1. For the past thirty years I've had the best job in the world.
I've had the opportunity to follow my curiosity; explore the workings of nature and society; mentor students and junior colleagues in the same process; and teach generations of students about it all.
I've had the opportunity to follow my curiosity; explore the workings of nature and society; mentor students and junior colleagues in the same process; and teach generations of students about it all.
A few doses of reality would usually help someone look at things differently, the old " walk a mile in my shoes" advice.
Trump would just say he's being persecuted.
Every day brings new deliberations about how to handle catastrophic cuts and make the best of a terrible situation.
Everyone please check out the website of the University of Zurich or ETH.
Most people also love the clean air and high living standards in Switzerland. Just to let you know …
On top of the devastating hit to research.
And the superhuman crew
Come out & round up everyone
That knows more than they do
encouraged discussions and questions-even of them.
I guess that’s why this regime and allies want them disappeared.