I don’t need to chose. There are no gods. I am willing to change my mind when someone has a scientific, reproducable, peer reviewed experiment that proves he, she, it or they exist.
it is extreme, but not remotely surprising. the moment they killed roe v wade it was obvious this, contraception, and eventually even miscegenation were the next goals
Research shows that sexual orientation is likely caused by biological factors that start before birth. People don't decide who they're attracted to, and therapy, treatment, or persuasion won't change a person's sexual orientation. Everyone deserves a family life.
They’re all clout chasing pussies. And when these types use their kooky religion to mask their insecurities, it’s just the best when they have to deal with the consequences. Lets see what shakes loose from his profile lmao
Well, I don't know, our church had a gay priest, gay choir director, gay head usher, we did chapel outside for the homeless where we fed them every sunday, coats, socks, medical care, kept narcon on hand, found apts for them, found jobs, hotels during storms for those who refused housing, we tried..
Luckily if a state has codified same sex marriage it'll still be legal in that state. For a Rep not only is he a fucking bigot but he's also dumb as a fucking stump
It's too bad Democrats don't control the House or Senate any more. The Respect for Marriage Act can be repealed faster than it was approved. Or, the Supreme Court could strike it down on a constitutional challenge.
Even if the Defense For Marriage Act or Obergefell are struck down, if it's codified at a state level there's nothing they can do. You would, of course, see a lot of people moving to states where it's codified such as CA.
Not quite so. If they no longer recognize the marriage at the federal level, a lot of benefits from filing jointly would vanish. It could affect social security benefits and benefits for those employed by the federal government. It would be quite the mess. Not likely, fortunately.
I can think - and have done - more interesting things than try to stoke fear:
Picking my toenails. Changing my socks. Emptying the lint trap on my drier...
Exactly. It in no way effects my life so please go out and be happy!
It makes no logical sense to purposefully deny someone hapiness because of the hate in their "Christian" hearts. Its actually counter to their teachings
No, gods are more entertaining and do fun stuff like throw lightning bolts at giant snakes and turn people into monsterous creatures and make flaming bushes speak.
The gods have nothing to do with this.
The scary part are the words that aren’t there. “Let’s start with making gay marriage illegal”. Then contraceptives, divorce, abortion across all states. Etc.
Here's something to note. Maga will say Jesus name, not follow his teachings, and never actually worship God the Father. They deem this religious superiority over others to make themselves feel better.
He must have visited a sauna or downloaded grinder for a week and hates himself for it now, because he has definitely not read books if he comes up with that...
These people claim to be the pinnacle of masculinity and then spend every waking hour bitching and crying and pissing and shitting themselves over gay/trans people and minorities
Yep. People who've been paying attention have seen the ramping up of the attacks against gay marriage. TX convention expelled the log cabin republicans in 2022, Obergefell v Hodges was specifically mentioned in Thomas' concurrence in Dobbs v Jackson. They've been signalling it forever.
God loves almost everybody, just not those on the list created by people misinterpreting the Bible. You know, like the terrorists that misinterpret the Quran.
I will never take insecure, delusional, brainwashed, religious morons at their word ever. The fact people like this feel emboldened by worshiping imaginary friends and tell others how to live, is irritating.
People just need to mind their own fucking business.
It goes beyond irritation. This goes down the path of threatening the very existence of our friends and families. We must not stand by idly by while these scum implement fascist Armageddon in hopes of being 'Taken' into their mythological racist heaven, or their grifting allies desire to own us.
What a fucking clown…. Hey guys, did you know that all you have to do to make the dumbest and most knuckle draggingly stupid ideas sound smart is to just claim that it’s not controversial?
We should resurrect Hitler&enslave all of the people whose names start with R. ThIs Is NoT cOnTrOvErSal… see?
Cretinism - adjective -definition: Behaving like cretins, Christians pandering to their baser instincts as opposed to the teachings of love and acceptance that Jesus Christ encouraged.
I'm - NO. Now is the time to keep track of all the evil $hit MAGA Republicans say and do. They've taken the masks off, and the public needs to see *all* of this.
Why? How does it affect his life when people in homosexual relationships get married? How does it affect anyone's life outside the couples relationship?
I’m not saying this man is gay but there’s something in his life he’s hiding. I guarantee it. Don’t we all know this by now? I say fight these guys by outing whatever THEY are hiding.
I feel really sorry for him. I'm also pissed he feels he has control over how others define "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" for themselves.
