None of that is going to matter when we're bombed and nuked into oblivion. Again, we have no last line of protection and this is just ramming us head on.
Closing the department of education will be a tax INCREASE for everyone else. Each State is going to have to administer and fund schools 100%. And no, Federal Taxes won't be reduced and the States will not get earmarked money to cover the costs. More money for Trump to play with.
Well, for every department they close down, I guess that's less money that we have to send to the federal government. I mean, what do they need our money for if everything is shut down.
Yup, add that to bus and school lunch fees, State tax increase, county mileage tax increase, increased prices of all goods, increase in travel and vacation costs, increased cost of college, increase in across board fees—-balanced with the loss of income, benefits, and pensions. Leopards are full.
Ok. Put the states in charge. Put the money where your mouth is. So take the dept of education budget. Divide it proportionally by state. And give the states all of the money.
How will that help the states that are already the poorest with lowest score ranking states like Mississippi and Arkansas? Who is going to compare how the students in every state are doing?
This complete non sequitur statement is exactly why the Department of Education is being aborted, just like Roe! Trump Education will actually become Republican v Democrat education, and we all know how that's going to turn out. Democrats keep killing babies despite Roe's demise.
It goes deeper than that…DoEd has been of the GOP hit list for decades….if they had it their way every agency would be privatized. DoEd is the agency that implements desegregation and upholds civil rights.
Trumps opinion of when America was great is 1890-1920’s according to him..long before PoC had the rights they have now, before women have many rights they have now. It’s all about reverting this country back to a time when white landowner men had all the rights!
The Pentagon is scheduled on Friday to brief Elon Musk on the U.S. military’s plan for any war that might break out with China, two U.S. officials said on Thursday. I find this a bit more concerning. Where are the Republicans?
Why do they say these tax cuts are permeant if another administration can come in and change it all? Nothing is permeant otherwise Roe would still be in effect.
You should join aoc and bernie.. dems and republican can agree no to oligarchy #democracy #democracia #democrat #republican #america #fucktrump #usa #nokings #resistfacism #notmypresident #bluewave #putinspoodle #patriot #powerofthepeople #50501movement #shutdowngovernment
Blue States need to withold the equivalent amounts of all program cuts to their states and self fund them. How will the Feds function without this money coming in.
Since Trump can close Dept of Education without Congress, what happens if Trump just lowers the tax rate himself? I know we keep talking about a crisis if he ignores a judge but is another angle here.
What if he just orders the IRS to change the tax code?
Take the money and run. These scumbags will rape and pillage this country and all of its wealth until they are finally exorcised. The’ll run to Moscow where they will be welcomed with open arms. Their minions will be left behind to face the music. And look at the propaganda already coming out on their socials. Unreal! I will march and shout and disrupt to protect my daughter’s disability IEP. Whatever it takes. Will you all get loud to protect our children?!
That and their goal to insert Christian Supremacy ideology in all schools, setting up their ultimate goal of instituting a Christian “Sharia Law” society which we will all have to live by. They don’t believe in the Constitution, they only believe in the Bible, & their specific interpretation of it.
I worry about the equity for special needs education. Since education is in control of the States, it has always been this way, the DOE made sure all students were served equitably. I fear some States (red ones) will just forget about these children.
His maga education won’t give privileges to the disabled. Those kids will go back to being treated how they used to be treated. His schools will be militarized
Yes, I agree. Special education provides the accommodations and strategies for success. Education should never be a privilege but it always is a right.
The gothy, vampy, just wants a little respect Elon. Waving around a chainsaw, desperately repeating his flat jokes so we’ll finally get it—and get him—trying to make ‘Dark MAGA’ a thing. (That little war cry he uttered was hella kewt, not gonna lie.)
If u live in a state with few resources, where they teach creationism, where the 10 commandments are on the walls, that attacks science,that whitewashes history like Trump is trying 2 do... be very afraid. Your kids are going to be left behind. They will have no chance competing on a global level.
Trump’s New Confederacy & Republican states-rights advocates win. Secret-ary of Education McMahon: “We are sending education back to the states where it so rightly belongs.”
I anticipate school board meetings are about to be more feisty and the most watched YouTube live videos. Get popcorn ready.
I thought it was too keep everyone uneducated to allow for division and to continue to take advantage of low wage workers. Welcome to the largest serfdom in the world.
hears of a state or local school district doing something he doesn't like. He's already doing it. Look at what he did to Columbia University and the governor of Maine.
