FWIW, I do have the sense that the CR + the book tour planned for this week + the disastrous NYTimes interview may turn grumbling among colleagues into a genuine rebellion among Senate Dems and a real challenge to Schumer as leader.
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Failure goes back to P2025 publication. No surprises from Rs but did Ds: Contingency plan in case Harris lost? Build on plan after Election Day? Implement plan on Inauguration Day? Plan a coordinated SOTU protest? Have a unanimous response to CR fight? NO. I am a D and DONE with this shit.
That selfie he posted of his wife and himself out for an anniversary dinner a few weeks ago when the rest of us felt like action was needed urgently…a bad look
One can hope, since the Vichy like collaboration makes the party look totally unable to be part of an alliance against fascism.
It has me looking elsewhere for real resistance, a new alliance of good, instead a sliding defense of a status quo they've been doing since 1992 that everyone hates.
Schumer was put into a tough spot and was sloppy even if he did make the right call in a no win decision. Dems need someone they can unite around and that can push back in this insane time Murphy or Kelly would be good choice.
I think so too. I’ve been a supporter but his time as leader is over. Pelosi can come to his house with poll numbers.
I appreciate all he’s done, but it’s time for him to step aside. @schumer.senate.gov
I hope there is a BIG turnout tomorrow night at the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore. And I hope folks flood the inboxes at WYPR ahead of Tom Hall’s interview of Schumer at 7pm. Let Tom also carry our message.
Look what's happening out in the streets
got a revolution got to revolution
Hey I'm dancing down the streets
got a revolution got to revolution
Ain't it amazing all the people I meet
got a revolution got to revolution
One generation got old
One generation got soul
Probably not, Whitehouse just put the onus for change on the House. Senators are just along for the ride on this one. They will maybe try to minimize damage to SS, Medicare, Medicaid, but they are not here to fight fascism. We’ll see them in fall of 26.
You don’t think he’s being straight that the caucus was actually with him? The sense I’ve gotten since Friday is that the whole thing was carefully managed to make it look as if there were only 9 yes votes, when in reality they all pretty much agreed.
We can only hope but I’m not sure there is any kind of leadership in the democratic party that can rally the masses. Who could possibly motivate democrats,independents and even Republicans to march in the streets?
The utter collapse of any organized opposition is telling. Just not capable of leading from the front and fighting the battles in any urgent fashion. The entire political class is devoid of character, gravitas or vision.
Thinking of getting a bus to the end of the Oregon Trail (Oregon City OR) where Wyden is doing a town hall in a few hours, and asking if Senate Democrats are the country party or the court party
The high ground against the sycophantic extravagant corrupt Court should be very available
Bill - I think it's a disaster for Schumer that may well be the end of his political career. Every stop on his book tour will be protested and turned into angry town halls. He'll have to cancel them. The Senate Dems will also face anger from their voters to replace Schumer as their leader.
For the sake of the party in our country, Schumer needs to step down and we all need to get on the same page so that we can fight this existential threat. Squabbling among the Democrats is a distraction and a real hindrance.
Listened to two union electricians (D) say in Flint this afternoon that @schumer.senate.gov needs to pass the baton ASAP. Yesterday it was a financial adviser (swing voter, now D) in Marin County, CA.
I’m pretty establishment.
My establishment Democratic friends (not party politics people, just business people, lawyers, doctor types) are all ready for him
To go and when I mention that I did a rare thing for me and emailed my senator, I’m surprised how many have said “me too”
Alternatively, nothing will happen because he's doing exactly what the caucus really wants -- no matter what some of them say in public. The rotating villain is real.
And we keep losing because this party has never been beholden to its base -- which you wouldn't like either.
This is what it looks like when your top donors call in a favor. He needs to step aside.
It has me looking elsewhere for real resistance, a new alliance of good, instead a sliding defense of a status quo they've been doing since 1992 that everyone hates.
Schumer has misread this moment....much as he has misread many moments over the last few years.
I appreciate all he’s done, but it’s time for him to step aside. @schumer.senate.gov
Schumer says in NYT interview:
“… in the gym, you know, when you’re on that bike in your shorts, panting away, next to a Republican, a lot of the inhibitions come off”
So he’s HOT for Repubs. Go figure. That was it all along 🤷♂️
This man is a joke at this point! 🤦♂️
got a revolution got to revolution
Hey I'm dancing down the streets
got a revolution got to revolution
Ain't it amazing all the people I meet
got a revolution got to revolution
One generation got old
One generation got soul
I email him to complain about HIM every day.
No way he moves up.
Ok. Time to go.
The trifecta of failure.
replace the dodo bird!!
He needs to go
We need leadership that is willing to fight
So long as APPEASERS run the Democratic Party, there is no organized resistance to MAGA
The high ground against the sycophantic extravagant corrupt Court should be very available
Not blurred
Chuck obviously doesn’t care about anything other than promoting his book and keeping his job.
He should have neither.
The others must force him out or be forced out themselves. He has proven himself unfit for the job.
He also enjoys going to the gym and riding stationery bikes with his Republican friends.
The Senate isn't a governing body, it's a social club for geriatrics!
My establishment Democratic friends (not party politics people, just business people, lawyers, doctor types) are all ready for him
To go and when I mention that I did a rare thing for me and emailed my senator, I’m surprised how many have said “me too”
And we keep losing because this party has never been beholden to its base -- which you wouldn't like either.