Theb" trans" formation crowd people who were inntheirnpeim won the 80s. Had a lot of transformative care to try and look like they are again in the 80s. She's 70.
Background check: convicted of sex crime. Or fraud. Or stiffing your workers. A f have deep pockets willing to share with Trump. Oh and being a traitor is a plus.
I’m hearing the theme song of Weeds when I look at the Mar-a-Lago maven’s
“ Little boxes on the hillside little boxes made of ticky tacky…” but only because I presume that they’ve all had some rejuvenation done on their undercarriages as well. (Gotta keep it tight for the sugar daddies 😂)
Based on the skin below the throat and around the eyes this would seem to be a woman in her seventies cosplaying as a truck-stop prostitute. Not a bad impression, but she really needs to find someone whose hand shakes less to help her with the lipstick.
A lot of bedazzling has gone into this lady’s tank top. It’s not the normal W Palm Beach aesthetic, that is. She must be on a pilgrimage from Sheepshead Bay.
Hard to know what her every thing frame of reference is? Like a tick? It knows only a chemical in blood and warmth. Compassion and empathy for its host, the beauty of non existent - not even capable. Uber rich and powerful = tick. Host, the rest of us
Does that background check include any questions about lip-fillers and breast augmemtations? Because it sort of looks like that's a requirement. All of these women look the same. I mean, to each her own... but I'm gonna stick with a more natural look and pass on the invite.
yeah... if you're white, it's likely... if you're a blonde female, it's even more likely, and if you're smiling and wearing a "I'm Stupid" hat... your chances are really good!!
and fake Tits, fake Hair, fake Smile, too much Makeup and Dumb like the rest of the Orange Monkey's Menagerie of Stupid barbies
Press Barbie
InJustice Barbie
Assault Barbie
Law Barbiie
Goes with fake tarifs, fake fentanyl, fake violent immigrants, fake pet eating Haïtiens, fake news, fake election… therefore, fake president.. there, I tied that nice with a pretty bow on top..
Yes, they are suspicious of putting vaccines into their bodies, but any old botchulism toxin will be fine, and some “fillers”, whatever they are, and plastic bags of silicone…. 😖
“Jesus wept” (John 1:1) because He experienced & understood the same feelings as those around Him. Shame the current administration has no such humanity or compassion.
That's quite a fetching ensemble; I'd love to see her in the cult leisurewear. "Trump was right about everything". A single counter-example renders that assertion false.
Trump said if Biden was elected there would be a stock market crash, and an economic depression.
In addition to 30,000 other lies
When the Trump cultists get dressed up, they retain the essence of the casual wear motif, and enhance it in ways that reflect their inner profundity.
Citizens from other countries are agape.
Still trying to figure what FOTUS was ever right about? He has Biden Derangement Syndrome and needs help. He can't stop talking about Biden. Biden this, and Biden that.
You think she’d be able to afford better hair extensions, and a smart phone to watch TikTok videos on how to apply make up at her age. Also, I’m her age.
I don't know her name, but I believe she is the leader of a group they call the Trumpettes. Yeah, it's kinda like HS for them. I suspect they weren't very popular back then, but came roaring back!
Is fucked up ugly plastic surgery a requirement for maga??? Good gawd no thanks! I'll keep my 69 years old original parts! That much plastic stay away from open flames. JS
Also, did someone never teach her that eyeshadow is supposed to go across your whole eyelid, and not just dabbed on randomly?? Can these women not look up makeup artist videos on YouTube, like the rest of us?
That is a straight up fucking ghoul. I would rather die than ever touch a woman like that or have to spend one second hearing her abhorrent political views.
The background test questions are:
1. Will you defend the 1/6/21 attack, cop beating & attempted assassination of VP Pence?
2. Will you ignore 17 counts of Tax Fraud, 34 Felonies , Charity Fraud, Sexual assault and endorse serial infidelity?
Answer Yes, & pass the loyalty test
Just to see how much they have in their bank accounts, who they voted for, and if they're sex offenders - the orange turd seems to like those evil bastards.
I’ll keep my fine lines and aging skin, thank you very much
Her MAGA stylist has done her dirty there. She needs a much higher neckline!
Who did you vote for?
It’s not like trump keeps boxes of Americas nuclear secrets there in some random bathroom with a chandelier in it
I suspect if pay is big enough we can forego the pesky details of what you’ve done in your life.
But no silicone.
“ Little boxes on the hillside little boxes made of ticky tacky…” but only because I presume that they’ve all had some rejuvenation done on their undercarriages as well. (Gotta keep it tight for the sugar daddies 😂)
" What well did she come out of?"
owned a brothel in the Yukon, Canada during the Gold Rush..
He tried to return to Germany & a *Royal Decree ordered FTrump to leave Germany & never come back for failure to serve*.
original *bone spurs* cowards🤡
There's your background check.
Press Barbie
InJustice Barbie
Assault Barbie
Law Barbiie
Chip and Dale musta been the plastic surgeons on that one!
she's smuggling out a few of those "delicious chocolate cake"s Donnie raved about in an interview in Donnie 1.0
"Are you white?"
They are flexible with the 2nd if one is super loaded or viewed as a useful idiot.
Guess we know they came from behind now
Sedno Wonever.
Trump said if Biden was elected there would be a stock market crash, and an economic depression.
In addition to 30,000 other lies
Citizens from other countries are agape.
Head asap. 🤢
A: Hell no. Nothing is real, sweetie, including these. (Squeezes breasts)
Q: You’re good to go, ma’am.
1. Will you defend the 1/6/21 attack, cop beating & attempted assassination of VP Pence?
2. Will you ignore 17 counts of Tax Fraud, 34 Felonies , Charity Fraud, Sexual assault and endorse serial infidelity?
Answer Yes, & pass the loyalty test