Their own people don't see this? they will put us in ridiculous debt for their selfish asses...bc all republicons ever care about is tax breaks for the rich&corporations, they never have any meaningful policy only white nationalism as a cover to steal more money
And… hold States hostage. It wants the power- Dictatorship 101. If they don’t comply, they don’t get funds. Using our children. Wake up Americans!!!!
And they’re taking a highway to hell paved with bones of those they let starve, and die of HIV and measles, and the ghostly remains of untold human knowledge and science, and the hopes and dreams of millions veterans and other Americans to get there. Any questions?
He can't do this, only Congress can. The DOE was established by congressional legislation and signed by Jimmy Carter. Trump DOES NOT have the unilateral authority to do so.
I couldn't read all - it's long, but the parts I did see of Proj 2025 on Dept. Of Ed. are unsettling. It appears (from Linked In) Lindsey Burke has years of study & a PhD in Education Policy, but I saw no time in the classroom teaching. 1/2
They also want to let the red states make their education even worse than it already is. If Texas passes the voucher thing (welfare for the rich), Texas public education is done for, especially in rural areas. Even the rural people KNOW that. But GOP wants it because they LOVE the rich.
The “plan” seems to be have tariffs weaken the dollar to ultimately make American manufacturing more competitive…but you also need to have those jobs be low paying—and you can’t have that without desperate workers who don’t have a solid, formal education.
Spoiler alert: Republicans are raising the debt ceiling. They're not balancing the budget.
**GOP cutting programs, closing agencies, and eliminating tax credits for working Americans to give $4.5 TRILLION in tax cuts to those making over $360,000"*
It's easier to control people who aren't educated because they haven't been tought to think for themselves. Every week Kimmel shows a segment of people on the street and while it's funny, it's pathetic how stupid these people are. They don't know anything about history or the people in it.
The Department of Education did not teach from Cash Patel's book, "The plot against the king." Not enough thanks they didn't have the cards. Putin ordered the closing
Musk, Thiel, and their network dismantling democratic institutions.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Someone needs to explain to me how social security uses government funds. Since it's self funded between myself and my employer where the fuck does the government come into play? They send the checks out and hopefully keep the rolls up today. It's not costing the government billions of dollars
Except when they move all the school loans to Donnie's bank of choosing, charging twice as much in interest and all that extra interest going directly into Donnie's pocket aka his tax cuts.. according to Prj 2025 anyways. On top of the scams they're doing to ss, medicare, the VA, etc.
For the life of me, I don't understand how those words don't make it into just about every single description of what this regime is doing. Particularly when it comes to "Executive Orders." I would wager that far too many people don't follow the "news" carefully, have any real idea what the...
Constitution says, or know the laws that constrain administrative actions... and yet the people who should know better continue to play into the narrative the Regime wants: this is just normal policy differences instead of rampant, illegality and unconstitutionality (and anti constitutionality).
Why help them do that? And yet over and over and over again you see that exact same thing whether it's on the "news", w talking heads, social media, and press conferences. Normalization of the insanity. Unbelievable. If we don't help it get framed correctly, who will?
if politicians really cared about "the people" they would have permanently tied minimum wage to the cost of living which would have put an end to this class war bullshit a long time ago. feeding your own ego is not service ....
Trump and Elon are closing the dept of education so nobody Knows how Stupid they are, Keep the People Ignorant If Your so stupid You can't read a History Book! Or the Constitution. The problem with Trump is there are Stupider and greedier People who will Replace him the Dominos of Republican Stupid
So now my federal tax dollars will be supporting private "christian" schools where they teach kids about white jesus and orange jesus. It's just another grift.
Republicans are willing to revise USA history and they plan to do it through education or should I say lack of education. Xi did it in China. There are a number of phrases that are illegal to say there like 1989 Tiananmem Sq Incident. Dictators lie about events & change the narrative to lies.
They’re closing it so they can raid the remaining funding for that department and redirect it for personal use purposes.
That follows for any departments they’re in the process of closing. That money has already been approved by Congress, spent and is in a fund waiting to be raided.
Red states have never been interested in education. The more uneducated the voter, the easier it is to control them. It's one of the tenants of facism.
Not the simple, Adam. Before this shit is over, Pell Grant money to name but one type, will first be said to be missing & point the finger @ Democrats & we all know who the frigg’n thief will in fact wind up being in the end.
