Again when was America exceptional? Or great?
It might have been at one time for the uber rich and unqualified white men running things. But if your name wasn't on the manifest of the Mayflower, you're shit out of luck.
America is a great place to live if you have ‘real money’. If you are someone who works for a paycheck, not so much. Salary, Healthcare, childcare, housing, education, personal safety and general happiness rate the USA USA USA a soft 20th to 40th.
Yep, if anything, I've long admired Canada on so many levels, from the things described in the table to its beautiful wild landscapes, remarkable indigenous leadership and more. LOVE Canada!
Yes but the mindless chants of "USA! USA!" at every major sporting event involving driving and/or crushing cars more than makes up for those shortfalls, Betty.
Oh and public healthcare. Btw the us manage to waste 21% of its gdp on healthcare. But there is no free healthcare offering. At the same time Norway spend half the amount (10%) and have free medicine and healthcare after reaching a limit on fees of $300 annually. Twice as much and the citizen still
have to pay to get medical help. It’s crazy. Talk about funneling money into the medical industry. No wonder Trump and other republicans get a lot of campaign money from big pharma.
Exactly. 😂 Even Ukraine manage to keep their healthcare system up and running during the war. My significant other work for a hospital in Dnipro oblast. Can’t wait for the war to end and Russia is pushed out of Ukraine and Crimean peninsula is given back too.
Unfortunately, I have not. The other thing my military service did for me was make me very disabled, so I haven't been out of the country since the mid-1990s. I wish I could.
Sure you don't want to join Canada, and eliminate the US? Well, at least the Blue states are welcome. We'd just have to pick out the Reds like a person with a dislike for onions
Going on the assumption that all the data in this chart is accurate, it all looks good to me. With one exception. Up to 78 weeks of paternity leave? If your company doesn't need you for 78 weeks then they really don't need you. There must be more to this. More nuance.
By law all companies have to give the time off. 78 weeks would be combined between the parents. Typically the company doesn't pay any salary during parental leave — the government pays parental leave benefits (similar to unemployment benefits).
Yes, Leslie they have to give some time off -three months -6 months - maybe one year-,off but not 78 weeks paid or unpaid maternity leave
Maternity leave depends on the company you’re working for - a small business is not giving 78 weeks of paid or unpaid maternity leave-. They can’t afford to.
Yes, they have to give time off for up to a year for one parent by law. But the other parent is also eligible for a shorter leave on top of that. Most companies don't pay any salary during leave. The government pays parental leave benefits as part of the employment insurance program.
Canada, under the Canada Labour Code, pregnant employees are entitled to up to 17 weeks of unpaid maternity leave, which can begin no earlier than 13 weeks before the expected date of birth and end no later than 17 weeks after the actual birth date
...or, where someone says something, like, "Yeah, everybody's still pretty cool.....except America...." or, "we're still buying great stuff from everyone....except America..." and, of course, "oh, we trust everyone....except America..."
That kind of "exceptionalism" we've got a lot of lately....😶
AND I’ve never heard of a Canadian family losing their home because of the bankruptcy and inability to pay their son’s medical-
Only in America! And that DOES NOT mean I don’t love my country. It just means that I see the same problems with the way it’s run as do millions of others!
SOMETIMES (in exceptional circumstances or depending on what the province/terrritories' plans cover) there are things to pay for, but... if people keep all their receipts, they can submit with annual tax returns for reimbursement. Even travel expenses for out-of-town appointments/care.
American Exceptionalism has always been propaganda and bullshit. It was easy to believe that when you didn't have access to the rest of the world. We do now!
Amen. I joined the Army in 1977, went all over the world for many years, and right away saw that life in other countries was not AT ALL like what we were being told. But even now, with the internet, I am quite often pleasantly surprised at how wrong I am about some countries. China, for instance.
Not enough room to add things like maternal and baby mortality, and the really, REALLY shitty education system most of your kids are put through. Yes, "exceptionally bad" is the best description. Or, the exceptional stupidity many, many of your citizens demonstrate.
True, and a big orange duck def won't make it better!
The price of eggs are just one of many unfulfilled Trump campaign promises, all being tracked at the MAGA Duck Report! Trump's current MAGA Wallet Score is 0% (Foul Duck).
