Why is he that way because he's a traitor he has committed multiple treasonous offenses and he must be held accountable for every single one of them along with his co-conspirators and yes the death penalty must be enforced on them publicly so everybody knows if you do this that will happen to you
Just a guess, but Putin has his finger near a RED button and if he presses it, it will detonate a missile to fire from Russia's space station and explode over the US, that would knock out power to the whole nation. And we haven't found a way to protect our country from it yet... Maybe?
F 45 ‘s ass is owned lock stock and barrel by Putin. Interestingly enough, we all know it and especially President Zylenskyy!
F45 is a fool and a puppet.
What we all saw today, shows us clearly that He is owned by Putin…the world saw his dispickable behavior. This will not go well for him.
Never mind the golden shower tapes Putin has the child S/A tapes from Epstein island. You don't think that Epstein didn't have multiple cameras in each "massage room "?
This would explain why Trump referred to Epstein as someone he used to know a long time ago. There was definitely a falling out or estrangement at some stage and this may be why. The Russians probably told him what they had.
Could be that Epstein put the cameras there, or was aware that the cameras were there. Either way, there's no way that a sex ring like that is gonna operate without collecting blackmail material.
Yeah there was a lawsuit where they were co-defendants - i think they got in a fist fight over who got to rape a 13 yo first. It’s in the public records/court dox.
Absolutely, and the best market for it would have to be the Russians because the Russians would not publicise it and Epstein could continue to take photos. Makes me wonder what they had on Bill Clinton.
Yep, or Prince Andrew, and all the others. And you know that just because Epstein is gone doesn't mean there aren't other islands elsewhere, be they actual islands or just flop houses in the suburbs. Ultra rich f*ckers f*cking ultra poor kids.
I think everyone knows what it's about, it's just that nobody wants to say it out loud. Trump's projection/confession is calling everyone else treasonous. Traitor, Manchurian Candidate, it all comes down to betrayal.
He made it blatantly clear who he's supporting. He never gave Zelensky a chance to fully answer any questions before screaming more at him. Chump and Lump are a disgrace to this country.
He is a Russian agent.
He is bought and paid for.
He is going to destroy America.
He is a treasonous traitor felonious rapist snake who belongs in a prison cell.
Because he has something worked out with Putin. He is nothing but a mouthpiece for Russia. I cannot believe the Republican who were elected by democratic process will not even attend townhalls. If you believe in democracy go and listen to the public. You may not like it but its your job. Cowards.
He is a man-child, unable to self regulate his emotions. My 2-year old is better at managing his behavior than our Clown-in-Chief. Putin plays strategic chess, while Trump is distracted by ‘peekaboo.’
Come on, God, you know Trump made a deal with Putin. That's why Trump said he would end the war his 1st day. Trump thought Zelenskyy would just give up. I thought it was telling when he told Zelenskyy you are starting World War 3 because Putin probably told Trump he better end it.
The orange Antichrist is trying to bully the hero leader into surrendering because his master ordered him to since he can't win the war he started and he is running out of cannon fodder and lies to tell their mothers and widows.
I could not believe it when he pushed netanyahu's chair in.
He's like the unlovable fat kid at school who bullied the smaller ones.
He sucks up and kicks down.
he's weak,stupid and incompetent. An empire building middle manager
This ONE meeting has done so much damage to america.
This the guy who said he could shoot someone and no one would care and he was right, so I’m not sure what level of kompromat would be so bad he’d care about it becoming public.
well…the felon is a russian asset for one. and for two, the felon was emasculated long time ago and for his narcissistic ego to survive it requires him to identify with men he sees as strong, but in reality the felon, and other dictators, are nothing more than emasculated weak men.
American democracy is in decline.Political polarization intensified by partisan fights.
Money in politics has surged.
Freedom of speech in name only.The judicial system is blind to public opinion.
Americans are increasingly disillusioned with American democracy and the loss of their egalitarianism.
