The biggest entitlement crisis in America is Trump and Musk’s sense of entitlement—they think they own the country. But we’re going to defend Social Security and Medicare against Musk’s chainsaw as the slash-and-burn campaign continues.
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My question to you and all the others is when are you going to remove them from office for treasonous acts as well as trampling all over our constitutional rights? You do realize he’s becoming the most horrible president by destroying our country since he knows he’ll never be the best. DO SOMETHING!
There’s very few out there willing to be loud. We are seeing more come about, unfortunately only on the dens side but not enough. A lot of dems are pearl clutching and nothing more. Again the question comes as why? Why not more outrage? And the only answer to that is they are benefitting somehow.
I’ve had my run ins with enough politicians to know the majority of them are not on the up and up. It’s just who has dirt on who and are you willing to use that dirt to expose your own shady sides. The American people are being sacrificed so the elected can sit back & make money off our suffering.
I rather see the dems fight, play dirty if they must (the others will) even if the margin to win is minuscule than to do nothing at all and watch our democracy crumble. Time to work from congress on up if that’s what it takes.
So start digging up the dirt on the republicans. And yes there will be dirt on the dems. It’s all a sad unwritten aspect of our system. Look at the lobbyist and where their donors are and you’ll likely find what you’re looking for. Once that’s done, we will get 2/3rds or else our country is toast.
Then we need to find a way to remove republicans who are not willing to stand by the constitution so they can be replaced with members who will uphold the laws. I understand that we have to wait to vote some out but many have done plenty of wrongdoing that simple investigations should suffice.
They’ll care when they’ve lost everything. We need to show them that they’ll lose everything. Start fighting fire with fire. The republicans did podcasts and smeared our party. Now we need to just do it back but better. They rule their constituents by fear. Let’s make them fear their own party.
I called SS Jan 2025. My husband died. It sounded odd. Absolutely quiet. No office sounds. Woman was new. Kept putting the phone down to ask someone, couldn’t tell me my husband SS balance. No one time 200 & had to make appointment. She set if for April. Never told me which office. What’s happening?
FWIW, and I hope this is helpful to you, no one has an actual balance. The amount a person gets is determined by a formula based on how much they paid in and the age at which they began collecting. The survivor's benefits are based on their work history.
You need to do something about your caucus - when Jared Golden (“D”-ME) votes against American needs and interests, he must be removed. Period. Show some f-ing guts, backbone, whatever is necessary to censure his behavior. He’s no Al Green, whose behavior I condone. This I sure as F don’t.
I know that our Democrats are working behind the scenes. You are so very much appreciated. The crap we all see today is foolishness. #vote blue 💙. #nototrump #impeachtrump #lockhimup #notomusk #notofacism #resist #resistencia #resistance #resistant
When can I direct my employee's SS and Medicare deductions, and our employer matching funds away from the federal government? We all suddenly feel very Amish.
Also, need that refund check for funds paid in, STAT!
In 2017 Gates, Bezos and Buffet had a combined 248.5 billion $. More than the bottom 50% (170 million ppl)..2025 Muskrat has 334Billion..more than all 3 of them billionaires had in 2017.
Show the American people exactly where the CR just passed cuts Medicare, social security or Medicaid. This arguing between parties proves nothing. Put it out in black and white
I wish Dems would call out “republics” on calling us the democrat partyThis may seem minor but it’s one of many tactics republics use to demean. And it’s WRONG! We are the Democratic Party period. Words matter!
They have already closed 4 social security offices in Alabama. This is already hurting people that have paid in their entire working lives. I do not trust anyone to help us. It should have started with the phony election musk and Putin pulled off. All of you stayed silent.
I know you mean well,, but when you have fuckboy morons like crossing the aisle to stick his nose up MAGA Nazis’ (formerly “Republicans’”) stinky assholes, it says Democrats aren’t as unified.
