Army veteran, creatively destructive, despise nazis, kkk, other anti American extremist, bullies. Ready and willing to restore constitutional law. And let's make some new laws so this bs doesn't happen again
Oh and I'm a trained historian (I can think critically sometimes), I'm a fair shot with many weapons but I prefer fully automatic, and my kids are fully grown and on their own. So let's do this!
Im a human megaphone. For real. At the last March, I was leading the chants and the organizer with the megaphone wasn’t even using it. I was loud enough.
I’m also super crafty/handy and I have a decent amount of medical knowledge.
If everyday people changed their status to independent and stopped donating their hard earned money to their party, I bet that would scare their congress members
My qualifications are the only good Nazi is a Dead Nazi and I will get you your scalps. Other more detail qualifications I have for in person interview.
I have been a democrat since I was 6 years old and my dad became an elected official. Fought kids in middle school who talked bad about my dad. 65 and stronger than ever.
I’ve zero sympathy or empathy for anything remotely MAGA. Also, can carve an awesomely deep M into foreheads of their survivors (if any) - without remorse.
Had a dream that the dems would walkout of the union charade, chain the doors, and recreate the “fire in the cinema” scene. Hopes crushed…
Hasn’t everyone skipped the priest and silently spoken direct while on the communion line?
How about using ashes from the car ashtray to make crosses on everyone’s forehead so you could come to school late on Ash Wednesday?
Creative out of the box thinker with great social skills and a chest that's great at distracting men from anything happening around them while in it's presence. Quick learner with a great work ethic, if I'm interested in the work. Ride or die loyalty until you break the last straw; then, gloves off.
I have reserved a curated set of very fine fucks over 67 years.
Fucks that cause death by pie.
Fucks that are untraceable.
Put me in coach, I’m ready to play.
Army veteran, Equestrian, happy to punch Nazis, pretty good shot, can eat chili cold out of a can...
Savagely angry 😠 at the assault on our Constitution
Ditto! (Minus equestrian… though I have ridden a total of three horses and a mule in my lifetime and I think I can learn quickly enough to at least ride and shoot.) 🫡
Lucky you!I had the misfortune of pursuing a PhD in Texas & while I left the state with my son & 4leggeds vowing I would never cross that state line again, I DID learn how to barrel race & that meant spending more time around these amazing creatures than I ever had before.Changed my worldview-truly!
Same, I hate asking ANYTHING of them, but I want to make sure I can protect my fellow American and my fellow veteran if they should need me.
I tend to blend in with surroundings and a pretty good aim, not to mention tenacious😈
Ummmm.... YES!!!!!!!! That's better than I did then. Now I have a Glock 9 and a Sig Sauer P365 SAS now, plus a Glock 22 for cheaper target shooting. Also have a laser target with a red-eye round for inside practice. Highly recommend 👌🏻 I'm 5'8 but only weigh 130, so I practice a LOT.
I've watched v for vendetta 14 times in the last three weeks. I look good in a guy fawkes mask and throw a mean food utensil in slow motion. I'm ready.
Mother to 3 special needs children on different parts of the Autism spectrum, all 3 have additional diagnoses, meaning I'm quick to adapt and take control of any situation.
Woman who has fought the patriarchy for over 35 years. ✊️
Great at making do with very little. A straight-up MacGyver.
Autistic/ADHD people often also have superior pattern recognition skills and can see what's coming long long before most. To others, it can seem like craziness until they are proven right, or some kind of otherworldly power.
Can confirm. I've been warning of exactly this since I first became politically aware 30 years ago. Until about a month and a half ago, just about everyone thought I was being hyperbolic.
I am on the spectrum/spectrum adjacent (working to find a more specific diagnosis).
Black ppl have been trying to tell everyone forever. We were shamed into those saying we were using the “race” card. Now everyone finally sees what we’ve been experiencing and I’m happy because I’m tried of fighting.
I read a book a book 30 years ago that made a strong case about how the mindlessness of US society made it ripe for the rise of a Hitler. I've spent a lifetime studying movements of control, from fascism to religious cults. US fascism has been a real possibility since Falwell, and then the Tea Party
It was the increasing extremism in religion and the resurgence of neo-nazi groups/rhetoric in the 90s that made me aware. Truth be told, I had no idea the threat would come from inside the country until Kraznov threw everyone for a loop coming down that escalator 10 years ago.
I have never stood in front of a grave and given a Thumbs Up with a big dumbass smile on my face, but if I live longer than Trump does it could happen!
