I’m starting to get the vibe that the consensus amongst the MAGA intelligencia yesterday that this was a coordinated terrorist attack by ISIS through the southern border may have been off a little. On to the next!
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Yeah, they were both service men. It would be closer to
The truth to say this was a coordinated attack from the Army (even though that’s not true either but it at least takes some facts into account).
Words are important. Wives do not "break up" with their husbands. We divorce them, usually for a significant reason. Probably because she saw a crap ton of 🚩🚩 and got out like a smart cookie
Others say they were already divorced, and she was critical of Trump on social media and is a Democrat. IDK, but I would find it very difficult to remain married to a die hard Trumper for many obvious reasons. The cheating would be the final nail, right?
These two had one thing in common - both were in the middle of divorces with custody aspects. At least one was staring at a mountain of debt. These are things that will derail people.
Well we can all breathe a sigh of relief. I'm guessing the "immigrants eating pets" disaster was handled by Delta Force or something because it doesn't come up anymore. Just point Delta Force at this new ISIS lie and everything will be great!
MAGA intelligencia?! Oh my God, I may have just pissed myself a little, and I think I pulled a muscle. That's like what... vegan wolves? When the MAGA intelligencia have a meeting, do they drink non-alcoholic beer and eat jumbo shrimp? You're killin' me, Ron.
Why in the world would they blur the face of the baby and not his poor wife? Baby’s faces all look the same and this woman already has enough to worry about.
So the world is just to absorb the actions and destruction created by angry men when things don't go their way? Tbh I think the MAGA movement is just a vehicle for these people to express their frustrations. The MAGA policy contradictions show the emotional aspect of it all. This is scary shit.
This guy was a huge tRump supporter. He was mad at tRump for breaking his promises.The New Orleans attacker was a Trumper as well. Claiming to be an ISIS believer is so rich, since Donny said he eliminated ISIS.
I never thought that they were linked. Very different mo’s.
I think that this guy wanted to go out with a bang (fireworks) and be linked to his true love, Trump.
The Tesla still has me wondering whether he also wanted to be tied to Elon but not sure if in a positive or negative way.
I'd say it's not blame but was a contributing causative factor. To me, the wife was strong enough to walk away and he wasn't sound enough to handle it.
But why *primarily* mention his wife? Why not his current job, his current income, his medication, his mental health history, his likely domestic abuse, his education, his arrest history, his ammo fixation ... or anything else before his relationship?
I'm with you on that. His actions are his own. I'm grateful that you've shone a light on this nonsensical, extenuating circumstances explanation. He was aiming to injure or murder people.
It’s absolutely not a contributing factor. Women are cheated on beaten raped, and we don’t burn people alive.
Can we please stop normalizing this patriarchal nonsense? He did it bc he’s an entitled pos who felt he should be allowed to burn ppl alive bc his little man feelings got sad
It’s how headlines subconsciously work. Note that they didn’t say “he had a terrible taco earlier that day” or “he was listening to sad music the whole ride”. They say “his wife broke up with him”. So what’s the implied reason they’re making that he’d blow up a car? Most people think “oh that’s why”
Which notably… is not a reason to blow up a car. The reason you blow up a car is because you’re reacting disproportionately/irrationally… but that headline says no, it’s “rational” BECAUSE she broke up with him. That’s the reason. The onus on him lessens because it’s “a consequence of what she did”
Yes, absolutely that’s the implied reason, or possible reason that he did it. Absolutely. Obviously. But that’s not blaming the woman. At least as I interpreted it. Then you read past the headline and the story says she knew he was cheating on her. Maybe you thought they blamed her. I did not.
I don’t think they are blaming the woman. If this is correct, it’s just a factor that may help explain his action but doesn’t justify his action in any way. If every time a guy gets dumped he blews a truck, we would be in trouble.
Do you take that heading as justification for anything? Often in school shootings the say that the perpetrator was bullied. It’s not a justification, it’s a fact (or not). Nothing justifies this type of violence.
What headline? I'm talking about individuals constantly offering up possible reasons why "a brave veteran" could do such a thing? Maybe he was just an awful human being. Case closed.
Mental illness impact both grown men and teenagers. That appears to say that mass murder is more excusable if you are a teenager. Something must be wrong with the person for such lack of empathy, I don’t think age plays a part in that.
Bc she made him sad. Men aren’t responsible for their actions….
But stay it dickens me that they put her face up there and the language is heavily about HER actions not the fact he burned ppl alive while cowardly shooting himself so he didn’t suffer
If this is the case we do have a common thread. Livelsberger wife left him. Jabbar’s second wife got a restraining order against him during their divorce proceedings.
I think this what the conversation needs to focus on. Extremism, yes. But this too.
His wife left him…who knows what he’s seen while serving the country…he committed suicide (JMO) while surrounded by the two men he seemed to worship the most. Trump building….Musk car…sorry, I have too much spare time to think about it all. 😉
Maybe it finally sunk in that he’d been conned by the snake oil salesman & star boy. Probably lost friends/family etc… Couldn’t handle the humiliation of facing the truth.
