MAGA cut off their noses to spite their faces by voting for the Felon Elect. And then complain they are ugly! Yea, they sure owned the libs! Wait until they get a real taste of what they voted for!
Fascists like Mussolini and Trump offer simple solutions to complex problems, and bully their way to power. They loved Mussolini in the beginning but things didn’t work out for him in the end.
This is more like a CyberCuck review. "The front wheel fell off, the rearview camera just shows a skull and cross bones, FSD ran over my cat, twice, and my cell phone died so I was trapped in it for a night. Still love the truck though."
Until they actually renounce him, they haven't turned on him.
Too bad it's too late for them to do anything about it. If they are lucky, he will just ignore them. If they aren't lucky, he will go out of his way to spite them.
You voted four the common man?... really? What precisely about Mr put GOLD on everything, towers with his name on them, born into wealth, handed fame on a platter, flies around on private jets, ONLY HANGS OUT WITH THE FILTHY RICH, sold you on him being for the COMMON man?
God this is so infuriating. Anyone who bothered to actually LISTEN and PAY ATTENTION in his first term and to his speeches is not surprised by any of this. Disgusted? Yes. Surprised? No.
How in the mind of anyone us Trump, the guy either gold toilets , the hero of the common man? Those red hats cause brain damage! come are all stuck with a gifted who eould sell us all fir a buck and an award!
A lot of them are to blame actually because they didn’t show up for Kamala like they did for Biden. The turd didn’t get many more votes than last time, he won because not as many people showed up to vote for the black woman for whatever stupid excuse they came up with, but that’s the bottom line.
A little TOO LATE for them to turn.
I can't wait until the price of eggs go up to $2 each.
I'm not a fan of eggs so they can go up to $10 ea.
Those tRump fans can go suck an egg right out of a chickens a**. It'd be good for them to try to save a buck.
How many eggs do these repubs eat, anyway???
Great read God!!
Love the quote, “Thou hast been scammed. Bamboozled. Led astray by the snake oil salesman who never cared for thee.” - evident that gullibility was victorious!
Anyone out there feel the world, this country, the system is fucked and no longer works for us?
This link will give you some clarity. It will show you the culture wars are a diversion to keep us fighting one another.
See, all this does is piss me off. He was very clear about who he was. His last administration showed he had no interest in the common man. If you were stupid enough to fall for the racist, sexist BS, this is ENTIRELY your fault.
This is why liberals should leave Twitter. If there aren’t liberals on the platform, they will turn on themselves. There will be no place to express their incessant negativity.
I have news for you Mr. Trump supporter. He’s not going to stop, it will get worse. You got played by a con man. And to make it worse, it is well known that he’s a con man and a liar.
Does it matter anymore, tho? Trump is almost beside the point; he served his purpose; he won the election. His whole cadre of henchman are in the house, and they are going to rape and pillage and all the rest for the next four +? years
Look, I think we can all agree that the Second Trump Administration will go well as long as they do the things I want to believe they will do instead of the things that I know they will do!
Reality check: It's not like he wants the actual job of being president, just to stay out of jail, be a figurehead, and line his pockets.
He's keeping his campaign promises to the ones who benefit him the most, and showed us this in his first administration. Only this time there are no guardrails.
Clearly MAGA doesn’t understand that Trump is a Bully playing Chicken with fellow nations with Tariffs, and the American people are the recipients of the acceptable collateral damage. His ego is only second to his delusional reality.
I suspect that many voted for the candidate who was not a Woman of Colour. Probably still in denial - saying to themselves that it was the price of eggs or illegal immigrants eating the Dawgs. My own country proved its racism recently in the result of a referendum - so it is familiar.
Left, Right, and Middle should not matter in class struggle. It’s 99% versus the 1%, the have nots versus the the haves, poor versus rich, the righteous versus the unrighteous.
Very. Millions voted for the dumbass in 16 when he was running on a platform of racism.
Millions still voted for him in 2020 when he fucked over the world by botching Covid and then millions voted for him in November despite his criminality being exposed.