Unfortunately, it’s been a long time since we should’ve been playing. But dealing with the damn boomers sucked the life out of us. No excuses. We need to be out with all protesters.
That Bob is a puzzlement and a struggle. I’ve often thought it’s far easier to be politically active when you can afford to be. Single moms and folks on hourly wage jobs don’t have time or money, immigrant populations may face the real fear of job loss or deportation.
The only reason I have any time to engage in anything is because I’m recovering from surgery. Thirty five years I’ve wanted to be able to do something to try and make a difference, and my best opportunity is when I’m disabled.
Voted Dem since 1980, giving money to the most liberal ones. Went to the first big women's march in D.C. in 1989 and a few marches and protests since, risking arrest twice. Bernie Sanders voter. Proud liberal boomer.
I know who you’re talking about. I baked bread, sewed clothes and made homemade baby food with them. I seriously don’t understand how soooo many of them flipped…Except Fux “news.”
Yeah, you’re wrong. Unions came about well before the boomers. Obviously I’m not talking about all boomers. But also, who the hell is trying to take all of this shit away?
Thank you. I am so tired of do-nothing, whiny Xers bitching about people who got it done. And also, we all drank out of hoses, so you're not that special.
Remember, the best thing we can do is to be out there. Make your presence known. Attend rallies. Go to town halls. Go to county and city meetings. Make phone calls and emails. There are things we can all do.
Yes, please vote everyone. Quit with the blaming and put it to work. I was organizing/volunteering at 19 and looked up to generations before me. We stand on each others shoulders.
Absolutely. We all slept while Citizens United destroyed our country. It must be repealed. Big money must be removed from our elections. I only hope it isn’t too late.
Speaking of…I need to ask my mother if her offer to slap me into next year is still good. Then I’ll have her give me 4 of those in a row….and I’ll catch you all on the flip side.
I’m Gen X. I’ve seen it, done it, got the shirt, eaten petrol station sushi and lived to tell the tale. I don’t sleep, I drink enough coffee that I can smell the colour purple, have seen my brain due to excess eye rolling and can tell you to fuck off in 15 different languages.
Gen X. Raised plenty of hell in my teens and 20s and have no idea how I survived - probably by rubbing dirt on it and listening to my dad say “suck it up buttercup - shit happens”. Pre menopausal and angry as hell. Will tear a MF’er up if they choose to fuck with my family. And I love cats 😂
Middle class white woman, can be cranky. Could pull the veteran card cause is. Owns a bat, also played varsity sports, so still can swing. Plus former ATC’er, can say Roger That and sound like me has clout.
Normally I'm very kind, caring and empathetic.
But.. I have a beautiful little nearly 2 granddaughter-i want her to have AT LEAST the rights I had... so...
Fuck those SOB's what do you need lol
They are f'ing with my family. This is PERSONAL and I'm down to get my hands dirty 🤨
Devious when dealing with the enemy. Legal training. Sensitive Bullshit meter. Staunch Democracy defender. When you can't go thru the front door go to the back and break a window
While I don't have a country idiom for being a bad shot, one of my favorites my Pappaw would say was "he's so stupid that if you shoved his brains up a gnat's ass, they'd roll around like a bb in a boxcar."
Old lady, walk with a stick, which could be fitted with a flick bayonet.
They don't like it up them Captain Mainwaring!
Mind I'd fall over without the stick!
I was thinking the same thing. Except I don't fall over without the stick, just walk funny and am easy to push over. Don't ask me to go up or down stairs fast 😆
(Give me a few more months I might be good)
Well if you balanced with your stick, you could hold onto me, while I bayonetted them. Team work makes the dream work!😂😂😂🏃♀️➡️🏃♀️➡️🏃♀️➡️🏃♀️➡️🏃♀️➡️
I’m disabled & willing to take a bullet for my country. Loud mouthed, post menopausal woman who takes no shit from anyone. Full of rage towards magats. Oh, almost forgot I can beat a dead horse with my opinionated mouth.
Never fuck with a post menopausal woman. They are lucky I'm still on HRT bc of surgical menopause but give me a couple years when they take me off and I'll be a rabid beast again.
P. S. Germany & Europe could really help us out by boycotting all American made products, such as Kentucky bourbon, McDonald’s, coke a cola, etc. That would really be fantastic if y’all did this for us.
