You know what? their president isn't threatening them with martial law or being shot every time they turn around. And Vucic is considered awful. Stop denigrating our protests when you're conveniently ignoring reality.
Oh, wow. So the entire USofA has decided to obey in advance? Holy shit. My plans? I'm old, but if US soldiers cross our border, I'll be in the woods with my neighbour's hunting rifle. I'll likely die, but not before...{😶}.
And YOU'RE supposed to be "the land of the free home of the brave"??! 🙄
We do, and lots of them. But I wonder if that’s possible in our country now? We’re so diverse, and so fractured into different interest groups in so many ways. Is it even possible to get huge, united protests in US any more?
⚡️ THE BIG ONE? I’ve been waiting for “the big protest” to happen. We need to build on all the great rallies that are *already* happening. Check out “Hands Off” events on Saturday, April 5 in DC and across the US.
Sadly, it takes years. Kucic has been in power for over a decade. I am slightly encouraged to see Senator Murphy beginning to call for mass mobilization. Never heard that from a top D before. The grassroots protests are good but without a national leadership it is hard to mobilize for sizeable ones.
I’ve seen lots of small protests, but wonder vy much if Americans *can* unite in a large protest now. Our many divisions give a big advantage to Trump.
Yes. People are out there protesting their pet grievance.
I was in Philly a couple weeks back at a protest in front of Fetterman's office. Only later did I find out there was a bigger protest for Science funding. And a third somewhere else in Philly
I agree. Sadly, we are playing Trump's game. There's a protest here for veterans. Another there for LGBTQ+. A protest for S.S. or Medicare, or 1stA, or anti Musk... He's throwing a million things at us and we are fractured protesting our pet grievance.
it's a small country, much easier to get the people to unite on something 6.7million people vs 347million heh [plus the US is absolutely not united on anything these days]
Exactly this. Serbia is roughly the size of Washington state with a smaller population. We cannot compare these European countries to the whole of the US. Just in terms of land mass alone it’s a totally different scenario. I’m not making excuses, just stating the differences.
I understand that but we will have state capitals, & city halls. We can all go to each of those. We don't need everyone at the Capitol of the country just everywhere in the country
NYC has more than double Serbia's population. Stop this excuse about a big country, too big for protests. Between Boston and Washington there are 100 million. Surely 1m can be motivated.
NYC to DC is about 4 hours, for me it's over 24 hours. I don't want to say protesting is useless but you don't need a million when a few thousand is more than sufficient. Hundreds for protests are common here.
You won't see 1/100th of the US pop protesting in DC just due to distance alone basically
The protests will grow as the consequences of the administrations actions are more widely felt. I have no doubt this summer will see the largest protests in our nations history as more people wake up.
I’m counting on a very serious Independence Day statement. I mean, the symbolism AND the weather? Shit man, let’s shit down freeways with BBQ’s in the median, I don’t know, crazy it up a bit.
At least in the USA it's legal and you know what to expect. In Serbia it's systematic but you don't know what to expect. Someone will be grateful for the box of chocated while someone else will ask you a few hundred euros for the favor.
Another factor other countries cannot fathom is our healthcare is tied to our jobs. If we leave work and risk getting fired we lose our healthcare. Getting fired can literally be a death sentence for many. We don’t have that luxury. Many cannot take the time off work to travel to DC.
Very true. Taking even a day off work can mean missing rent and becoming homeless. I’ve definitely been in that situation, working three jobs as a single mom trying to make rent and still coming up short.
I don't think Serbian people have a very good Healthcare system iirc either. 25% of their population is at risk or in poverty. They definitely aren't doing well either. They are fighting instead
I think people don't understand how different a flawed universal healthcare system and NO universal healthcare is. Europeans, especially, can't seem to understand that we are facing a very different set of circumstances in the US.
I was explaining this to a taxi driver in Scotland. He kept asking what happened if you can’t afford it. I said, you go bankrupt selling everything you own or you die. He was honestly shook.
This, though. The 50501 protests are a much more feasible, sustainable strategy. If folks have better ideas, let's hear them, but attending these large protests does require a lot of money if you're not from the northeast coast.
