The suspect who left the backpack is playing a game, leading authorities on a false chase. He is most likely long gone but I have a faint hope that he is lying in wait outside of Trump Tower.
That game was invented to reflect concern of capitalism in the US. The oil barons, the bankers etc who, without the social safety nets we now have, put entire families out on the street and into bread lines. It’s the perfect metaphor for medical bankruptcy & death cause by insurance company greed.
Absolutely. The Democratic party is still delusional, and they have their core group of people who agree with their delusions just like maga people. They can’t be shaken. The next election is 2026. The left must work hard to get the right candidates thru the primaries.
Reading the comments here is very informative. Just the other day, before the shooting even happened I was talking to someone about the game and how it seems to bring out the worst in people, makes them mean, just like capitalism.
I think he may have intended to scatter it on the corpse to complete this "Guerrilla Theatre" BUT had to abandon that part for some reason. Let's face it, this was well planned. It had a script.
Irony.. plain and simple irony. You remember the game was originally created to show people that capitalism was a lose-lose situation and you only win by doing not nice things I think it's a metaphor for the moral of that game
The game was invented to teach people about the inevitable result of capitalism. The game always ends up with one person owning everything by taking everything everyone else has left.
I dont think it was though. It originated as "the landlords game" and the aim was for everyone to take from the landlord & bankrupt him.
Until the concept was stolen and manipulated.
It originated as one half of "The Landlord's Game", which was designed to be playable under two different rulesets - the Monopolist rules based on capitalism and the Prosperity rules based on georgism. Parker Brothers bought the patent and then only published the monopolist part.
I always assumed the game ended when one person flipped the game over and walked out of the room in disgust. Hence, “turning the tables” on the tycoon.
Maybe there’s some personal bias there. 🤔
I always hated it and until this day my brother plays it with the same aggressive behavior as when we were kids. He also has no empathy, compassion for others. This all makes sense to me now.
So you're also clear, yes that's unfortunate however - The actions that have taken place have prompted the reversal of a decision of other insurance companies covering anesthesia for full length of surgeries, saving lives of others. It's unfortunate for kids, but also unfortunate who their dad was.
Those are your choices. You keep telling the world that you are the leading democracy in the world. Apparently, not so. Many countries have embraced universal access to health care, with many having a single payer system. You have not. Your democratic choice.
Unfortunately that's not something the people can control, as universal healthcare would be wonderful.
However, taking out a CEO of a health insurance company that has (one of?) the highest claim denials / resubmissions, IS something that we can control.
Oh. So if we are unhappy with someone, we can just wander up and end his life? Really? He broke no laws. He reflects a system you chose through omission or commission. Wow.
Women and black voters would disagree with your pleas.of helplessness to change an unjust system. Sounds like cowardice to me.
Denying healthcare is the same as murder. Eye for an eye? Works for me. Also works for not only women and black voters, but all other genders and races, if you check the comments of all news social media outlets. CEOs and Governments should fear the people they govern. Do not take advantage of us.
Not particularly surprising that an American God would embrace the evangelical support of murder for those whom we disagree with. As opposed to encouraging people to take responsibility for their electoral choices related to women's rights, health care reform, and the human rights of 2SLGBTQ+.
Money is the root of all evil & it's just paper. Worthless really compared to the value of life.
As society breaks down with injustice & laws written to protect the rich while enslaving the poor, I expect more of this. People will eventually take things into their own hands. It's coming.
I'm all for it. Finally get that old testament archived so all those bigots picking certain phrases from Leviticus to perpetual evil can go away.
God should have a rest.
Oh. Ooh. Mista Cotta. I got this one. The shooter lost someone close to them because the insurance company screwed them over. Since it’s all about money for the insurance company, the shooter showed them that the CEO’s life meant as much to him as his loved one did to the insurance company.
I believe they lost someone also.
I worked for a CEO 25 years ago. And he had blue cross blue shield. He was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic syndrome and needed a bone marrow transplant. After 30 years of paying them... Because he'd just turned 55 he was too old for them to recoup their money.
