"But it's actually good." Plenty of good movies flop at the box office, but if relying on an American audience to make or break your film is so essential, maybe feature a celebrity that Americans know or care about.
As an American, I have to admit that even knowing who Williams is didn’t stop me from going “Huh?” when I first saw a trailer. And while I’m all for breathing new life into the biopic genre, a movie fronted by a CGI chimp of Williams isn’t the way to do it.
I was ready to write him off as another Jedward or Eoghan Quigg. Then I heard his deep cuts and realised there was real talent lurking. Americans are allergic to real talent, and will be having none of it.
He's a great singer and entertainer, he's very funny in chat shows, he's always himself. He went through a rebellious phase after leaving take that but came out of it 'a better man'. He's down to earth which I guess is weird for Americans? idk...
I think his music is dreadful and I’m always a little disappointed in people when they tell me he’s good, not that it happens much these days. We don’t need a film about him, let’s forget it happened and move on.
I vaguely remember his name from a decade ago, but had to look him up to see if from music or movies. He was never popular in the US. There’s no audience here for a biopic about him.
One feature of the UK that we Americans will never understand is that there's some guy named Robbie Williams, and the only music Brits love more than him is, at this late date, "Mr Brightside."
He was huge in Denmark and can still sell out stadiums in Europe.
Spending 100mil on it when Americans don't know the dude is still an interesting choice.
Then I learned it was a biopic, but music biopics are usually terrible.
Then I learned it was Robbie Williams and I was like, oh, that guy from 25 years ago? Okay. Why?
Forget those americans, they have no culture and take pride in it...
He's ageing well too 🥰
It’s not our fault we don’t want a movie about a guy that was never big here as a stupid shitty cgi monkey
Please leave blatant lies on twitter please. I’m kinda of tired of people making shit cause it’s more engaging.
Spending 100mil on it when Americans don't know the dude is still an interesting choice.