Ok, some thoughts:
1) this will be one of the biggest civil-military crises this country has ever seen.
2) it will have drastic negative effects on our military readiness and effectiveness
I’ll expand a little on each point below.
1) this will be one of the biggest civil-military crises this country has ever seen.
2) it will have drastic negative effects on our military readiness and effectiveness
I’ll expand a little on each point below.
Reposted from
Lindsay P Cohn
I don’t even have a way to say how bad this would be. I will need some time to collect my thoughts from where this grenade just sent them.
Not that I didn’t expect politicization of the top ranks, but I didn’t think it would be this fast and furious.
Not that I didn’t expect politicization of the top ranks, but I didn’t think it would be this fast and furious.
How much time do I have before your class session? 😁
There are three sides to the civ-mil triangle: the relationship bt the gov & mil, bt the society & mil, and bt the society and gov w respect to things involving the mil.
Some aspects of these relationships have to function a certain way for them to work in/uphold democracy.
Here, the problems are: recruiting, competency, disruption of the personnel system, skewing officers’ incentives in their advisory role, and probably a hundred other things my brain can’t handle rn
indeed, *everything* that's about to happen will have some tie to such benefits
"We told you so" 24/7
there will be 100s of Executive Actions on Day One that will establish trump as de facto dictator.
They have already said it will be shock and awe.
What part do people not believe?
I wonder if the Thaddeus Kosciusko statue at West Point will be torn down, since TK was pretty "woke" for his time?
If purges in USA will go so far that Pułaski and Kościuszko will be targeted, even they will be angered by such attempts.
BTW Should POL expect refugees from USA? There might be some undocumented immigrants.
They forget Russia also stabbed them in the back in 1939.
I know general Polish history - until the end of WW2 it was a constant history of being gobbled up - down to a grand dutchy of warsaw. - or disappeared - by the neighbors.
POL history is a complicated story. It would be a good lesson for USA how fragile is a democratic state.
Also, only the majority of the last 350 years were stormy for POL and Kremlin seems obsessed about this ->
I guess they are so deep into disinformation space, they will not learn from this?
Civil military government crisis exploration
I truly admire your optimism and am going to try to work on myself.
Also, it seems unthinkable, but I’m remembering how often he talked about using nuclear weapons too. It’s hard to imagine the damage he causes will be contained within an American borders.
It is a collective of millions, many of whom harbor modernly-unprecedented malice against fellow citizens bolstered by an even larger group who do not possess either the interest or ability to care/think/believe.