I don't think they would let that many people flood into DC. The minute they found out, the roads would close down, the airlines would be grounded. They would send out their militarized cops and maybe even the national guard.
If the MAGA billionaire owned news networks (all of the major ones now) don't talk about it happening, then people just ignore it. Evidently the majority of Americans are literally incapable of thinking for themselves.
Given the size of the U.S. and the lack of public transportation, a protest of this magnitude would be difficult.
I would suggest July 4th be a great day to protest. In the capital. It is a trip I would make.
It's so infeasible it borders on impossible. That's 12% of the population of that country and given the absolute size of the US replicating it is basically impossible.
You also don't need that many to actually successfully protest. So it's very apples to oranges as a comparison.
Given the magnitude of the damage to democracy, waiting to act is just seen as capitulation by Trump’s GOP fascist leaders. It’s what they hope you’ll do because they can create the barricades and control who travels where.
This will not be over by mid-year. Perhaps by then enough people will have been affected and participate. The apathy of American people is more of an affliction brought on by their inexperience, and precisely the reason Donald is in power.
Barricades do not stop people with will.
Waiting just gives fascists more time to spread their lies and propaganda to distract and divide. In fact, that’s already happened leading up to the election, with the accusations of eating pets. Time was lost with the distraction debunking those lies.
"Serbia is roughly comparable in size to the US state of South Carolina." I get it. However, there are logistics. Put together every person who showed up around the USA yesterday holding a sign, and you have Serbia 5xs over. Veterans can be at the White House all day, but Trump's in Florida golfing
I was at a protest yesterday. I posted pics. It was awesome but not the scale of this. That is what I meant. I want to be in a HUGE rally.
I already belong to an Indivisble chapter.
This is HUGE! We ALL need to do this. When people get together for a mass protest, their energetic impact is amplified exponentially. So 10 people with a common intention have the energetic impact of 100 people; 100 people are the same as 10,000, etc. We can outnumber the politicians every time.
America are rising up like it's 1939 lol. Give them another three years and they may decide fascism is bad. Alternatively, we could bomb Pearl Harbor now and speed things up a bit.
If it wasn’t Pearl Harbor I bet with you that USA would’ve joined the Germans during WW2, they were trying to avoid going to war because they are cowards and throwing atomic bomb killing 200k innocents is not different from another fascist govt but people see USA as “heroes”. Bunch of fascists.
My grandfather hated Americans more than Germans - and he fought alongside them when they came on as a sub at half-time in WWII. They held back because they held more Adolfian views than morals. They always crave destruction but have kept it to school shootings rather than nuking them.
That’s exactly what you said 100%. This capitalist meritocracy system created by US Americans is just another way of fascism, of controlling people and making them sick for profit, to keep capitalism alive. Rich always on top and the people struggling for generations, this is not acceptable.
The US is significantly larger than these countries making it more difficult to have a concentrated mass of people. There were protests in Hungary calling for Orban’s resignation. The US is 100x larger than Hungary. I am not sure the size of Serbia, but maybe it’s in the same ballpark size-wise.
Not true, not true AT ALL. For being larger country with more people it’s easier to make massive protests and strikes, but the people don’t know how to do it because this is socialist behavior, fighting for the people, being militant, all US Americans know is capitalist system of slavery
It’s not easier, people have to drive, fly, train etc to get to let’s say DC or NY then find a place or somewhere to house them, if we had a bigger concentration of people in one area great like NYC but unfortunately many there have to work to survive.
But this is not about going to DC or NY, massive strikes and protests need to happen around the entire country simultaneously, workers stop working, roads blocked, it has to be national strike, that’s how you stop the country and make revolutions, make the rich feel their pockets and power tremble.
You still need concentrated numbers around the country. I’ve not seen more than 3-4k at the ones I have participated in. Unfortunately, the majority need to be personally impacted before they wake TF up. Some of us see the early stages and know where it leads which is why we are engaged right now.
