Well...to be fair...the MAGAs disdain *education* as well as science and facts, relying instead on their own MAGA ideas of *common sense* based on conspiracy theories, ouija boards, tarot cards, rumors, and titillating gossip.
MAGAs are WILLFULLY uneducated, meaning WILLFULLY STUPID.
Which is nothing. Seriously this is the biggest issue our democracy faces. We are lousy at education. The past election proved this. We have an uneducated public that can’t understand why their life sucks and voted for a carnival barker to make all their lives beautiful. Duh
Freedom of speech, press, etc. is one, right to bear arms is two, no more quartering act is three, and then I get confused for the rest of the Bill of Rights.
*Free speech, religion, press, assembly
*bare arms
*freedom from housing soldiers (didn’t remember it was called quartering until I saw your post)
*due process
*freedom from self incrimination
Many teachers voted red. It would be so much easier to call it ignorance, but the majority knew exactly what the end of DOE would mean. We are trained yearly on IEPs. We learn the budget process. We know which positions/programs are federally funded. I could go on... 🥹🥹🥹
They don't realize anything that the Federal Govt. does for them. They cry, "states rights! state rights!," not realizing all the money the Federal Govt. gives to their states. If it doesn't benefit them, then they need to cry on the shoulder of their Governor.
IDK Dude, I graduated high school in 93, from a 'poor' school. We might have had to steal typing paper for Art Class but I know my 1st Amendment Rights.
It's when they started teaching Noah's Arc instead of Evolution that 💩 tanked.
Unless you’re a billionaire, you’ve been under attack since you were born. You never experienced anything else. BTW answer to article’s question is, “No.”
Heritage was founded in 1973 by Joseph Coors and other uber rich right wing nut jobs to suppress the poor and middle class and make the rich richer. It worked. Article explains. Answer to article question is,”No.”
Thanks to IDEA, I went to school with my peers. I was included. I had awesome paraprofessionals and teachers. Here's the speech I gave at my high school graduation. Kids with disabilities matter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BAgS5We9l4
Nope, they're just taught to hate it for some reason, so they do... most don't even care to know. They just take these things on face value. It's very destructive when It comes to politics...
Many Americans could not spell 'Department' or 'Education'.
Theys don't need no high falootin' ejekayshuns, now theys got Trump ownin' them Libs an all.
A quick search found it provides funding for public schools, administers federal student aid programs, and collects data on US education. The Department of Education has also been praised for its work on improving access to education and promoting educational excellence.
Well it just underlines their hatred of anyone with an education. Uneducated unquestioning are more easily dominated..if you’re a Nazi
Resist Revolution Replace
I’m horrified by the dad who comes to our school in full MAGA gear and picks up his kids who are receiving special Ed services. It’s going to be the kids who suffer.
The believe schools brainwash kids into thinking for themselves. Also they make kids gay and transgender. Trump even had the family of a kid who went to school one day and came home transitioned. Had them stand up and everything. These dumb goobers will believe anything.
It has become quite clear that many Americans have little to no education at all, which is a fundamental requirement for having a clue about anything in the first place
This drives me crazy! 1) Trump is a horrible businessman—he’s a great conman! 2) We aren’t supposed to make real estate deals we are supposed to keep us safe and secure!
I lost a friend bc when she asked what I'd say to younger people who didn't vote "out of protest" & I replied that they needed to take a f**king civics class. I couldn't help myself. The ignorance is too much to handle any more. sigh...
As I’m sure most of us know, the electoral college system discourage people from voting in all but the seven or so swing states. I can’t vote for democracy because I live in Indiana. When they couldn’t win the educational elections anymore, they just created an appointed position & gave it the power
Yes, I was astounded. I remember that Obama won Florida twice. With I think three special elections coming up there, is this worth remembering? I guess it depends on which district. Anyway I hope the Dems are moving heaven & earth. This election could decide the house.
That’s how the clown won! Talk to ppl, every state has something. In NV, 12k signatures weren’t cured. Between that and Musk, we didn’t have a chance. No more free & fair elections if they are bought or a billionaire is running.🤬
Voter suppression isn’t as overt as turning people away. It’s more closing down places to vote. Making lines at the existing ones where other someone has to wait potentially hours to vote. Getting rid of mail in voting would also be voter suppression. A few states only do mail in voting etc etc
Dare I say some teachers don’t either. A family member who is a secretary at a high poverty school said that most of her teachers are fine with no DoE.
Well, parents of public school children are gonna find out real soon. Especially those with children who have IEPs to help with accommodations and Special Education resources.
Wait til that aide that stays with their child all day at school is no longer paid for and their choice is pay it themselves or do without. We’ll be back to days of the special ed kids all in one room far away from the other kids and no opportunities. I grew up in the 60s-70s. I remember.
Keep in touch with the principals at your schools. Regularly. At least here, there are principals scheduling several information sessions for the community to give input on budget priorities for the next school year 2025-2026. Their budgets might be cut and they have to prepare parents for it.
Also the majority doesn't understand history or how the government works. I guess all these football coaches in the deep south didn't teach history or civics correctly. Glad my teachers were majority minorities and taught things I thought everyone learned until I went to a majority white school
totally different environment than the schools I was used to. Alabama may have desegregated schools but from my experience it is still majority white or minority because most neighborhoods are that way.
It’s hard for them to understand because more than half can’t read at a 6th grade level. Trump loves the uneducated which explains his pick to lead it.
It’s become quite clear many Americans have no clue what the Federal Government does - aside from tax people and just randomly allow brown people to cross the border.
Well … given that the altright has been underfunding education for over 50 years… there’s a shit ton of nazi imbeciles that can’t even read THAT! ✌️♥️🍹🍹
“I do…you take public money and funnel it to for profit schools, where the best students get access to opportunities, the worst students get nothing, and the Board gets wealthy…duh.”
