They arrive hostile in enemy positions. Attack attack attack. Trying to knock out his power, reputation and authority. He listens, acknowledges and answers back with civility. After about five minutes they realize if they don't turn it off they will look like lunatics. They turn it off.
Would it be possible to do that without not only conceding, but completely agreeing on a big Trans right issue with Kirk? Of course Kirk isn't going to attack anymore when the Governor of California just acknowledged that he agreed with Kirk. Did I miss something said later that refuted that?
He was talking about competitive sports and fair competition. It wasn't about people being trans, it was about fair competition. If two people are going to compete fairly they should be fairly matched. You don't see heavy weights in boxing matched to lightweights.
Kirk specifically suggested the Governor say no to males in female sports. The Governor conceded, and agreed with Kirk on that topic, saying it was about fairness, inferring that he agreed with the premise that it is inherently unfair. At best he fumbled. However,he made no attempt to recover. (1/2)
I have MAGA family and they love Bannon. They are not changing their vote because of an interview with Newsom. Heck, they still believe Trump won 2020.
More people than just bannon followers will watch.
I disagree with it being a stretch too. it's not just about gaining voters, it's also about weakening the conservative base, dispelling the lies about the left. We have to be in their space telling our side.
The recent Sam Seder video would dispel everything you just said. That level of ignorance is ingrained at this point. They don't even agree on basic facts.
A Bannon interview does what exactly? He appeals to the hardcore Maga base and has since day 1! I don't see the gains! But I hope I'm wrong
Give them something to vote for instead of trying to appeal to corporations and moderate republicans. Most “leftist” policies poll in the 60% + in favor. The “don’t vote” rhetoric doesn’t hold water when you don’t embrace extremely popular policies.
We literally just lost by a fraction because your leftists were willing to stay home instead of voting for the better of the two options.
What we have learned in the last two losses is that there is a small loud sideshow group in our party who like to throw tantrums when they don’t get their way.
“By a fraction” but in reality the Dems lost 10 million votes they got in the last election, so you lost more voters than just the deep left and those protesting the ongoing genocide. Running as Republican-lite when there is a Republican candidate already doesn’t make much sense.
I love watching Dems slowly realize what a complete piece of shit Newsom is and always has been. Harris is right up there as well. CA is not sending our best people.
Remember that he was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle. Which makes him rather suspect. How do you marry someone like that if you are a values driven person. He may be a chameleon.
It's like he forgot he has to get TO the general first. Not only that, if he became a regular at Mar a Lago and somehow did, they'd still basically run on "Don't California My Shithole" in every other state.
Yeah, he’s just acting like he’s got the primary all wrapped up. I get trying to win the center, but I don’t think Steve Bannon or Charlie Kirk’s audiences are the center. So he’s platforming literally the worst people on the Right with no obvious benefit and hurting himself in primary.
They are courting these guys to see how they think and operate. Like it or not, these guys have massive followings,and if Gavin can tap into that, it will help the cause.
Not sure why thinks it's a good idea to give these MAGAts a platform to spew hate and lies. Bannon is the devil incarnate. Newsom is showing his true colors--i'll never vote for him for anything.
Had to look up what this was all about. Figured it out. But also I found out some other interesting things.
Isn't it peculiar that Montana, Nebraska, and Oklahoma had openly trans legislators but California hasn't had any, yet ? Now the California governor is agreeing with Kirk on Trans issues?
1.I think there are a lot of Dems who are let's say backed by corporate mostly to point that they have become dependent on it. Corpors back GOP so they are leaning that way
2. Trying to disassociate themselves from more left leaning Dems and trying to portray themselves as centrist
3. Idiots
Combine this with the Reagan messaging the Dems suddenly ramped up, and it’s looking like their national strategy for 2028 is to present Newsom as Reagan 2.0
I reserved judgment until I heard it. We need to be informed before making snap decisions. After listening, my ears are bleeding. No one should give Steve bannon a microphone or platform. His words are dangerous and beyond cultish. Political suicide for Newsom
Fetterman is disappointing, but this is beyond anything I would’ve imagined. Newsom is quickly alienating the same folks that prevented his recall 2 years ago
Gavin, are you frick'n kidding me??? You're losing support with stupid antics like this. You better stop before it's too late.....or maybe it's already too late.
I am shocked. He worked hard as a surrogate for Biden, endorsed Harris, then mostly disappeared until the California wildfires. Is trump still withholding aid to CA?
Been screaming for years now that this guy is not our friend and should be nowhere near the White House. Glad he’s making it more obvious now for the people in the back.
The solution is to take platforms AWAY from nazis 🤦♀️
How often do you see MAGA reaching out to Democrats?! I’m sick of Democrats doing more to reach out to people who hate us instead of firing up a base of Left/Center voters who are starving for real leadership.