Will someone please send Golden one of Krasnov’s used diapers, please?
he thinks he owns the world;threatening to take over Canada Greenland Panama,throwing his weight around all over the world, destabilizing everything, causing chaos & destruction, hurting citizens;Whining about 🇨🇦cutting off electricity to🇺🇸 while his tariffs are causing people to lose jobs;he’s evil.
I would love to see you take the onus off Trump it put it squarely on the shoulders of the Republican Congress. They should be reported to DOGE, as rubber stamping the executive branch without critical thought or ethics, can be automated
This is exactly what he wants you to think- that the legislative branch is useless, so he can void it without a backlash. The GOP congress THINKS they can pacify him & get to keep their jobs but he’s letting them dig their own grave.
Rep. Raskin, I respect you and believe your heart is in the right place. But for every good Dem in Congress there seems to be a handful of Fettermans, Goldens, Himes, Moskowitz etc. The rules thoroughly died on Jan. 6 2021. Time to take the gloves off
Government subsidiaries that doge failed to review
$3b oil & gas companies
$1.3b close interest loophole in hedge funds
$2t defense contractors fighter jet failures – next war by drones
$$$ B pharmaceuticals using tax dollars to prop up corporate profits
All those programs cited by cultists & doge
were Congressionally Approved
Many are gop pork spending which are now exposed
yet cultists are pushing blame onto others
How astounding we are living through this craziness. And it does come from a sense entitlement on the part of dumpy and musky odor smell. In addition to their total lack of understanding of people's everyday lives and their needs. They are clueless.
DO NOT LET THEM PUT SLOP AI ANYWHERE NEAR IT. OPEN UP ALL THE OFFICES IMMEDIATELY And send Mush back to Mars. These people are unelected unqualified, and psychopathic.
Where are the issue ads? Don’t make it “Democrats are fighting for you.” In fact, don’t mention Democrats or Republicans. Just ads that make it clear that major disruptions to Medicare/Caid and SS will reduce YOUR benefits-Call your Senators now
Jamie, after the government shuts down go on every channel and own it! Tell every network the truth, own this shit down but state the cause, which is reckless republicans tearing the fabric of the country apart as your reasons!
The country will listen! Ultimately we support saving democracy!
Tя☭mp & Musk, never served, paid less taxes than we do, and benefited from our tax dollars, bailouts, bankruptcy forgiveness!Yet they are shutting down OUR services WE PAID FOR!! Oh HELL no‼️
Men who never served, pay less taxes than we do, & fully benefit from OUR tax dollars!! They want to STRIP US of the services WE PAID FOR!! Fuck those NAZI Fascist!
No one voted for musk! Trump barely won the popular vote of the very few registered voters that did actually participate. He isn’t a king, these men were not Devined from heaven. Why is every congressman and every senator in the GOP handing over power to them? Lock in, shit it showing!
My SS/Medicare, My Money!
If Musk/Trump take one penny, I will sue them and the US Government. To include the damages from imposing fear, undo stress, causing health issues because of their threats.
Entitlement, my ass! I have been paying into this fucked up system since 1977. Looks like retirement is a Longshot, at best. Grow a spine and take your nuts back, Jamie. Lip service is so condescending.
That's been the problem all along. Trump doesn't do stewardship or caretaking. He's never been a real parent or an employee or officer working for someone else.
He was born into ownership and he views himself as the owner of the US, and all of us are his employees. It explains everything he does.
What makes me mad is they do this under the guise of "It's for the American People". Clearly, it is not and any attempt to appease the middle class is equivalent to throwing leftovers to a pet. Thank you for all you do,btw.
Rep. Raskin, don't you dare let them pass this POS budget. Stand your ground and let the GOP, GQP & MAGAts be responsible for a government shutdown. They would never "reach across the aisle" to help us Dems. Why should we??
They think everything and everybody is for sale. And that everyone cares as much about GETTING RICH as they do. I'd argue most people just want to live comfortably. Maybe I'm being naive?
Who’s holding you back Mr. Raskin? Your well scripted words are lame and soft! Youre NOT gonna get peoples attention with this patty cake talk! Ask your wife if you can take your balls with you to work tomorrow!!
