6 months ago my mom died due to cancer. The grieving is going to be tough (this is the second time in my life I have gone through this). I can only say that there isn't a single path - just cry and let it all out when it comes.
One thing that really helped me is after a few months I went through my mothers videos and pictures and that really helped me. LOSS is like a wave it comes and goes and you will feel when your able to move on (but never forget - it will always be there). Stay strong!
The time in which we consciously say goodbye is often more important than the pure moment of dying.🖤
I wish you and your family lots of strength for the time ahead.💚
Thinking of you, Patrick. And a couple weeks ahead of you, with my dad -- so I totally feel what you're saying about the pre-grieving and the end of suffering. So many decisions to be made and we all just do our best.
I know it’s cliche, and I can’t imagine what you must be going through, but those simple things will help you get through day by day.
Best of luck, friend ❤️
Sending all thoughts and love.
Thank you for sharing these thoughtful and touching words
I wish you and your family lots of strength for the time ahead.💚