insensitive to those of us who have lived under and fought for those things against these fascists our whole lives. Try being a little more compassionate yourself.
It’s not my perception. The majority of US believes in taking care of each other. It’s the slave system the US set up that we have not been able to overcome. We are trying. Hopefully we can overthrow this regime and make real change. We are horrified by how they are treating Canada, our friends.
I’ve lived w/these fascists my whole life. I’ve fought. I’ve never run to Canada. I would like my last years to be free of these assholes. Living in Canada u most likely don’t know what it’s like to see kids shot & to struggle for healthcare and an affordable place to live. So shut the fuck up.
Our Canadian unity is one positive thing to come out of this shitstorm. We were relaxed and trusting in the past and we had been good friends and allies for a century. That's all gone now.We'll never trust you again. We'll always be on guard to defend our sovereignty.
#CanadaStrong 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦💪🇨🇦
Canada keep your ELBOWS UP! We are getting our shit rolling. We the people are. But HOLD THE LINE! Yall are amazing! And sometimes when a “friend” is in downward spiral you have to protect yourself. Yup. We see you. We know. We the people are pissed. ELBOWS UP YALL!! Canada 💙💙
If you don't vote, winning is not on the menu.
You were always a good neighbor.
So many took you for granted, but I grew up in Cleveland and we love l
you there.
I always enjoyed watching hockey night in Canada from across Lake Erie.
Please put in a good word for us when we have to request asylum.
If Canada could keep the pressure on the Trump admin it would be very much appreciated.
Nobody up here is laughing. We are preparing, and positioning for this to never happen again.
Sorry about what we’re doing as a country.
The biggest problem is that the people who supported him need to do more. They need to stop supporting him, for starters.
The Republicans, and the Democrats both need to disappear, and the people of the US need to want to be a hell of a lot better than they have ever been.
The US is war on earth.
Public enemy number 1
Oh well, you now have Russia and North Korea.
A portion of us are planning accordingly.
Not just "right-wing" but primarily funded by the American right-wing Trumpers.
They think the U.S. can defeat an insurgency from a population of 40 million people spread out over 4 million square miles of rugged, northern terrain.
We couldn’t even secure Baghdad.
It takes months. There would be civil war first.
What would happen?
I ask out of concern for my country.
It’s absolutely ludicrous that this is even a discussion
Someone within the chain would say no way. The UCMJ is drilled into your head. They know they are responsible for their actions and the consequences when Trump leaves office.
Don't forget the terrorism inside US borders. It would make The Troubles seem quaint.
The actual city on the hill / shining beacon instead of just slogans.
The world would lose its shit at how powerful it could be. We should.
Unfortunately, he's not wrong. The best scenario right now - assuming he isn't replaced soon - is a depression, and that's going to hurt us, too. Gah.
Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know a thing about executing a war.
Hell, nothing was as reassuring as when he picked Hegseth. ;-)
Any attack triggers article 5.
As you've noted, the US would have more than enough trouble trying to control their own people. You guys are a feisty bunch. 8-)
Elamites and others would let massive Assyrian armies roll through and then just fill in behind.
Canada could just allow the American military in and watch it grind itself down.
The cost would be astronomical and beyond anything the US public would endure.
With perseverance, deceit, and general fuckery.
Read some Charlie Angus for a clue.
Dutch women lured soldiers into the woods for sex and killed them.
A little fentanyl goes a long way.
Canadians are tough as fuck.
#ElbowsUp. #GlovesOff
It’s Napoleon invading Russia x10.
I’m illustrating creative, serious resistance to a fascist takeover.
(And if that doesn't raise the hair on your head, dear reader, I suggest you look more deeply at the period.)
The number of sympathetic Americans would be insane.
We couldn’t have come together in solidarity this well on our own.
We're not going.
Best of luck with the murder and mayhem and all.
When California declares independence we might need some of those Highlander soldiers to safeguard and protect our nukes.
Strength in numbers!
If you want to claim it,
and beat yourself with a whip…go to it.
We are not MAGA or MAGA related.
Anyone tell J.D.?
Radical Canadians!!!!!
It doesn’t even make sense ?!?
Imagine suicide bombers in toques and lumber jackets carrying a case of beer…… death to America eh?
As a Californian, I am all about displaying the California flag these days! He treats us horribly!
Thanks Chump The Rapist!!
…because they know the price of not being polite.
They’ll fuck you up with a smile on their face.
Elbows Up! 👊🇨🇦
Then when the Canadian anthem plays, turn around and sing loudly and proudly for our nation.
Better than either would be they stop playing anthems altogether in all all sports except at national team matches because it's silly. But until our comprador team ownerships in US run leagues do that, I guess we are stuck with booing.
I agree that anthems don’t need to be played in all sports events though.
They deserve a major slap in their faces, fucking idiots people.
The 7 canadians teams must form a new canadian league only.
Fuck the Kraken, ducks, sharks,golden night....... we don't need this shit man.
We have 7 teams in Canada.
It's simple, NHL is an american league !!!
So fuck them with this 51 states , I want to ki.. them all fuck for that, they should impeach him right away !!!
Isn't Quebec too small for a team, that's why the Nordique left, wasn't it? They just couldn't make enough money.
They constructed a new arena in Quebec, it's brandnew.
If the canadian teams form a new league, Quebec will join immediately and Canada will have 8 teams.
Since around 2003, I don't watch anymore the NHL. The fucking americans have way to many teams in USA compare to us, plus a regular game between Montreal against the fucking Ducks for example, for me it's a turn off !!!
If they form a canadian league I will follow them again.
Qu'ils se la rentrent dans le cul l'esti de coupe stanley en passant, je m'en calisse ben raide.
Do it please and fuck them all.
Here’s the secret of most big cities: they’re designed to keep some people out. They’re not for everyone.
Hate isn’t necessary.
HIM/THEY are doing this
I and ALL of my friends and family did NOT vote for this ridiculous bullshit.
To those who say that we should emigrate to Portugal, Canada, Costa Rica, I respond “no, we need to stay here and clean up our mess.”
Canada’s rooting for an American Revolution rather than having to bust out our new army shit, tho.
… and Mitch McConnell didn’t remove him during his 2nd impeachment trial.
… and the American justice system took too long to bring charges.
… and …
But. I'm also tremendously enjoying the fervor with which we will all defend it.
This crisis changes the colonists' views attitudes & actions twrds indigenous peoples
European Cdns are getting a small taste of what the indigenous population felt in the 17th century & beyond. And still rightfully feel.
Get it now?
But, threaten our sovereignty a few dozen times and you'll need to stand back. I'm sorry becomes you'll be sorry.
Hope our defense spending stays within 🇨🇦 and allies from now on
Wait Mexico too, Wasn't Ukraine also a supporter?
Give me a call if you could use any help from a Minnesotan.
(Also LMK: are you accepting refugees?)
Never seen it like this in my lifetime.
I hate it when I agree with Doug Ford.
~ always patriotic 🇨🇦
Looking at being a volunteer driver.
They’re tougher nut to crack for the bots and trolls .
Fool me once…
People think he’s kidding. He’s not. He’s looking for an emergency so he can suspend the constitution.
The only question is how many will go along with it.
" I did this "
" And only I can "
A lot of American citizens don't know how brutal and absolutely ruthless Canadians can be, have been, and are prepared to be, in times of war.
#CanadaStrong 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦💪🇨🇦