State-sponsored kidnapping
The Trump admin took people by force, based on flimsy accusations & sent them not to their home country but to a notorious mega-prison in El Salvador—in defiance of a court order.
Holding people against their will through deception and threat is by definition—kidnapping.
The Trump admin took people by force, based on flimsy accusations & sent them not to their home country but to a notorious mega-prison in El Salvador—in defiance of a court order.
Holding people against their will through deception and threat is by definition—kidnapping.
The answer is he is so fucking terrible.
This is unconstitutional and we the ppl need2remember what was left for us if such a thing happened.Our constitution has answers.
morally? no words - it literally makes me ill
They're all strong healthy young men in the videos.
Is there a bus from there to anywhere?
No doubt countless innocent will and are being detained and abused.
This is a terrible day for America.
Absolutely egregious.
Why not send them to Venezuela?
Oh, then they couldn't make snuff films like this for MAGAts.
They are truly evil
Will the government NOT be held accountable for these illegal actions like the Gestapo of the 1930s?
We should all be outraged and taking to the streets. Injustice against one can soon turn to injustice against all.
If it was possible people wouldn't be out there conversing about the possibilities of a repeat in time: French revolution, American revolution, WW2, Civil war? The orange needs to be removed period. Our country is being attacked from within.
The Trump folks are learning from the Zionist folks.
How many have questioned their tactics?
That’s why courts must stop this.
How does one determine what line that is? And it blatantly violates 1A protections.
Make sure they know it. Before they lose power too.
Follow the private prison or State sponsored prisons and the Money...............
we know DT.............
Can I change the channel or tell the producers we're not interested?
The view that the "Maggot" race is the distinct and superior racial group which is entitled to rule the rest of humanity. (akin to Adolf's, Gobineau's & Vacher de Lapouge's Aryan race).
Neither of these guys nor many others even have a criminal record.
They've been sent to hell on earth simply for being Venezuelans.
But Americans won’t have to feel all uncomfortable in their bellies at actually seeing the slavery, and lawyers or visitors aren’t admitted so the problem just disappears.
He'll get away with this, all of this.
Rule of law, that's funny now to even bring it up. It's more a punchline than anything now.
Could happen to anyone. Unacceptable in the United Sates.🇺🇸
One of our two major political parties has descended into a cult of fascist lunacy and the other major political parties is essentially absent.
This country is fucked up.
68% of Americans didn’t care about America enough to stop Trump from getting in.
Due process applies to all!
Using grey busses says it all… If you’re not aware, google “grey busses”.
Pay for another school's district free breakfast and lunch program
Or even go towards the deficit
Goddamn, listen up people.
ICJ could order that they be released to their families w their TPS retored & wait for their hearings.
How many innocent men were swept up into this ham-handed mess without any due process at all? How can it be rectified?
Shouldn't we be letting our lawmakers know what we think of this outrageous illegal move?
By that logic, every evangelical pastor should be arrested and incarcerated because based on the balance of probabilities, they might abuse a child sometime in the future.
THANK GOD for Trump & Elon!!! 😍
How is handling these circumstances.
Add kidnapping to DJT's list of felonies, rapes & all his other crimes!!
He ordered this & he is 100% responsible for what was carried out & for the judge's orders not being followed!!
Not citizen, not "documented immigrant." No PERSON shall be deprived without du process.
Bring them all back.
Arrest *all* who authorized and participated in the crime of illegal deportation.
They had time to film this but couldn't stop or reroute the planes after judge's order??
It' s beyond the pale..