Some mealy mouthed guy: “shut up about politics and just write your books.”
Me: “My dude, what makes you think that my books are any less political than my social media posts?”
Me: “My dude, what makes you think that my books are any less political than my social media posts?”
Try writing an at all believable world without inserting politics, then talk to the author, not before!
'Novel' by
"There was a person. Something happened. End."
Like, bro, nobody tells you how to be a jerk, let me do my thing my way, ‘K?
Also Rs: entertainers and athletes shouldn't be talking about politics!
Gaslighting is so pervasive.
You: "Do you not understand the concept of 'writers?'"
*Those* are going on my Christmas list.
So long as they don’t bother the Witch
Instead, the political content likely emerges naturally from her personal interests and worldview.
I'm surprised he didn't make a kitchen/sandwich "joke".
Human attention is so hard to manage. We think we get to choose which books we ignore but somehow we don't get to do the same for our lives?
We are context dependent.
Where does this 'shut up' horseshit come from? I absolutely hate it.
And that's after I cut a very anti-capitalist chapter out - so scathing it got me riled up
But then he might have put it more friendly.
Said dude should take a long walk off a short pier.
I’m as queer and gay as they come, men jst give me heeby jeebies, cPTSD & all tht…
I ended up blckng him he was a creep. Only rsn my guy friends dnt gve me the heebies is cus ive lrned i knw i can trust thm
If it was good enough for Shakespeare....
Same guy rocks out to We're Not Gonna Take It brought to him by guys in lisptick and makeup. 🥸
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