You can add:
Life expectancy Canada 83 USA 79
Democracy rank: Canada 13 USA 29 (and dropping)
Campaign donation limit: Canada $1750 CAD USA: effectively none
Canada: right to choose USA: varies by state
Ugh. Terrible. Just think of how much money the employers are NOT pocketing if they have to hand it out to their serfs instead of getting the labour for next to nothing. Won't SOMEBODY think of the greedy exploiters who wanna hoard ALL the money - sorry, I mean, won't SOMEBODY think of The Economy!
That is Federal tax - we still have provincial income tax to add onto it, but even then unless you make $150 000 and have zero deductions the average is 30-35%
Plus we don’t have Medical insurance for hospitals and doctor visits
We do need insurance for dental vision drugs and alternative
And....we also have an incredible an library system, fantastic sports facilities, beautiful parks(for ppl & dogs & horses), lots of government rebates, easy drivers license renewals, kind police & shelters for goes on & really is amazing here & the cost of living is really fair.
Sales tax in the US ranges from 0 to 9.55% depending on the state and town you are in when buying. So I think it depends on the Province in Canada some are definitely higher others are not.
And a regressive tax to boot, but it's amazing how less tax averse people are when:
1. Taxes are harder for the ultra-wealthy to avoid paying, so everyone feels like their share is a share instead of an outsized burden and
2. The people see actual useful benefits in return.
I few years ago we were visiting Quebec where I bought a rather expensive coat because it was colder than expected. When I got the total, I commented on how much more it was with the tax. The beautiful saleswoman said with her French accent “We thank you for our healthcare”. I loved it! ❤️❤️
We get "taxed" anyways, except in the form of private health insurance, which can lock a person into a job they hate, and then after all of that, we still get massively large medical debt and some if the poorest health outcomes of any advanced nation. BUT GOD FORBID WE PAY FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S CARE.
Family of six, husband works 60 hours a week, I work 3 jobs and 60-72 hours a week. We paid more in taxes than rent in 2024. We paid more for healthcare as well when you add what our employers pay, it’s the single largest expense category for our family. Please sign and share the #petition for #HandRecounts of #PaperBallots
#VerifyTheVote 🗳️ #Election #TruthMatters
We are far from perfect here in Canada, but we marvel at the level of idiocy in the US. We need great resolve not to follow down the path to perdition.
If you can't afford the time off, you go back when you have to. With baby #1, I was back to work after 11 days. With baby #2, I was back at work after 5 days. It's not the great country the propaganda has spewed out into the world.
TAX ELON.. AND THE 1%.. THEY WOULD STILL BE FILTHY.. DISGUSTINGLY RICH.. and we would easily have all the revenue to have all that too!!!.. including better.. affordable education we absolutely need!
Canada can easily flex on is any day. Trump talks about how good it would be for Canadians to be a part of the USA and even I can tell that’s just bullshit. I can’t imagine HOW they would benefit.
And the half-wit in the White House thinks Canadians would be better off as a state and that they want it. These ideas must come to him in his sleep or when he's sitting on the john.
I know how many people are making the decision to move to 🇨🇦. I am hearing thousands. If you're not a felon you are most welcome. Doctors, nurses, and teachers especially make more than double. Free health care, including dental,but you must become Canadian for six months. Separate insurance policy
Canada, under the Canada Labour Code, pregnant employees are entitled to up to 17 weeks of unpaid maternity leave, which can begin no earlier than 13 weeks before the expected date of birth and end no later than 17 weeks after the actual birth date
Paid parental leave can be up to 78 weeks but it is paid at a very low rate from $695 a week for the first 52 weeks then falling to $417 a week for the next 26 weeks and is payable to one parent.
Also there are 5 federal tax brackets the lowest at 15% up to $57,375 and the highest which is 33% starting at $253,414. There are also provincial income taxes and all provinces except Alberta also have sales taxes. I would suggest median tax rates are more like 30 to 40 plus percent.
Same thing in America without any benefits. I’d rather be paid something to stay home with a newborn vs NOTHING. Majority of the people in America earn less than 30k a year.
1 year maternity leave for the mom, 6 months paternity leave for either dad or mom.