It's the whole administration. They all group up rich and privileged and convinced they're smarter and better than everyone else. Hence RFK Jr. going on TV and spouting nonsense as though people should believe him over doctors because he's an aristocrat. Musk, Bessent, they're all like this.
Omg..don't stop there. Start fighting on all fronts. What about canceling elons contracts? Lots of conflict of interest going on. How much is his latest so called rescue of the astronauts costing taxpayers?
Bet they are feeling good right about now, after the latest explosion! Musk's cars blow up, his rockets blow up, & he is intent on blowing up NASA as well. “Rights&democracy are a function of how much money you have.WealthyTechnocrats & .01% feel as if they are protected by the Law,but not bound by it. Other 99% of us bound by the Law,but not protected by it.” Waste?Start with $15 BILLION subsidies to Tesla. It’s ALL about TAX CUTS
You need to defend everything,not just Social Security and Medicare need to defend our democracy and work on getting these two Morons out of the White House. Trump should’ve never been allowed to set foot in the White House and he should’ve been van prohibited from ever being inside the oval office.
Do better than paddle signs and pink outfits.
Democrats seem not to fully grasp what's at stake.
Get rid of Jeffries, he's weak.
Start kicking some actual ass.
Observer from Oz. Agree… stop playing by the rules. The liars and cheats are going to ignore or bulldoze their way to their goals. Defend yourselves for goodness sakes.
Exactly! Dems are just weak. They always bring a purse to a gunfight! Why aren’t u on every local news show? How about a campaign to save America & do bus trips all across America, screaming from every corner - talking to people who don’t pay attention. Tweeting isn’t helping!!!
And further; people who struggle with severe and persistent mental illness who live in group homes will be left without homes. People who struggle with physical handicaps will lose all services that keep them going, and or lose housing. PLEASE don’t let America go down this dark road.
I hope you can get that through to the Democrats in the Senate.
I have deep respect for you and appreciate you.
It appears that Schumer will be giving it all away for some amendments (that won't pass). It's hard to have any faith when most of the Democratic Party doesn't fight the fight.
I hope you can. Pretty obviously Project 2025 has been in preparation a long time, by a lot of people and organizations, and there's a great deal of money behind it. The speed in which it's being implemented is head-spinning and there only seem to be a handful of Democrats prepared for the battle.
Oh, yes. Well said. And before this they were raking in big government tax breaks and grants. They're both examples of soulless Evil. The only difference is that the smarmy pied piper was able to charm a swath of the country so they could get elected and fleece the country. Still, Good will prevail.
Is IS an entitlement and that is a GOOD THING. In the context of federal budget policy, the word "entitlement" is synonymous with "mandatory." MUST BE PAID. Not subject to the annual discretionary appropriations process.
Don't waver!! No concessions!! Be the stubborn troublemakers that get what they want no matter what. And keep a running tally to constantly broadcast the crap Johnson & cronies try to pull.
We need ferocity of resolve from our representatives!!💪🏼
No offense but we have not seen much actual fighting outside of, , and . Can you tell us WHY? Why are we not seeing #Dem leadership do actual massive rallies?
Who is going to give us our Social Security money when we don't receive it???? That's MY MONEY that I earned over 50-plus years of working. Musk has probably never put a cent into SS or Medicare and has no idea what it means to be an American. Why hasn't he been arrested???????? What can we do locally and across the state where we live to fight against the Republicans overturning govt by, for, and of the people? Please advise and we will mobilize. 💪🏼🇺🇸
Trouble is we're already damaged & will never get over it, the damage is done with that jerk & young men, big balls,Nazi & white supremacist guys, they are as mentally damaged as he is, they will pay eventually, but we will never get past this violation of our utmost important information out there!
At what point do people start blaming Dems as much as the GOP for this mess. The silence coming out from the Dems is crazy. Having a big name Dem come out once a week and saying “GOP Bad” is going to do it!
