She’s “so injured” that she’s not even wearing a wrist brace. WTF is happening/wrong with her?! She’s thirst trapping cringy fake injury posts for 15 minutes of fame? Great leadership! I’m so glad she and people like her are the kinds of people in charge of America right now!
You do if you need to remember not to use the arm normally.
Like when I had an injury from improperly lifting heavy frozen food one Thanksgiving and kept forgetting and making it worse, or if you need the physical reminder to not stop faking.
Every post ups the level of ridiculousness. The pseudo-sexy librarian, looking over her glasses vs the seriousness of what she’s saying is completely outlandish. Pretty soon they’ll name a mental disorder after her. “I’m so sorry, you have Mace. There’s no cure.”
Exactly what injury is she claiming? Broken or sprained wrist? Dislocated shoulder? Strained elbow? Why no bruising or swelling to the hand? Any doctors who can opine if she’s wearing the right kind of sling?
Let's see the medical report & prescription from the doctor for the sling, Nancy. Are you taking pain meds by prescription; what was the date on the prescription, if so?
CALLED OUT!!! OMG NANCY TRASH FACE MACE!!!! She wanted to get punched in the face during Jan 6th? WOW, there’s plenty of those who would have loved to oblige you!!
These people exist. I have a photo of a woman that took a dive at a Lowes Garden center. Because she started an argument with the cashier over a discount dispute. And Diver was the one that called the cops. Believe it.
You know? My kids do this very thing when they try to get each other in trouble.
But…of course, they’re little kids. Alleged Adults should know better.
The oversized eyeglasses to appear intellectual, the constant whining and complaining about who uses the bathrooms. Now she is faking an injury too? Something is wrong with her…
So she can wear this ridiculous sling for a healthy arm to support her victim complex, but a trans kid who wants a binder because his breasts cause him extreme emotional pain is delusional?
What kind of injury would this even be? Dont you get a cast if your arm or hand is broken? Is she trying to convince us he looney toons shook her arm out of socket or something?
It's working for her though. She sat back and watched MTG make herself famous and likely earn a fortune by being the most horrible person in congress and said, "why can't that be me?"
She made the choice that her soul was for sale and the cost is a whole group of people she doesn't care about.
This strikes me more as the kind of person whose parents never gave them any real attention, bad or good or otherwise. Now, as she's approaching middle age, that psychic damage is becoming unbearable.
Did she come from that same "talent" agency where Lauren Boebert, MTG, & Candice Owens (plus that blonde chick who claimed to be a lawyer w Rudy in Michigan) came from?
Probably less oxygen for these C-list freaks to get their media attention once the world-class monsters take over, so I guess they'll need to keep trying harder with this kind of shit.
I don't know why her staffers agreed to this. If it was my job to stage an accident that my boss that was involved in but never actually happened, I'd call them crazy, hand in my notice then go on a news outlet to put him/her on blast.
I want the right to run with this. I want them to define themselves as giant pussies who can't handle a handshake without injury. This will help zoomer males understand that they are nothing to emulate.
You act like they don't do things all the time that they know are obviously fake. It's just part of the game. The base doesn't care if it's real, they're just fired up by the play.
They don't give you a sling for a broken arm, Nancy. They put you in a cast. They don't even prescribe slings anymore. If you have a hairline fracture, they give you an arm brace.
I do want to correct this: when I had a bruised shoulder blade from getting t-boned, they gave me a sling and told me to keep my arm in it for a few days to prevent exacerbating the bruise. That was in 2022.
But there will be x-ray evidence and documentation.
(To be clear, I am not saying Nancy's "injury" is legit, she's obviously a fake. But just chiming in with that nuance as well, I've been in a sling for that before)
Your shoulder was relieved from holding the weight of your arm by wearing the sling. If Nancy is claiming her arm was injured, the sling isn’t necessary.
Yep. Slings are for shoulder issues, I can tell you from vast experience. Anything below that is a brace or a cast. Clearly the (unnecessary) wrist brace wasn't drawing enough attention.
(ahem) Wait. Was her insurance claim denied or something?
She obviously couldn't afford proper medical treatment. You need to instruct her on how to properly wear an arm sling so her arm doesn't hurt as much and heals properly.
... Your healthcare system is all kinds of wrong. (ahem)
Yup, I can cinfirm that brcause I injured my wrist a couple weeks ago and I had to wear a brace for a week to let my wrist heal. No sling whatsoever unlike what she's wearing.
Also holding the fist closed with certqin injuries makescthe pain worse so why tf is she closing hers like that ?
Will any dude at all just pick her already?! She’s willing to put up with anything at all for male validation, folks. The worst of the worst men, she is up for grabs. Loud and clear, ready and willing. Just call her already.
How much does Nancy Mace pay people to act as sock puppets on Blue Sky to support/amplify her attempts to play the victim? I can easily respond to her with "what happened?" and say things like "thank god you are standing up for the righteous!" all day long, if the $$ is right.
She's just a #LyingSackOfShit.
Like when I had an injury from improperly lifting heavy frozen food one Thanksgiving and kept forgetting and making it worse, or if you need the physical reminder to not stop faking.
But…of course, they’re little kids. Alleged Adults should know better.
She made the choice that her soul was for sale and the cost is a whole group of people she doesn't care about.
Then she will go on some performative rant about how nobody has the decency anymore to extend a courteous handshake. 🤝
"The only threat I pose to another woman in a restroom is making her rethink her fashion choices" - MelodyMP
It’s simply abhorrent.
One of the activists there shook her hand and asked her to please consider trans kids because of how vulnerable they were in those situations.
She left, called the cops and had the guy arrested for assault.
This strikes me more as the kind of person whose parents never gave them any real attention, bad or good or otherwise. Now, as she's approaching middle age, that psychic damage is becoming unbearable.
If she were mentally ill, that might be worthy of compassion.
She is evil.
Does she actually think this will fool anybody or is it just a bit?
Does she really think this shit is going to work???
They don't give you a sling for a broken arm, Nancy. They put you in a cast. They don't even prescribe slings anymore. If you have a hairline fracture, they give you an arm brace.
Not to say she isn't full of shit, of course.
I honestly worded that wrong.
But there will be x-ray evidence and documentation.
Though nancy's "Assault" was just a handshake reportedly.
(To be clear, I am not saying Nancy's "injury" is legit, she's obviously a fake. But just chiming in with that nuance as well, I've been in a sling for that before)
You're right to call out ridiculous shit for how ridiculous it is lol
Just bringing in a bit of nuance, no big
She obviously couldn't afford proper medical treatment. You need to instruct her on how to properly wear an arm sling so her arm doesn't hurt as much and heals properly.
... Your healthcare system is all kinds of wrong. (ahem)
Also holding the fist closed with certqin injuries makescthe pain worse so why tf is she closing hers like that ?
If you're lying, yes, absolutely!
Now give me, I'm in pain but sultry. No sultry, like sexy. No sexy...
Ok just do whatever this is.