Hegseth is a Greasy white knight who took off his robes. No DoD Secretary is less qualified in intelligence, temperament, moral character, or experience.
It's not the entire Gov't but the Elite who run everything, yes. They are. But trust me, they have poor people of any color, and they at least feign acceptance of Money, in any color!
The west was built on genocide & slavery. It’s the foundational tool of colonial expansion. Laws & body politic are built on that framework.
When musty said the west has suicidal empathy it made me laugh. Crybully just wants daddy to hug him. Also we’re supposed to be sad for his dealerships?
nice how the american costum officals are acting with tourists
critical social media posts have to be deleted before
they travel to the united states of KKK.
Good bye free speech and free opinion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbwuaw5_hrg
The science nerd inside me is screaming that one can't prove a negative LOL(If I don't laugh sometimes I may just curl into a ball and scream)
That said, I can sure as fuck prove that the government IS racist.
Saturday Night Live taught us what's actually motivating this current trend of chaos and cruelty... 11 years ago.
"White people" (it's a state of mind, not a skin color) are terrified of a future where they're not in charge, and are burning society to the ground out of pure spite.
The GOP is deeply racist. Even the PoC Republikkkans are deeply racist. ESPECIALLY the PoC Republikkkans. Ye in a Swastika necklace, Tim Scott, and oh-so many others.
Not many here will argue that point. But their propaganda machine has convinced 1/3 of this country that going back to the days of Jim Crow laws is what is best for them. And let's be honest. Those people didn't need a lot of convincing.
Senator Thune & Speaker Johnson, do your job! Stop Trump before he weakens the U.S. by dismantling the government. He’s preparing to declare martial law, claiming the Supreme Court is illegitimate. He wants absolute power. Defend democracy now!
Every day we have an example of racism within our government. With elected officials like Trump and his cabinet of hand picked supremacists, we are reminded on a daily basis.
Hi, I'm a producer and a muckraking journalist. Google me. If you can't stomach the madness we're in the midst of. If you despise corruption and will not tolerate fascism, you want to pay attention to me. If none of that applies, fuck off. https://youtu.be/9Gr8BhQw6UE?si=PFmpAOd0cJ58z1ca
The racism in the MAGA community is deeply rooted. In 1973, DT was sued by the Justice Department for systematically excluding African-Americans & Puerto Ricans from apartments he owned.
Last month, DT quietly issued a memo removing segregation bans. Though segregation is still very much illegal on the federal & state level, the act itself is on trend and speaks volumes.
From Day 1 and long before.
The Birther bullshit was racist to the core. Disgusting ... and should have been completely unqualifying. Except the bigots in the Republican Party loved it.
Part of the blame has to rest on the head of Bill Clinton for the 1996 FCC Telecommunications Act that gave those bigots so many outlets to spew their hatred.
Had a guy arguing with me yesterday (since blocked) that this was part of the work to end "very racist DEI" and that "any minor mistakes would quickly be corrected."
You are 100% correct They are racist and bitter Who believe that the color of their skin makes them superior It took those of all colors from all walks of life and countries to build the USA we are not united but divided Trump & Co do not care about our neighbors children or the elderly #resistance
Stop inadvertently spreading Russian propaganda: they aren’t imbeciles. This was NOT AN “OOPSIE!”
This is state sanctioned erasure of a people. This is the beginning of genocide and apartheid and it is NOT NORMAL AND NOT OKAY. BUT IT IS INTENTIONAL.
Many Europeans decided not to visit your country for fear of being detained by your nazi regime just for criticizing Trump on their cell phones or for just coming from free nations.
I heard throughout the years what most Americans say about us, French people. And right now, we want an apology from the COWARDS whose faces are brown with Trump's feces.
We are the leaders of the free world. We lead Europe against you, Nazi Americans, and against Putin.
Christopher I wish I could.
"Deeply racist "doesn't even come close to reality.
Anyone not white male was chattel. Property.
Sadly.. it has not changed They used to hide it from everyone behind laws, and politics and control of media. We've have greatness just out of our reach....
Not anymore
They whoever they are, obviously they are a they; are terribly racist, homophobic, misogynists! With all my heart I wish this weren't true, like helping someone on the street just because it's the right thing to do... (Love conquers all)
It’s been so obvious forever. That’s why Obama was seen as an “achievement”. In 2009. Took us until 2009. I was born 1952. Civil rights were just getting started. Laws passed but racist attitudes remained. It’s not Diversity Equity Inclusion that is the problem. It’s racism. On display right now.
Sorry to tell you, but it's not just the government that is racist. Americans elected this government knowing exactly what it was. Not all Americans are racist, but sadly far too many are.
Oh so that's all that "cultural Marxism" means? Not being a racist shithead? I was hoping it had something to do with cool graphic design from the Soviet Union.
Since 1492. Genocide. Land theft. Reservations. Slavery. Segregation. Redlining. Lack of school funding to primarily Black neighbourhoods. Importing crack to poor areas. Perpetuating poverty...worldwide.
