So…he was connected to the chat on his personal phone? Because that is how top level government officials communicate top-secret information… On their personal phone through signal. Good grief…
And we are supposed to believe him. Isn’t this something he could have said before the transcripts were published? Also, Goldberg did not assert that he was on the texts while he was in Moscow because Goldberg is an honest reporter.
It’s cute he thinks anybody is going to believe anything from this administration because they lie. The problem with the post trutherism they’ve been pushing is that nobody believes them either.
Did he drum up any business in Moscow for his son's Crypto venture with noted business heavies and totally-not-using-dad's name brothers Donald Jr. and Eric?
If he is using a private phone for government business, then Witkoff is breaking the law. If he got someone to jailbreak an official phone or other mobile device so that an unauthorised messaging app could be installed, then he was breaking the law. Lock him up.
Oh, I have no doubt there was lots of illegal/traitorous sharing of information there, but this particular issue - using Signal on a personal device to discuss top secret information - is blatant incompetence.
Or is it even more slightly veiled nefarious workings of a real time way of disseminating information to straight to Russia? He was, after all, there when it happened.
Who had access to your personal phone while away on a "trip"🦅Perhaps you checked in and asked for an update while you were away🦅People are not the idiots you think we are, but what is this group reasoning or excuse for idiocy?🇺🇸
Steve Witkoff Lame Excuse #332: Well, being cost unconscious, I use my personal phone cause the rates are lower, but the risk of rats listening in is higher.
So not only does he confess to using a personal device for his felonious activities but has the audacity to get righteously indignant that they reported such illegalities incorrectly
I’m sure he does, but I think this falls just shy of an admission. He’s saying “I couldn’t have done the bad thing in Russia,” without *explicitly* saying he does it in the U.S.
But he did end up responding to the chat once he returned to the United States, and I take the post to suggest that he did so because that’s when he regained access to his “personal” devices
He then had a super fast plane to the USA, as he was still in Moscow in a meeting, when the attack details were shared in the group chat. He departed in a flight from Moscow later on.
Travelling from Moscow - USA East Coast by plane and then moving to his home in a mere 4-5 hours is quite fast.
If Signal is not permitted on secure phones, they're ALL using personal devices (main problem here, even before saying someone was using an unsecured phone in Moscow). My work blocks Signal at the firewall so it can't be used on the network -- I assume the Federal government does something similar.
What do Republicans care about national security they all were fine with Trump stealing all those documents. The first time I know he’s taking them back to Mar-a-Lago and not a peep out of one republican. They just kept saying how awful it was that Democrats were following the law.
With as much perjury the other "principles" are committing, my default setting is to not trust these fuckers at all. Examine the devices & get to the truth.
It has to be a “private” off the shelf phone. Signal doesn’t work on government issue secure phones. They all were on unsecured phones. It’s the keystone cops playing war with Yakkity Sax playing in the background.
If they had delayed a month or they could have found a way to conduct the murder without taking down the whole building. But they did want to send a message.
Oh when I said I didn’t have access to my personal device, I didn’t mean my personal device. I meant a highly secured device that was issued to me personally for all conversations that are classified - but this wasn’t classified. It was a simple mistake - so it’s fine. It’s all fine.
I represent accused people. This is why you stfu when you’re in trouble. In making what he thought was exculpating statements, SW admitted to having access on his personal device. *bangs forehead on desk*
Basically: "I couldn't have participated in an unsecure group chat about a sensitive attack while I was in a country that has supported the targets of the attack because that was on the personal phone that I left elsewhere. Trust me. The fact that I didn't send messages proves I didn't read them."
I hesitate to comment in a Lawyer-Sky thread, but to this lowly normie that does sound like "other than when I am traveling, I do use my personal phone."
If these folks had any sense at all, they'd take the law advice I've been told is the best and most critical in these situations: STFU😬
Certainly seems to be saying that all of the others not on a secure government phone (= everyone bc signal wouldn’t be on a gov phone) were on personal devices. He’s likely still compromised though.
he did, which makes it even worse if this is true, because if it is, he could have had signal on his secure phone, and instead he had it on a personal and unsecure phone
Exactly, but NSA would report it to... Tulsi, who will conveniently forget about it or dismiss it as fake news (or text Vladdy and say "I know who's sitting next to you right now, Papa Bear")? So that's why I said Witkoff is in the clear.