We are paid through EI - unemployment insurance, that comes off every pay cheque you receive in life. I’m not sure what percentage of pay. Employers have to return your job to you when you return as well.
They’re quite good at running a country for the 10% who are rich enough that to pay zero tax, don’t rely on state healthcare and definitely oppose unions.
I just found out that I can apply for Canadian citizenship because my mom was born in Montreal. I've been seriously thinking about leaving the U.S. Would I be welcome there?
Come on up! Ontario is nice, but expensive for housing. French is essential for working in Quebec. I love Nova Scotia for the people(great fun)
BC is usual for retirees. Warmer winters
I hope all you wonderful Canadians know that most U.S. citizens LOVE your country! We are so embarrassed and devastated about what's going on down here. It's such a nightmare.
Be wary, being a US citizen and going to live abroad, you'll still have to US pay taxes, and the only way to avoid it is to get your passport revoked, which is costly.
If you told us you left America as a refugee, we’d welcome you with open arms. If someone were to say that and lie, we’d see their true colours pretty fast, and it wouldn’t be pretty. Montreal is beautiful. Canada is beautiful and pretty darn peaceful , until Jan20/25
I feel like I'm a refugee already, but it's kinda cool that Canadian citizenship is within reach, thanks to my mom. (I just found out about this.) I never thought this was a possibility!
If you go to the Govt. of Canada citizenship page it will ask you questions to determine your citizenship - I put in that my mom was born in Canada it says "You're likely a Canadian citizen"
So what are you bringing to the Canada Day cookout this year?
Maybe learn to make Nanaimo Bars 🇨🇦😉.
Wish I did work in that industry, although I do have 25 years of experience as a grant writer in healthcare, social services, and education. Maybe that counts for something?
Get your paperwork organized and the fee paid, pronto, because I'm sure they're busy at Immigration Canada. Once you're authenticated, you can apply for a 🇨🇦 passport, move/work here, AND register to vote (even as an absentee) in federal elections.
Definitely get the paperwork and processing fee sent in, pronto, before anything else changes or goes awry in the U.S. It can take a few weeks to process, unless you've got a Canadian Consulate to visit where you could go in-person. If you're mailing: send via registered mail!
Late October, 2024: Immigration Canada announced MAJOR scaling back for immigration and student visas. We're closed unless one is a doctor, nurse, veterinarian, healthcare worker, teacher, engineer, professor, in finance, or has a very special skill/trade to benefit Canada.
I'd rather the US joined you. Then Canada would have 10 provinces, 3 territories, 52(ish) states, about double the land area and about tenfold the population.
Might I suggest many of your States join together as independent countries. For example, Washington, Oregon and Washington State in a Cascadia type of situation. Also you can take your Constitution rather than having one imposed.
This barely scratches the surface, too.
Case in point: the server wage. $2.13 per hour. Legally!
If you can not run a business without customers paying your wages directly via tips, then you have a poor business model.
American tipping culture is a direct result of poor wages and benefits.
The USA is following the conservative vision of the ideal society: a minute cadre of elite, establishment billionaires and plutocrats surrounded by a vast sea of poor, sick, uneducated peons. Based on the plantation system of the old Confederacy, I think.
Yup. It's basically everything civilized nations do to support the people EXCEPT America doesn't do it. That's American exceptionalism: everyone EXCEPT us.
yes ladies and gents, come right in, you will see unbelievable things and hear marvels! come right in ladies and gentlemen, the show is just beginning!
It feels like it when I travel there. Some cities look derelict, others run down. Coming home is always a reminder of how well our cities are maintained and planned.
When I first went there was in 1991, and I was shocked at how the infrastructure was already crumbling and that the streets were full of garbage. That was also the first time I saw homelessness on a grand scale
And then there's the heartbreaking, Dickensian, derelict state of Vancouver's downtown eastside💔 Worse than what downtown Detroit used to be like😖 Yet touristy Gastown is a mere two blocks away.
(I lived in Vancouver for 20 years, and it became worse while there. It's always been hard, but now...)
