It’s amazing how Chotiner manages to regularly flummox his interview subjects via such obscure and outré methods as “reading their Wikipedia pages” and “remembering which felonies they plead out on.”
As a postscript on this, there is a long list of offenses against human dignity that I would like to see Donald Trump burn for, and while returning that fucking ghoul Elliot Abrams to a position of power and influence isn’t the top one, it’s not exactly at the bottom either.
Hoisting this from the replies - i watched this video (despite the odious Charlie Rose) and the level of confabulation Abrams displays here is astonishing. Allan Nairn's side of the table is covered w/manila folders full of documentation and he did *not* come to play.
It’s getting to the point where we need to establish a special name for the type of person who willingly sits down for a Chotiner interview. They’re either completely ignorant of the genre (and I’d argue it basically is one now) or feel so above Chotiner/The New Yorker/the press that they DGAF.
The McKinseyan Candidate was at pains to point out he wasn't on the bread price fixing cartel project, and was working on other areas for other clients during his time at McKinsey.
Perhaps not realising this just reads as "other evil clients who would hire McKinsey for other equally horrible areas"
"How very dare you ask about things I definitely did that are all documented historical facts as well as explicit, unambiguous, premeditated crimes to which I pled guilty?"
Just because a guy did crimes shouldn't overshadow all the non-crime stuff on his CV. He could be a fabulous raconteur who just happened to be on a big crime.
Everyone's gotta play the hand they're dealt. You can work in a bank, do graphic design, be a theatre critic, do a big crime, set crosswords. Everyone's just making the best of what they got.
I couldn’t get past his nonsense.
Haven’t heard from him in a dogs age.
Is this the way you want to go out?
Carried on your shield?
Enuf interviewing and employing the old guard and their sympathizers.
Perhaps not realising this just reads as "other evil clients who would hire McKinsey for other equally horrible areas"
this is one of my all time favorite Chotiners and that’s a high bar