The moment of an isolated primate species’ intramember division, hatred, and violence is borne of the newly asserted dominance and bravissimo macho bullshit of a second challenging alpha male throwing down the gauntlet.
Such has been observed in primate populations throughout time and geography.
I’m comfortable living on enough 🍎to make ends meet ( My Social Security) and never complain until they threaten to take it away while they have Obscene amounts of 🍌🍌🍌
So much this!
Years ago I worked for a Russian oligarch, he had a child in the states and when he visited I was his private chef. He didn’t like the house that his people rented, after 14 hours of mad searching I found the perfect place. He thought it was too expensive and haggled over the price!
The unbelievable worshipping of billionaires all over the world, but more intensely here, is just another proof that humans are utterly stupid. Without abusing workers, the environment, the laws and more, they wouldn't be so rich.
But Americans love them to death, and vote for them!😪
I know he is supporting the “wrong” candidate. He is far from the worst and most problematic you have in the US. At least he invests in new technologies not huge mansions and boats. What have the Google guys, Meta guy and Amazon guy, made of new companies? New technologies. Just asking.
They should study what is wrong with us, because those monkeys would beat the banana hoarder with sticks and eat the bananas. And maybe eat the banana hoarder, too.
Haha, sounds like a perfect metaphor for life! Some are all about love and support, while others just want to cause chaos. Gotta appreciate the variety, right? 😂🐒
How to make America the shiny city on the hill. Except she needs a better nicer boyfriend after her best is gone. Which is President Biden. She deserves all our love and respect. Please help her
Five decades of "trickle-down Bullshit-o-nomics" have resulted in a fascist in the White House and a cabinet filled with billionaires. Unfettered capitalism is incompatible with a democratic republic; therefore, we must choose between democracy and greed.
I would like to know at what point hoarding wealth harms the billionaire and the world. Is their money recycled efficiently? Are resources utilized or wasted to win some illusionary contest with other hoarders. Who is winning and winning what? I would love to see the math.
I am rich from my own perspective. I have what I need to live a healthy, secure, happy life on this little blue ball in the middle of nothingness. I have won the lottery already. Hoarders waste their short life accumulating more than they can really use, till it actually diminishes any reward.
actually scientists would not presume there is something wrong with the monkey. they would study it to determine why it's behaviour is the way it is. not to pass a moral judgement on the monkey. That's just not what science does.
I get the spirit of what is being said, but it's just wrong.
This nation is so “Christian” when the Bible does not say good things about greed or the wealthy we vote to put them above the law & let them feed their greed off our backs.
The other monkeys would definitely take those damn bananas. Then that hoarder monkey would have none. Humans all think they will become the hoarder someday, so do nothing.
Priorities. Blinded by the bling. Why do so many actually look up to, and respect anyone who hoards wealth, who could effect so much positive change by using their wealth to help others, and does nothing to better society???????
He has enough money to completely alleviate homelessness and hunger in America - possibly in the whole world - and he tells seniors we will need to "tighten our belts".
Mike likely had brain damage as he seemed no longer to be able to care for himself. The female chimps then fed and completely took care of a disabled Mike, who was allowed to live out his days with the group as their ward. 3/3
He lacked empathy and did not care for his group or the young.He was a poor leader who could not help the group find ways to survive. Finally the male chimps came together and beat Mike viciously. 2/3
A chimpanzee became a leader by capturing a pie tin from Jane Goodall's team. Mike was small, but he realized that banging the tin frightened the chimp group & made them afraid of and obedient to him. Mike exploited this and ruled with an iron fist. He was an emotionally and physically abusive. 1/3
Bananas are perishable, but animals like squirrels instinctively hoard nuts for the winter even after they have stored more than they could possibly need.
That said, Elon is EVIL, AND CONGRESS is EVIL for not taxing extreme wealth.
A squirrel might store 10X what it needs, but Elon has 100,000X!
Humans have always celebrated greed. The human condition is always looking to invent real life super heros like in our comic books. We somehow see greed as a super power and those that have the most as superior, when in fact they are the most damaged amongst us and more akin to being a villain
Elon is in his 50s but he prances around like he’s in his 20s because he’s an extreme late bloomer and extreme late bloomers can be very dangerous.
Reckless, self centered, narcissistic weirdos that SHOULD have stayed in the basement, just like his Nazi mommy was worried he would do.
Twatzi Skank
There are differences between monkeys and humans, is that the point? Kind of self evident. Humans are by far the most successful species in the history of the planet. Monkeys aren’t.
I like the hit point but join in defence of the smart monkey intelligence. They have it over over the MAGA Morons with monkey 🐒 mind marble heads. They lose them all over the place. Keep them in your bag or go play hopscotch on other sidewalks. I'm tried of hippity hopping around y'all.
I have no issue with people being successful. What I have an issue with is them not giving back to the society that elevated them, by paying their fair share of taxes & rewarding the employees who help keep their business thriving.
Scientists would also study the other monkeys, wondering why the other monkeys wouldn't just take the bananas they needed, and if the hoarder monkey resisted that, kick the crap out of him and exile him from the social group.
Such has been observed in primate populations throughout time and geography.
Heads did roll...
Years ago I worked for a Russian oligarch, he had a child in the states and when he visited I was his private chef. He didn’t like the house that his people rented, after 14 hours of mad searching I found the perfect place. He thought it was too expensive and haggled over the price!
But Americans love them to death, and vote for them!😪
The lack of it, gives it “value”.
This is why poor people exist. It’s a requirement, when you create an economic system based on haves vs have-nots.
Hoarding “Value” directly hurts the rest of Society, & its development.
Billionaire lifestyles also high carbon footprint.
He “bruxes” from Ketamine addiction now. Watch video of him talking… He’s damaged himself.
Clearly, money isn’t a singular solution to human fulfillment.
A story / metaphor that parallels Lucifer’s fall from Heaven.
Precisely why the gap between the haves and try to haves keeps growing.
Something is really wrong and like a car wreck we simply drive by and stare.
I get the spirit of what is being said, but it's just wrong.
Eat too much - gluttony
Drink too much - alcoholic
Gamble too much - addict
Sex too much - addict
Obsess over money -
successful businessman
figure out how to reward the hoarder with even more…even
if it means “hardship”
That said, Elon is EVIL, AND CONGRESS is EVIL for not taxing extreme wealth.
A squirrel might store 10X what it needs, but Elon has 100,000X!
The felon-predator and his band of crooks.
I need to re-evaluate my strategy.
For Leon it’s more like 100 lifetimes.
Yet humanity suffers.
Reckless, self centered, narcissistic weirdos that SHOULD have stayed in the basement, just like his Nazi mommy was worried he would do.
Twatzi Skank
It’s been a while since our Twitter days with
Anyway, here we are … a whole new WH admin on its way in and a whole new social media account.🤘🏼🤙🏼
It does not happen organically at all. It is engineered socially.
watching the poor feed the rich. ♥️🇨🇦