it's cool how Netanyahu is on record saying they have to prop up Hamas to undermine Fatah, and Hamas's funding comes mostly from gulf oil monarchies, and the American press looks at this situation and decides the ultimate responsibility for Hamas's terrorism lies with American College Students
It matters that American college students celebrated a massacre. It does. It's horrifying.
It doesn't mean Bibi isn't evil. (Hamas, too.)
It is disgusting that people find anything to celebrate in any of this. Anyone who can’t grieve ALL of it is a disgrace.
War crimes are not resistance.
I’m so fucking tired of answering this stupid question for close-minded people who can’t even be bothered to do two minutes of googling in their rush to tell oppressed groups their experiences aren’t valid
There’s a word for people who make unfounded negative assumptions about entire religions, you know
Anti-Semitism is wrong. Murder and killing are wrong. But all of us washing our hands of responsibility is wrong too.
Is that wrong? That kind of negative stereotyping based on religion? Kinda seems wrong!
This has not changed.
Unless you want to make the argument that Israel = All Jews, which is dumb.
This is such a damn strawman.
As far as supporting the mass killing of white people, a significant number of leftists do want to [Redacted] the white ruling class
If I could offer one suggestion, don’t feed the trolls, but look for systems and organizations dedicated to oppression and attempted oppression.
Then a professor at Stanford singled out the Jewish kids in his class for shaming/abuse, and Not One of their classmates thought to go stand with them.
That's when I realized it was probably lots worse than I'd thought.
i am irritated that, like bibi, i failed to connect these dots
for bringing this up.
I have a child's view of international power politics apparently.