He's a Russian asset. He's been telling us that for quite some time. It's just that some of us haven't been listening. Or willing to (like some fawning congressional and senatorial types who damned well know better).
Could it be that without Russian interference the man baby wouldn't have got elected either time? And is the reason Russia helped his election prospects now apparent? Co-dependency.
Is Ukraine more of a business transaction or is it a bulwark of the free world against Russian aggression? America has to answer that question first before becoming a serious broker to end this war!
Yep, Trump operates entirely on petty personal grievances. He has no morality or ethics. He has the opportunity to do what 80 years of presidents have dreamed of and delete Russia from the list of world powers for a century and won’t do it because he hates Zelenskyy for standing up for principles.
Because putin and trump have a plan to carve up Europe.
Withdrawing from NATO will be the next move.
I really am surprised that no one can see what is going on.
It's time for Europe to start going on the offensive with trump and his fascist regime. Trump is an evil greedy pos.
We really do need to build up our forces and options. Even if Trump does not pull out of NATO, the other members have to be ready to move alone. EU Military spend is estimated to be 3 times that of Russia and a 1/3rd of US spending. EU countries have nukes too. So ....
So while we still have to fear Russia, together with UK and non-european allies, it is a strong enough to be a force to be reckoned with against Russia. against the US, not so much.
Imagine how humiliating it will be for the USA if other nato countries face down Russia without them.
Yes it's time for Europe to make the sacrifice. They have been able to kick back with tons of great work benefits. Zekensky was right about how Obama did nada when Crimea was invaded. Europe didn't do much either bringng it to Ukraines door.
He always has been. It’s been easy to see from the moment he stepped into the public arena. All his MAGA followers are so blinded they will likely just step right up to drink the cyanide laced kool aid when he tells them it’s in the “regimes” best interest.
Trump and JD did nothing but provoke a fight. You gotta stand up to bullies. Good for Zelenskyy. This should embolden others to tell Trump to Fuck Off.
The short version is that he's plain evil, or stupid enough that you can't tell the difference.
Weve all heard the truth about them
F45 is a fool and a puppet.
What we all saw today, shows us clearly that He is owned by Putin…the world saw his dispickable behavior. This will not go well for him.
Krasnov’s pissed off that the “perfect phone call” with the new Ukrainian President is what got him impeached the first time.
He is bought and paid for.
He is going to destroy America.
He is a treasonous traitor felonious rapist snake who belongs in a prison cell.
He's not selling out the US for that. It's corruption, money and stupidity.
Whatever way, he needs to go. Enough is enough.
See, not that hard!
Welcome to the turd Reich America
Perhaps a young sparrow laughed at his 🍄🟫 and was beaten up and choked to death?
Just asking questions here. 🤷🏻
Translation for MAGA simpletons who don’t understand the big words: “He’s an asshole”
The only difference now is that it's being televised.
Look at what you continue to do to Cuba
How about Chile, el Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, PALESTINE on and on and on
He's like the unlovable fat kid at school who bullied the smaller ones.
He sucks up and kicks down.
he's weak,stupid and incompetent. An empire building middle manager
This ONE meeting has done so much damage to america.
Trump is a bully... this is not rocket science...time to Dump Trump!
Oh and wow, Trump really does have small hands. 😳
Trump admires Putin and wants to be just like him
Money in politics has surged.
Freedom of speech in name only.The judicial system is blind to public opinion.
Americans are increasingly disillusioned with American democracy and the loss of their egalitarianism.
Tonight's subject in a nutshell
Withdrawing from NATO will be the next move.
I really am surprised that no one can see what is going on.
It's time for Europe to start going on the offensive with trump and his fascist regime. Trump is an evil greedy pos.
Imagine how humiliating it will be for the USA if other nato countries face down Russia without them.
Russian tampering both times.
He is Putin's bitch.
I'm just translating thug speak.