One close Trump adviser simply says that the president’s ultimate leverage against certain judges who try to stand in the way of his agenda is that the judiciary does not command an army, while the president of the United States does.
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Honestly where’s the fight I mean it’s only your country??? He’s just an old shrivelled orange narcissistic clown you’re telling us you can’t or won’t fight that!! You know the Republicans are cowards the country is desperately looking to the Democrats to jump in front of the clown car and STOP IT!!
I sure hope y’all are working on a plan to stop him. Democratic leadership is failing you. They’re unwilling to make the tough decisions they need to throw out the old play book trump and his clown show are kickboxing while Democrats are playing patty cake patty cake. Come on really!??
WHAT Congress?
What are THEY going to do about ANYTHING AT ALL?!?
They're all planning their escape because they have the money (or their donor's money) to bug out on America when the shit hits the fan - just biding time hoping all goes well instead of doing their jobs.
You mean THAT Congress?!?
lol What if the generals say "If I'm going to act illegally, I'm going to run the country myself instead of listening to the orders of a senile old man."
That will start when he tries to make the military do unconstitutional acts. We may have MAGA generals but the officers and soldiers beneath them will be loyal to the constitution. We’ve had thousands already say so.
No one in any position of power has stood up to him and you think the rank and file will? Also, the youth like him. He polls well with young men. He likely polls much better with young men in the forces.
39% favorability in the general population, now imagine what it will be among the Republican skewing soldiers. That is not an environment that will take up arms against the leaders.
Uh. No. As someone who attended one of the Academies, no.
Course, there are bad apples everywhere, and the military is Huge which means shitty things happen (and that shouldn't be excused) but no. Constitution above all. If they say fire on our civilians, the *kindest* thing is to give em the bird.
He seems to be counting on the military obeying his unlawful orders. If they don't, (🤞🤞🤞🤞) will his brownshirts do it for him? I hope you're right, but it's hard to hold onto hope these days.
Trump doesn't command an army, the military brass that is constitutionally under his control does. If they choose to ignore the law like Trump is, Trump is more fucked than these judges.
They really should be more direct & just say the whole thing out loud: if anyone tries to stop us we will literally kill you. Americans need to understand the whole picture & not have any wiggle room to excuse or explain away any of this. If you don’t fall in line you & your families will die
Or, in the apocryphal words of President Andrew "Trump Is My Spiritual Successor In Racism" Jackson, "[the judiciary] has made [their] decision[s]; now let [them] enforce it!"
Or as the immigration Czar Tom Homan said, "We are not stopping. I don't care what the judges think."
No. Martial law isn't spelled out in the Constitution, and is limited by the Tenth Amendment, which is tied to the National Defense Authorization Act whose provisions from 2008-present require consent of the state Governor (as Cmdr/Chief of Nat'l Guard) to deploy active duty military.
If they don't, they can be charged with whatever crime that constitutes... i.e. the way it works is that when an order is unlawful, then the regular body of civilian law applies. The UCMJ will not shield them for following unlawful orders.
The Oath of Allegiance in the military in the US is to the Constitution. The condition of "obey the orders of the President" is tempered by Article 90 of the UCMJ, which is military law, and compels soldiers to obey only lawful orders.
Not sure about Weimar Germany but the US Const. requires three fourths of the state legislatures across a country of 340 million people to ratify it. The 27th Amendment was ratified 30 years ago when I was in high school. It was introduced in 1790.
so insane that the gop spent a couple decades priming the judiciary pump to destroy american society via citizens united, dobbs, etc and then re-elected president deals who is dangerously close to establishing precedent that says none of those victories are meaningful because they cant be enforced
They don't acknowledge the rule of law any more. It's now "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!" the rallying cry of bullies throughout history everywhere on this planet. Remember Thrasymachus in _Republic_ Book I? He could be shamed. These people have NO shame.
Yeah, as a former soldier that worries me less than civilians. Sure you have these generals that are magats, but what about the thousands and thousands of servicemembers who have already said they won’t obey unlawful or unconstitutional orders?
If Trump thinks these men and women won’t put a bullet in a generals head that puts Trump before the constitution, he’s sorely mistaken. We aren’t blindly adherent to orders, and we WILL frag officers that tell us to disobey our duty to the constitution.
