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don't hold it against the Americans on this site at all, as obviously the state of their country isn't really their fault, but god isn't it nice, when they're asleep, aren't European mornings just quiet and soothing on the computer, before They Rise
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Creo que no hay que prestar atención ni mencionar ni reproducir las quejas de la novia de defraudador confeso Alberto Quirón. Eso busca, difusión. A lo nuestro. El documental, hoy!!!
You watch movies all the way through because you’re a coddled baby who needs the meaning of a story spoon fed to you. If you were comfortable with ambiguity you’d stop watching ten minutes before the end
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Cuando saqué estas pegatinas mucha gente me preguntaba qué era ese número. Ya no. Al menos hemos conseguido avanzar en información. Recordad: este noche, el docu en la tele.
“The majority of people who are forced to come to our food banks are disabled.. there is an incredible level of hardship out there & we are appalled the government looks at that situation & appears to be deciding to make huge cuts to the support people get" Helen Barnard
Mit einem T-Shirt nimmt die Bluesky-Chefin Mark Zuckerberg aufs Korn – ihr T-Shirt sagt: "Mundus sine caesaribus". Auf Deutsch: Eine Welt ohne Kaiser Und in meiner Kolumne erkläre ich, wie vielsagend dieses T-Shirt ist & wie Bluesky für eine andere Interpretation des Internets steht
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#sophiefromromania not impressed by this morning’s chilly damp weather
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I’m not out of control. There’s one right here
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