I remember simpler times when the biggest political scandals were those of sexual nature, and married Democrats were always caught on vacations with their girlfriends, and Republicans were always caught on public toilets with another guy.
Santa loves "Everyone", hate is nonexistent here at The Pole. Even though I may not be a religious figure, I have lived many 100s of years, I can tell you, people like these are not Christians, however they have indeed been foretold in the Good Book.
I’m thinking Thanksgiving with the relatives wasn’t that enjoyable. Brian, as I seeing this right? His last post was 11/25, then nothing for 7 days and this is the first thing he pops off with? Lolololol
Other countries are more progressive over this and these idiots still hold America back because they care what happens in other peoples lives and bedrooms!
This is what happens when you read the cliff notes of the Old Testament, get tired of reading, skip the New Testament, and then hate anything that makes you uncomfortable.
I left the Church, Catholic in my case, much more tolerant, but also hypocritical, when I was 11. I never returned to a church, but I did return to Jesus, who has nothing to do with morality. Love is not a moral issue.
As an Exvangelical and atheist, I don’t consider these hypocrites to even be Christian. They tick all the boxes for the only people Jesus singled out to condemn, the Sadducees and Pharisees, aka the brood of vipers, whitewashed tombs.
For non-Christians, read Matthew 23, you’ll see what I mean.
Jesus was a Jew; he wasn’t calling out Jews in general, he was talking TO Jews. Neither was I talking about Jews. I was comparing Evangelical Christians in the US to the only group that their Messiah called out, a specific group of religious/political leaders of his culture and sphere.
Jesus called out plenty of people, including his own followers. How about comparing bad Christians to them, instead of using the group that established modern Judaism as your byword for evil? That comparison has encouraged attacks on Jews for 2000 years now.
It’s not my byword for evil or anything, I’m an atheist. Jesus frankly didn’t talk about gentiles, his followers were, y’know, Jewish. Like him. His entire life. Things attributed to him are by nature about his world, which was Jewish. His only real attitude toward gentiles was ‘not my problem’.
Also, I’m an atheist. And have zero problem with anyone following any religion they want. Just not sure you actually read the full post if you missed that.
Not at all, I never mentioned Jews as a group. Jesus was a Jew talking to Jews about a group of people in his frame of reference, as I was talking about a group who claims to follow him but doesn’t who are in our frame of reference.
I’ve been deconstructing since 2016. According to my old head pastors, LGBTQ+ people like me are going to hell, and homophobes like these are going to Heaven. If they’re correct, then an eternity in either place is going to be torture no matter what. Might as well spend it away from the bigots. 🤷🏻♂️
Haha I misspoke (mistyped?) whoops! 😅 My pastors were the ones saying I was going to hell, but the conclusion that I did not want to live in eternal existence with bigots was the conclusion I reached from my own deconstruction 😬
Though it would be miraculous if such a pastor existed haha!
Absolutely. An eternity with slave owners, racists, MAGA, and other bigots that claim that their hateful brand of Christianity is the “only correct version- others are not real Christians”? Sign me out. 🙅🏻♂️
This why Christian Nationalism is terrifying. It’s the Dark Ages again. People in power hiding behind religion to commit criminal sins. They’ll be burning us at the stake before we know it - for our own good of course.
So after 7 long days at home with his family & his god, the growing temptation to leap outta that closet must have freaked him out (further out) to the point he decided it best to ruin the lives of the folks sane enough to claim their rights & choices. "hurt people hurt people" 🙄
It’s like these so called Christians never understood the golden rule, love God, then let be thy neighbor as thyself. You can’t love thy neighbor AND hate gay people.
They hate not only gays, but all those who do not follow their enormous egos. In reality, they hate themselves because they blocked their love. The greatest moralists are the most perverse. They have nothing to do with Jesus.
I guess the love thy fellow man that Jesus preached is lost on him as well as nothing in the New Testament says anything about marriage and with whom it’s allowed! Prayed to whom? For what?
Gotta love how final republicunts think their ideas always are, but then of course are constantly screaming about lack of “discussion” or “hearing other viewpoints” or “debate”
It's telling, ain't it? The need to plug a consensus on your opinions. It's weak. We all remember the "silent majority" the "moral majority". It's obvious, if you have to tell people yours is the popular opinion, it's probably not!
That’s a great point! Like people screaming about how humble they are, or how much they hate drama. And then we all know how that always seems to turn out!
after a week with his trad. family and having to have sex with his wife and seeing gay couples out of his window, he comes back furious "If I can't suck penis neither can anyohe else!"
i remember some of them saying something like "maga republicans aren't gay hating people. they're not after our rights" or something. i wonder what they're thinking now..