I have a handful of military people in my life, and they've said the same thing. They had maga types above them while serving, but most of the rank and file felt a strong oath to the constitution. I hope that holds up!
Especially now that they’ve taken away DEI protections, a lot of these soldiers feel alienated. They’re definitely not going to obey an unlawful order from someone actively making their life worse, neither are their friends. Remember, Officer=management lol.
Really? I hope you’re right because I’ve seen and heard a lot of current and former military people say that they’d do anything Trump told them to do. Hell, thousands of them are online shouting about how they can’t wait for martial law to be declared so they can “kill all the liberals”.
So the proper move in this instance would be to record all of the handles and report them to the department of defense or to the department of the army. The mere fact that they’re threatening to kill people liberal or not, will get them in trouble.
These are assholes in my hometown in south Florida, running their mouths on Facebook (of course) and around town. And while I know theres tough talk from yahoos like this all over, it seems like there’s a lot of it from people who supposedly swore an oath to the constitution.
You get their information and report them to their first sergeant or their company commander, and you let them know that if they don’t do anything about this soldier, you will take it to their battalion, and then to brigade and then to division, if you have to.Everyone reports to someone.
But you do need to be taking down names and screen names, and turning those names into the Florida National Guard. It’s directly against the uniform code of military justice to be part of any extremist group or to threaten civilians.
At worst, he turns the army on civilians. But i always thought in those situations individual servicemen have some kind of recourse👀
Otherwise, don’t they risk international charges for crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit crimes like the nazi’s did?
Us isn't a party to icc. So no. They do have families here though connected to other families and neighbors. They either have to turn on them or serve the state. In 1917 the Russian army was ordered to attack civilians. They did the first time the next they shot the officer and joined the revolution
Exactly right. Our military isn’t designed, equipped or prepared to shoot its own civilians. We have adherence to the constitution ingrained into our minds from day one, and we are ordered from minute one to disobey any unlawful, immoral, or unconstitutional orders.
More seriously, yeah. *Especially* in the officer schools we have that shit Drilled Into Our Heads. The "problem" is, of course, that they really *haven't* been ordering the military to do much that's a blatant violation yet.
On the ground, what does that look like? Besides taking an oath, are soldiers and COs regularly in the practice of analyzing the legality of orders? Under UCMJ, what recourse(s) do they have if they are issued an unlawful order, and is there an established procedure to refuse an unlawful order?
It's not super comforting but as other vets are pointing out and history suggests it's not likely the military as a whole would ever go for this. We swear our oath to the constitution first and foremost. A good idea to respond to this is contact any mil family members you have. Check in.
He has already proven he doesn't care about the veterans. He's taken out the VA.
If our servicemembers recognize that he doesn't have their back, we can only hope they won't have his.
As a former soldier, you know all their tricks. Same goes for any other discharged/retired military. The DD214 doesn't strip you of your training, your conditioning, or of your personal firearms.
If l DOJ keeps ignoring orders, THE ABA, DC Bar, and other bars must disbar those maga lawyers. If they r relying on the fact that the court can't enforce the courts own orders, the only alternative is disbarment. They are violating court orders, ethics requirements, and other bar rules.
As the U.K. discovered via its last rogue H.M.G. many of the Checks and Balances many thought were rock solid depended on integrity and commitment to 'principles' like Integrity,Honesty and public responsibility.
Once this was challenged by a truly ruthless liar,all they could do was wait and hope.
Not everyone in the military is alike. There's been significant support for trans members, for instance.
One thing they are all taught is not to follow an illegal order. What better indication can you have that an order is illegal than a court saying so?
When Trump said that he thought the president should be able to anything he wanted under article 1, I thought it was a wish and a desire, not a possibility - but he's executing on it and making progress.
It never ceases to amaze me when fellow thinkers still blame their own side rather than Trump, Republicans, Fox News, Musk & the SCOTUS for this disaster.
When SCOTUS said Joe Biden had total immunity, what did he use it for? I blame SCOTUS and Trump, but Biden sure didn't make them regret it. He could have.
It's always Varys's riddle of power with this guy. When the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial are all at war with one another, whom will the military obey?
Despite expectations that the Orange turd would uphold the principles of governance, he blatantly disregards both the Constitution and the rule of law. As a result, the nation now teeters on the precipice of chaos and disorder. America, prepare yourselves, anarchy is about to happen!