The DTES has always been skid row, but progressively became worse and worse. People were relocated during the 2010 Games, so tourists wouldn't see "as much". When Riverview Psych Hospital closed in 2012: many mentally ill ended up on the DTES. Addiction. Extreme poverty. Homelessness. Poorest in 🇨🇦.
The DTES is Vancouver’s ugly secret. My son spends time down there volunteering.
He did his nursing practicum at St Paul’s and Colony Farm. He has so much patience. Nurses get frustrated with these patients but my son just has a way about him. He treats them like people.
I have family in the states but they understand that Trump and his cronies have destroyed the friendship that Canadians used to have with the USA. We maybe smaller than the USA but Americans should read how the Canadians faught for their country during the two world wars.
Paternal leave goes from 52 weeks to 78. The payments come from unemployment insurance and is spread out depending on the amount the mother chooses. the mother’s job is guaranteed after 1 year. If she decides to take more than one year, the company will guarantee a job, not necessarily hers.
Parents are able to share up to 40 weeks (standard) or 69 weeks (extended with lower payments), in addition to 15 weeks for the person giving birth. It’s funded through Employment Insurance and some companies pay a top up.
That's good, I'm potentially looking for safer countries to move to, but every country so far says they don't allow disabled assylumn seakers. I'm currently training my pup to be a S.D. His breed is banned everywhere, but as a service dog, he would be acceptable (thank goodness). Fighting time.
Up to 78 weeks paid parental leave in Canada? That might be more than even some Scandinavian countries. Being American who’s hated that term I’ve always thought American exceptionalism meant they’re exceptional assholes
I mean, let's be honest, it's not free, but it is "included". SINGLE PAYER IS SIMPLY CHEAPER.
Medical bills are the number one cause of personal bankruptcy in the US.
The total number of Canadians who went bankrupt in 2024 for necessary medical expenses is ZERO.
Canadians wouldn't lower their standard of living to become Americans. The psychotic orange traitor is just doing what Putin told him to do.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
People outside of the US never talk about American exceptionalism. That is just something that Americans believe in. School shootings, no decent national health, ridiculous low minimum wage, no right to paid holidays, not a true democracy. Nothing exceptional really.
Also, don't believe all the negativity you hear about the Canadian healthcare system.
Yes, you may sit for 4 hours in Emerg. Yes, you may wait 6 months for knee surgery. However, if you need a quad bypass to save your life at 3:00 in the morning tonight, you WILL get it. (But you won't get a bill.)
When people talk about Poilievre and the conservatives seeking to Americanize our health care, HMOs are exactly what they're talking about. They're a frigging nightmare.
P.P.'s birth mother (from Calgary; educated in Canada, at public universities, subsidized by the government): works in the for-profit healthcare system in Charlotte, NC. Brain drain to the U.S. while Alberta Health Services needs doctors and nurses...
You can spend 4 hours in the ER in America as well, but that's because people use it for direct healthcare. You'll also get a bill, sometimes crushingly expensive.
Same with the knee surgery. Spend 6 months arguing with the insurance company to cover it, plus the bill afterward.
Um, we wait longer than that in emergency rooms, and, especially if you’re a woman, sometimes you have to fight with doctors and insurance for years before they admit that the problem isn’t all in your head. And hopefully, you don’t die while you’re waiting to be listened to.
In the spirit of full disclosure, women's medical issues being discounted by ignorant physicians is a problem on both sides of the Border. It's despicable.
But at least reproductive healthcare is treated as it should be in Canada: HEALTHCARE, covered by medical services plans, legal, in hospitals, and free contraception in some provinces (BC, for sure) with Canada-wide free contraception soon!
three years ago, I had a random cecal volvulus while working from home. Ambulance took me to the ER where I was scanned and morphined, then at midnight the surgeon removed the twisted 37cm of gut, stitched me up, and saved my life. I only got a bill for the ambulance ($80 well spent). Northern BC
And that $80 will also cover fixed-wing air ambulance from northern BC to Vancouver (12-15 hours south) if necessary—ALS, specialty infant transport teams on sonic jets that take 45 for a 1.5 flight...
Even my fellow Canadians don't realize we are taxed less than Americans. My effective taxation rate on a six-figure income was about 24% after some deductions for work expenses.