Nothing about personal privacy and safe spaces is “settled law”. They don’t believe that the 14th amendment protects privacy and due process even though it does.
Privacy to get an abortion? No such thing.
Privacy to have a queer marriage? No such thing.
They only believe in the Constitution when it suits their own selfish narrative.
That’s why they only support the 2nd amendment or their wackadoodle version of the 1st amendment.
Ehhhhhh, not to be argumentative, but I would say they don’t even support the 2nd Amendment. They only support the people they want having guns, to have guns. (Reagan)
They also don’t support the 1st Amendment either, only on a “Freedom for me, not for thee” basis.
It's still happening. In a "liberal Preppers" group on FB all the white men are saying "they'd never go after no fault divorce" and "nobody is trying to take women's vote" like BRUH ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO LEARNING AMD OR LISTENING
"No ones ACTUALLY banning books, they just don't want them in elementary schools" 🙄 Honestly it's not even worth arguing with them, because they refuse to look up facts themselves and don't believe anything you link them.
It feels like he’s the sub-plot to an irl Brokeback mountain. Was he really out there with family…? 🧐 Anyone else picking up on some repressed homosexuality and internalized homophobia.
It isn't mental illness it is their character. Mental illness isn't a choice and it isn't taught. Yes it can be generational, just like these attitudes, but these attitudes are taught in childhood.
I'll point out some powerful gay capitalists bankrolled Trump. Peter Thiel is perhaps the biggest, but there are many others including our likely new Treasury Secretary. This post was red meat to his base. Adult gays are safe under Trump at least. Unfortunately there are no billionaire transfolk...
I don't know about that. Ernst Röhm is a prime example of how safe gay fascists actually are once the fash have secured enough power to not need them anymore.
I am quite aware. But Rohm was no Thiel, nor is Trump quite like Hitler. I honestly believe Trump has no problem with gays, and his wife is famously supportive. Younger Trump caroused with gays and even transfolk. Trump threw transfolk under the bus since they have no power. Cheap points for him.
I don't believe that most of the powerful Republicans Trump is gathering together really care about Christianity. They worship Mammon - wealth. The rest is theater for the masses, an act. Transfolk don't have wealth and so are easy to dismember in public and toss to the masses who want fresh blood.
Hitler was a force totally of himself, and ascetic to the core. Trump wants the trappings of power and to be surrounded by the rich and powerful. He wants the homage of the rich and powerful. He's never happier than holding court at Mar-a-Lago.
Thiel personally will be fine, of course, he's rich. But gay non-billionaires regardless of Trump's personal feelings, are in danger. Thomas explicitly stated in his concurrence on Dobbs that marriage equality was on the table. Once they've dealt with the trans folks, other queer people are next.
Thomas had to write that in a concurrence because the other Justices wouldn't go along with it. Alito might, but Obergefell is different than Roe, based much more on due process and equal treatment under the law. Gorsuch, and maybe more, strike me as likely to stick with Roberts to keep Obergefell.
Now one the state level, all bets are off. Same if Trump is succeeded by someone like Cruz or Desantis. We can at least be thankful we got trump and not Desantis. *shiver*
It is my greatest fear for my daughter. I just know scotus is itching to overturn Obergefell. Moreover, I worry for the lgbtq+ Community as a whole. Are camps next?
For all the conservatives reference to the Old Testament (10 commandments, gays, etc) I think they missed the whole part where Jesus kind of blew up all of that mantra! They cannot even comprehend the “greatest commandment to love thy neighbor.”
Pay attention to your family and mind your own business. Your religious beliefs are yours alone and are not some mandate to rule over other people’s private lives.
Why does who someone marries bother him? They are not married to you, you are not in the wedding party. What is your issue since they are minding their business. That's the problem with these people, always in somebody's back yard. MYOB!
There is nothing in the Bible that is anti-same sex love/ marriage. In fact the few times it’s referenced in Scripture are all references not to consensual, loving, same-sex behavior, but references to sexual exploitation, abuse and idolatry.
Clearly a disturbed individual. Another one who can't think for himself, with a book that says'' everything in this book is true, because it says so in the book'' I wasn't prepared for such a well laid out argument and when I asked for proof, he told me the bible was how he lived his life.