I heard Joe was developing incredible tech that would have given you magnificent rat bastards incredible super human powers. Joe said it was Barrack's idea. So Trumpocalypse had to cut it by EO as soon as he got in. (If you can't take Elon you can't Joke)
Menopausal 49 year old woman that despises and loathes all the stupid fucks currently "in charge". I have handled 1600 pound horses that cop an attitude. Equestrian. Have never used a gun, but seriously thinking about taking safety classes and purchasing.
I'm of British, Scottish and other descent. More importantly, I'm from New Jersey (USA). I also have a finely tuned bullshit detection system. Plus, I can be really stubborn and will use it to my advantage. Also, I keep secrets for a living.
Retired, X Platoon Sergeant, 3rd Platoon....Bastards.
But I'm an,you're probably looking for whiny religious bootlickers...
Fuck trump, his magat nazis too.
I am incapable of staying in my “lane.” I use that skill to clean up the remainders of the messes the primary antagonists leave behind. Across all lanes.
I’m snarky, I write well, I’m getting better at waiting, and I’m a good cook. Also reliable and experienced at parking cars and light waste paper basket repair.
Infiltration, observation and accurate reporting by Nazis into the various resistance groups is 1 of 2 top occurrences that got the groups captured. It works both ways.
I also am skilled with a glock, a rifle, and a 65lbs long bow. Am white and male and was raised around middle class evangelicals. I can speak their language and blend in well. Definitely looking forward to an organized revolution.
I see your Rottweiler and raise you with a Bull Arab.
Indigenous woman who does not blend in well.
Excellent at ducking accurately thrown objects.
Very mouthy and known to push through police lines.
My grandfather did too. My mom gave me a binder full of letters he and grandma had sent each other during the war. I still have a lot of the letters to read, but one of his said "and I will continue killing fascists as long as my hand can hold my pistol". I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
“And I will continue killing fascists as long as my hand can hold a pistol” sounds like a great idea for banners, t-shirts, quilts, pistol engravings and anything or everything else.
-I’m not a maga, so I have a working brain
-I have a love of angry Chihuahua’s who do my bidding & only ask for cheese for their unwavering devotion
-I desire a working democracy by and for the people and will do anything to ensure it
-I think we need more women of color in Congress
I got a pair of fists built for Nazi jaw-breaking and a rectum-seeking missile at the end of each leg. Plus, I'm blonde-haired, blue-eyed, German-descended, so the irony factor alone could cause internal bleeding!
Fucking fierce. Want to make good trouble. Have trauma triage skills. Can squat for long periods. Not a bad shot. Want to punch Nazis. Good at blending in when needed and attacking from my stealthy introverted position. Can slay with logic. Don’t ever give up.
Easily pushed to be abusive, crude and foul towards idiots on social media. A terrible urge to get even with those same kind of fools in real life. If necessary, I can be worse. 🤣🤣🤣
67yo disabled former nurse and insurance (reviewed medical records for disability claims). Nope, not spry but extremely pissed off. Anger energizes me to run toward danger. Makes for a surprising diversion.
What about a team of glorious angels who will cleanse the Earth of the a**holes in power, so there will be glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on Earth, and blessed is he who comes, in the name of the Lord.
Frequently underestimated and written off as sweet and fluffy, I learn fast, remember details, can bullshit my way into a lot of places, and can suss out people and future actions quickly enough to make people a little freaked out when I called it.
Unemployed Boomer here, who’s spent a lot of time drinking tequila & wine, traveling, singing to my plants, reading, planning a trip to Aruba with no job in sight and mostly being petty…
We are women. Apparently this means we will be paying dues all of our lives. It was 72 years between the first women’s suffrage meeting in Seneca Falls and passage of the 19th amendment.
I can’t believe I had to dig up my “Uppity Woman” and Coathanger pins again, but there we are. I have nieces and great nieces. While I still have breath in my body, I will fight on.
I’m pregnant, so I wouldn’t be much use in combat, but I can lead interrogations. With all my constant retching and incessant complaining they’d sell their mothers after one session.
Belarus. They killed my great-grandparents and sent their youngest daughter (who had a fake ID that listed her ethnicity as Russian) to Germany to work under their slave labor program. I'm sure they will all be happy to come back to haunt Nazis if I ask them.
I love a a good séance but let your family rest for now. They’ve done enough. If we need to call upon our ancestors, we’ll know when. It’s our turn. The living can be just as haunting. Time to get creative.
7. Whistling Virtuoso. I am able to whistle the theme to The good, the bad, and the ulgy while simultaneously disarming a Nazi.
8. Poker Face Champion. I am capable of bluffing my way out of a Nazi interrogation while secretly planning their demise.
