STOP IT. I don’t want to hear another person ask, “Where’s Kamala? What is she doing?”
Did you learn nothing from this election? The country said they didn’t want her. They’d rather have a racist authoritarian with Project 2025 in his back pocket as President of the United States.
Did you learn nothing from this election? The country said they didn’t want her. They’d rather have a racist authoritarian with Project 2025 in his back pocket as President of the United States.
I hope she’s living her best life!
Perhaps we do, but hope is hard to find these days.
(But wouldn’t blame her at all if she just sits on the beach and sips her drink.)
If "she's living her best life", then why are all of us complainingv and protesting?
None of them owe us a thing, we owe them our heartfelt thanks and now it's up to us to fight.
That being said, we can only move forward & hope the Democrats have learned... It appears, so far, that only a few have.
People need to wake the fuck up and vote. Not just think oh it will be ok.
Guess what? We got the orange bafoon again.
A lot of people have forgotten the various patents that Ivanka got from China while daddy was in office. The top 3 that concerned me the most were:
1. Voting Machines
2. Body Bags
3. Coffins
What did she need Voting Machines for?
However: I feel that everyone who has ever been president or vice president or run for either of those offices, from any party, should be out fighting and yelling and acting to Counter the current fascism.
You can't push people away and then question why they're no longer there for you.
She was not elected to any position in November, therefore once she left office, it was no longer her duty to "protect" any of us.
I think my questions would be, if she's not an elected official & has no power, what can she really do? And honestly, would it be safe for her?
1.Porter was the primary sponsor of 2 bills that were enacted
2.Porter missed 175 of 3,193 roll call votes, which is 5.5%. This is much worse than the median of 2.2% among the lifetime records of representatives
But the bigger point is, how much legislation is required for each legislator to be good at their job?
Who has done a better job since Obama?
I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from
Politics has no deference.
She should have been President! As HRC should have been! The bigotry in America is a cruel and a dangerous reality that must be overcome.💔
I’m sick and tired of this fricking circular firing squad. The finger pointing needs to stop.
It would be nice to see her, nice to hear her voice, etc. So many of us looked to her as a beacon for hope. Please don't take that away when we don't have much else.
Never before has a former USA President been stripped of that.
This is the guy who took files from the WH and put them in a bathroom at his resort.
She tried. We failed.
US let itself down by not getting out and vote.
I know we aren't owed, but it would give me a boost to hear him denounced by the exes.
... one more time for the those in the *cheap seats*😀💙
It's an misogynistic and Anti-blackness that America and Americans have to be honest about.
Until this is addressed, we'll never progress as a society.
I'd vote for her in a heartbeat if she chose to give it another shot.
More voter support for any party&movement than ANY 3rd party since 1936 More votes than Bernie sanders or AOC will. People much more patient than I am needs plant seeds in potential MLS. Between decades of lib BS for decades. Bernie made sure I became an intolerant leftist
I will block and report all MIs/Dis-Information and Propaganda.
Until the DNC as a whole changes, They will continue--
They need to wake the fuck up.
She worked her ass off to save this country and we screwed it up.
I’m sick of people saying “where’s Kamala? Where’s Hillary? Where’s Barack?
People that love to bitch couldn’t be bothered to show up to vote
Hope they are enjoying this dystopian nightmare we are living
Fuck them.
So I'm going to ask: where are Harris, Biden, Obama, Bill AND Hillary Clinton, Jeffries, Schumer, etc. etc.?
The main ones speaking out are AOC and Bernie, with Crockett and a few others.
No one else us going to save U.S.
Why can’t they all be taken out? They should all be in prison!
I see these calls for prior Presidents to say something. No. They did what they could to steer the country in the right direction. Call YOUR rep and tell them to get busy.
It's ridiculous but it's not happening.
Tim Walz = basic white guy, he might have a chance.
That is a long way off right now. We need a leader now and she is stepping up speaking up, at least.
We're on the same page here, she's the right person for the moment. ✌️
And she's already shown that she's ready for new politics & using various media platforms to engage people. She's showing the way!
Also, she faced far more deadly dangerous threats than did Trump w/ staged assassination attempt (that got people killed) and I fear for her safety.
How's that decision working out for you?
Yet you have the gall to wonder where she's at.
Gawd almighty, you people deserve everything coming your way.
Those Palestinians that you were so concerned about don't though.
I don't agree with the decision the abstainers made, but can empathize with their crisis of conscious over having no candidate who would stop sending bombs. Can't vote your heart in a general election - there's more at stake than one issue
You told her to leave. She did.
Malcolm x never gets old.
Farce on Washington. Plymouth rock. Liberal fox.
This is his political football speech. Now Bernie sanders&AOC are on tour. Trying to sucker 18 million people who left the party to come back. Or sucker real leftists or potential leftists.
But don’t fault us our Hope. There have been candidates who lost, stayed in the game, went on to win, and did great things. Joe Biden is a role model.
We lost far more than an election when we let Kamala go.
31% Harris
1% Stein
36% DIDN'T VOTE!!!!!
Watch my pinned skeet for more on this. My only problem with Kamala is they were warned by the head of their computer tech that they needed a forensic audit in early November and no one ordered one.