That’s true, some people haven’t felt the impact yet but the situation won’t take long to get critical, so let’s hope the rest of the population will wake up before it’s too late. Here in Brazil we got very close to a new military dictatorship regime, gladly the people resisted but it wasn’t pretty
Their population As of 2025, the population of Serbia is approximately 7,056,385 yet were able to mobilise 800,000. While your pop. was 341.2 million in 2024.
So what is wrong with you lot?
Are you that disunited you cannot rise to the occasion.
Well that - plus we have 30-40% of the population who would happily drive over or shoot protestors to support the RepugliKKKans. Serbia and Hungary protests don’t face that?
But that doesn't happen here. But what happens if the 2020 style protests try to make a comeback? Then it will be more like 95% ,with the support of the armed forces. Good luck with that
Serbia and Hungary both have relatively recent histories in which protesters have been arrested, injured or killed by military or police forces. In yesterday's protest - declared illegal by Serbian president Vucic - 56 were injured and 22 arrested.
That’s awful - in the US you would have law enforcement and the military PLUS the violent gun-nut 1/6 types Trump would call out to help enforce his fascism
I'm not an American but as expirienced Polish citizen maybe I can help you pick a date like every Suterday at 19:00 every citi center of the biggest citi you can reach go and protest. You will see the number you will feel the force.
People are literally protesting by the hundred thousands ever week here. Their size is infinitely smaller than the US. Like none of this is very difficult to understand.
With you on that! They would protest against their own self interest because they have been told to do so by those that profit of them.
BTW How's it in NT these days? 🦘💚🧡
Yeah! It is the same size as Europe also Australia.
The brave man is not he who feels no fear, for that were stupid and irrational;
but he whose noble soul its fear subdues, and bravely dares the danger which it shrinks from.
— Joanna Baillie.
All you are displaying is Fear.
Yes, indeed. Staking out Tesla shops, holding pingpong paddles with messages on them. That does not change a fascist government. Americans by no means stepping up yet.
He certainly says he is, but puts people with conflicts of interest at the head of every department and fires inspectors responsible for keeping watch against corruption faster than legally possible.
There is a legal process for doing so to ensure their job keeps being done. Trump didn't follow it, so the positions have been left vacant for some time.
If that doesn't bother you, there is also the Eric Adams quid pro quo, where he traded dropped charges for supporting Trump's immigration agenda.
Yeah appreciate it but there’s 6.5million of you and 345+million of us! Stop! Your entire country is the size of one state in America! (South Carolina)
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The majority of the people in the #USA are still far too comfortable to do anything about their fascist government, and not until most of the people feel uncomfortable, and #America reaches a precipice, that the revolution will start to overthrow the evil wannabe dictator, dumb trump & his thieves.
The problem is there are protests in this country, the media is ignoring them for the orange felon and his lickspittles. By the way, they own the media.....
Kindness toward each other is the most important quality we can share right now. Remember how everyone was so gracious in the days after 9/11... We need to be that way now.
It’s happening but no cargo ship is not built overnight. Every week we get stronger. Every week I see stronger and stronger numbers. We can and need to do more but I have belief we can can overthrow the felon. We got this. Keep fighting
That’s where he is on the weekends, and weekends are when more people are available to attend protests, so this idea makes a lot of sense. Surprised nobody’s organized one yet.
The difference between populations in mainland Europe and the US and UK is that school children in Europe get proper education about citizenship, history and evaluating information to at least have some tools to spot propaganda. They are quicker to demonstrate because of this understanding.
Think about the 2017 Women's March. Think about how MAGA lives in an alternate reality. For them, Dems being upset and protesting makes them gleeful. They like to laugh at us. Our pain is the point. People are trying other ways such as the boycotts. They understand pain, that is their currency.
Would be stunning to see that many protesters. The protests so far look a bit disorganized, other than Sanders speaking. How does change get put into effect in the US? Here (Canada) we can sit down one on one with local council to discuss policy change as a start to process/progress.
And this is why I’m tired of Americans claiming that it’s not their fault, they didn’t vote for him, etc. Do something like this then. Or a general strike. But I guess you’re too lazy and there’s something on Netflix
.....are you American? If so, what have you been doing? If not, easier said than done from the outside looking in. Question: How mighty is Serbia's military If sicced on their own people? Just wondering 🤔...