5. Hat Collector. I have at least 10 red hats with a backstop involving a daring escape.
6. Revenge Enthusiast. I've been personally wronged by at least 3 Republicans and my revenge plans are so elaborate they could be turned into a Broadway musical
3. Bear Wrestling Experience. I have one documented encounter with a bear and lived to tell about it.
4. Improvised explosive chef. I am able to turn a bag of flour, a stick of dynamite, and a shoelace into five star meal.
My daughter went hiking in the Rockies last fall. She was mad because I made her take bear spray. She asked me how many time I thought she would see a bear. I said without bear spray that would be once.
Laughing here. I only saw a bear once in the Rockies, from a safe distance: a mom like you watching over her youngsters. Am perfectly certain your response was correct.
I bet. 30 years from now, you will be vindicated when she says the same thing to her daughter. But you won't remember what the hell she is talking about. Hahahaha 😆 😂
I couldn’t believe how cute and I probably got too close. He hung around over two hours! Too short to reach the feeder. His momma was hit by a car, we are pretty sure. My neighbor was watching over him and fed him (not a good idea but I get it). I wouldn’t have gone out if I thought she was around
I'm a feral AF Gen Xer. I have zero fucks left to give. I have read Project 2025 and know it's just a matter of time for me. I have nothing to lose. Put me on the front line!
Gen X. Cold War veteran. As a buck sergeant in the US Air Force, called an entire platoon of Marine privates and corporals to attention, and walked to the front of the line to get a flu shot.
The Navy Commodore giving shots laughed so hard I thought he was going to pee.
after I left.
I was a good 10in shorter than the average Marine in the room.
Also, got marksman as a USAF nerd, having never fired a forearm - 1st try.
Drank from a hose growing up, surrounded by cars using leaded gas.
Still survived long enough to emigrate to Europe.
Spent 25y being token Yank
I watched 9-11 live, then 7-7 London live. Watched Berlin wall fall live.
Never voted Republican.
Played in quicksand as a boy.
Sled off the garage in 78 in 10ft of snow. Watch Dragon's Dream episode of Space 1999 as a 7yo, and wasn't very scared.
Love Abba, Eagles, Anthrax, Metallica, Morbid Angel, Devin Townsend and...Elbow
Slam danced to Napalm Death at the Marquee playing Nazi Punks Fuck Off, had Snake from Voivod accidentally step on my hand when he was playing live when I was in the front row
Youngest of 5 kids:
—I can see, smell & sense trouble coming and spot bs a mile away
—3 older brothers, I survived games of tag where the loser got a dirty sock shoved in their mouth
—I can dig up dirt on anyone in record time
—those same 3 brothers taught me how to physically fight
US Army 66-69
One tour Vietnam 68-69
US Army 7th Army Combined Arms School graduate of:
Demolitions School
Land Mine Warfare School
Chemical Biological Radiological School (Distinguished Graduate)
Qualified Expert with tank weapons (105mm gun, 7.62mm and M2-HB 50 Cal
Qualified Expert with M16-A1
GOP be jelly AF!
I’m also super crafty/handy and I have a decent amount of medical knowledge.
Funny how our brains go to QT in times like these.
Had a dream that the dems would walkout of the union charade, chain the doors, and recreate the “fire in the cinema” scene. Hopes crushed…
Someone dared me to join the line for communion.
I did.
How about using ashes from the car ashtray to make crosses on everyone’s forehead so you could come to school late on Ash Wednesday?
2) but not a basterd
another other qualifications ??
3) it was a great movie
My tick two balls is effective for anyone up to 6 foot eight
I have reserved a curated set of very fine fucks over 67 years.
Fucks that cause death by pie.
Fucks that are untraceable.
Put me in coach, I’m ready to play.
Savagely angry 😠 at the assault on our Constitution
I'm sorry to ask more of veterans in this regard. I know you've done your service.
I tend to blend in with surroundings and a pretty good aim, not to mention tenacious😈
They can get it done.
Woman who has fought the patriarchy for over 35 years. ✊️
Great at making do with very little. A straight-up MacGyver.
Churchill was probably on this spectrum.
I am on the spectrum/spectrum adjacent (working to find a more specific diagnosis).
You don't stand a chance, against my love.
Reporting for duty!
But.. I have a beautiful little nearly 2 granddaughter-i want her to have AT LEAST the rights I had... so...
Fuck those SOB's what do you need lol
They are f'ing with my family. This is PERSONAL and I'm down to get my hands dirty 🤨
While I don't have a country idiom for being a bad shot, one of my favorites my Pappaw would say was "he's so stupid that if you shoved his brains up a gnat's ass, they'd roll around like a bb in a boxcar."