My $60/month extended plan gives me AND my 3 kids:
- 80% prescription coverage
- 80% emergency dental
- $1200 routine dental
- 80% vision
- 100% Ambulance
- Semi-Private hospital room
- Travel medical
- $500 in Massage/Chiro
- $1,500 mental health
...just off the top of my head.
My first child required several days post-natal in hospital to treat jaundice, and my wife was in there for 2 days recovering from a difficult birth.
My entire out-of-pocket expense was $17 per day for parking. (And I'm ashamed to admit I complained about that!)
Well, we have student loans in Canada as well, but you're on point about health insurance. My basic coverage is already paid for by my taxes, and my extended benefits through work are 60 bucks a month.
I get 10 paid sick days a year by law, and was able to take a full 12 months for paternity leave.
You’re right, we do have student loans in Canada too, but even our best universities cost a fraction of what Americans pay in tuition, and we don’t get absolutely gouged by predatory lenders the way they do.
Now do you guys get why we don't want to be the "51st loser"? We know "misery loves company", but the difference between the Canadian mind and the American one, is that a Canadian would never wish the American system on someone who already has our system. That's a level of cruelty beyond any of us.
$7000/year for health insurance? Maybe 10 years ago.
Me and my last employer paid about 24,000/year.
Maybe the $7k represents the employee contribution only but, that isn’t the cost.
My husbands and mine is 38.9k a year. We are self employed and pay the whole thing and in our 60's. The anger if they raise the age of Medicare will be the through the roof. We figure with the annual increases we will be at 50k a year.
Pretty sure that was its original meaning. In our usual fashion, we said “thank you very much” and redefined it as meaning “we’re WAY better than tge average bears.”
the states would have their citizens paying for everything, what else can be stamped for monetization? so far, there's healthcare, school, prisons, soon to be social security, all hail....
From my perspective, during the first 175-200 years, our country management was, for the most part, the envy of the world. Since the Vietnam era, we’ve pretty much been batting around .110-.150. It needs to be fixed. Muchly! And quickly! Dump the chainsaws, the trumps and musks and their sycophants!
One of the highest rates of infant mortality. And let's not get started on the horrors of reproductive healthcare, or even ensuring that everyone can access in all states, with its more affordable, sliding scale options for Rxs, exams, mammograms, etc!
That 10$ an hour is not enough but its a huge difference. I am old enough to know what living at both is like because Canada's minimum wage used to be just as bad and I was working back then. that 10$, is real nice.
🤫 Fuhrer Shitzhiz Pantz hates us enough already. Let him forget we exist again, k?
We ALL know he’d NEVER make 🇨🇦 a state, that would end his presidency next election.😝Just cut it out w “state” BS.
PR, VI, DC STILL not states.🤨 He’d make 🇨🇦 a Labour Colony AT BEST. We’re NOT having it.
I will add though, they have less population, also higher taxes but everyone pays their fair share. You will not loose your home due to medical costs while laid off regardless of your income, among other amazing things in the list. It’s not heaven but it’s better today, can’t speak for tomorrow
My gas prices are up in #Bellingham haven't seen a #Canadian in over a city will die... #PNW #Rootsistance #GardenParty #FactsMatter
Eggs near 9$/dz
Life sucks...worse than covid... #PartyOn
I had health care with employer. I paid $900 they paid approx $1500 per month. Family plan. $30,000 per year. Insane. Good coverage. Still had to pay $50 copays for Dr visits. 🤔 that’s $30,000 per year plus co-pays. 😡
My wife is disabled from an accident, and I'll shortly be taking the full parental leave allowance of 14 months off when we have our baby. It's 18 months shared, but only 14 months if one person takes all of it.
It's ALWAYS been about his manifest destiny, his grudge against Justin Trudeau, and wanting to go down in history as having "invaded/overtaken Canada". He wants our natural resources and access to the Northwest Passage.
Do all you can to speak to your fellow veterans about LIES Dump is telling the American public and Fox News. Especially try to get through to the veterans who believe in MAGA and the Commandturd In Chief.
The fentanyl, illegal migrants, and unfair trade: lies! It was never about those things.
I worked for leading employers for 50 years. We were given 2 weeks of paid leave each year. Some gave 3 weeks after 10 years. (I moved every 5-10 years following husband’s career - never got those 3 weeks.)
