But still "both parties are the same" ... yeah, right. That's the intellectually lazy take that is typical of the people who support the end of democracy and an oligarchic takeover of not just govt but the rest of society as well.
Loomer is pushing "I am actually competent" vibes which, even looking at the current clown car occupants, just doesn't scan. Leave her gills flapping. Bigger fish to fry.
They are in terms of weakness. Neither party is doing much to stop this fascist shit show. Dems are weak, and have been for decades. No backbone, too quick to acquiesce. Repubs enable the worst of their party. The result is the same.
This attention-seeker almost had me agreeing with her until she "both sides" this shit. I can say a lot of things about Dems but they are not stunningly incompetent like these assclowns.
Same. That’s exactly when I was like, yep, thank goodness I don’t have to compliment her for actually saying something sensible. Whew, dodged that bullet.
Yyyyyyip. I have plenty of words for the dems in this moment- just scroll my feed- but maga has made it abundantly clear just how much competency we've taken for granted.
I agree with you completely. Until the phrase both sides, I was thinking she became suddenly normal? She has to go there. I would rather have democrats in leadership over MAGAts forever.
I also hate it here. Not just because I live in a country that is the laughing stock of the world and everyone hates us and our government is impotent and incompetent. But also because this is at least the 3rd time in recent history that I’ve agreed with Laura Loomer.
I’m in the Twilight Zone!
... did she really say that?!
I'm on her fan page on Facebook because she started posting questionable posts and I mean questionable about the right lol she's like really standing up to them I think!
It seems to me that many of the users on X who share her perspective on these incompetent individuals are probably Magats, though I could be wrong. The political landscape’s changing, particularly as we witness healthcare & social security being eroded by their politicians in the news.
Republicans like Loomer can’t own their own incompetence. She has to try the both sides are the same trope. She just can’t find an once of character and simply admit that Republicans are incompetent & #SignalGate was a complete f*ck up.
Still shilling for the abuser that’s thrown her aside. Sad.
She’s not entirely wrong. We have yet to oust Chuck Schumer. Jeffries should go, too.
Too many Congressional Dems are ambling along, not using every tool in their power to stop legislation—Mitch McConnell never did this when the GOP was a minority—instead still voting with Republicans.
As an example, “I’m not a Nazi but I voted to confirm their Secretary of State” isn’t a solid argument (Rubio was confirmed in a 99-1 vote) to defend Dems. I don’t have all day to list Dem’s 2025 voting record but https://house.gov, https://senate.gov can open your eyes.
“Could you state your full name for the record?”
TULSI GABBARD: “I'm not familiar with that.”
“Is your current job title Director of National Intelligence?
GABBARD: “I have not read my official stationery yet.”
“Did Cruella de Vil OK stealing her hairstyle?”
GABBARD: “She stole it from me.”
1. I thought your face was why you hated the Republican Party.
2. The parties are manifestly not the same.
3. What’s keeping you?
4. I’ll bet “Presidential Fluffer” will make that CV slap.
I would say Loomer is probably bipolar or schizophrenic and is having a lucid period. I would feel bad for her if her non lucid periods weren’t so filled with pure evil.
Uh, no. Both parties are as far apart from each other as they can be. Obviously, Democrats are not perfect, but look at the Obama and Biden’s administrations. Was there anything close to the chaos and incompetence?
To her point, it is mind numbing that tens of millions of Americans are buying into the GOP’s spin on this. Critical thinking in MAGA World is contemplating why the chicken crossed the road.
God that women is c***… not even in the same league as Loomer… Coulter has got to eat raw meat and bones… that women is evil to her core… and she hasn’t aged well.. maybe all that hate is exhausting and bad for you… she is the reason I quit Rush and Fox… I just couldn’t with her..
Before we know it, she will be the Bernie Sanders of the Republicans in the post-MAGA, just as MAGA was post-Tea Party clowns. Let’s not be laughing it off, or we end up in the backseat of the clown car.
These fucking ppl need to be fired/resign. They broke the law.
Stop the BS. Fire them.
They are incompetent and GD low lifes. OUT- GO.
Or arrest them. Charge them accordingly.
You’re traveling through another dimension—a dimension not of strategy but of staggering incompetence.
Meet Pete Hegseth, our Defense Secretary, who thinks “SignalGate” is a streaming service and confuses hypersonic missiles with Sonic Drive-In. Leadership? No. Just a long, loud salute to failure.
If she hates it so much, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out! Although she would not get a job anywhere making the money she does now. It’s not funny how they gaslight/project constantly. This is what they’ve been doing the whole time. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.