I did what I said I’d do if he came back in. Denounced my citizenship and moved to Europe for good. No way were I going to invest in his shithole country
Here’s the thing though; these countries are tiny. Like everyone in the country can take a train, attend the rally, and be home that night. We’re such a huge f’ing country that doesn’t happen here. Wish it would though.
Protests on streets don’t work. Protests near entrances to yacht clubs, golf courses, sports events, ski resorts, posh restaurants, private clubs… Go where the oligarchs go.
Wow and Orban is Trump's hero and he wants to do just what Victor Orban did in Hungary! Doesn't look like the Hungarian people are happy with it! Won't be too much longer before this is what DC looks like every day because we don't want to be like Hungary and want our country back!
So far that's not a lot of bees. Nothing a can of Raid can't handle. What are the rest waiting for? Sunny days and warmer temperatures?
Hey, 'land of the free and home of the brave'...🙄
Beginning to wonder. Some say coverage of the protests has been suppressed. Maybe. What I've seen appear to be painfully small. Explanation is not enough people have felt the pain. Seems they need to be directly impacted. Grr. 😡 I'm not impressed, but we'll see what comes.
I suspect the Serbs have their own particular grievances here, and this wouldn't be the first time they have expressed them, but they are putting up a fine demonstration that offline activism is still a thing.
the march on Washington and Million man march both used church busses to move large groups of people. That infrastructure is gone... for multiple reasons.
I have to take a car for 45 minutes to reach a train or bus station, and it would take 2-3 days, and I'm in the northeast.
More Americans should visit Europe. If I recall correctly, my month long train pass in Italy cost less than a 1-zone 1 week SEPTA pass that could take me around Center City in Philadelphia...
It cost $500 in transport to get to Philly from Buffalo last time I did it. Just transport... busses and trains, cheapest tickets that 500 was >2/3 of my disability check.
I sympathize with folks who can't make it. All I am saying is that we've done it before and there are surely folks who could make it. Advocacy organizations have millions. Busses should not be an issue.
We *are* protesting. The media here just doesn’t care. There was a large protest at every state capital at the same time on the same day several weeks ago. If that doesn’t matter, then this doesn’t matter either.
Yes they are! Boise, Tarrytown, NYC, Maine, DC...
The naysayers need to be quiet.
There were over 1 million of us at Obama's first inauguration so we can do this.
We need to mobilize!
I’m far from a naysayer. I absolutely believe it will happen. And I absolutely don’t discredit what has already taken place as wasted effort. There will be a million people that march on DC, and I will gladly stand shoulder to shoulder with you to do it.
I wasn't referring to you as a naysayer, just the ones who unequivocally think no one is currently doing anything.
Agreed, if we can get 1m+ to attend Obama's inauguration (it was AMAZING) we can surely get that & more to protest.
There is a march scheduled for April 5th in DC.!!
It’s fine, context doesn’t always convey in text or posts. I understand. I can see the cracks starting to form in MAGA but if we don’t blow those cracks open, we are just as complicit. Because they will patch their cracks with lies and it will be business as usual. So, I’m all-in.
🔴⚪️🔵 THE BIG ONE? I’ve been waiting for “the big protest” to happen. We can build on all the great rallies that are *already* happening. Check out “Hands Off” events on Saturday, April 5 in DC and across the US.
That's what I told my French husband, who keeps saying Americans don't know how to protest. We haven't suffered enough to get the Trump supporters, and the "I don't care" crowd riled up.
I dont speak for everyone but I’m still in shock. Everyday another absolute piece of trash news hits my ears. Going on ten yrs now of this constant cycle of politics. People are exhausted, people are in major shock that supposedly lots of Americans “chose” this. A lot to take in.
Serbia , Georgia and Hungary Are done with Putins puppets!! The US you have to do the same!! The best News from Europe!!! And Ukraina we Are with you!! Wow this is so good News, people Are pissed !!!
Oh sorry, Americans can't do it if it's on a week day, their kids have soccer practice, they have a hair or nail appointment, they need to get their oil changed, they're going on a cruise.