So… if there was surgery, childbirth, etc. then no vacation for you.
Yup all scumbags. But they can be taken down! Work needs to be done. As fast as your feet can carry you to the next protest, boycott, strike. A tsunami of people can do it. Look at Serbia
I'm going to need to see a date on that one. I'm thinking the US may have slide a little bit, you know, with the authoritarian regime coming into power and all.
I know, ridiculous isn’t it? Indigenous Canadians still don’t have drinking water, Vancouver has the worst traffic in North America, Elon Musk and Grimes are both Canadian, and Pierre might be PM. 5 is far too high.
These lists are so stupid. Who’s quality? I’m not suggesting the US should be higher but the Netherlands has a far right government, Italy has a fascist in charge, Canadians can barely afford housing and might elect Trump lite. FFS.
Sweden's education has been going downhill for years and the welfare system is slowly being dismantled since at least 2006. Not to mention horribly backwards drug policies which focus on punishment rather than harm-reduction.
What kind of things do they rate and when was this survey taken? I feel like if it wasn't taken in the last 30ish days, the US is a liiiitle too highly rated...
How much do they pay for defense? How much have they made on tariffs from America? How many US jobs were given/lost thanks to NAFTA?
I agree that our government has been run into the ground by our elected officials, corporate and lobbyist control, and Canada has been smarter. MAGA is the answer
Look up how tariffs work. They are not paid by the exporting country. Tariffs are a tax paid by the importer to the government of the country of import. Canadians pay tariffs levied by Canada. Americans pay tariffs levied by the US. And so on.
How many American troops are stationed on American bases in Canada?
We pay for OUR defence the same way you do, we just don't think that involves Canadian forces in other countries.
NAFTA was replaced by a Trump negotiated trade treaty so he has nobody but himself to blame if he feels he got took.
This why we are all lining up to be a cherished state. Which brings up a question, if Canada has nothing America wants or needs then why do they want to annex us? Shitler needs a padded cell.
It might have been at one time for the uber rich and unqualified white men running things. But if your name wasn't on the manifest of the Mayflower, you're shit out of luck.
Days in office 56
Days Spent Golfing 16
Time Spent Golfing 28.57%
Those are people I need to avoid.
But we’ve been racing to the bottom for most of my lifetime
Can we convince them to invade us so we can surrender?
not one company
major fortune 50ish companies at most will give you a year off where you’ll get half your salary and in some cases you’ll have to collect unemployment
Maternity leave depends on the company you’re working for - a small business is not giving 78 weeks of paid or unpaid maternity leave-. They can’t afford to.
That kind of "exceptionalism" we've got a lot of lately....😶
Only in America! And that DOES NOT mean I don’t love my country. It just means that I see the same problems with the way it’s run as do millions of others!
BC's below:
The price of eggs are just one of many unfulfilled Trump campaign promises, all being tracked at the MAGA Duck Report! Trump's current MAGA Wallet Score is 0% (Foul Duck).
Life expectancy Canada 83 USA 79
Democracy rank: Canada 13 USA 29 (and dropping)
Campaign donation limit: Canada $1750 CAD USA: effectively none
Canada: right to choose USA: varies by state
Plus we don’t have Medical insurance for hospitals and doctor visits
We do need insurance for dental vision drugs and alternative
1. Taxes are harder for the ultra-wealthy to avoid paying, so everyone feels like their share is a share instead of an outsized burden and
2. The people see actual useful benefits in return.
#VerifyTheVote 🗳️ #Election #TruthMatters
Whose the Socialist now?
🇨🇦 Canadian 🇨🇦
Please share and pass the word
From a couple of months ago:
Canada, under the Canada Labour Code, pregnant employees are entitled to up to 17 weeks of unpaid maternity leave, which can begin no earlier than 13 weeks before the expected date of birth and end no later than 17 weeks after the actual birth date
We pretty much suck, all the way around.
We are paid through EI - unemployment insurance, that comes off every pay cheque you receive in life. I’m not sure what percentage of pay. Employers have to return your job to you when you return as well.
Voting for CRIMINALS is stupid!
