I am very politically active and write/call my congressman often. I have lived in his district for almost 2 decades. I have never seen him in person and it’s not for a lack of trying. No town halls. No visiting his district.
I’ve never seen hide nor hair of Sam Graves.
I’ve never seen hide nor hair of Sam Graves.
Haven't seen him since, but he certainly met his objective.
Then invite your community. If he shows, great! If not, everyone can talk about concerns with you.
Then take his job next cycle. 😀
Damn if he didn’t use my words with his thumbs down
Just a 2 line email or 1 sentence vmx.
That’s all is needed to make your point
Brian Fitzpatrick is the invisible man. Except when he’s groveling for money.
It only takes a few minutes and best of all..it doesn’t cost any money.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Years later, that principal still works in the same place.
I have spoken to every official office I have been redirected to from every other office.
She does “tele town halls” where they get to control the narrative.
We are on our own fellow Missourians ❤️
I will keep calling, I think this week's topic will be holding a town hall.
170,000,000 🇺🇸 MEN
2nd Amendment:
Right to Bear Arms in Case of
Tyrannical Government
10,000´s Kids Shot by 🇺🇸 MEN
Thoughts & Prayers
Tyrannical Gvmt Shoots Back
🇺🇸 MEN: Crickets
Fascism Arrives in 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 MEN: Crickets
Superbowl & Daytona:
🇺🇸 MEN: Watching like they are on HEROIN!
#resist #theelectionwashacked #etrump #trumpsleptwithelon #morewelessme #leavingmaga #deportelon
Meanwhile, the lone Repub OR US Rep, Cliff Bentz hasn't fared well: Another Town Hall(s) Goes Off the Rails – Oregon 2nd District Edition https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/another-town-halls-goes-off-the-rails-oregon-2nd-district-edition
Unless Trump declares martial law before then.
Your oppression is their profession.
He's retired, the Bad Saint closed permanently in the pandemic, their replacements aren't as good.
We all need to vote better.
Oh, his family owns the land around the airport & it would revert back to the family if Tarkio closed the field. He's got ~4 planes hangar-ed there.
And how about that Stolen Valor.
He told audience the cuts would turn out to be good for them, they did not appear to agree.
Nobody to answer to plus sweet gov healthcare , pension and insider trading
remember the Battle of St Louis! and The Battle hymn of Frankie Valli
decisions are made by those who show up ✌️😎🖖
I think they got a deal on the microphones
Has a trifecta. Civics.
Unless it’s a funeral
Hold them to the fire to do so or vote them out!
Schmitt and Hawley (who doesn’t even live in MO, but rather VA) They
also voted YES on WH nominee nuts.
Wishing all MO brighter days
(this seat flipped from Dem to GOP in 2022- we will vote him out in 2026!)
Rep Ann Wagner (R-MO 02) has been in Congress since 2012. In those 13 yrs ZERO town halls. I’ve been to her office many times and they crack the door open to talk and shut/lock it quickly. Useless.
Especially now, he's in his Castle and the draw bridge is pulled up...
Rep Lloyd Smucker - PA
Have a cut out of him and let everyone ask him questions?
You will get the same none answers, but think of all the great questions to post!
I know what he does if he's republican, he hurts people.
Aren't breaks in the House of Representatives designed for Congressmen to go back to their constituents to conduct town halls, etc.? That USED to be the purpose, not to go golfing!
My congressmemver hides in a castle and never comes out to talk to anyone!
Dodging town halls should be illegal.
Call Rep. Austin Scott and ask him to hold a town hall. We deserve answers about these exec orders & actions taken to protect our county’s workforce, veterans, education & access to health care.
WR: 478-971-1776
Tifton: 229-396-5175
DC: 202-225-6531 #callcongress #ga08
He's brilliant
He's funny
He's real
His hair is stunning