Wtf is Gavin doing? Does he think he's going to have these "worst of the worst" on his podcast and have a GOTCHA moment? He's only giving them press exposure where others aren't FOR GOOD REASON. I can't with him anymore.
Sheesh first Charlie Kirk now Bannon. If Gavin thinks he is setting himself up for a 2028 run, he is going the wrong way about it. No. Freaking. Way. 🤬
I really think he is setting himself up for a run in 2028 and thinks by pandering to the nutjobs he can get some Maga votes. In the meantime he is losing Dems.
I thought he would too but with such an insanely bad start I am very disappointed to say the least. I am wondering about Mark Cuban. What you do think of him?
I don’t get the whiplash of talk to the other side to understand why we’re losing / how dare you have a convo with the other side? Which is it dude? Yea we all agree bannon sucks. But you gotta learn why we keep getting beat too.
WTF is wrong with this guy? Is he going to dump his wife and kids and go back to Guilfoyle and then decide he is secretly MAGA? Regardless, this guy is dead to me, I will never vote for him again for any job.
Meanwhile and are out there not chatting with Steve Bannon but leading their states effectively and with moral courage.
Anyone who claims this is reaching out to the other side of the aisle has no fucking ideal. You can't reach out to Nazi loving fascists and their cult members. I can see how Newsom was involved with Kimmy G now. Birds of a feather....
I can't figure out if this is sheer stupidity or grift on his part. I halfway suspect he was heavily involved behind the scenes with the Biden bashing last summer. I still haven't forgotten about cancer on the party.
Ugh! What is he doing? I might have tuned in to his podcast to learn a bit more about him in case he makes a run for president, but he totally shut down that idea. I have no earthly desire to listen to either of his guests and can't imagine who outside of RWNJs would.
Are Dems starting to sound like the right? Scroll and read the comments. Is Bannon a P.O.S? YES! How about wait to see what he says to him and then if it's shit we can 🔥 his reputation to the ground. we are watching. Keep it legit and hold him to facts, don't platform hate
He's talking to the guy. So fkng what? I am sure he will be talking to people you approve of too. Newsom has decades of credibility on progressive issues, and you discard him because he is talking to people you don't like?
These people don’t need anymore of a platform.
And yes, we will all vote for him if he’s on the democratic ticket next … especially if it’s maga on the other end
His MAGA outreach cred is approximately zero, but I could be won over if he actually makes any meaningful inroads with this. Still, it's an awfully Vichy move for a moment when monolithic resistance seems to be the order of the day.
I’m sorry but this is a dumb take. He is platforming Nazis. And he isn’t debating them, he did promote Charlie Kirk, you’re just wrong. And maga is not going to tune in.
Maga is not going to watch him. I think he is not going to run for President. I think he and his backers are aiming for a stake in the Independent media movement. He is announcing that his views are independent of the Democratic party. He has always been slick and phony.
Because he's a crypto fascist. Look at who he has connections too -- you don't have that many connections to the fascists running this country without being one yourself.
He's good at dealing with trumpsters. But, my money's on Witmer or Pritzker. You need someone who can slam back has charisma, and stands firm in his/her beliefs. Newsom is missing at least one of those.
But Gavin Newsom 👇👇👇
I disagree with it being a stretch too. it's not just about gaining voters, it's also about weakening the conservative base, dispelling the lies about the left. We have to be in their space telling our side.
A Bannon interview does what exactly? He appeals to the hardcore Maga base and has since day 1! I don't see the gains! But I hope I'm wrong
What we have learned in the last two losses is that there is a small loud sideshow group in our party who like to throw tantrums when they don’t get their way.
Newsom sliding to the right, throwing trans people under the bus, treating these guests as normal people worthy of debating, etc, is not my cause.
Isn't it peculiar that Montana, Nebraska, and Oklahoma had openly trans legislators but California hasn't had any, yet ? Now the California governor is agreeing with Kirk on Trans issues?
2. Trying to disassociate themselves from more left leaning Dems and trying to portray themselves as centrist
3. Idiots
Yes, he in effect is sane washing Bannon, but the listeners are the ones that need to be reached!
How often do you see MAGA reaching out to Democrats?! I’m sick of Democrats doing more to reach out to people who hate us instead of firing up a base of Left/Center voters who are starving for real leadership.
Dems are SO behind on messaging -- TY Gavin for stepping up 👏
This is wrong very wrong !
His national aspirations are finished.
the over 6 foot slick CEO gimmick has never proven itself a viable choice by gimmick-alone you’re a fucking bitch.
America is crashing politically and economically, and threatening global peace; it’s a shitshow…
It’s nice to know that Gavin is going to be OK with his Podcast…
I was so worried for him…
And yes, we will all vote for him if he’s on the democratic ticket next … especially if it’s maga on the other end