I want to watch them run squarely into the point & have no idea due to your deftness.
"no matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up with REALITY."
Send this one up!
They don't like it up them Captain Mainwaring!
Mind I'd fall over without the stick!
(Give me a few more months I might be good)
Although I’m not quite “post”, it may be an advantage……
Put me in the presence of a maga during a flash and I can EXCORIATE them with foul language. (Really don’t need the flash; but, we’ll go with it.)
Plus, E am a paid member ov Thee Magnificent Rat Bastards, Union 1666.
;^) ♡
Just tell me what you need.
But I'm an,you're probably looking for whiny religious bootlickers...
Fuck trump, his magat nazis too.
Here is the army of the lord. The lord has no name. The lord is anonymous. We are the lord
Though many veterans were recently fired may be in the near future.
Thought I knew a couple of things about ducks but I was wrong.
I'm hopeless which makes me a valuable asset for any elite team.
I'm good at making others look good.
And your insults will bring morale!
Feral GenX upbringing
Encyclopedic knowledge of GOP cheating
Decades-long hatred of DJT
Philly sports fan
Trump said he'll never forget the favor.
Neither will we.
Neither will history.
And not going back…
It’s been a long uphill battle
Pulling up the ladder
Behind me.
Very accurate with thrown objects - have used firearms and bows previously with rapidly improving accuracy.
Owner of Rottweilers - don’t mess with them and their bedtime cheese treats.
My grandfather fought Nazis, now it’s my turn.
Wanna know the other 1?
Uncoded lists of group/cell members.
“Uncoded” over and over….
Indigenous woman who does not blend in well.
Excellent at ducking accurately thrown objects.
Very mouthy and known to push through police lines.
-I’m not a maga, so I have a working brain
-I have a love of angry Chihuahua’s who do my bidding & only ask for cheese for their unwavering devotion
-I desire a working democracy by and for the people and will do anything to ensure it
-I think we need more women of color in Congress
Put me in, Coach! 👊
Who would you be?
I could fill most of the roles, but I'm stuck on Stiglitz.
A dangerous combination that will only add immeasurable value to my fellow bastards.
Humbly at your service, my Lord.
I also have experience with explosives. 🙂
I thought getting tear gassed once paid my dues. I was wrong.
And the world depends on your country. Good farings!
Had to give you a follow!
The only good Nazi is a…
8. Poker Face Champion. I am capable of bluffing my way out of a Nazi interrogation while secretly planning their demise.
6. Revenge Enthusiast. I've been personally wronged by at least 3 Republicans and my revenge plans are so elaborate they could be turned into a Broadway musical
4. Improvised explosive chef. I am able to turn a bag of flour, a stick of dynamite, and a shoelace into five star meal.
1. I'm a Master of Disguise. I can dress as a Wiener Schnitzel without raising suspicion.
2. Multilingual Cusser. Fluent in at least 3 languages, but only for the purpose of creatively insulting Nazis
The Navy Commodore giving shots laughed so hard I thought he was going to pee.
He called the room At Ease
I was a good 10in shorter than the average Marine in the room.
Also, got marksman as a USAF nerd, having never fired a forearm - 1st try.
Drank from a hose growing up, surrounded by cars using leaded gas.
Still survived long enough to emigrate to Europe.
Spent 25y being token Yank
I watched 9-11 live, then 7-7 London live. Watched Berlin wall fall live.
Never voted Republican.
Played in quicksand as a boy.
Sled off the garage in 78 in 10ft of snow. Watch Dragon's Dream episode of Space 1999 as a 7yo, and wasn't very scared.
Slam danced to Napalm Death at the Marquee playing Nazi Punks Fuck Off, had Snake from Voivod accidentally step on my hand when he was playing live when I was in the front row
Oh, and I like blue and Thursday afternoon
—I can see, smell & sense trouble coming and spot bs a mile away
—3 older brothers, I survived games of tag where the loser got a dirty sock shoved in their mouth
—I can dig up dirt on anyone in record time
—those same 3 brothers taught me how to physically fight
One tour Vietnam 68-69
US Army 7th Army Combined Arms School graduate of:
Demolitions School
Land Mine Warfare School
Chemical Biological Radiological School (Distinguished Graduate)
Qualified Expert with tank weapons (105mm gun, 7.62mm and M2-HB 50 Cal
Qualified Expert with M16-A1