So many excuses I've seen. They want to bitch but want everyone else to fight and fix the issues. 🤦♀️
No they don't show it but that wasn't my point. My point is there are a lot of people that want things done and bitch and bitch but when a protest is in their area; they make excuses why they can't attend.
The Republican politicians are not even going to town halls. They know they are doing wrong. Protests don’t matter to them. Boycotting their masters will.
I’m boycotting the oil and gas oligarchs and the other billionaires who are supporting this fascist coup. If I can walk to a protest I go. I’m using my anger to keep my money in my pocket.
It’s not just laziness. It’s complicit behavior. It’s recognizing that it hasn’t happened here, because we’re the glue that holds the anti humanist thrust for world domination together. But once the glue stops working it flakes off easy. Americans are about to learn. I’m sad for them, but…
Estimates for this rally range between 100K (gov) and 325K (org). Who the hell is saying 800K? But of course there's no attribution here. These dumbass interaction farming accounts do nothing but make us collectively less informed with hype tripe like this.
Senators of all parties: Trump is undermining our Republic for Putin’s gain. Confirming unfit Cabinet picks helps him. Putin's ambitions include Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Defend democracy. Stop Trump.
What is going on though? Just in the last couple days there have been *large* protests in Hungary and…damn it’s escaping me…and now Serbia. What is triggering these protests?
Have you been involved in any of the organized protests that have been happening in every state? If not, check out because they have become a centralized place to find the sometimes weekly protest staged at state capitals
Not going to happen in the US.
BMI goes up, IQ goes down.
You had your war of independence to not live under a dictator, then you got to be a nation of fat people, to fat to bother about anything but the next burger.
It is harder and the US is bigger. But thats also an advantage. You dont have to mobilize 20% of the entire population to get half a million people in the streets. 0.15% is enough.
2017. South Africa.
Citizens marched primarily in 3 major centres (we have 2 capital cities)
It worked! An amazing day!
And we had national shut down. If you couldn't attend you stayed home or marched in your town!
A dream for the former HOME OF THE BRAVE(USofA)...They are lucky if they get a few hundred at protests...Should have millions surrounding the White House and Capital Buildings!!!
To bring down a dictator peacefully the people must constitute themselves as The Sovereign People and have the military on their side or at least acquire military power. Then they can just call on the dictator to step down or face immediate arrest.
The problem is the size of the US is "yuge" with populations that are scattered, think NY and CA. If we could all get to the capital like that, we would. But we don't even have good transportation systems in place and it's scary to fly
The Serbian government paid Jared Kushner
for exactly what is not clear
Yes I would say the people have had enough of the corruption.
1 in 4 Serbs are protesting their government.
USA-ians, that is how you do it.
Sheer numbers.
And YOU'RE supposed to be "the land of the free home of the brave"??! 🙄
Serbia is the size of South Carolina, and there are multiple protests going on around the US.
Serbians stage huge protest in Belgrade against their president -
2 guys…
Seems Americans prefer angry tweets and marching only when it's convenient over doing the real thing.
Maybe April 5 will be the real thing, but I'm losing faith in Americans
That's why starting now and not waiting is so important
I was in Philly a couple weeks back at a protest in front of Fetterman's office. Only later did I find out there was a bigger protest for Science funding. And a third somewhere else in Philly
Why weren't we organized into 1 large protest??
April 5 is a Saturday.
We need to come together and protest as 1.
10k on the mall in DC in front of the Capitol is pathetic.
Instead of 10k in all major cities, we need those people to converge on a single spot (DC) and speak with one voice.
You did nothing.
You won't see 1/100th of the US pop protesting in DC just due to distance alone basically
Idk where you’re from but it’s a different ball game here. Police shoot us for farting too loud.
It’s disgusting.
I love relying on random people across the coast to do the thing cause I can't even get close :)
I would suggest July 4th be a great day to protest. In the capital. It is a trip I would make.
You also don't need that many to actually successfully protest. So it's very apples to oranges as a comparison.
Barricades do not stop people with will.
So many people are saying...
Ok, being silly. That is a huge crowd and I want to be in one here in America to protest against our dictator.
