Addicts (includes alcoholics) are extremely charismatic. I was told this by an addict. "If we want something, or think there's something we can get, but know we have no business having, we won't take 'no' for an answer." He then told me, if I ever want something bad enough, I know what to tell you.
Well, he’s got to celebrate this victory, right? And tomorrow, hair of the dog, rally, Saturday night, right? Then sunday, playoff football and a little light rape. Monday? Business is done at a 3 scotch lunch. He will quit when the situation dictates he quit.
What are the odds...
*he'll be visibly intoxicated/falling down drunk during his victory tour
*he'll get drunk & throw up at a White House dinner
*he'll drunkenly hit on Melasmia.
I think I need to find a bookie that will take those odds.
It's a sure bet.
I'm a recovering alcoholic....He's physically addicted to alcohol - and that's right down to the cellular/mitochondria level. His cells are addicted so his body is telling him he needs it to live. He's not "giving up alcohol" without serious help. Likely needs detox and then residential treatment
The DTs will be setting in by Monday morning if not sooner if he doesn’t keep his promises. Clinical social worker for 20+ yrs. It’s hell and requires medical supervision.
If he stops on his own he could have seizures. Doesn't happen to everyone but I'd say at least half of the people I was in rehab with had them when they tried to stop. The bigger issue is I guarantee he's maintenance drinking all the time to stop the Withdrawl symptoms. We have a drunk defense sec
We sure do. I cant believe it. I worked with sub-a and mental health clients for most of my career spanning 25 years. The country is in danger. Hes definitely going to inevitably show up drunk at some point. I think he will be one of the first ones out the door.
Cocaine, or maybe some other prescription drug addiction. Remember that report that came out like a year ago about prescriptions being written like crazy for staff at the White House during his 1st term?
Like that will happen. I expect to see photos of him drunk to the point that he urinates on himself in public. A severe alcoholic can’t just simply quit. Even the attempt to quit will incapacitate him to the point he won’t be able to fulfill his duties.
Are we supposed to be gullible and believe he will actually give up drinking??? He is a Republican Fascist and they are liars. He will be drunk before his first week ends as be the head of whatever!!!!
How are they going to make him stop?
These senators are going to rubber stamp the downfall of America, but as long as they all get their piece of the action, they don't give a shit.
Hegseth won’t be able to quit drinking. They’ll be able to hide it for a while, but eventually they’ll have to push him out. Not until he’s done some completely avoidable damage, though. Appalling.
Do we truly believe a man with a drinking problem, a (drunk) who refuses to admit he has a drinking problem - is going to quit drinking -
There were strong RUMOURS that he had a triple Gin for breakfast to get through the hearings - he had a shocking dry mouth - a classic sign of addiction.
As a person who has lived with 2 alcoholics (I even married one of them😬), I can pretty much guarantee he isn't going to stop drinking. He might get better at sneaking and hiding for a while, but even that won't last. Apparently, he hasn't hit his bottom yet. He may never quit.
i imagine him teally super regretting his latest choices in life. chances are strong he’s already drinking. you can’t cut off a decades long addiction and run one if the largest organizations in the world. Trump is so weak, this is the best he could do for loyalty.
Hello Mr. Webb! I hope you are having a great Friday. I'm Zach Kahn, and I am a 17-year-old high schooler from NC. I wrote an expose on the US Government's recent sale of vapes, and I would love for you to check it out! Thanks!
Anyone who thinks Heggy will actually follow through on the no drinking is kidding themselves. The new game will be: Where has the alcoholic hidden the alcohol.
He won’t! He needs to go to rehab or he’ll be physically ill and it’ll be dangerous! Not that I care what happens to him one way or the other but I work in an addiction treatment center and he’s been lying about the amounts he drinks, he drinks to blackout every time. He will not make it!
Thanks for this informed perspective. So it’s impossible for him to be sober without rehab first. How many addicts go into sustained recovery after one stint in rehab?
28 days…that’s not what is recommended! That’s 1 stint. It’s recommended detox 1st, 7 days. Then 3 months to complete all needed therapy and for the fog to clear. I’m positive he still smells like alcohol only everyone is to big a baby to say anything about it. He’s not sober!!!! I’d bet a million $
Continued…very few! He needs to reach his rock bottom! He’s no where near rock bottom. He has to do it for himself, not for a job or a girl or his MOM! He has to want this for himself.
1 stint is 28 days with comfort meds. That’s no where near enough time…it’s suggested that people in his advanced stage of alcoholism do 3 semesters. After 1 semester(28 days) he’ll be back drinking again in no time. He’s physically dependent on alcohol, his body NEEDS IT. His body could shut down!
Thanks for this clearly constructed information Sassy. It’s beyond chilling to know a person in such a health compromised state is now in charge of the military.
He could die! People withdrawing from alcohol without any medical help can have seizures, their organs can shut down and they go into comas. I’m sure he’ll have medical treatment but it’ll a coverup. We won’t know anything about it, but what if there is an emergency? He’ll not be mentally equipped.
I do have to hope sane people in the Pentagon will be so horrified at the danger the nation is in that when he's passing out or stumbling or vomiting, they'll leak video of it.
It’s very rare that an alcohol abuser will quit cold turkey, if they do, they may fall off the wagon. Lots of people abuse alcohol to drown their sorrows or some other reasons. They need professional help to stay away from alcohol or street drugs.
I bet if you have him a breathalyzer tonight he would fail. You don’t go from drinking to pass out to stop drinking all together. It doesn’t work like that.
😂🤣😂What hell are you talking about? All the inspector generals have been fired. Who’s going to report him? Drinks and Stripper parties at his office paid by tax dollars.
Hegseth should be required to submit to random drug and alcohol testing (any time, day or night) because he can’t be trusted to make decisions that might endanger our national security and armed forces.
As a recovering alcoholic I can say no one gives up getting hammered drunk like this shit head says he will for a job. You quit because you want to for yourself. This rummy will continue because he doesn’t think he’s an alcoholic.
You and I both know he’s not giving up drinking. The only thing Pete’s “giving up” is any shred of dignity. He’ll be on the booze faster than he can scream “America First!” I’m sure he’ll find a way to make his next glass of whiskey patriotic somehow. SAD!
Buckle Up all you smart Senate Motherfuckers.
Y'all done puckered your asses to an real dick...
Or is that too much?
And release video of Muslims in NJ "celebrating" on 9/11.
And Obama's long form birth certificate.
And proof of 2020 election "vOtEr FrAuD".
pee in a cup every fxxxing day
Do you really think…?
Nah… Not a chance.
*he'll be visibly intoxicated/falling down drunk during his victory tour
*he'll get drunk & throw up at a White House dinner
*he'll drunkenly hit on Melasmia.
I think I need to find a bookie that will take those odds.
It's a sure bet.
Then I woke up paralyzed. Ataxia. It took two months to get use of my left hand back.
This won't be that epiphany moment for Pete if he's rewarded for being a drunk.
He has to hit rock bottom or have the shit scared out of him.
Never happen
yeah... that's the stupidity that got us here....
I wonder if any of those republicans who voted for him served in the military themselves?
If they did- they should have known better
All I have to say now is follow that damn money in the defense budget closely!!!
Churchill drank more
These senators are going to rubber stamp the downfall of America, but as long as they all get their piece of the action, they don't give a shit.
There were strong RUMOURS that he had a triple Gin for breakfast to get through the hearings - he had a shocking dry mouth - a classic sign of addiction.
I think he has just been turned into a closet drinker.
If he can stop drinking, then maybe he can do the job?
Kind Regards,
Zach Kahn
he abuses and assaults women