Greed & to play mind games with the cops 👮♀️- now they r swimming in ‘the Lake’ but IMO- that dude is long gone…all he had to do was pretend to be a Swiftie to get into Canada 🇨🇦!
“The Copay Crusader” does not consent to the gamed system.
I do not consent to the current system that has replaced my rights with privileges bestowed or rescinded by the whims of the serial autocrat & generational monopoly money my family has accumulated.
⬆️ THIS, this truly saddens me.. HealthCare is a basic human right. 😠
As an Australian, health care is about how sick you are & getting the correct care/medication & support, not about how rich you are or your level of insurance.
I can totally understand Americans' frustrations.
It really is BS. 🩷😥
I work in retail myself and the CEO decided to cut our payroll hours, so he could give it to the shareholders. We have the same amount of work, just less people to do it. Seems wrong somehow.
But hey, you people have power if you organize & work together. Get everybody involved & just say "hell no, we're not doing it"? You were looking for a job when you found that one. Until the next admin, they're still jobs available.
Dont do it. We saw the same thing happen at a high end grocery based in Rochester. They just refused to replace people that left. The workload was the same tho. It burnt people out so bad that after I left when I would visit they would nearly beg to see where Id gone because they wanted out so badly
The original version, entitled The Landlord's Game, had another version: Prosperity - which I, and literally millions of others have never heard of or experienced; in game form or real life. Oh, the irony. The original game was patented by a woman named Lizzie Magie.
I think the whole thing sounds like a game to throw law enforcement and the media off the real trail. Words etched on bullets tying in to a book about healthcare injustice? Allowing himself to be captured on a Starbucks security cam? Now the Monopoly money? Kaiser Sose, anyone?
Or his colleagues who were also involved in the insider trading deal worried he’d rat them out to the FBI, so they had the threat « removed » and made it look like an angry patient…
Or a paid hit by his wife or someone screwed over by his insider trading. Much of what's becoming known screems professional hit. Knowing his mark's routine, when to hide his face, where to place decoys showing their faces, walking from the scene instead of running... This guy is good.
I’m looking on from the UK, and it strikes me that with all the money paid into these institutions, you don’t get any of it back when you need it. It might as well be Monopoly money.
The UHC parent group is United Health Group a global health insurance company that is home based in England. What a kicker that this company operates out of a country with National Health Insurance.
Yes, these companies here in the USA first wanted universal health care and then started to be against it because they could make more money. They are doing business in countries that have universal health care.
To clarify: they’ve been there for a while. It’s a slow march. They’ve found. The best way to take something away from people is slowly and in small pieces.
It's just the"boot strap" mentality has kept us back from truely functioning as a fair society. But things happen in waves, this too shall pass. History tells us that things get better and better. It's the long view.
Well, of course it's advanced. Most of it came out of the space program. The internet: I love being able to talk to people from all over the world. I've learned so much about other countries, Viet nam, Germany, Syria, Uk. It has opened up the world for millions of people. Billions actually.
I think he's calling the CEO a fat cat and saying that UHC has monopolized the market, and in many ways that's true. This says to me that it was ideologically motivated.
These CEOs have murdered 10s of thousands of people through administrative cruelty. When they’re breathing their last breath bleeding out, all those billions will be worth as much as a Central Park back pack of Monopoly money.
You think he will make it to jail? He killed a rich person. He will never make it into a cop car if they figure out who he is. Only people that kill poor people make it to jail… if they don’t get let off.
Many a manhunt has lasted longer and ended with the perpetrator caught. The picture of him at the hostel is too clear. Anyone who knows him has seen it.
He did get away. It was a different economic environment back then. And I did see a news story recently where a guy claims he found his parachute when one of his last relatives died and it was in their attic...
I don't know about the game-playing by him but my theory is that he was hired by one of UHC presidents buddy's who did the insider trading caper with him and UHC Prez was gonna flip..........#MurderForHire
It's a statement about the financial system.. and pretty factual at that .. we spend our lives working for money they print out of nothing.. hence the turm monopoly when a company controls the industry, i.e., banks
He knew the cops would find his bag. And the money was him telling them that things are still going according to his plans and the cops shouldn't feel so accomplished about finding the bag.
