never liked Gavin Newsom, but he played his hand all wrong. he could have leaned into being lib Darth Vader and ran on a platform of revenge and really gotten some excitement behind him but instead he's choosing to simply be a milquetoast Dem who happens to be evil in his spare time
I personally also think screwing your campaign manager‘s wife is also disqualifying
1. Billionaires
3. Oil & Gas
4. For-profit healthcare CEOs
5. Big Banks
6. Crypto
If we get rid of them, we can take back our party and make them vote on our values and policies
imagine 50 states
like a 2 dollar
he inserted himself countless times in the Presidential election
challenging Trump until he went to turn on the water
so Newsom could use that as political fodder
precious water
can't stand him
That could explain Newsom's desire to run to be seen as a Centrist.
Gavin Skywalker?
Either way, he’s just one person.
There are other options.
Potentially better options.
Goodbye Gavin.
What’s not to like about such a Grade-A schittstain?
Something like Ruble Rubio succumbed to.
That tells you everything you have to know about Gavin Newsom.
We must all promise each other never ever ever vote for him even when the billionaire donors are pushing Dems to do this.
Now that moment is past for him too and we see plain as day that he has the same stale ideas as Schumer and the rest of the gerontocracy.
If honest actors don’t fill that void soon, dishonest ones will
Who among us think of Trump as “eh, he’s alright”? You love him or (like almost everyone here) hate him.
Being a centrist is no winning strat
You'd think they'd at least have one staffer under 50 who was like "Hey, actually, people don't like when you do this shit."
Is that because of the fires ????
or maybe not: right now the odious Andrew Cuomo is, per polls, the leader in the race for the democratic nomination for mayor of NYC
"odious" is, if anything, an understatement
so don't let your echo chamber fool you
Milquetoast Vader.
And, if you knew him from his old SF days, before the Kim G of it all, he had massive promise and drive and fire.
Look, we could have had worse. His Rep opponent for Gov was scary as shit.
But, when you look at the potential he had? So depressing. 😡
Definitely evil, definitely not on your side, and probably kinda low key hoping they get choked.
Honestly, that was revealing of his underlying malleability on issues that should be of principle, but regardless, if he hadn't chosen wrong, he would be gaining huge momentum as we speak.
We need a new alliance to both actually fight for an America where everyday Americans can flourish and actually against fascism.
Dems fight fascism like saving the environment, hardly at all.
That these things even get this far reveals who he does and does not have in his personal bubble.
“Daddy issues” have always been a prime motivator for going fascist.
“No I want to be Theo von”
Do you all not remember HRC not publicly supporting gay marriage until one year before she ran in 2016?
This is the standard. Open your eyes.
Unfortunately the Dems took the wrong lesson from her supporting it back in 1992-93. That is they've been desperate to avoid anyone hating them. Even though there is a whole industry dedicated to that
I was pointing out the fact that the Democratic Party is a centrists party. They are not progressive. They do not have a progressive agenda. They are perfectly happy - as a party - to ride the fence and appease Republican voters.
A new, progressive party is mandated.
He’s not. He’s a craven politician. He’s only interested in himself.
They actually love to elect rich, tan, coastal elites.
He's exactly their type.
he was married to Gargoyle......
They're stealing another election
But I'll vote for him over *any* MAGAt.
If I’m wrong then I do apologize but I don’t care what the “majority” thinks basic human rights are granted to all of us. The majority used to agree with slavery
Excuse me, is the hill genocide?
Please clarify the hill
This world right now that we’re living in is exactly what they wanted and is exactly what they voted for. You just want more of the same.
Worked an angle and got it all wrong.
They only ever fight to destroy any actual representation the poor and working class might get from inside their own party
Screw him. I'm muting his name.
He no longer matters.
Played cards correctly
Infiltration to dig deep
within the machine
studies sociopathy of opposition
Reveals weakness within system
to gage exactly
why they appeal
and to whom
Psychological evaluation
becoming nuanced leverage
avoids chaos
Was just reading what he did when he was mayor in SF and it really is disappointing to see all that potential wasted...he really could have had such a good base of supporters.
Guilfoyle has turned. Gavin, I think, is practicing for his talking points, and I'm not judging him -yet-
Fuck them kids
i still think he’s done well for us in California (at least vs the south…), but I was willing to compromise for the Van Helsing of destroying republicans, not whatever this current weakness is.