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that this advisor is not in anyway concerned about the rule of law, democracy or the constitution? The few Dems not on the oligarchs' payroll need help. Please primary the establishment Dem politicians
Thinking about back in October when a family member thought I was dumb for thinking this guy would overthrow the constitution. It’s madness. Utter madness.
If the POTUS disregards a federal judge, several mechanisms could come into play:
4. Judicial Enforcement – Federal agencies, law enforcement, and the military take an oath to the Constitution, not the President. The courts could issue orders compelling other officials to enforce compliance
Considering Trump calls nearly 50% of the Military "DEI hires" and is trying to erase them, and cut off all their benefits I don't think he can count on the military. If he keeps it up he should start worrying about a military coup
Military officers and soldiers can safely refuse illegal orders
...right? Will it take the military killing a judge to get the attention of Americans? You are in the midst of a Coup - act accordingly. #Resist
If this is the case, it would probably be timed for late spring or summer, in order to ensure maximally wild protests that segue into declaring martial law.
I advocate for the military to intervene against this fascist leader, assume control of the White House, and ensure that all MAGA members of their administration who have engaged in unlawful activities face legal consequences.
I've been wondering what the average American military member thinks about all this, tbh. I know the chain of command is brutally strict, but do so many of them really feel comfortable when the commander-in-chief is regularly threatening to turn them on their own people?
And here is what I’ve feared and have been posting about everywhere. TRUMP will use the threat of and ultimately the USE of MARTIAL LAW in securing HIS Dictatorial Power’s! Anyone who opposed his agenda’s will be “enemies of the state” and dealt with accordingly.
Invoking the military is needlessly risky for them when there are cops in every city with military surplus equipment and decades of training programs to treat civilians as enemy combatants.
OK, so this is now, now.
This is tyranny. This is the executive threatening to use the military against the judiciary.
This is it.
I sort of feel like maybe he should've tried this BEFORE shutting down the VA and proving to said military that he gives not a single fuck for them? But here we are.
Roberts realizes (too late?) that he has created an authoritarian monster who feels he has Court blessings to ...uh... destroy the law. Good chance Trump will now stiff-arm the SCOTUS? As Karen Carpenter sang..."We've only just begun..." Strap in. Rough road for Constitutional Law ahead!
I too failed to anticipate what Trump would do. The failure to imagine how evil they truly are is still the hurdle we face. It surprised me again when Harris lost.
So this close advisor is in favor of brute force fascism that spurns the rule of law and imposes its own frequently changing, inconsistent and unfair pay to play hodgepodge of rules and edicts issued by a chronic liar with dementia and a hopeless case of psychopathy.
One educated patriot simply says Congress has the power to tell the president when he can use the army and for what purpose, except for unconstitutional stuff such as threatening the lives of Article 3 judges and their families for failure to cowtow to Trump's illegal and unlawful actions.
While this is true, the judiciary does have one last card to play. According to FRCJ Rule 4.1(b), the courts may deputize individuals to carry out their rulings and enforce subpoenas and warrants if the Marshals refuse to carry them out.
If you are wondering about the relevance, Arnie's character is giving the unlawful order to open fire on civilians. They convict him anyway using doctored footage to make Arnie's character seem like a mass murderer. I think the the army person should have backup footage in event of ChatGPT edits.
The CinC is not a protectee of the US military but a servant to it.
The military are custodians along with elected officials and the judiciary of the US constitution, which is the backbone of the constitutional democracy it protects.
There are pinch points. Do I have to do everything? Fine.
1. Courts can hold DOJ lawyers in civil contempt
2. Courts can subpoena pilots of charter ICE air
3. Courts can impound planes
4. Courts can seize assets of charters
5. Courts can arrest VP of charter
6. Court can assess fines to airport
My understanding is no, but they have the ability to hire people privately to enforce these things (based on past rulings, but outside of hiring private attorneys, I think this has never been tested cause the US Marshals have never refused to follow the courts.) ie Young v US ex rel Vuitton et Fils
IDK, if the courts are in the kind of dispute with the executive where they have to hire armed men, where will that money come from? In theory the legislative has control over funds, but we are seeing now that is not the case.
Given that veterans/active duty voted 63% for fascism -and with 68% police and firefighters too-, I feel they will follow illegal orders. And happily carry them out.