Not enough yet to make him give a damn....let's see what his inauguration numbers look like even thought we know most of the MEDIA he bought and paid for will LIE!
I don't believe this.
Or I don't believe his supporters are deserting fast enough or in large enough numbers for it to matter.
Or--I'll believe it when I see it.
It was NEVER his intention to do anything in the best interests of anyone other than himself. He even told them he didn't care about them, he just needed their vote. Now he no longer needs them. Be a right shame if he gets the J6 treatment from the very ones who fought HIS Battle last time....
Way too goddamned little, way too goddamned late.
These people ALWAYS condemn him when nothing is on the line, then knuckle under when the rubber meets the road.
It’s hard not be mad at them, but we have to welcome them
back from the dark side, at least politely. So they can see the difference. If anyone’s going to organise and rise up, it will be those people.
A little late…my Trump voting family was complaining about how he is cancelling the EV credits and when they went to get their new EV vehicle it was back ordered. Umm yeah…how is this surprising?
"I didn't expect the Leopards to eat my face!"
-People who voted for the Leopards Eating Faces party
(Copy and Paste daily for the next four years ...)
The left needs to wake up. The right lives in a world of hate. They thrive on it. We need to stop pretending they will change. These types of posts ignore reality. This is why we will lose more elections. We believe they will change. They will not!
They have believed every lie, and their egos will not allow them to believe they’ve been duped. We have to stop living in this pipe dream that MAGAts will change. They’d rather go hungry, lose all healthcare, give up freedom/Democracy so they can say they “owned the libs”.
She botched her own campaign when she backtracked on issues and went centrist with her rhetoric. She had more donations and support following the DNC with the progressive speakers on her side. She chose to toss them to the side afterward with their platforms. We saw that. I voted, but begrudgingly.
TRUMPH had two possible outcomes; Leader of the (ha-hem) free world or prison. He treated you like babies and now he's put YOU all in prison, dickheads!
If they don't make the sacrifices necessary to clean up the mess they - and they alone - created, then what difference does it make if they're super bigly mad about the fascism they voted for?
We told you.
Until they actually renounce him, they haven't turned on him.
No really—would they do it?? Let’s try!
I can't wait until the price of eggs go up to $2 each.
I'm not a fan of eggs so they can go up to $10 ea.
Those tRump fans can go suck an egg right out of a chickens a**. It'd be good for them to try to save a buck.
How many eggs do these repubs eat, anyway???
...what might have happened if the businessmen had simply said “no” to Hitler that night.'
We should have "lemon laws" for Stoopid voters..
Love the quote, “Thou hast been scammed. Bamboozled. Led astray by the snake oil salesman who never cared for thee.” - evident that gullibility was victorious!
Anyone out there feel the world, this country, the system is fucked and no longer works for us?
This link will give you some clarity. It will show you the culture wars are a diversion to keep us fighting one another.
He's keeping his campaign promises to the ones who benefit him the most, and showed us this in his first administration. Only this time there are no guardrails.
do you think he cares about their disapproval now?
Even still, he'll just con them into believing more bs later on once he has media under full control.
They will not be the only ones affected.
It will be all of us.
Very. Millions voted for the dumbass in 16 when he was running on a platform of racism.
Millions still voted for him in 2020 when he fucked over the world by botching Covid and then millions voted for him in November despite his criminality being exposed.
Once it's done, can't really go back.
Or I don't believe his supporters are deserting fast enough or in large enough numbers for it to matter.
Or--I'll believe it when I see it.
No, asshole. You voted for the oligarch. The rich fuck. We fuckin’ told you, and you ignored us.
With any luck, you go broke and starve. You wanted this, you got it. Now, live or die with your decision.
You own this karma.
"Knowing what now know - would you still vote for Trump"
"Well - yes."
These people ALWAYS condemn him when nothing is on the line, then knuckle under when the rubber meets the road.
They can be transactional too.
back from the dark side, at least politely. So they can see the difference. If anyone’s going to organise and rise up, it will be those people.
-People who voted for the Leopards Eating Faces party
(Copy and Paste daily for the next four years ...)
but you cannot make them think.
You really can fool some of the people all of the time.