Perhaps it’s a duality of sorts-a literal “monopoly” over who is deserving of healthcare according to UHC and the very fact that monopoly is a game and he made the first move 🤷🏻♀️
Because to the CEOs our Healthcare IS a game, they play with our lives as if it were a game of Monopoly. Bc our life savings & tests above our coverage grade were little more than game pieces for their amusement .
The point was made. Those of us whose skin has been ripped off in the game got it.
I think he left the bag knowing he would find it, and UHC is a monopoly in many ways. He's making a statement. Everything about this guy says he's careful. He knows what he's doing. It's the killer making a statement.
Isn't it obvious?
He has won second prize in a beauty contest.
He'd have won first place if he smiled more.
Oh wait...Oh, good lad!
Your prize money just went up to $20 👏
I’m guessing in his delusional brain, he fantasized of dropping the fake money on the CEO’s body. Bullet casing messages, Monopoly money…it’s all very theatrical.
Especially if you were in treatment and your provider stopped accepting UHC because they were going to undercut payments. Patients left holding the bag with no insurance.
It was an F'you to the insurance industry. I'm guessing the plan was to shoot is arse and then dump monopoly money all over him to make a statement. Too bad he didn't do that.
To be pedantic, it's technically an oligopoly since there are multiple companies that have all adopted the same set of anti-consumer business practices.
Courting a reputation for pedantry now, there's also a distinction between oligarchy (government by and for the wealthy upper class) vs. oligopoly (a market condition where a few powerful businesses work to minimize competition, often by colluding together). All of these things are bad for normies.
We’ve all been playing monopoly. We’re all trying to win while the richest player has already won. We’re just scrambling for the crumbs at this point until the winner declares an end to the game. The money bag is the crumbs.
It’s probably Canadian money and nobody working the case has ever seen different coloured bills. Also, the Monopoly money has a higher American street value than Canadian money.
That's his opinion of all the money people might assume was the reason he did it for? Its kind of a joke, maybe, to let us know that these monopolies need to be taken down.
It’s a vigilante breaking up monopolies one CEO at a time? No, really, I think it’s to show that it was a paid, professional hit, not just a random thing.
With the aca the ins cos rip us off thru our govt subsidies.
They bill the feds what we dont pay and the subsidy is outrageous
Thousands of dollars a month for this taxpayer.
It has to stop.
US ranks last on key health care measures compared with anyone.
Probably to show how they treat us like shit. Where they charge us huge monthly payments and then deny covering everything they can. They get rich and we suffer and they clearly don't care when we die. I would have rather died from cancer than fighting my insurance to cover my chemo.
Monopoly was developed as a game to teach players that the only way to win capitalism is to accumulate as much money as possible, no matter who you have to make homeless
I haven't made up my mind on that yet, because it is odd, but at the same time I wonder if it even "signifies" anything at all. I mean, I doubt he would have had it if it didn't mean anything. It's not like everybody just casually walks around with backpacks full of Monopoly money. But who knows?
Monopoly was originally called The Landlords Game, and is about the capitalist exploitation of the land and working class people. Not hard to see the correlation with a multimillionaire getting rich by denying healthcare to the poor while taking their money, is it?
I’ll definitely watch this whole thing (just not right now)
I didn’t like Monopoly as a kid (bc I always lost) but also I thought it was kinda cruel…for everyone to lose all of their money so one person could win…
I just never liked Monopoly bc it was a cruel game & it took forever to play to get to the care for money and being wretched to other people was not that all-consuming...
The trick to playing is buy up everything you can on almost everything you land on and buy up every house, but no hotels. No one can buy hotels unless they give up 4 houses on one property. Practice by using a video game version.
I had a dear friend of mine show me this about twenty years ago, and it's stuck with me ever since. As soon as they announced that the shooter had left Monopoly money in the backpack, I knew what he was trying to say.