-Betsy D.
Every red state governor is probably lobbying the hell out of the White House right now as they know they're screwed and don't have nearly the revenue to support DoE's normal mission.
MAGA is destroying the minimum standard for education, which means the red states will become increasingly economically dependent on the blue states while having outsized political power because of the electoral college.
It's not just that. Your education, your rights, your access to health care, your retirement, what books you can read, what bathroom you can use, should not depend on your zip code! None of this is a "states rights" issue!
Basic human rights that federal law - used - to protect. No conscious no morals just greed for power and funnelling your money to a tiny group of billionaires 47 and sycophants Nazis…
And yet all of what you mentioned (except your rights) are indeed under the states’ or the People’s authority, and not under the Federal authority, according to our constitution, which is the supreme law of the land.
And those of who know and know you AND your kids are fighting like Hell for them. We're seriously in a "heightened state of awareness." Where do these students go and how are their needs supervised and funded?
I'm a job coach and I know the individual needs and challenges and how very important...
I know a lot of the things they do, but I wonder if they are involved in managing pensions and healthcare plans of retired teachers, or if that's all handled by the states?
Because I sure know some MAGAt retired teachers who would be really surprised.
To be fair, maybe a lot of them were right. If the difference between having virtually no education and a high school education translates into a negligible difference in terms of job /earning opportunities, why study?
I feel here in Europe the difference would be much more tangible.
As the parent to a kid who had an IEP- even through Covid- I totally get how important the department of education is. He’s thriving now at Penn State but thank god for those teachers and IEP reps!!
Sadly, Americans don't know how the department of just about anything in the government works. Once again I blame ignorance! We are not informed enough as a country. We need to open our eyes and find out for ourselves what's really going on
The only bright side I can see in this current administration is that more Americans will learn what the government does for them. Maybe they will realize that the government is not the problem, who is in charge is the problem.
It’s become quite clear that most Americans have no clue what Federal Government does for society, period! They are about to find out the hard way! #FAFO
Sadly, many Americans have no clue what most of our government agencies do. They'll find out soon enough when they begin losing services they enjoy and/or require.
No, if you’ve not accessed its many advantages or have had a high school GUIDANCE COUNSELOR how would one?
…guess it’s one of those programs cut through DOE🤷♀️
To be fair, I had one set of ideas about what the DOE did and when I read that the fascists were planning on getting rid of the department I did some research and learned that my preconceptions were wrong. And that's coming from someone who goes looking for information. The average person doesn't
Not surprising given that most of America reads at an eighth grade level or below, and were obviously asleep during science, history, and civics classes.
Right, good luck trying to get a Pell Grant or Financial Aid without the Department of Education, on second thought, never mind, I forgot who we were talking about for a minute.
Sorry to hear that, this is going to affect enrollment at lots of Universities who need students to exist. We are living in the upside down. There is a reason why Trump said he loved the uneducated.
This will not stop children from learning,
it will just change the environment in which they learn.
The community is the truest teacher of the child,
especially the family community.
Children learn from our example how to live,
not from what we force them to remember.
What's wild is that it is similar to what my mother, who voted for this dismantling, says. She's always said we should all have to take a civics class. Astounding
The grown men my husband works with every day, they don't know what tariffs are. Now they do, but don't understand how it will affect them. Still maga morons till the end, I guess.
MAGAs are WILLFULLY uneducated, meaning WILLFULLY STUPID.
Freedom of speech, press, etc. is one, right to bear arms is two, no more quartering act is three, and then I get confused for the rest of the Bill of Rights.
*Free speech, religion, press, assembly
*bare arms
*freedom from housing soldiers (didn’t remember it was called quartering until I saw your post)
*due process
*freedom from self incrimination
*speedy trail
*cruel unusual punishment
But I can’t remember if those are mixed in with the ones I mentioned above
It's when they started teaching Noah's Arc instead of Evolution that 💩 tanked.
United States education has been a joke for a while.
Theys don't need no high falootin' ejekayshuns, now theys got Trump ownin' them Libs an all.
No wonder Trump gets elected. Over half the country is not informed enough to vote intelligently.
Resist Revolution Replace
There isn't anything they can understand.
so I donate as much as I can:
But dismantling the Department of Education is ridiculous and stupid! I hate that we got to this point.
In these times, the women who avoid discomfort are the ones you can't turn your back on.
We were f*cked the moment that becoming an educator was perceived as a “back-up plan”.
But don’t fret… it will only take decades and commitment than none are willing to make, to repair.
And the 90 million non-voters don’t give AF
That’s probably because John McCain said Obama wasn’t an Arab, and the racists stayed home!
I also didn’t see a line because nobody was voting!
Far too many Americans don’t know how schools work in general either.
I’ll even take it a step further: the more people that are uneducated, the more people that are dumber than me. 😂
-Betsy D.
…and they’re proud of that!!
Won't end well.
Courts are holding our lifesavers right now 💙🦋
Fixed it for you.
I'm a job coach and I know the individual needs and challenges and how very important...
I don't, either. But I know it's valuable.
“How to Destroy America’s Education System in 10 Easy Steps”
Because I sure know some MAGAt retired teachers who would be really surprised.
I feel here in Europe the difference would be much more tangible.
And that's precisely why they want to abolish it
…guess it’s one of those programs cut through DOE🤷♀️
We're going to need ad spots, or half hour educational episodes on the history and purpose of all of them.
politics alot and I have no idea
the scope of their brief!
Oh no…
He knows about suckers
it will just change the environment in which they learn.
The community is the truest teacher of the child,
especially the family community.
Children learn from our example how to live,
not from what we force them to remember.