I'm always hearing people say oh Trump's sick. Won't live out his term. I see no reason to believe that. Parents lived pretty old. But his hair is SERIOUSLY on its last legs. I don't think this can be seriously questioned at this point.
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I don’t understand the folks who say he’s got dementia or .. whatever. He may be slowed by age, but he’s still got some type of charisma. And I haaaaaaate to say that with ever fiber of my being.
The dementia stuff just sounds wishful thinking to me
The dementia stuff is to me just a way of saying his thinking is disordered. Which it is. I’ve never discerned a scintilla of Trumpian charisma, so am apparently immune to whatever it is that you see.
2/2. Q is can T hold it together in public that long? Or force them to act earlier, b/c he is not going to sit silently by in the residence as long as he holds the office
have you caught recent shots of the back of his head? baldbaldbald. not that there's anything wrong with that! but gotta wonder where those long..., wanna say strands?... even come from!
Life in Canada. My wife, an American citizen, just qualified for free healthcare yesterday and had her first appointment with our doctor. A trip to the grocery store shows which products are Canadian so I can ignore the American ones. American liquor is gone, and I mean gone, from every store shelf
BTW, two and a half dozen eggs in Canada (at my local supermarket) was $10 Canadian yesterday. That's about $7 American. Meanwhile, a dozen eggs in the United States was slightly under $5. I can see who's winning that contest.
A friend recently spent almost an hour apologizing to me for golf trip he and his dad are making to Arizona. The trip was booked and paid for a year ago before all this nonsense. He swore he would not book another trip to the United States ever. And he's not the only one I've heard this from.
Meanwhile, news shows me the US is in constant turmoil: people fired, key programs ended, DOGE lying about everything, the economy is in the toilet. Although Canada is under attack from this moron and his minions, I'm wondering who's really winning and why do I feel so lucky to be living in Canada?
I keep wondering which physical feature deterioration will make his followers find him even a scintilla less worthy of adulation—seems like a bald head, a cane, or a walker will turn some of them off (?).
Yes, so very color coordinated, like the genuine imitation gold mantel statues, drapes, and the cream-colored walls. TBH, though, he kinda copied that from Vlad The Designer.
I saw a picture yesterday of the back of Trump’s ahead and it looked just like the back of Mark Scout.’s head just before his innie’s hands emerge from it.
The front swoop no longer has the amount of shredded wheat style hair to hold the shape of the swoop. An aggressive loss of hair on top seems to be revealing his new found struggle to maintain this disaster. I predict a hair piece before midterms!
As an alopecia sufferer, I wouldn’t usually make fun of someone’s thinning hair.
However, even I, who am not a millionbillionaire can avail myself of much better hair loss solutions than what has been, and is currently, deployed upon his scalp.
It’s like a long-haired cat shedded its winter coat.
(Reposting reply due to typo error) I doubt Trump’s brain will last to 2028. Question is, will Vance & Cabinet calculate to keep him propped up or invoke 25th. Propped up, they keep the cult base which they can't do without him. But they may think they've garnered enuf power & don't need him.
I don't think his body is in that great of shape (I know far too intimately what happens to your body when it ages) I would think it is going to be a heart attack, stroke, or cancer that would start in his body.
I worry more about his mind & cognitive abilities. Being led by the evil around him
You'd think, considering how poisonous it is, but in my experience, hateful people just seem to keep on trucking. Not all, but I've seen more hateful people keep going longer than I'd expect and more happy people go too soon.
When you get really old continuing to live is as much a choice as anything. And day-to-day living is incredibly difficult at that point, so your motivation to keep making the choice to live has to be deeply felt. And anger/hate is sadly a great motivator for many people.
2) To enjoy simple pleasures with no worries is a goal I think we all deserve to be able to earn with dedication. Not to live in fear and of intimidation will provide this chance. To acquiesce to those tactics, which is all they are, albeit hard not to, is all that will save us at this point.
1) That's so sad. I always thought the opposite. I can be in the worst mood ever, but then I go spend time with one of the people with developmental disabilities I work with and my mood instantly improves.
I went down that rabbit hole and saw how long his dad lived. I did wonder if his dad took better care of himself. Who knows. No one can tell for sure but it's a big bummer to think about.
There's not enough mousse in the world. As to the other - he could have full-on age-dependent dementia (on top of the usual) and JD Vance would just clap and grin as he tossed the nuclear football in the air. (Trump does have CAD. I send it good wishes sometimes.)
He's a puppet. Once the Project 2025 guys are installed in govt & all services destroyed, he will outlive his usefulness. There will be some kind of disaster or catastrophic event, JD will take over and we will be a fully owned subsidiary of the Kremlin.
I learn towards wanting him to finish out his term; I want people to see what he does to try to maintain power and I want Trumpism to be rejected because it sucks, not because the leader died.
I gotta say, it was a clever strategy after watching his Dad suffer from dementia to act demented starting at a young age so no one could tell if he became afflicted.
Given his spectacularly crappy diet and lack of exercise it seems pretty apparent that he was gifted with healthy genes. And good luck. Boatloads of luck.
His parents lived to be 93 and 88 respectively, but his siblings haven’t lived to be that old. The one who got closest was his sister who was a judge. He only has one living sibling left. Whatever he has is being managed.
Maybe *you all* were meant to remain British colonies. Did you ever think of that?
….I’ll see myself out
I bet he starts wearing a rug. Didn't his father do that?
The dementia stuff just sounds wishful thinking to me
My money is on MAGA / Proj 2025 leadership using 25th amendment in yr 3, giving Vance potential for 10 years under Constitution
Sorry not sorry. :)
Me, a genius: Dems need to run a dude with the fullest and thickest hair you've ever seen. Ray Liotta in goodfellas stuff.
However, even I, who am not a millionbillionaire can avail myself of much better hair loss solutions than what has been, and is currently, deployed upon his scalp.
It’s like a long-haired cat shedded its winter coat.
I worry more about his mind & cognitive abilities. Being led by the evil around him
Trump's superpower is that he's shame proof.
His hair is cooked though. Hard agree.
I'm curious if anyone's done research on that.
or #TrumpBadHair
We've also now seen two photos of dark bruising on the top of his hand, which isn't a healthy sign
Could you imagine being one of the world's most hated people and not taking it as a sign you're evil?
$100 to charity of the other’s choosing?
Little prick lost most his hair and still lived to 14 to spite everyone.
now following