Sure, Laura, “both sides”. How ‘bout you focus on explaining it to the people in your part of the spectrum because, right now, you/they are the ones that are having trouble seeing it. Meanwhile, we’ll keep asking/nagging/demanding Dem leadership to DO something about the situation.
She can't stand being out on the street and not in the inner circle with a gov job, even after having been intimate with orange turd. She is like Billy kristol, now wanting to be ally of the left because why not? Enemy of your enemy etc
I mean she’s not wrong that they all just use us. Look what’s happening now for example with Schumer. It’s all about what’s best for him not for us. It’s never what’s best for us with 95% of these politicians. My senator Slotkin it’s the same with her. It’s all about what’s best for her.
Yeah she’s on this I live in a purple state BS and that’s fine but being in a purple state doesn’t mean a thing because what you’re up against is an admin breaking the law. Like stop trying to make bipartisanship happen when they’re dabbling in illegal things.
This is the Dunning-Kruger Era...like the complete inverse of the Enlightenment. And it's made all the more hilariously incandescently infuriating by the fact that the KKKristofascist KKKlownshow in power truly think of themselves as the Second Founders.
TWATZIS are far from competent! They’re chosen to be Brown Shirts because they’re worthless and expendable! Suicide Bombing is the fantasy of every MAGA KKKult follower. Right Jim Jones?
She will never forgive being Black Balled by Republicans and told to stay away near the end of the election because of a article that said she might be having an affair with Donnie. 🙄
In some aspects she is so... so close 🤏... to being right and then her massive ego jumps right in her own way and fucks the rest of it all up. Must be a bummer to end up looking like a dumbass every time.
Not true. Afghanistan 8/2021 when 13 service members were killed was a fuck up. I hate Trump, but that was on Biden’s watch. They all need to own it, whether you voted for them or not.
Also, I’m not trying to be a weird, rude Trumper and argue with you. Just my understanding, and I could be completely confusing things, so let me know if I am. I’d love to be wrong in this case.
I completely agree, but Trump didn’t implement. Everyone shied away from pulling out of Afghanistan, it was a hornets’ nest. We should have been better prepared for how quickly the Taliban stepped in. Don’t know whose intelligence that was, but it should have been determined ahead of time.
Nothing should make one lie. It’s called integrity and taking responsibility. And no both Parties are not equal. Just start talking about emails and Benghazi. Nothing comes close. Maybe Valerie Plane but hey that was Republicans
Oh look, reply guy, both sidesing a malignant narcissistic sociopath whose orders are being deciphered because he can't speak coherently to save his life, and Joe Biden, who ran a very tight ship.
It’s not both-sidesing. The biggest fuck up of all time was Joe not bowing out after his first term. He handed Trump the presidency. Also Dems are a decade behind with modern communication. MAGA OWNS social media. Also mistakes WERE made. Israel?
Pretending we are perfect does not win over voters.
Now you're both sidesing policy decisions that were unpopular and not admitting you're too old to do a second term with the absolute fuckup calamity of Signalgate and every single unlawful EO coming out of the White House
Right, shitrael has been committing genocide since 1947 but let's wait to blame Biden in 2024..... when so much was at stake. Thanks for holding your nose and voting for the colored woman, big of you.
That part of the world has been a shit show since forever. Anyone who voted based on what's going on over there vs. the five-alarm fire burning in their own country has their own agenda and it's not about one cherry-picked genocide.
You can’t make that claim because Biden was proclaimed to be not competent enough to stand trial. I do believe he was not fully in charge during his presidency. Therefore, whomever was calling the shots for him did a piss poor job and made him look worse.
That’s not what the report said. Hur never said Biden was “not competent enough to stand trial”. So your premise is faulty. Try sticking with facts instead of carrying MAGA’s water by repeating their narrative.
Hey free thinker, I noticed all your free thinking is largely one-sided.
Try to say something critical about Trump or his cabinet members--because they're all noticeably absent from your "both sides are equal" replies.
No. I would discourage anyone and everyone from entering the US Military at the current time. You can’t trust this immoral group of bastards to do anything the right way. Wait and see what happens in 4 years. Ditto the Military Academies. You can’t trust the Congress to protect them.
She tried multiple times but they just blocked her on reputation… so she gave up.. there are Tweets about her endlessly whining about it.. the unfairness of it all… never mind the unfairness of the fact that 1/3 of the country condemned us to this endless daily shit show…
"I hate it here.... "
Maybe she'll go back to the outer planet she came from... I know.. she could help Melon Husk populate Mars....
Those two plus the Qanon cult will do fine there....
"BoTh pArtIes" fuck off with that, The Dems have not pulled anywhere near the level of egregious and criminal bullshit that the maga republican party has pulled in just the few months of power they have held and holy fuck we still have 1396 days of this, so no not both parties just yours laura
Both sides are crazy, selfish and incompetent. Yet because of Dems, I have healthcare, pension and an education. At least Dems works for us. Republicans works for the billionaires.