What ticks me off is the audacity of the entitled "over-ask" (an ask that has no basis that is then negotiated down to something that is still an over-ask but less so. The initial response must be "no" & with consequences but the bet was that he would fade away & the difficulty not be faced.
Thank you. PLEASE don’t give in for “the sake of cooperation”. Please stay strong and don’t back down to the bullies. We’re ready. Go ahead and call their bluff and make the Republicans eat it and choke on it.
Agreed!!!! Glad that you and other Dems will not pass this horrible budget! Shut the whole government down if need be. We can’t finance tax cuts to the wealthy or close the defecit by taking away health care coverage for people in the most need. Doing so would be Anti-American!!!!!
hire a great producer and blast commercials everyday on all the lies and crap they are doing to destroy us
Americans are stupid they proved that when they voted the Mentally Challenged President in office keep reminding them how bad this is
Please keep the pressure up! Trump, Musk, and the Republican Cabinet and Congress are destroying our country and ripping out the hearts and souls of Americans. And, they don't care, but I'm grateful you do!
Stop playing nice
How exactly do you think they can remove them from office?
Thank you, sir.
Also, need that refund check for funds paid in, STAT!
Get Musk out of our gov programs!!
We wouldn’t be heren had Republicans not cut taxes on Billionaires for decades.
Bush Sr raised taxes leading to the Clinton balanced years. Time to raise taxes on Billionaires back to 85%.
I've been paying into Social Security all of my life, and I want it to be there when I eventually need it! Don't allow them to steal it from us!
Will someone please send Golden one of Krasnov’s used diapers, please?
Keep talking, we'll find you.
This would all STOP if they objected. Treat them accordingly!
They are becoming the enemy.
$3b oil & gas companies
$1.3b close interest loophole in hedge funds
$2t defense contractors fighter jet failures – next war by drones
$$$ B pharmaceuticals using tax dollars to prop up corporate profits
were Congressionally Approved
Many are gop pork spending which are now exposed
yet cultists are pushing blame onto others
The country will listen! Ultimately we support saving democracy!
They will start fighting as they try to build a new government. Each has a different vision for the future:
Tech Bros = technofascism
Heritage Fnd. = theocracy
Russia = authoritarian oligarchy
This must be stopped!
Protest! Resist!
If people would like to save their country, they're going to have to get off their asses and into the streets, by the tens of millions.
They do own the country. You're gonna give them everything.
My SS/Medicare, My Money!
If Musk/Trump take one penny, I will sue them and the US Government. To include the damages from imposing fear, undo stress, causing health issues because of their threats.
We know better.
Sorry Jamie I have lost all faith in National Democrats.
We are on our own now. Fuck you guys.
He was born into ownership and he views himself as the owner of the US, and all of us are his employees. It explains everything he does.
Try: "I'll vote to cut SS if you IMMEDIATELY refund every working American what they paid into it PLUS INTEREST AT CURRENT IRS RATES."
Not enough room to mention but now I wish I kinda did.
In congress.
Phone calls.
At town halls.
In restaurants and airports.
On the streets.
No democracy / no peace!
Democrats seem not to fully grasp what's at stake.
Get rid of Jeffries, he's weak.
Start kicking some actual ass.
That's why we giggle like schoolboys when you say it. 😉
If we can get it, why can't they?
I have deep respect for you and appreciate you.
It appears that Schumer will be giving it all away for some amendments (that won't pass). It's hard to have any faith when most of the Democratic Party doesn't fight the fight.
Vote NO
The word is even in the statute (NEXT)
We need ferocity of resolve from our representatives!!💪🏼
But generally you are right - the Dems are just sitting on their hands.
Local Office #: (301) 354-1000
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. What can we do locally and across the state where we live to fight against the Republicans overturning govt by, for, and of the people? Please advise and we will mobilize. 💪🏼🇺🇸
Americans are stupid they proved that when they voted the Mentally Challenged President in office keep reminding them how bad this is