Ya GAVE the country to Trump
And now it's difficult for everyone
Voting isn't just a right
It's a fucking PRIVILEGE and 36% of our voting population WASTED that PRIVILEGE
All y'all non-voters can Stfd and STFU
No excuses:
YOUR vote is how you express your opinion
Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala
Not One Horrible Thing Happening Now,
Is The Result Of ANYTHING Done By #PresidentBiden and #VPHarris!
Not One Thing In The Past FOUR YEARS
Has Caused ANY Of The Terrible Things Happening Now!
🇺🇸 🗽
She's probably spent some time resting. I certainly hope so. Campaigns are exhausting.
She's a private citizen, not public property.
And now you're criticizing Harris for... not being more like Trump. 🙄
I’m not going to fault Harris or Clinton for how they chose to spend their time now that they are no longer in public service. It’s not my business.
You can't turn your back on someone and then expect them to tap dance for you.
Mr Walz is capitalizing on his new popularity quite well. But it has also been pointed out that MAGA DOGE is not winning points with POC.
She is no longer in govt.
Tim Walz is.
She deserves time away after so many turned their backs on her to usher in a monster for a 2nd term.
Many Trump supporters were/are POC (particularly Latinos). Let them stew in their decision.
Maybe ask where is Chuck instead, he still has a job…
Kamala only lost because she refused to fight those Bullshit Tabulation Results.
That left us with a deeply unsettling leadership vacuum.
The entire Democratic party caved and refused to fight on her behalf and that pisses me off the most. did a deal w/DeJoy:
Malcolm x never gets old.
Farce on Washington. Plymouth rock. Liberal fox.
This is his political football speech. Now Bernie sanders&AOC are on tour. Trying to sucker 18 million people who left the party to come back. Or sucker real leftists or potential leftists.
I donated to a Dem fund to investigate & never saw a report of any investigation at all.
Please stop with this stuff, people. It sounds no smarter or saner when we say it than it did when MAGA said it.
I'd like to know how all the pro-Palestinians feel about what's happening in Gaza now. We could have worked with Harris. Instead we got the felon.
Malcolm x never gets old.
Farce on Washington. Plymouth rock. Liberal fox.
This is his political football speech. Now Bernie sanders&AOC are on tour. Trying to sucker 18 million people who left the party to come back. Or sucker real leftists or potential leftists.
States were called minutes after closing. The election called in 4 hours. Ivanka has voting machine patents, they had years to crack the codes, voting machines were connected to StarLink. Record turnout yet 30M missing votes. Something isn't adding up here.
The assholes working for her campaign who marked voters concerned about Gaza as "do not contact" definitely sat this one out. We agree.
There are a lot of former Democratic leaders who are mute who should be speaking out and I don't understand their silence.
But I do appreciate your use of language, for real.
I couldn't disagree with this view anymore strongly. And no pundit or writer ever mentions it. How polite. This is no time for politeness
I mean you can, esply if you're rich, but I think it's selfish and self pitying.
If nothing else, she could speak up for Zelensky. There's a lot she could say or do
We wanted her, we voted for her but the technoligarchs hav the connections and algorithms to flip votes. The audits are proving we got screwed. So fu if u can’t see it. Kamala won.
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
If she chooses to get involved in government again, that is her choice.
Also, we do not know what she is doing behind the scenes.
We should be concerned about what current elected officials are doing.
And our own efforts.
She holds no position
The felon is a dictator, not a president.
State and her party leadership failed her and then she failed people.
She still could do that.
Those fucktards failed her and this nation's freedoms.
Those who voted for her did not fail her or the nation.
So, those who ever voted for trump are nothing to me, worthless.
This isn't about color. This is about leadership. I would have followed her to whatever end.
But it is too late to relitigate the election. Trump is already IN OFFICE. We need to deal with that horrifying reality.
Otherwise, she was never fit to be president/a leader.
Out of 240 million people in this country eligible to vote, only 156 million voted. That's 65% of eligible voters.
32% of those eligible to vote elected the felon.
Here's the bigger issue -
They can't see the truth because they've got their eyes closed.
Racism, misogyny, ableism, elitism, entitlement... Society is sick.
The rest, I wholeheartedly agree with. Also, my god. the campaign she ran, the work she did...give her a freaking break. She needs time off.
This Nazi found a way, but yes, we still need every voice more so now than ever.
Where is Kamala?!
What is she doing?!
And where’s Doug?!
…My wife and I just feel like they’d be good additions to game night. Thought we’d see if they are available.
$20 says Doug’s a Cataan guy.
None of these people hold an office right now. They did their job.
If they wanna be mad, they can direct their attention to all of the ELECTED OFFICIALS NOT DOING THEIR JOBS.
Kamala does not want to be that leader. She wanted to be President. Apparently there's a big difference.
“Someone fix that”!
American “new reality” oh shit! I have no idea how to fix that! Civil ignorance is the enemy of the ppl, ALL THE PPL.
but I will not support her again if she sits back and does nothing now. Tim Walz was also rejected, and he’s getting out there WHILE running a state.
So yeah. Astronomical level probability odds.
I see on here all these crowds for AOC & town halls. As an Australian, I saw the same masses as I saw for Harris Walz.
Given who trump & his huge powerful cohort are, & how flimsy your voting system is (sorry but it’s SO corruptible), I can’t believe they didn’t cheat.
Do we hate joy?
We never wallow in it.. for long.
And the orange buffoon just angrily stripped her security clearance, out of sheer spite. Where is the surge of outrage emerging to have her back? 🦗🦗🦗