Probably the one he wanted to begin with. I think Gaetz was not a serious pick. Just a favor to derail the ethics report. I think they just wanted to have the bar set so low that anything after seems ok. Not that Trump wouldn't be happy to have Gaetz if he could've.
After gaetz, the bar is pretty freakin low. Bondi is also pretty scummy and has run plenty of cover for desantis, but maybe she’s smart enough to know when she’s going to get her ass sued from the crap they’ll try.
My partner, who’s not as addicted to politics as I am, asked “is this T saying ‘you don’t want him? Fine you get worse.’” I said “she’s not worse. She’s not better, just a different kind of awful.”
The scary part of her is she’s just as bizarre as Gaetz or Oz but she has a bit more ability and thus could be less prone to fucking things up impulsively or administratively.
I daresay, it's better for the President to select someone with some basic familiarity with the role who ISN'T famous for showing porn to her colleagues and HASN'T explicitly vowed revenge on his critics.
kind of weird framing. and she is already getting a pass when she was in the tank for trump to stop the trump university investigation. a loyalist who is totally corrupt but not accused of sex crimes is maybe worse overall because she isn't overtly a dipshit like gaetz
Jesus, I had thought this one had slunk into the shadows.
She was the public face of the Hillsborough county States Attorney's office for a good bit, and the the rumor was they put her there because a) she was a pretty face, and b) they didn't want her fucking up cases.
This leads me to wonder if this is just a cheap Jedi mind trick - nominate an abysmal candidate so that whoever you nominate next seems much better by comparison. Sort of like offering a shit sandwich, then Arby’s as an alternative.
Yeah not so much I think. The end result will be the same except the work will be done without the constant need for public adoration that he would have required. It will be sly and behind the scenes instead.
Sure, she's an improvement, but only because the bar to clear was set so low it would have taken an eclectic crew in a tunnelling device made of unobtainium to find it
surprised it wasn't Mike Davis or Jeffrey Clark. would Bondi do whatever trump asks? would she investigate/arrest/prosecute political "enemies"? is there a way to asses the likelihood of any of this?
We suffered her for eight years while Skeletor was governor of Floriduh. Why wasn’t she his first choice for AG? He could have given Gaetz something less. Like Secretary of the Interior Decorating.
I was thinking maybe it was planned and Trump agreed to offer Gaetz AG so that he would step down and then leak info and force him to withdraw. A lot of non maga republicans hate Gaetz.
I mean at least she’s practiced law and has administered a statewide department
She was the public face of the Hillsborough county States Attorney's office for a good bit, and the the rumor was they put her there because a) she was a pretty face, and b) they didn't want her fucking up cases.
That's the nicest thing I could think up.
(Or Trump’s as dumb as a sack of wet mice.)
It's been a little while, not quite remembering the details
Shameless sycophants.
She might be in a lower section of the eighth circle of the inferno
The one reserved for counselors of fraud