"There's no one left to call..."
Yes. This implies that this group chat was to his personal number. I believe it likely that every member was using a personal phone and not a secure device.
Yes, he's saying he couldn't participate in grp chat (to which he was added while he was in Moscow, timeline shows) until he returned home b/c he left his personal phone at home (i.e. the phone on which he had and used the Signal app). But wouldn't he have had to accept the invite to the chat grp?
He certainly admitted that there is an ignorant but arrogant clown car driving Americans off the cliff. These guys are all the same.They pick &choose what laws/rules procedures they want to follow because following rules is for suckers. Rules slow these guys down driving down the road to ruin
Why did he have to thank fotus at the end?! Because it seems like every statement made by anyone in this administration ends w/some sort of salutation/praise to the “great leader!”
I am incredulous that the would not check the ties that Steve Witkoff has with Anatoly Golubchik, the russian mobster convicted of running a gambling and extortion ring out of trump tower.
Why would anyone trust what friends of Trump have to say or what they believe? Trump cannot be trusted so why would anyone friend of the man be trusted
So Witkoff didn't respond in the chat until SATURDAY because he's personal phone was at home, and he didn't get home till SATURDAY? .. .to use his PERSONAL PHONE on an unsecured app to communicate TP attack plans with other cabinet level secretaries????
Umm, yes. This idiot doesn’t realize he should NEVER be using a personal device. Every employee of a large company in the US knows that you don’t conduct sensitive work on a personal device. These guys are all dumber than a bag of rocks.
yup. He does have a good defense. Maybe he could just say, "As you can see from the report, I did not say anything in the chat until I had access to my phones after leaving Russia." He didn't need to sound like a victim. STILL, he should have told them to STFU and go to a secure platform.
I retired from the FBI a couple weeks ago. We were told that we had to archive our instant messages that are on the FBI internal network, because they are government records.
So, how do Trump'ers get to use a self-deleting messaging app?
1) They think rules/protocol aren’t meant for them.
2) they don’t want any records of their conversations out there.
3) They all from top to bottom are unqualified, security risks that never passed a real background check.
4) They just aren’t very bright
As I said before, most in the group were too lazy to use the secure phone system or they didn't read the instructions or didn't pay attention how to use them, either way DUNCE CAPS all around.
Any concern that classified information is being sent to a personal cell phone thousands of miles away from the person who owns it? I think the phone being out of his control might make it worse. A little state secret box unattended at his house? That’s supposed to make me feel better?
Not just his personal phone, but on an app that deletes messages. So his involvement, like the rest of the cabinet, can’t be documented and preserved. Unless you accidentally invite a reporter onto the chat.
I doubt it.
Signal is banned from government-issued phones.
Sweet baby jesus
Which fits right in with these folks never developed emotionally beyond grade school.
Pray pray flex flag flag
Travelling from Moscow - USA East Coast by plane and then moving to his home in a mere 4-5 hours is quite fast.
Well, the one any normal employee would go through for something like this, that is.
guy’s a SCHMUCK 🙄🤨
And we didn't need the department of education?
Oopsies 🙄🤦🏻♀️
But her emails....
If these folks had any sense at all, they'd take the law advice I've been told is the best and most critical in these situations: STFU😬
"There's no one left to call..."
security risk!
Second a bad player might have been able to add a participant but not decode the program.
WHY haven’t they realized, a bad player would add a hacked phone. They need to check the reporter’s phone for spyware.
"LOL he texted the wrong person on his personal phone," while dead children are being swept under the rug.
Ken, I'll take Gov't Word Salad for $1000 please
Yes, he did.
And he's too dumb to realize what he confessed. Just as the whole fucking idiot lot.
Isn't that part of the exec...
So, how do Trump'ers get to use a self-deleting messaging app?
2) they don’t want any records of their conversations out there.
3) They all from top to bottom are unqualified, security risks that never passed a real background check.
4) They just aren’t very bright