I was mushing "Immigrant Song" and April Wine's "Oowatanite" together. Should have been "I come from a world where the light is dim/and the people not so jive."
All this time we're talking and sharing our rational view/
A billion other voices are spreading other news/
All this time we're living and trying to understand/
Why a billion other choices are making their demands
5/8 for 3 weeks, then cut time for 2 weeks which is really 4 weeks, then 13/32 but only 2 days then 7/8 and 3/4 alternating weeks for 8 weeks. Then a pause then 6/4 time until yiu collapse.
My old band once wrote a song with a close-out groove that had an 11/8 lead guitar riff, a 7/8 rhythm line, over a 3/4 bass/percussion. It was fun watching people try to headbang along to that … lol …
Just wanted to thank you and all the other people who have participated in all these clever allusions to one of the greatest bands ever (and my favorite song writer PERIOD)!
Modern day warrior with a mean, mean stride (and pride), one Tom Sawyer, was asked to comment on the matter, and he reportedly told Trump to "F off and die you orange turd!"
Even the normally exceedingly polite Canadians have had enough of our wannabe dictator...
RUSH by me. 🤩
“ Days of barefoot freedom
Racing with the waves
Nights of starlit secrets
Crackling driftwood flames
Drinking by the lighthouse
Smoking on the pier
Still we saw the magic
Was fading every year "
They shoot without shame
In the name of a piece of dirt
Or a change of accent
Or the color of your shirt
Better the pride that resides
In a citizen of the world
Than the pride that divides
When a colorful rag is unfurled.
Wheels can take you around
Wheels can cut you down
You can go from boom to bust
From dreams to a bowl of dust
You can go from rockets red glare
Down to brother can you spare another war
Another wasteland
And another
Lost generation
before craft beer was really ubiquitous I drank a lot of those. they pretty much only had the giant bottles with the champagne corks so i was pretty wasted all the time.. ahh the 90s
Ah, I remember the days and nights of 22oz Fin Du Monde bottles with the corks! Now, I buy the little 12oz 4 packs. Unfortunately, due to this goddamn fascist trade war, I will probably not be able to afford my favorite Canadian beers for the foreseeable future.
Be glad they’re not instilling the 9/8.
I guess if Felon Elect ShitPants keeps it up, there will be a full 12/8 tariff devastating our ability to perform or create a high energy march…
Whoooaaa hold up. We already gave you Rush. There is no need to threaten with Nugent. If you want The Hip, we can negotiate, but if Kid Rock leaves Florida, all deals are off
Thank you for giving us Rush. My apologies for having to subject my Canadian brothers and sisters to Kid Rock , Ted Nugent and Lee Greenwood. I would gladly trade you for Nickelback , Gordon Lightfoot, and Anne Murray. You can even throw in Bob and Doug McKenzie.
(Liking these new Zep lyrics, btw)
A billion other voices are spreading other news/
All this time we're living and trying to understand/
Why a billion other choices are making their demands
They read some of her books, even basing 2112 on one of her stories, and that was it.
They were not libertarians, and they did not espouse objectivist philosophy in their other work.
Effects in that video have not aged well. Not as bad as the Time Stand Still video, though.
He wouldn’t get it.
I hear Tom Sawyer is seeking asylum in Montreal.
Even the normally exceedingly polite Canadians have had enough of our wannabe dictator...
Never sign the papers on a "reverse tarrif".
if his VP is horny, the pull out couch unfurled
you can choose not to buy beer from that country until
the yanks kick their asses out, boycott u.s. swill
Now I get it.
“ Days of barefoot freedom
Racing with the waves
Nights of starlit secrets
Crackling driftwood flames
Drinking by the lighthouse
Smoking on the pier
Still we saw the magic
Was fading every year "
Never kneel.
In the name of a piece of dirt
Or a change of accent
Or the color of your shirt
Better the pride that resides
In a citizen of the world
Than the pride that divides
When a colorful rag is unfurled.
Wheels can cut you down
You can go from boom to bust
From dreams to a bowl of dust
You can go from rockets red glare
Down to brother can you spare another war
Another wasteland
And another
Lost generation
We will overcome. You will have Quebec beer again.
A pattern so grand and complex
Time after time we lose sight of the way
Our causes can't see their effects
ty, I'll be here all wk 🙂
I guess if Felon Elect ShitPants keeps it up, there will be a full 12/8 tariff devastating our ability to perform or create a high energy march…
Knows changes aren't permanent
But change is!