I didn't see that! I would be surprised if this didn't end up in some type of reform. I'm sure people are organizing. Maybe we'll see victims of UHC come out of the woodwork.
Darrow based the version he sold to PB on a version of Lizzie's game that had been adapted by the Quakers.
Read more:
I had not thought of it like that
Thank you
Until the concept was stolen and manipulated.
Maybe there’s some personal bias there. 🤔
However, taking out a CEO of a health insurance company that has (one of?) the highest claim denials / resubmissions, IS something that we can control.
Deny Defend Depose
Women and black voters would disagree with your pleas.of helplessness to change an unjust system. Sounds like cowardice to me.
Maybe he was planning on leaving it at the scene but decided against it or didn't have time.
As society breaks down with injustice & laws written to protect the rich while enslaving the poor, I expect more of this. People will eventually take things into their own hands. It's coming.
God should have a rest.
I worked for a CEO 25 years ago. And he had blue cross blue shield. He was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic syndrome and needed a bone marrow transplant. After 30 years of paying them... Because he'd just turned 55 he was too old for them to recoup their money.
I fancy myself in autumn, spank you very much
“The Copay Crusader” does not consent to the gamed system.
I do not consent to the current system that has replaced my rights with privileges bestowed or rescinded by the whims of the serial autocrat & generational monopoly money my family has accumulated.
We do not consent.
As an Australian, health care is about how sick you are & getting the correct care/medication & support, not about how rich you are or your level of insurance.
I can totally understand Americans' frustrations.
It really is BS. 🩷😥
But hey, you people have power if you organize & work together. Get everybody involved & just say "hell no, we're not doing it"? You were looking for a job when you found that one. Until the next admin, they're still jobs available.
I wonder how much was in the bag 😳
Board game in which the goal is to remain financially solvent while bankrupting others.
But as there was a witness right there and a car pulling up he decided to bug out immediately.
Hard to believe he'd have left so much evidence behind.
I’m looking on from the UK, and it strikes me that with all the money paid into these institutions, you don’t get any of it back when you need it. It might as well be Monopoly money.
Pure performance art at its finest.
The business of America is business.
Americans are nothing more than rubes for corporations to pick our pockets and drain our paychecks
They are NOT good people
I get your point though I think
These CEOs have murdered 10s of thousands of people through administrative cruelty. When they’re breathing their last breath bleeding out, all those billions will be worth as much as a Central Park back pack of Monopoly money.
Also: Fuck that corporate corruption icon bastard.
rampant killer-greed
It’s rather clear as an azure sky in deepest summer
I love you, God
The point was made. Those of us whose skin has been ripped off in the game got it.
He has won second prize in a beauty contest.
He'd have won first place if he smiled more.
Oh wait...Oh, good lad!
Your prize money just went up to $20 👏
The other possibility is that NYPD'S photo enhancement is a bit dodgy.
It will be very useful to his defence if they ever catch him 😃
That money kills your right.
From the AMA under commercial markets.
they're just brave enough to operate in the open now.
which clearly was a mistake.
Money over lives. 💴 💀
Comparing the reality to the game.
Just like the Clinton Admininvestigation of Microsoft was derailed by the stolen election in 1999.
We are a very sick society!
it means nothing when you don't have your health
or you are cruel & unkind you can't take it with you
They bill the feds what we dont pay and the subsidy is outrageous
Thousands of dollars a month for this taxpayer.
It has to stop.
US ranks last on key health care measures compared with anyone.
The only way to win is NOT to play.
Looks like this guy voted to switch mid-game.
Thanks for the link!
I didn’t like Monopoly as a kid (bc I always lost) but also I thought it was kinda cruel…for everyone to lose all of their money so one person could win…
Cheating is part of the game in real life though…so…
I had a copy of this.
Didn't plan the others walking by the corpse to still attend their investment meeting.
That was also telling.
They give NOTHING to the process. All of them should be banned.
I shouldn't be treated "cruelly and unusually" by a corporation, either.
Who profits from my DEATH.