YOU were all on board with that not long ago; you supported Trump blindly. You've never shown true contrition for your moral failings. Step in or step out, now. Stop playing lawyer ball. In your case, you need to be public about how wrong you were. Not in your beliefs but in who you chose.
tRUmp voters in poor red states bout ta get broadsided when their kids no longer get Pell Grants or federal student loans for their kids’ in college. No pity for the brainwashed maga parents but my heart hurts for the kids and my kid and all our kids. 💔🤬
Didn’t you vote for the original Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which basically helped the wealthiest people in our country the most by making their tax changes permanent, but the lowest income earners tax changes temporary? Why are you outraged now?
That is the most innocuous reading. They are trying to privitize everything and in this case, give the money to private RELIGIOUS schools so that OUR tax dollars goes towards pushing THEIR religion.
Hi. What's the on-the-job drug testing policy for government contractors?
Asking for a south african contractor who's constantly high... someone should check on that.
I am so sorry for you, luckily I am an Norwegian living in Norway. But I am afraid prayers are not enough now. You have to remove these people at all cost. The longer they sit there the worse it gets and suddenly time is out. AOC is your statue of liberty. Rise up and remove the Nazis in White house
They keep it up and Americans will start boycotting the rich period on everything! Maybe that is the doge plan to bring down the economy create chaos and anarchy and declare martial law or suspend the government!
You mean committing treason so they can renew their tax break. This constant assault on the lawful execution of the constitution is nothing short of treason.
The Nazi government attempted to control the minds of the young and thus, among other means, intruded Nazi beliefs into the school curriculum. A major part of biology became “race science,” and health education and physical training did not escape the racial stress
The ulterior motive is also to let the people who always scream “liberal indoctrination” take over education at the state level, privatize it for their monied cronies, and/or inject it with Christian indoctrination. We’ve witnessed school boards around the nation being taken over by MAGA activists.
It'll be reversed. EOs are not laws, and they can't dismantle an agency that Congress created.
Many are behind this affront to everything we know.
Below is a link to a billionaire listing by forbes. Many are enemies of Democracy.
Ready . Set. Go
Happens because of tyrants.
if people aren’t educated and not taught critical thinking skills, they will believe those “employing” them
Trump and his mob would like to shut it though, so they can privatize k-12 education.
What if he just orders the IRS to change the tax code?
An uneducated, uncritical mass is optimal for expanding MAGA. With poorer or no education at all, he can expand his own voter base
I'm incredibly worried about their future. It's horrific.
If I were a feudal king, how else would I have lots of peasants?
Your party has been trying to do this since the department's inception.
I anticipate school board meetings are about to be more feisty and the most watched YouTube live videos. Get popcorn ready.
It's about Trump wanting total control. That's what TOTALITARIANISM means. He will be the decider of everything.
Oh sure, "the states" blah blah. But he'll yank back that state $ when he
It's about giving total control to Donald Trump.
If they’re not gonna fund the things that are important and really make America great, then we should stop paying taxes
This one is FAR from over, IMO.
We’re so fucked.
The pursuit of ever bigger #taxbreaks is the #Olympic sport of #billionaire “kings.”
They are relentless and competitive.
It’s not enough for billionaires to “achieve” zero #taxes, billionaires demand that other taxpayers subsidize them.
They ALL feed off the govt.
Looks like the family dna has been too much together in generations 🆘🆘🆘😳😳😳😳🫣🫣🫣🫣🇺🇸
America's Education will be played out on Hitler's book possesed by Felon 47.
See following post...
**GOP cutting programs, closing agencies, and eliminating tax credits for working Americans to give $4.5 TRILLION in tax cuts to those making over $360,000"*
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
The real money for tax cuts will be garnered from the SSA, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Eliminating the DoE is about ideology.
This is blatant abuse. The GOP are blatant abusers of women & POC.
Do they think we will take this much longer ?
The 2nd Amendment was literally written to depose a Tyrant in the Whitehouse.
You can call the Governors, call the Blue States and get them to Secede.
Join us as new Province or form independent Nations & we'll form a Union like the EU.
Unless you like living in 1930s Germany.
Glad you like it.
That follows for any departments they’re in the process of closing. That money has already been approved by Congress, spent and is in a fund waiting to be raided.
Hi. What's the on-the-job drug testing policy for government contractors?
Asking for a south african contractor who's constantly high... someone should check on that.