BC is usual for retirees. Warmer winters
You should start the application process now so you have it in case you need it
So what are you bringing to the Canada Day cookout this year?
Maybe learn to make Nanaimo Bars 🇨🇦😉.
Deven Green (a.k.a. !): born in Thompson, Manitoba🇨🇦. Dual-citizen.
Oh right Gretzky hasn’t lived in Canada for decades and OLeary is a traitorous wanna be Trump
And it would never happen.
Report, block, and scroll.
Here is an update on the BC lady held by the Nazi Regime in the US for 12 days:
Case in point: the server wage. $2.13 per hour. Legally!
If you can not run a business without customers paying your wages directly via tips, then you have a poor business model.
American tipping culture is a direct result of poor wages and benefits.
Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary said he instructed her to make ads that “thank me for closing the border”
Holy crap 💩, a taxpayer funded thank you infomercial for the orange 🍊 menace for doing his job.
Quebec $15.75
(See Wagepoint website for other provinces)
(I lived in Vancouver for 20 years, and it became worse while there. It's always been hard, but now...)
He did his nursing practicum at St Paul’s and Colony Farm. He has so much patience. Nurses get frustrated with these patients but my son just has a way about him. He treats them like people.
We need a solution, but not the one Mayor Sim has suggested
You can’t push them out when they have no where to go
I'll give America one thing. As a country you're exceptional haters.
That's why Maga are so imbeciles.
And you let those fucking billionaires having tax cuts ????
Are you fucking insane ??? If I was you, I provoke a massive Revolution man !!!!
Medical bills are the number one cause of personal bankruptcy in the US.
The total number of Canadians who went bankrupt in 2024 for necessary medical expenses is ZERO.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
Yes, you may sit for 4 hours in Emerg. Yes, you may wait 6 months for knee surgery. However, if you need a quad bypass to save your life at 3:00 in the morning tonight, you WILL get it. (But you won't get a bill.)
Same with the knee surgery. Spend 6 months arguing with the insurance company to cover it, plus the bill afterward.
Lower post -secondary costs too
That doesn’t count prescription costs which range from free to thousands of dollars for specialty meds.
It also doesn’t cover doctor co-pays. Or procedure copays.
I think my family, in total paid about $25,000 for healthcare last year.
- 80% prescription coverage
- 80% emergency dental
- $1200 routine dental
- 80% vision
- 100% Ambulance
- Semi-Private hospital room
- Travel medical
- $500 in Massage/Chiro
- $1,500 mental health
...just off the top of my head.
I’d edit it if I could.
My entire out-of-pocket expense was $17 per day for parking. (And I'm ashamed to admit I complained about that!)
I get 10 paid sick days a year by law, and was able to take a full 12 months for paternity leave.
Get Republicans out of power, and we can all have nice things.
It really has been that simple for decades.
Me and my last employer paid about 24,000/year.
Maybe the $7k represents the employee contribution only but, that isn’t the cost.
The United Corporations of America
absolutely backwards
tRump should have to wear a 💩 Hat whenever he speaks to the press
can be exceptional. Never has been. Never will be.
We ALL know he’d NEVER make 🇨🇦 a state, that would end his presidency next election.😝Just cut it out w “state” BS.
PR, VI, DC STILL not states.🤨 He’d make 🇨🇦 a Labour Colony AT BEST. We’re NOT having it.
Eggs near 9$/dz
Life sucks...worse than covid... #PartyOn
Fuck Trump and America with him as POTUS it sucks
Every time Trump opens his mouth he’s breaking international law.
The fentanyl, illegal migrants, and unfair trade: lies! It was never about those things.
So… if there was surgery, childbirth, etc. then no vacation for you.
No wonder the orange /∆|§+ wants to incorporate such a treasure.
Most seem to endorse a higher quality of life standard for everyone.
Safe happy waves from Canada
Nr. 2 on this list sounds ridiculous to me.
I agree that our government has been run into the ground by our elected officials, corporate and lobbyist control, and Canada has been smarter. MAGA is the answer
We pay for OUR defence the same way you do, we just don't think that involves Canadian forces in other countries.
NAFTA was replaced by a Trump negotiated trade treaty so he has nobody but himself to blame if he feels he got took.