It’s called GUMBIES because it’s a rust equivalent of claymen which is a C rewrite of laymen which is a clone of PriestS (the distributed, scheduled version of Priest) but no-one will ever explain that, it’s all just implied in the name, duh
I heard a rumor that GUMBIES is secretly a recursive acronym (maybe even double-recursive - one of the devs is a noted GNU Hurd fan) but no one's revealed what it is.
"Hey did you get it to work?"
"Yeah, I found a patch on some guy's old blog."
"What's it do?"
"Not really sure. I deleted a line from the config file, and now it works."
One time I had to home brew my cocopods and run the rubies with a fresh poured java to fix the breaking changes to the full stack of angular git repositories and support my deprecated package dependencies.
Recently, I wanted to upgrade our version of Storybook, but it was incompatible with our version of Yarn. So I spent a few days upgrading Yarn and some issues that came up in Jest, Rollup, and Emotion.
i like how everyone else in this thread is talking about completely made-up pieces of software and unless someone has been waist-deep in node development for years they will just assume this is also a list of entirely made-up libraries
I'd also add "Gulp, Grunt, Broccoli, Brunch" sounds like a really noisy eater scarfing a plate of vegetables, and not a collection of extremely short-lived, overengineered and redundant task-runners that wound up being out-bloated by the granddaddy of excess, Webpack.
Oh man I just spent 2 weeks figuring out GUMBIES was trying to do a max aggregation on a string that was supposed to be a date so I know what you're talking about.
Been a developer ~20 years. I have no idea what half of SV tech startups are doing. They all seem to be productively hammering out various platforms and frameworks but they’re so specific and yet so painfully vague about what they actually do.
This post captured my feelings perfectly. Thank you ❤️
Meanwhile there's a blog post making the rounds that says everyone promoting Gumbies is a complexity merchant and you should roll your own version in a 5-line Bash script. It's convincingly argued but your team lead worked with one of the Gumbies devs at a startup and he'll never go for it...
You're thinking the THNERK from Torment Nexus Solutions, which had a limited 2016 release. But everyone who knows anything is using Polybius THNERK. It has much better support for turbo encabulators.
"Yeah, I found a patch on some guy's old blog."
"What's it do?"
"Not really sure. I deleted a line from the config file, and now it works."
True story.
Avoid them.
This post captured my feelings perfectly. Thank you ❤️
Thank you, frog avatar person your post made me feel less insane!