Didn't you hear? They said racism is over! So I guess these super-specific deletions of web pages relating to hundreds of POC and women have nothing to do with that! /s
I mean why not just conduct business with their white hoods and robes and Nazi uniforms? Because they are afraid when we rise. And we are all rising and cannot and will not be erased!
It’s bizarre. I don’t understand (I mean, I do) why notifying the public of the achievements of POC could be seen as a negative. White people are not the only achievers in our history. The racism is strong with this administration and its cult following.
child is only a minor if they are under the age of eleven. Over that, the army can whore a girl out as it pleases, though it "may" choose to court-martial if a soldier has carnal knowledge of a girl aged eleven to fifteen.
And, yeah, I noticed the bits about not being able to be tried or rape or murder by court-martial if such occurred within the boundaries of the geographical United States and DC during a time of "peace", as well as the misogyny regarding child-bearing.
They've literally spent more than a decade defending Trump's blatantly racist birther campaign. Yes, the man who was sued (he lost) by the Nixon administration for racial discrimination 50 years ago, is a racist piece of shit.
There's plenty of deeply racist people here (and elsewhere!) but honestly I find the whole 'erase DEI' project - hell, the whole Trump 2.0 project! - to be primarily stupid. Like using a hammer to swat a fly or a machine gun to kill a rat. Never mind the incidental damage being done, let's destroy!
But the stupid is the point isn't it. Destroy it, don't offer a reasonable replacement, that's not what it's about. Let's go read some history about the fall of the Soviet Union; there are lessons there that are being repeated right here at home.
1000000% once a nazi always a nazi! It’s like people forget that mark ass bitch musk is from apartheid background! I been saying fuck that asshole from jump and now look at where we are. You let one nazi in America, it becomes Nazi America
Thanks for posting. This government is deeply racist. I believe that no good will come from this administration. The individuals who want to erase our history will not fair well.
Yeah.... we are at the "erase black and native American servicemen from military history and deport spanish speakers" level racist.... that's like racism defcon level 12
This government is deeply Racist.
I know 1st hand.
I have been targeted my entire life by a government flog greed stealing control of my asset accounts or trying gain control.
US Trust Bylaws control.
Put a bunch of beta white boys in charge who have a grudge because they couldn't get a girl in high school and give them free reign to take revenge. Here we are.
There is not one single thing anyone can say to negate what you just said. “Deeply” is being charitable. These people are next, next level kkk. And it’s terrifying.
should I start 😔
Don’t fight for a nation that does not care for Veterans.
When musty said the west has suicidal empathy it made me laugh. Crybully just wants daddy to hug him. Also we’re supposed to be sad for his dealerships?
It is so insane.
critical social media posts have to be deleted before
they travel to the united states of KKK.
Good bye free speech and free opinion.
Yes, this government is deeply racist. They hate anyone who isn't white and rich.
Nothing to see here, just move along citizen...
That said, I can sure as fuck prove that the government IS racist.
"White people" (it's a state of mind, not a skin color) are terrified of a future where they're not in charge, and are burning society to the ground out of pure spite.
Its hard to prove you wrong when every gov form asks for 'race' a made up thing be real racists .
The Birther bullshit was racist to the core. Disgusting ... and should have been completely unqualifying. Except the bigots in the Republican Party loved it.
How decent of them.
Our government is racist.
This is state sanctioned erasure of a people. This is the beginning of genocide and apartheid and it is NOT NORMAL AND NOT OKAY. BUT IT IS INTENTIONAL.
How many have eaten at your dinner table?
You can see the racism, speak on it, yet still have racism in your heart!!!
What does your mirror say to you???
We, the majority did not ask for this.
That's how we see it in Europe.
Many Europeans decided not to visit your country for fear of being detained by your nazi regime just for criticizing Trump on their cell phones or for just coming from free nations.
What have you become???
We are the leaders of the free world. We lead Europe against you, Nazi Americans, and against Putin.
This government is full mask off 🤢
"Deeply racist "doesn't even come close to reality.
Anyone not white male was chattel. Property.
Sadly.. it has not changed They used to hide it from everyone behind laws, and politics and control of media. We've have greatness just out of our reach....
Not anymore
They know what they’re doing. It’s no mistake.
They’re so goddamned racist they even erased Colin Powell from their websites. Their own neocon hero.
Which should prove this isn’t a left vs right thing.
This is a bottom vs top thing. And we HAVE to make sure the PEOPLE WIN.
They are not even trying to hide it.
They didn't stop at judging over melanin content.
I fully expect the Mann Act to revert to its "no interracial marriage" standard if they keep it. I also expect a return to the 1918 standard: a
Full article, starts on page 4: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89060379/1918-04-20/ed-1/seq-4/
(minor = under *ten; sorry about that)
This government is deeply Racist.
I know 1st hand.
I have been targeted my entire life by a government flog greed stealing control of my asset accounts or trying gain control.
US Trust Bylaws control.