He was deployed in Germany. Came home for the holidays. Then, well he did a thing. It’s tragic on the personal level. We might never know what message he was trying to send or to whom. Suicide is a tragic, life altering experience for the survivors, of which I am one. Prayers to his family.
We still have to catch the language that blames women and is so ingrained in us regardless of political ideology. This is why these women turn into the patriarchal crumb maidens they are.
Voting for Pervy Don then also shooting yourself in the face and setting yourself on fire in a Tesla you can’t afford is sort of what his entire base did.
It's probably not kind to say it, but I'll bet this ending is a big load off that woman's mind. A crazy ex is a constant worry; now she can raise her kid without worrying about this violent thug grabbing the child. I wish they had not posted her photo. If I were her I'd get a new look ASAP.
Yes. And the MAGAt gang is full of cowardly stalkers. I had a stalkerish ex years ago who has since died, and even though I now live in another country I was surprised at the relief on learning of his demise. From natural causes, I hasten to add.
I can imagine. I had a former ex stalker too. Tracked me from MI to SC somehow. Have no idea what happened to him. Thank goodness. It is a different life when you can not be worried every moment.
I wasn't terribly worried; he was a coward at heart but the last thing I ever wanted was to see him turn up whining. The only reason I found out was when I retired, I wanted to verify he didn't have any claim on my Social Security. His obit said he'd had 3 more wives... no mention of me. Win-win.
And he shot himself just before the fire ignited--what a tragic waste of a life and a family! There. must've been some way to reach him before he killed himself; if only he'd reached out to a friend or therapist! Now his child will grow up without ever really knowing him.
it is a falls flag. tRump and President Musk want to declare Marshall Law. the richest man in the world can find a body, put it in a self guided vehicle and blow it up in front of a building...no problem.
What's gonna happen if hedgehog doesn't get confirmed - will he blow up on trump, congress or somewhere in America? Red flag warnings are out there; sad that our military are responsible for these acts of violence here on American soil? Are Rs listening/watching re: military mayhem in the USA?
These manly men sure are emotional. Wife dumped him for cheating. He can't handle that? Weak. What statement was he attempting? Did he realize Chump doesn't care about Qmaganon, or did he think he was warning Chump about E Lawn? Clearly, his widdle break up that he totally deserved set him off.
You know rates will go up on those trucks now. Locking you inside .... what a feature. They're already on recall. HNCI. Hope No Children Involved. I can't read the article.
And WOMEN are too emotional? Both of these guys were motivated to senseless acts of violence because of divorce/rejection? Maybe this is why the GOP wants to outlaw divorce and make women sex slaves. So men will stop acting like spoiled, bullying children.
"Tough as s----h" has a certain ring to it lol. I know the "c word" is very derogatory, is "s----h" considered the same? Have the impression it was coined by men in the Fifties. Sounds sexist to me?
There are exceptions but I find women typically stand their ground when men falter and fail.
Nah…facts don’t matter to those nimrods. Fox will keep reporting that it was illegals and maga will become even more bigoted, racist and wrong before they have even eaten their next pop tart.
They have limited ability to critically analyse and no ability to remember.
Yeah, it is called separation. It generally happens at the beginning of a divorce, unless one party decided to blow themselves up. Then there is no need for a divorce.
Well, yeah, he blew himself up. At best she is gonna get interrogated. And no pension. At worst, well, you have seen the crap Trump has been spouting. She could lose custody of the kid.
Well you learn something new every day, I hadn't realised that there was a 'MAGA intelligencia', I had assumed they were all bitter, feeble minded cretins or crooks. Who'd have guessed?
They have to keep the immigrant terrorist lie or confront the inconvenient truth that America treats veterans with service-related mental illness like dogshit. It’s easier just to say “Thanks for your service” as you ignore vets & demonize immigrants.
Imagine your entire personality being so MAGA that to show your (un)dying support for Dear Leader you rent Prez Musk's...truck? And fill it full of fireworks and all sorts of flammable stuff, then unalive yourself inside it in order to prove your love for Leader because no one loves you anymore. Sad
Be a lover not a hater. Thank goodness she was able to get out before it was too late. Imagine having to live with a Trump lover. I would be running too. A couple working together beats and hater that divides. Best wishes to her and the life that awaits. Dreams can come true.
This is a sad but an example to point out how our soldiers need proper care. An open line of communication and support. Then we have Hegseth trying to take important care away?! This guy can’t run our defense.
What exactly is the connection between splitting up with your wife and renting one of Musk's duds to suicide in out the front of one of Trump's hotels in a sparkly fireworks explosion when you're a full blown MAGAt?
Generalized, ambulatory spite. It doesn't matter so much *who* gets hurt, as long as *somebody* does. Cruelty and harm is regarded as an end in itself by these people.
I overheard 2 older gentlemen at the deli counter in Publix "I'd have shot him to his face, dat dat dat, no question. These insurance MFs are worthless"
I looked at them, they kinda haha laughed & said oh sry. I said "hopefully u never hate the deli workers making sandwhiches 🤦♀️
These MAGA alpha males are all going to, dare I say, "explode" with anger towards Trump and his not so MAGA administration. They're about to find out, Trump doesn't give two shits about them.
