Thanksgiving Day Survival Pack:
1. No I didn’t gain weight
2. No I don’t want to say grace
3. No I don’t want to hear how you saved $137 by using Kohl’s cash
4. No im not a lesbian because I’m single
5. No I will not put down my phone & help in the kitchen
1. No I didn’t gain weight
2. No I don’t want to say grace
3. No I don’t want to hear how you saved $137 by using Kohl’s cash
4. No im not a lesbian because I’m single
5. No I will not put down my phone & help in the kitchen
Fill in the blank. I find Ebola is effective.
I will allow the rest.
1. "No thank you, I'm working"
2. *Isn't actually working, just staying home*
Yes bitcoin is up. lol distinctly remember that being a topic 3-4 years ago. Here we go again maybe 😃
why YES I gained 246 pounds
I WOULD like to say grace and have a 5 minute prayer ready
Oh yes, I'm ready for you to buy me something at Kohls
Lesbian, becus women are BEEYOUTIFUL
and so on
I don't need you, your shitty opinions, and your horrible chopping (as I am the only one with good chopping skills) in my space.
…while I sit at home without a job
Relationship goals girlfriend!
Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!
- I’ll start with turkey. But if I still feel peckish after… why not.
If the dinner was at your home I would help you.
It’s thanksgiving not thankstaking.
Otherwise you're just ungrateful.
(in cases where it's true) Yes, I'm a lesbian, what's it to ya? (Or yes, and this is my girlfriend)
and a couple on 5:
No, I will not help in the kitchen while the men watch football just because I'm a woman
I'll help in the kitchen. Yes! A man will help! Go watch football!
1. Meal is agreed. Order pre-made if we’re busy.
2. No prayers.
3. Gilmore Girls a new tradition.
4. Lots of love, support and acceptance.
It’s the most positive and relaxed holidays of my lifetime.
Put down the phone for a minute. It’ll be ok.
I’d add:
5. No, I don’t want another piece of Turkey
Also, if you shit talk trans people at the dinner table I reserve the right to flip said table into your bigoted, phobic face.
But I'm not going to that dinner so we good
For me, it's the nice thing about being an ol' curmudgeon. Tell everyone to fuck off and make my own turkey.
Weight-gaining single lesbian friends or otherwise.
Been there, done that!
1. Thank you, I've been on the all carb diet.
2. Dark father who consumes all...
3. I've started selling feet pics on the internet to make extra cash
4. I'm just dabbling in lesbianism and a few other fetish communities.
Keep Thanksgiving uncomfortable.
You’re welcome at our table, your body and dating life won’t be remarked upon, you will be asked if there’s a Grace you’d like to add to the assortment, no limits.
Hahahahaha my mom loves talking about her KC savings
💙 #prochoice #proroe #abortionishealthcare
1. Stay home with lover.
2. Walk dogs.
3. Eat.
4. Sleep.
Repeat as needed.
There are a few benefits to having your whole family precede you in death.
To the rest of you:
I'm not trying to claim expertise here. Just saying that assuming a single woman is a lesbian includes some other assumptions that don't make a lot of sense.
I really need a new hobby.
Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.
Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Since when are you single? OK, a joke, right?
Happy Wednesday, girl.
Good for you!! ❤️🦃
disagree with 5.