It is very sad that this guy is so “righteous”, so wrong , so blind and deaf. It is so hypocritical when someone pretends to be “holier than thow”, and is so prejudicial. Messed up
He is a racist close-minded white supremacist
pseudo-christian, seeking god in a trump bible. Not even a miracle could save him. Evil is in him and damned is his soul. #NoPityForMaga
These people promised me that gay marriage would destroy my heterosexual marriage. It didn't. We haven't even been invited to a gay wedding. They're so full of shit.
The way they talk about marriage... It's a human invention! It's a ritual! It only means anything because we agree it does. And given its fundamental form is a commitment between two people, the only definitions that matter are those agreed by THOSE two people!
They can't enjoy anything unless they know someone else has something lesser. Of course the irony is if they got their wish they'd just need some other cruel BS to state their dingle tingle for cruelty.
He tried to be good for a week with his family, couldn't do it, came back ready to go after the gays. It's a Christian cycle that happens all the time. They have "lust in their hearts" that they can't control. Must shift the blame somewhere.
May his troubles be many, and his days be filled with toil. May his food be bland, and his sleep erratic. May he get exactly what he deserves and learn the peacefulness of keeping his nasty ass mouth shut.
I knew they would do this. I called it when they overturned Roe v. Wade. I said they would try to make gay marriage illegal, and everyone said "nah, they won't do that"
I have fought too hard for my marriage to let some bible-thumper take it away. This means war. 😡
I mean, Hell... If they said Science was outlawed, it would shock me no less.
There ought to be a law: if you identify as Christian, and you say something that goes against your faith, you should get fined for faulty advertisement.
No. He acts "holy" in public. He judges others. He is "I will pray and show off my religiosity. I will use it to pander to like minded ass holes and turn it into personal profit (politics), while hurting others. According to Jesus himself. this shit stain already got his reward - fuck him.
At what point does a person decide that they’re so important that they get to decide who should be in love and who should get married. I will never understand why it means so much to them.
If you are against gay marriage, do not get married to a person who is LGBTQIA…. Destroying other people’s happiness because of your bigotry is not ok. Just cringe and creepy.
The time to protect marriage was on November 5.
Not one fucking iota!!
What's the problem with people??
Picking my toenails. Changing my socks. Emptying the lint trap on my drier...
It makes no logical sense to purposefully deny someone hapiness because of the hate in their "Christian" hearts. Its actually counter to their teachings
The gods have nothing to do with this.
Live your own narrow, hateful, miserable life.
Leave others be.
People just need to mind their own fucking business.
We should resurrect Hitler&enslave all of the people whose names start with R. ThIs Is NoT cOnTrOvErSal… see?
"Treat others the way you want to be treated"
Josh, I hear the bible has a whole section on not hating people.
Santa loves "Everyone", hate is nonexistent here at The Pole. Even though I may not be a religious figure, I have lived many 100s of years, I can tell you, people like these are not Christians, however they have indeed been foretold in the Good Book.
my ass it isn’t 🙈🙈
For non-Christians, read Matthew 23, you’ll see what I mean.
Though it would be miraculous if such a pastor existed haha!
God said, ya sure, just keep the incest in the family and vote against gay marriage and you be fine
Yeah, fuckers, we FUCKING WARNED YOU.
Privacy to get an abortion? No such thing.
Privacy to have a queer marriage? No such thing.
That’s why you’re seeing them run their mouths about “Repeal the 19th” and the like.
That’s why they only support the 2nd amendment or their wackadoodle version of the 1st amendment.
They also don’t support the 1st Amendment either, only on a “Freedom for me, not for thee” basis.
Perhaps Schriver, just for fun, should read Matthew 23:13-15
Half this country voted for it so I guess I will go die when it is time.
The gays will have all of them
wearing their own asses for hats
in a short period of time.
Shame these guys are so ignorant
I checked expecting the usual ghouls to be cheering him on. No, most people actually pushing back on him.
pseudo-christian, seeking god in a trump bible. Not even a miracle could save him. Evil is in him and damned is his soul. #NoPityForMaga
May his troubles be many, and his days be filled with toil. May his food be bland, and his sleep erratic. May he get exactly what he deserves and learn the peacefulness of keeping his nasty ass mouth shut.
So Mote it Be.
I have fought too hard for my marriage to let some bible-thumper take it away. This means war. 😡
There ought to be a law: if you identify as Christian, and you say something that goes against your faith, you should get fined for faulty advertisement.
Heaven is a fantasy that was made up to control people.
Schriver received the following endorsements.
Citizens for Traditional Values – PAC