The senate selection committee vowed they would not appoint Hegseth and Gabbard (among others) they caved on every appointment except Gaetz. It has taken 2 months to demonstrate their total dereliction of duty. They should all be removed
She's half right. Bingo on the incompetency & covering up by MAGA GOP, big miss on Dems. What Dem, or even pre-Trump GOP, had such hugely incompetent people?
Every once in a while, Loomer says something mildly sane. She is still a really terrible person. I suspect she sees the Republican party and MAGA as two seperate things. Her adoration of Trump will still be intact.
Oh hey, MAGA folks, while I’ve got your attention: There is no “conservative media”. It’s a Russian brainwashing machine. Fox News is lying to you. And Republicans gave rich people a $4.5 Trillion tax cut. They are now ripping apart everything your taxes paid for to buy rockets for Elon. Raise hell.
Same Fox News owned by a billionaire who is married to a Russian with close ties to Putin and who used to be Roman Abramovic’s damn mother in law! Always question ‘who is telling me this and why?’
Call me bamboozled!
I’m in the Twilight Zone!
I'm on her fan page on Facebook because she started posting questionable posts and I mean questionable about the right lol she's like really standing up to them I think!
Tide is turning and she's looking for a moderate lifeboat to save herself and her ''career''.
We're all fucked.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
You can’t be honest or competent and be in the Republican Party because it would make them look bad.
Still shilling for the abuser that’s thrown her aside. Sad.
Too many Congressional Dems are ambling along, not using every tool in their power to stop legislation—Mitch McConnell never did this when the GOP was a minority—instead still voting with Republicans.
As an example, “I’m not a Nazi but I voted to confirm their Secretary of State” isn’t a solid argument (Rubio was confirmed in a 99-1 vote) to defend Dems. I don’t have all day to list Dem’s 2025 voting record but https://house.gov, https://senate.gov can open your eyes.
I disagree, the trump admin is very different from the Biden admin
TULSI GABBARD: “I'm not familiar with that.”
“Is your current job title Director of National Intelligence?
GABBARD: “I have not read my official stationery yet.”
“Did Cruella de Vil OK stealing her hairstyle?”
GABBARD: “She stole it from me.”
This is like Jar Jar Binks being the Emperor….
2. The parties are manifestly not the same.
3. What’s keeping you?
4. I’ll bet “Presidential Fluffer” will make that CV slap.
check mark??
Also, her words too.
About agreeing with her
But this is not the first time
I’ve never had to question the loyalty of the Democrats.
Every day I question the motivations and loyalty of the MAGA/GOP cult.
She never writes this logical stuff unless there’s something in it for her
So what is it?
She just switched bosses - more 💰 or fame from
Putin maybe.🤷♀️ But doing his bidding is what’s in it for her.
When ppl don’t trust entire gov’t, it falls. They give up &sit out, stop resisting &just let it rip. One more way to weaken it.
But yeah that non-lucid is the devil incarnate
If she's getting disillusioned, hopefully the rest of the crazies are too.
Stop the BS. Fire them.
They are incompetent and GD low lifes. OUT- GO.
Or arrest them. Charge them accordingly.
Have a SPA day, and you'll feel better!! 😃
2) They are NOT the same
3) Here hates you too
Meet Pete Hegseth, our Defense Secretary, who thinks “SignalGate” is a streaming service and confuses hypersonic missiles with Sonic Drive-In. Leadership? No. Just a long, loud salute to failure.
Since no one needs to be qualified.
It's the red line. An absolute...
Republicans have been constantly lying and casting aspersions about Democrats and liberals for years, because R's buy it.
Liberals have called Trump and MAGA incompetent, but by your own admission, Republicans ARE incompetent.
Both sides are NOT the same.
We should demand better from our Democrat, representatives, not blind loyalty, like a MAGA followers
Move on in disgust, reader.
You should know by now that money can't buy friendships!
playboy's mushroom appendage and this is the
Pretending we are perfect does not win over voters.
And not stepping down after 1 term.
I just blocked.
“Free thinker” being the red flag.
Try to say something critical about Trump or his cabinet members--because they're all noticeably absent from your "both sides are equal" replies.
Release the Simpson's monkey fight memes!
Is anyone listening or paying attention to her on X?
Perhaps Laura should join BlueSky?
Hell really has frozen over
Maybe she'll go back to the outer planet she came from... I know.. she could help Melon Husk populate Mars....
Those two plus the Qanon cult will do fine there....
This only means she knows the truth and right now chose to speak it. This can change in a second.