He will use that army on the People first! Then the rest of the world to expand his version of America. It is why he wants loyalists in charge of the military. You will see soldiers walking down the streets. You've started with words. Actions are needed now. Canadian ally! Love and Respect!
Some of the best trained soldiers in the world lead by really dumb people can still do a lot of damage. I pray it never comes to that. Love and Respect.
...never do😒
You got anything to say here?
They swore an oath to the Constitution, not Trump.
What are THEY going to do about ANYTHING AT ALL?!?
They're all planning their escape because they have the money (or their donor's money) to bug out on America when the shit hits the fan - just biding time hoping all goes well instead of doing their jobs.
You mean THAT Congress?!?
Trump's willingness to ignore the systems that have constrained every other president is unique to him.
Course, there are bad apples everywhere, and the military is Huge which means shitty things happen (and that shouldn't be excused) but no. Constitution above all. If they say fire on our civilians, the *kindest* thing is to give em the bird.
Or as the immigration Czar Tom Homan said, "We are not stopping. I don't care what the judges think."
They wouldn't be ordered to shoot Americans. It would be immigrants, gang bangers, LGTBQ, bureaucrats, feminists, and Libs.
Those aren't references to Americans or People.
Those are detached objects.
"...and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States..."
"Any person subject to this chapter who willfully disobeys a LAWFUL command of that person’s superior commissioned officer shall be punished—"
Soldiers are not required to follow unlawful orders.
I'm aware of Nuremberg trials, though.
Why hasn't the military arrested Trump for treason?
Otherwise, don’t they risk international charges for crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit crimes like the nazi’s did?
More seriously, yeah. *Especially* in the officer schools we have that shit Drilled Into Our Heads. The "problem" is, of course, that they really *haven't* been ordering the military to do much that's a blatant violation yet.
I guess the last and only real safeguard is the integrity of the individuals. 😳
If our servicemembers recognize that he doesn't have their back, we can only hope they won't have his.
I’m 40% disabled through the VA and if my monthly compensation ($836) gets cancelled, I know we will only be a month away from an armed rebellion.
I can only believe that taking healthcare and compensation away from 1000’s of trained killers w/ ptsd is a good idea.
Civilians don't need orders to turn on the entirety of a corrupt government.
This can be demonstrated.
Once this was challenged by a truly ruthless liar,all they could do was wait and hope.
One thing they are all taught is not to follow an illegal order. What better indication can you have that an order is illegal than a court saying so?
Palpatine had charisma, and at least a bit of intelligence.
what do they say in poker about calling a bluff?
because the doomsday clock is ticking
That's a good look.
4. Judicial Enforcement – Federal agencies, law enforcement, and the military take an oath to the Constitution, not the President. The courts could issue orders compelling other officials to enforce compliance
...right? Will it take the military killing a judge to get the attention of Americans? You are in the midst of a Coup - act accordingly. #Resist
'Trump Administration Live Updates: Chief Justice Rebukes Calls for Judge’s Impeachment After Trump Remark'
Jackson already did that.
Who put that shit in his head, Michael Flynn?
“Here I stand with my bayonet, there you stand with your laws. We'll see which prevails.”
Trump’s “… administration is now
operating on the legal principle of: “What are you gonna do about it?”.
THIS is what worries me the most.
This is tyranny. This is the executive threatening to use the military against the judiciary.
This is it.
I sort of feel like maybe he should've tried this BEFORE shutting down the VA and proving to said military that he gives not a single fuck for them? But here we are.
I know people don't like it, but it was quite literally written to let our nation defend against tyrants and preserve freedom.
The secret service should stand down from protecting him. No one should have to take a bullet for this Nazi fuck.
Executive Enforcement of Judicial Orders
"While the story is likely apocryphal, Jackson supposedly remarked, “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”"
The military are custodians along with elected officials and the judiciary of the US constitution, which is the backbone of the constitutional democracy it protects.
In short, no coach is bigger than the team.
How come I have to pay my bills when Trump never paid his?
1. Courts can hold DOJ lawyers in civil contempt
2. Courts can subpoena pilots of charter ICE air
3. Courts can impound planes
4. Courts can seize assets of charters
5. Courts can arrest VP of charter
6. Court can assess fines to airport
The thing is you can’t let these questions dangle because Trump people will figure a way to corrupt the US Marshals.
Now they get to see if they can stand upright in the winds that will blow.