I predict this is just the beginning.
This^^^^ The MAGA cult has little instinct of self- preservation. The emotion of hate overrides the ability to be reasonable. Of course the plan was to use them as useful idiots because of their own impulses that they could not control. Those same impulses can turn on a dime pretty quickly.
I think we are in for some very rocky times when they start to perceive enmasse that they’ve been royally screwed. Fealty can turn on a dime and I doubt Cheetolini and his fellow fascists have the ability to keep the long con much longer. Cracks are starting to appear. We must exploit.
I’d say for the tide to turn, the MAGAts have to be hurt terribly by their own cult leader or the cult leader dies or some other major event that alters perception/emotion. Cults are not transferable. These fascists are attempting to do their worst, that’s going to hurt many and can’t be hidden.
Democratic leaders must stop bringing pillows to a knife fight. Use the tools available to protect the American people from the Trump-Musk MAGA fascists. Voting, donating, volunteering, peacefully protesting has not worked. Sign the petition.
Full statement here: https://www.change.org/WeThePeople-DemandActionNow
Exactly…there is a possibility that the FO part of FAFO is going to manifest sooner than later. The GOP propaganda machine is pretty good but gaslighting only works if the targets of such gaslighting are not being hurt and they will be hurt. Fascists can’t help but turn on their supporters.
I think the scary thing is MAGA has been talking about civil war for years, with Trump stoking it. He never imagined he would be the focus of the wrath.
And the NOLA killer had major $ problems, in part bc of divorce, and his wife recently wouldn't allow him to see his kids bc he'd been behaving erratically.
Sure would be nice if the #right weren't rabidly opposed to the US finally starting to teach #emotionalintelligence to schoolkids.
no it was gay trans libtard frogs and lizard people who are aliens with bigfoot, being directed by Dr. Fauci to force trans surgery and vaccinations on children. I think that covered everything
Control the 48 news cycle, every two days.
Ok that’s the strategy Donald, let me explain it in more detail. Watch Fox News and just tweet the first thing you think of. The red heads will do the rest.
Just another sad little magat cultist. He literally killed himself for attention from his cult daddy, and Trump couldn’t give less of a shit. 😂 one down, 70 million to go
The truth to say this was a coordinated attack from the Army (even though that’s not true either but it at least takes some facts into account).
All things serve the Big Lie.
Words are important. Wives do not "break up" with their husbands. We divorce them, usually for a significant reason. Probably because she saw a crap ton of 🚩🚩 and got out like a smart cookie
Izzie Zenning.
That drips so much sarcasm somebody better get a mop.
It must be Iran, nuke 'em!
I think that this guy wanted to go out with a bang (fireworks) and be linked to his true love, Trump.
The Tesla still has me wondering whether he also wanted to be tied to Elon but not sure if in a positive or negative way.
We should just be glad she wasn't in the passenger seat.
The word “manly”, in this case, does not mean what they think it means.
Five dollars on him being an abusive narcissist. 😉
But why *primarily* mention his wife? Why not his current job, his current income, his medication, his mental health history, his likely domestic abuse, his education, his arrest history, his ammo fixation ... or anything else before his relationship?
I'd love to see those court docs!
Saying he ‘partly’ did it bc his wife left is like saying a woman is ‘partly responsible’ for her rape if she wears a short skirt,
No no no no no
Can we please stop normalizing this patriarchal nonsense? He did it bc he’s an entitled pos who felt he should be allowed to burn ppl alive bc his little man feelings got sad
Yes. sarcasm. "Look what she made me do." Ye gods.
You know the media groups that support banning divorces
But stay it dickens me that they put her face up there and the language is heavily about HER actions not the fact he burned ppl alive while cowardly shooting himself so he didn’t suffer
I think this what the conversation needs to focus on. Extremism, yes. But this too.
Investigators are trying to figure out why he didn’t ...
Blame the woman who broke up with them.
Ta Da! Manly men not responsible 🤗
Balls mean strength and "pussy" means weak in our traditional male-dominated verbal culture naturally.
There are exceptions but I find women typically stand their ground when men falter and fail.
They have limited ability to critically analyse and no ability to remember.
in the US.....it's a reason for mass murder
Good one. Thanks for the chuckle.
It likely sparked it.
What am I missing?
Does anyone else get it?
I looked at them, they kinda haha laughed & said oh sry. I said "hopefully u never hate the deli workers making sandwhiches 🤦♀️
Perhaps the misspelling was intended to illustrate that there’s no such thing. 😉
I can verify that it’s an oxymoron.
I predict this is just the beginning.
Full statement here:
he said it to their faces
months before
they voted for him
Investigators are trying to figure out why he didn’t ...
Sure would be nice if the #right weren't rabidly opposed to the US finally starting to teach #emotionalintelligence to schoolkids.
But I suppose it doesn’t really matter if you’re talking about something that doesn’t exist.
Ok that’s the strategy Donald, let me explain it in more detail. Watch Fox News and just tweet the first thing you think of. The red heads will do the rest.