I hope that there's a class action suit on behalf of all the people who were wrongly declared dead by the criminal DOGE and who were stopped from getting it fixed by the staff cuts done by DOGE.
So the "genius" Musk hired teenagers to hack the SS systems.
Children who have no idea how to program in COBOL and likely never heard of the language. 🙄
Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
Because these foreigners and young kids don't know what social security is. They are making shit up as they go to fluf up their own pride that their great. Their bullshit and someone's going to paddle their asses and beat the shit out of the foreign boss.
And then the complete opposite occurs with my mom: she got a random large deposit and a letter from SSA just last week. When she told me, I was like 😳 what?!! I told her not to spend any of it. What a clusterfuck. 😒
Donald Trump is starting off exactly the same way Adolf Hitler did. Let's just hope it ends the same way. With a group of hero nations banding together to stop a fascist dictator and a bunker scene.
Yesterday, when I read this story. He hasn’t received his $5000 taken from his bank account. Plus February & March Social Security Checks hasn’t even received
What a strange reality to be declared dead while alive so publicly and by such a wanker that doesn’t know his up from down and was trying to claim the elimination of existence as a win for government efficiency
The dude deserves a major apology…but that won’t ever happen
Yes...the Washington channel 4 news had a story about four such people in the DC area that have been declared dead ..though very much a live! One of them had it happen twice!! They had a horrible time...credit is canceled, etc.
Musk, Thiel, and their network dismantling democratic institutions.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Ya know what? This is when ya go start some shit. Mess some shit up. "You're gonna charge a dead man for that? Are you on crack? How can a dead man who has no functional digestive system POSSIBLY shit on the hood of every Tesla at the dealership?!"
I wonder about those collecting survivors benefits.
Many spouses are decades younger than spouses.
So some collecting benefits on spouses who died a couple of decades ago could be targeted.
Do you think it’s other things besides K? When I had Ketamine prescription for anxiety- it just made me happy, peaceful and floaty. Plus I could sleep. I didn’t have grandiose ideas- I suspect hes got a drug cocktail?!
What is worst to me is not only did he lose benefits but they went into his bank account and *took back* payments they said he’d received after his death. Without any court hearing, they stole money straight from his bank account.
God, did you bring him back from the dead? like that Lazarus dude? just for a photo op?
Or just so YOU could pick up that social security check after you let him go again? cause i *know*💲 mean so much to you in your ephemeral form.
Maybe it's a Dem plot to discredit E/T & their machinations?
In today's administration, Reacher would probably get his pension cut off, because he had no footprint and was assumed dead, leaving him to wander the country without any money.
Oh it gets worse (of course). Apparently they’ve decided to cut all phone support so when the old and disabled are calling to find out why they didn’t get a Social Security payment, no one will be there to help them https://www.axios.com/2025/03/17/social-security-trump-doge
I imagine human error is why dead people get SSA checks. A M.E. or mortician didn't submit the SSA form or it slipped by, etc. A temptation for survivor fraud, voting in the deceased name and so forth follows. But the other way around?!!
There should be some kind of accounting. Like, a SSA recipient's use of Medicare? Maybe a yearly automatic ✔️ that a doctor visit occurred.
These people are eventually caught but no dr. visits could send up a red flag. What do you think?
Great idea. Though I worry about docs taking the time/remembering. That Medicare received a claim wouldn't tell you who actually received the care. My mom received Holocaust reparations. Had to send annual proof of life - photo of herself with current photo ID and newspaper with the date visible.
Seems there's a fine line between dead and alive these days !
Did they ever find out where all those people, who were obviously long dead, were spending their social security payments ?
while i have never been declared dead by https://ssa.gov
i have had them fine me for money i never new existed. and i am still fighting to get my benefits back after 14 months.
Ahem, when I returned to the USA in April 2000 after living and traveling abroad for almost a decade, I went to open a bank account and when I gave my SS# they said “it says you’re dead”. Seriously. I had to go to the SS office to verify that I was indeed not dead.
@schumer.senate.gov You & your mates need to fix this terrible situation. You wouldn't know how it feels with your comfy life cushion & guarantees. But if U are really a Democrat, then stop the financial massacres going on around you. Show courage & compassion. Perhaps you could donate to them.
Before my Father past away, every morning he would check the obituaries to see if he died because he figured no one would tell him first. He did that for 20 years.
Although the best quote here from Mark Twain is about exaggeration of the reports of his death... I prefer this one for the present situation
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
He was in line at SS and cut ahead to say 'SS has declared I'm dead'.
Please note the office SS representatives, when alerted to the issue, attended to his situation immediately.
The SS office and the workers help us as much as they can with the budget that has been alloted to them.
If he is declared dead, does this mean that he can commit all kinds of mayhem without consequences? After all, you can’t charge a “dead man” with a crime.
My friend who eventually died of cancer, was declared dead by her insurance company 5 years into the battle because "nobody lives that long with her type of cancer". She spent years battling insurance while she should have been resting and saving strength
Social Security actually has a website about how to do it - because this apparently happens to thousands of people each year. But you have to show up in person - even if you are infirm, have dementia...and now they are closing offices and reducing staffing levels.
I just overheard a couple talking about this while waiting for an appointment. The woman sarcastically said that clearly he is committing fraud by being alive.
“May the Declaration of Independence be to the world what I believe it to be, a signal to arouse men. Calling them to burst from their chains under which monkish ignorance & superstition have persuaded them to bind themselves, & assume the blessings & security of self-government.” Thomas Jefferson
Children who have no idea how to program in COBOL and likely never heard of the language. 🙄
They hurt REAL people with ignorance.
Sue them.
Revenge from beyond the grave would be sweet!
-Some douche who can't accurately determine whether or not someone's dead.
Narcissists are never wrong..
This applies to Maga, Swifties, and super Christians alike.
I suggest you only keep the minimum required in any account that gets any kind of direct deposit from the gov.
Just enough to keep the account open but immediately move all funds to an account that has no direct
This is where we are. The government is stealing money right out of our accounts.
Can you imagine if you had auto pay on any of your bills and the money was gone bc the gov took it?
Will magas care when meemaw calls crying bc she has no money for food?
Or do nothing.
The same applies when you are stupid."
Ricky Gervais
Look at you, all smarty no pants up in the clouds.
You’re doing a good thing. Don’t stop.
The dude deserves a major apology…but that won’t ever happen
How many are afraid to come out??
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Many spouses are decades younger than spouses.
So some collecting benefits on spouses who died a couple of decades ago could be targeted.
How did anyone expect this to go well?
Also, I have been around those who use Ketamine more recreationally. They got it through a prescription and abused it.
My hunches are that based on its addictive nature, the richest man in the world is not microdosing it.
Or just so YOU could pick up that social security check after you let him go again? cause i *know*💲 mean so much to you in your ephemeral form.
Maybe it's a Dem plot to discredit E/T & their machinations?
It is always the visuals.
#resist and tell the stories.
Fire them.
That alone should set off alarm bells.
"Oh, there's a Complaints Department?"
These people are eventually caught but no dr. visits could send up a red flag. What do you think?
Did they ever find out where all those people, who were obviously long dead, were spending their social security payments ?
i have had them fine me for money i never new existed. and i am still fighting to get my benefits back after 14 months.
Trump can have only
ONE secret service agent
With club feet and a lazy eye
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
Please note the office SS representatives, when alerted to the issue, attended to his situation immediately.
The SS office and the workers help us as much as they can with the budget that has been alloted to them.