Pass it along!
Women’s march
Planned Parenthood
Just find one near you.
I already belong to an Indivisble chapter.
I'm going to one today in OC, CA - super excited! Went to one last week in LA which was big, but not big enough.
I'm hoping with each day/week more and more people get fed up and stand with us. It's coming. I can feel it.
Pass it along!
It's time, pass it on
It's time, pass it on
The US has 50 states. Serbia is one state. Good for them, but No comparison.
So what is wrong with you lot?
Are you that disunited you cannot rise to the occasion.
That should be obvious by now.
BTW How's it in NT these days? 🦘💚🧡
Sterile, frozen -30 Sunday morning
The brave man is not he who feels no fear, for that were stupid and irrational;
but he whose noble soul its fear subdues, and bravely dares the danger which it shrinks from.
— Joanna Baillie.
All you are displaying is Fear.
They had 15 years to overthrow Citizens United.
They did fuck all.
Let's make Americans aware of it.
Since they seem to be fucking clueless.
If that doesn't bother you, there is also the Eric Adams quid pro quo, where he traded dropped charges for supporting Trump's immigration agenda.
And then I read about Nixon and found out that this isn't new
Results Matter!
Here in #America, we have unwittingly given Way Too Much Power-to an Administration that has already shown it WILL IGNORE Legal Court Rulings.
Somehow America has to overcome this Serious New Internal Problem.
GOOD LUCK To Every #Democracy On Edge!
Sooner than later, before we lose everything!!!
Olds in front.
Go to Settings, then Accessibility, and make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on - this will prompt you each time you add an image to your post!
Get realistic, get militaristic, and get there NOW.
Every. single. day.
Pass it along!
It's time, pass it on
Pass it along!
I say again
800,000 people is 12% of the population of Serbia.
The media simply refuses to cover it here. That's the issue.
Serbia is NOT a former Soviet Union country.
You're welcome.
You've got cities, you've got towns.
Get off your fucking arses and do something.
It's time, pass it on
It's time, pass it on
Hey, 'land of the free and home of the brave'...🙄
She has the best coverage but
we need more!
Please *repost* this.
For folks who say the US is too big, or people are too tired, or large protest is impossible. This is in our history. It’s in our blood.
We need to be seen in one place at one time.
Media could not ignore this.
Monied advocacy groups need to lead.
I have to take a car for 45 minutes to reach a train or bus station, and it would take 2-3 days, and I'm in the northeast.
Why ?
The naysayers need to be quiet.
There were over 1 million of us at Obama's first inauguration so we can do this.
We need to mobilize!
Agreed, if we can get 1m+ to attend Obama's inauguration (it was AMAZING) we can surely get that & more to protest.
There is a march scheduled for April 5th in DC.!!
Pass it along!
Lol no. No we haven't. Not even close.
The courage
(is unisex)
Risks versus rewards systems
Priorities assorted
Information clarified
The follow thru
The strategizing
Constraints~ bureaucratic troubles
So many excuses I've seen. They want to bitch but want everyone else to fight and fix the issues. 🤦♀️
And everyone is waiting for the hero to save them
Stop bathing your brain in bullshit.
BMI goes up, IQ goes down.
You had your war of independence to not live under a dictator, then you got to be a nation of fat people, to fat to bother about anything but the next burger.
800,000 at demonstration
So, more than 1 in 8 1/3
So, 39,062,085 equivalent in US - check my math
[US population ~326.7 million]
Pass it along!
Europeans always go to their capitols or biggest city.
We have 50 states with both 🤷♀️so it’s a little harder to just do it in the same place at the drop of a hat.
Watch for rallies/marches online and social media and just go.
Citizens marched primarily in 3 major centres (we have 2 capital cities)
It worked! An amazing day!
And we had national shut down. If you couldn't attend you stayed home or marched in your town!
Oh. None? Huh.
Also. The us has 20 to 30 THOUSAND protest per year.
We’re just not a country with a small population and one major city.
It’s bad and stupid comparison meant to demoralize.
Pass it along!
for exactly what is not clear
Yes I would say the people have had enough of the corruption.